HE EVENING WORLD, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1921. 10 EVENDAY RACING MEETING OPENS AT BOWIE TO-MORRO- W AL NORTON KNOCKS OUT Maryland Races Clinch THE FUSSY FOURSOME Hooking 'Em PAPKE IN SECOND ROUND, i Copyright. 1911. by the Press Publishing Co. (The .New York livening World. ' t t Norton. Yonker's undefeated wel- - Championship TTai, lei n . iKltt. who won twenty-ntn- o Titles for IF t madn't has , lookatuat! sttalght victories, added another victim -- .TllOl ax RIGHT HAND INTO THAT to Ida list last Saturday night at tha 1 Morvich and Exterminator so stronc? i'b op beem right on CoijiinontwalUi aporting Club when li'' kiHieked out Itanum liiliy l'apko In twi J -- I GREEN ! p bOM'T (JliRtL ) "That's what You feLUU THE. i rounds. It was n furious battle whilo !i lusted .mil I'.ipku col-ot- s ci since wciit down with Latter Displays His Remark- edit ho left Sun Urlar Court ME HOT. T' bo - AM' Look flying. I lu wan dropp.-- In tb nrsi last spring. Boveral trips to Kentucky gonna cjuit th'gamg. ! round for the count of nine nnd In tlm able Stamina in Winning ttom Maryland and Now York, and AT ME RIGHT ,jp To it ncoiid wild sent to the ennvns for the OH MV OiON CAM T --1 full count. Is looming up us many more to Canada. Alwny - HOOK EM -- FAUUT - I MEM , AM YOU HAb A Goob Norton fist a at Pimlico going and always willing, ho haH Tti PIN , YbU POCR SAP Jsek Hrltton's most dangerous contend- Saturday. V, StiElM TO IT' tesrfiLr STANCE. AMD IF YOU KNU.U) HOlO er lor the nellerwn1'-'- -' ti(n In defending the endurance Cow .! You Tea. me i'm ROTTER crown of the 1921 season beyond the i To Hold a olub. ahd. ir-- rcu .J to The ErCTlrw WorU.) shadow of n doubt. But Look AM.". ISJl where t MAb A DEC GMT OIUINCT rtN P Ilrfent for Ynnl.rr Tlilatlefl. UAt.TIMOttT-:- , Md., Nov. 14. An easy victory, liy a scoru til J goa, Yellow may be able to Kastorn tticlng cn- - Hand show Y'OU KEPT TOUR CYC OH to 0, rownrdCd tho efforts of the soccer ""TIE season, n Unwle that he la the. rightful own.r terinj on Its or U' you'd a players representing the Stelnway Kooi last lap the. handicap division's crown. Ills Ball hall t'l'ib lu the New Yoik Stato e Kf.ii un cleven-du- y term ut performances through th. Metropoli- In their game ugaliiat the Yonkers Howie, ha tan autumn season aided greatly Thlstlen at Stclnwuy Kkld In Iing Is served Its purpose well. It Cl'y I'ro.it ihot two or ias developed toward the legitimacy of thnt claim. land the goali Moicich, u rca'ly ereat Misfortune him we.-- and Alnff itt ori In the srrnn.l tulf colt, ..roaiuo last and afforded Exterminator nil-th- when he was prohibited from nhowiiii; opportunity to display his rich hunself the best of his class by being possession hunjr at the. barrier at the start or of that f?ro.uest of all the Howie Handicap. Bowie's Itaclnj; thoroughbred qualities, stamina. While Secretary has provided the opportun- these waning Maryland days wcro ity for Yellow Hnnd to vetrievo him unnecessary townrd self by carding several distance race establishes the during tho next fortnight. Winning championship callbro of Morvich and them convlnc'ng'y ttnde pound- IE the , I MiTCHA if- MY reP Exterminator, they have succeeded In age he will bo to concede to such tlghtcnlnR as Audacious, Oeorgle. IXmnacona COULD PU Goth H- - the claims on their respec- and I the few members of tho Metropolitan rt't. nt-A- Vxr top'. ' tive crowns. Morvlch'.s Plmllco Fu Handicap brigade might swing public1 turity showed that ho is a potential acclaim toward hlni In such volume! ..TGlUAM-- L routo traveller as well as the undls- - fiat he would be awarded his partlcu-- lar throne. putftl champion of the Juveniles. 1 COUUUH'T'.J Kxtermlnitor'fl worth has been rec Rowie, stamping ground of Wns'.iltig-to- n ognlzed throughout four years. He and Haltlmoro horse lovers, opens ran one of the bc-- t races of alt that to continue until Nov. 20, nnd possibly n day longer, with perlrvd on Saturday when he again of tho Maryland Itnclnj conceded, weight to Boniface and de- Commission. The management of the feated him over the two-mil- e and a Southern Maryland course, not to bo quarter distance. The contest was outdone by Us brothers at Plmllco. wishes to stage a Charity Day of Its staged with cup weight up and over a o'wn. There will bo moiH good and trying course that was deep and heavy really high class horses at Howie this in mud. Ho goes into retirement this season than I hero ever were before. week, to season Saturday there were slightly in ex-- 1 probably return next cess of 330 horses on the Howie to repeat the same glorious history, grounds. Tolay will see the shrp-- ! Hole. 6. Nol. since there has been no development li'ent approximately of 130 more, j every si of t j tint t could be relied upon Hat available stall thoro will THE FUSSY FOURSOME, Vic's New Comic, Appears Each Monday in The Evening World. Copies Will Be Reprinted on Hard Paper and Mailed '!' have a thoroughbred tenant. That Five-Ce- to supply cup contention to one of his fnet alone Insures tho success of to Evening'World Readers on Receipt of a nt Stamp for Each Copy. You Will' Want the Series in Your Homo or Your- - Golf Club. This is the gamcness and strength. Howie's coming meeting. Twenty-fourt- h of the Series, the First Having Appeared May 30. Address Sporting Editor, Evening World., Mad Hat'er, a possible distance con tender, not only been unsound at has pluatud one. must t can ' Elect yenra ut and the MISSING STILL SHE ASKS MORE; "CURB" WonniliS liolf Asaorlntlon s.'iiie tim' during h.s three hoped for in u gathering ucti .f SKIFF TRADING .Nonillitatlnu 1111111111", rating, but has also acquired n. repu-Utio- n .his is a binding agreement up"ii FOUND CAPSIZED BUT COURT REFUSES STOPPED BY COURT Tho Mxrciitlvu Committee, of ti tcm-pe- r. principles .i unreliability In a which cm be applied Uoinati'H Metropolitan (!olf Aoeln-tln- n Grey Lag'.? una jundncss may tho tribunal as each case aritrs. MunIiiiiiiI'm I. Iiit of Clothe lor ( li'.il at a teeent meeting elected the The spirit of tho moment, is one of - . - I ilun.ei-- h llurc Dm it i:nouuh, .IihIki- lliol-- following to on iicvl-.- b nl.evod buin.letitly to make optimism. The lecepttou given th- - No race ui Three Uuek bupreine Justice, in Cirantiii", members serve the tiom V 1922 rim a cup Hi.r.'e. 1 itsplie that, ho, Hughes proposals by the who'.' l.eti Harry Vogel, a h.ileMiii.in, and luting inmmlttue for the sea on Reported Craft Located Says It Is a Public Long Mis, ' o seems the logie.il candidate if Willis world has stimulated the Amerioan h.s wile, Josephine, sc (in rated In Si p Island District delegation to proceed In tho open nn in Jamaica Hay. Nuisance. Sndtliei ,i, i hiilrmiin. and Mix. II M iiharp Kiliii' r uvor dovldeu tn retire TO ASK IN PARLEY other questions at ripen :t lulu')', BUD, It was agreed thul IIiibDi- A IV.ii nuou to- llti IiiIiit. .Ww Jct.'ev Dlxtrlot Mr Kxtoimlnator. diplomacy has achieved- u victory fur Prermct at shold supply his son, Ai'lhur, foui' Supiemi' I.ydnn nttnr-noo- ii ye;irB Justice this Chailes Powler und .Mrs. M. P. I'.i After live of racing Exter eyond the expectations of tJeoretaiy day ivcriwd word that tho tklrt in clothing. To-da- y d jears old, with his rende-e- n decision against the Kll. Ml." I minator gofn into winter quartets a Hughes himself, who Is responsible which WiillKin 1II1I of No. l.r3 .Mrtlo Welleliester lll.itlltt i limb as the 'p. li- -- wllo sought to have lilm punished for curb stock and bond'market of New Thomion. mid of wind and (Contiuned From Page.). for thf policy of laying all cards face A dine. Brooklyn, and two companions, ve; bell ot brass, without a inarK First - contempt falling provide neces- III I ii bial up. The confeience Is still in a pro- Wultcr lrew and 1'earnMl Chelghlon, for to Voik, Inc., in tho suit brought by the The coilllllltlee n lull liiectlui; ' or a blemish or. his iron legs. Already linilnary stuge. Overconfldi-nc- is sary wearing apparel. Vogel piodured morrow 'to plans lor twxt onu of the gicatest tuoney winnern of .eft lluniiaels '.o go Huelc hunting Sea- Bioud Exchange Company and others ie. live siigKiiHtloni from iniiiib,', fully they still unwarranted. Hut the outlook I . no tefraincd from saying that , l.iy, tmni'l oltomalde up off this list of what he had purchasi'd to put out of and nd airaiiRe otliei matlei.-- the American turt, there seems im brighter as this conference optn-- ler u.is business brokers li- would accept Twenty-tw- o good reason why - should tint nuive the American propofals than It was at I'aiis or Tho Hague ic I'.irU, Jamaie.i Bay. No suits of underclothing, others who do trading on tho toud-wn- y i'.to l!cf ultra class .ot the winners of upon condition that a satisfactory or any other In'.orr.ationui conlii-enc- o ini'-- of lb,- - in n 'ia.
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