RESTRICTED COM.IIl/71 GENERAL AGREEMENT ON 24 April 1962 TARIFFS AND TRADE Limited Distribution Committee III - Expansion of Trade Special Group on Trade in Tropical Products COMMERCIAL POLICY MEASURES AFFECTING EXPORTS OF TROPICAL PRODUCTS TIMBER This document has been prepared by the secretariat. It brings up to date and extends the information contained in document COM.III/?/Add.3/Rev.1 in accordance with information supplied by contracting parties and participating governments. COM. 111/71 Page 2/3 TIMBER Australia Austria (EFTA) British Rate of duty in Incidence of Rates bound MFN General Pref. % ad va l.or in specific under the GATT Free-Hi or 4s. 5% or 4/6d. % or 4/6d. shillings per duties per 100 super ft. -25£ or 6d. -2Vjî or 6d. 100 kos. 1/ld per 100 sq. 2/-d.-57^ 2/-d.-57{2 Wood ft.-32i$ or 3/9d. or 7/-d. or 7/-d. ex 44.03 Pulp wood ]l\% or 3/9d. per 30£ or 10/7?d. Zl\% or Of conifers or c»pper beech 7.- 100 sq. ft. 10/7id. Other Free n Timber, dressed or moulded Free or 16/6d. 2/-d.- 2/-d.- Note: Wood for the manufacture of wood pulp and cellulose pulp, subject to permit Free per 100 super ft. 24/—d. 24/-d. ex 44.03 Saw logs and veneer logs, soniferous (including tropical): TinLer for making Pit props boxes 14/—d. per 100 15/-d. 16/-d. Wood in the rough, for sawing Free super ft. Other 7.- Timber, bent ir Note: !;/ood in the rough, for the manufacture af veneer sheets, subject to permit Free n Free or ll\i 10Ï or 57i? 10? or ex 44.03 Saw logs and veneer logs, non-coniferous (including tropical): w\i Free >.n i" "end, articles Pit props 44.04 Wood roughly squared or half-squared, but not further manufactured: made of, n.e.i. n\lIDA hVjl hl\% A - Coniferous wood and copper beech wcod M B - Other wood Free Lumber, sawn etc. (coniferous or non-coniferous, including tropical): 44.05 Wood sawn lengthwise, sliced or peeled, tut not further prepared of a thickness exceeding 5 mm. A - Coniferous wood and copper beech wood 6>: B - Other wood Free i'lote: Coniferous wood and copper beech wood, of sub-heading A, for industrial and professional use, within the limits of a quota to be fixed ty the Federal Ministry of Finance, afker consultation with the Federal Ministry of Trade and Reconstruc­ tion and the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Free 44.14 Veneer sheets and sheets for plywood (sawn, sliced or peeled), of a thickness not exceeding 5 mm., whether or not reinforced with paper or fabric: A - Of poplar, willow, alder, linden and beech, and of wood of European conifers 10-: B - Of oak, walnut and elm, and of wood if other European trees 18* ''eneer shoets ox birch, sawn, sliced or peeled, of a thickness not exceeding :/ mm. unworked, painted or stained, not reinforced with paper cr fabric \i 28.- C - Of other wor.d 20 h 44.1 lywro'.l, lockboard, I «inboard, battenboard and veneered panels, whether or not containing any material other than wood; inlaid wood and wood marquetry 20? Plywood, blockboa'd, lar. inbeard and battenboard of which the two outside s. nets are cf babion (virula surinamensis) 10? 126. COM.! I ;/71 Page 4 TIMBER Australia (cont.) Austria (EFTA) (cont.) : Timber: none - • iust types 1 •b?r:J ; isd Quantitative Plywood: replacement Restrictions ,• (licensed up to level cf demand) Sales tax Turnover counter-failing tax (5.25?): For tax exemption see C'1' . 11 !/.!.3(n) Revenue and Pulp wood, saw logs, veneer logs, timber, building boards: Exempt Internal Fiscal Household furniture: 1\% Charges Television and gramophone record cabinet: 2y% Other classes of goods made of timber: \2\% Slate Trading and None Hone fiïonopo! -es Other I 1/71 Page 5 TIMBER | _ - . ... Brazil (LAFTA) Canada 1 Ceylon . Brit.Pref. MF II General Pref. General Wood, (unwrouqht):» 60? L S °9 Free rree Free ïlood pulp: 17-i? Wood, sawn or cut, not further prepared: 80? Plywood 15 3/4? 20? 35? Timber shown to the satisfaction nf Blocks and strips for pargmt flooring: 80? Plywood of okoume 10? 10? 35? PCC to have been imported for manu­ Sleepers: 30? Veneers of rosewood, mahigan? or Spanish cedar not facture of receptacles for packing Wood, roughly trimmed or rcunded, but not bent: 80? over 5/16" in thickness, net taped nor jointed Free Free 10? Ceylon pr*duce: , 1\% Veneer sheets: 100? Veneers of wood, n.t.p., not over 5/16" in thickness, Timber, n.e.s. 25? 35? Tariffs Veneered panels; plywood: ; 100? not taped nor jointed 10? 15? 20? Veneers 25? 35? Reconstituted wood: 30? or 100? Veneers of wood of any kind, taped or jointed 10? 20? 25? Other Other manufactures of wood: 60?-120? Pulp wood, 1f unmanufactured logs Free Free Free Aspen Free 10? Pit props Free Free Free Other , 25? 35? Lumber and boards, sawn Free Free Free Timber scantlings and sleepers 15? 25? Aspen scantlings • Free 10? ! ! None Subject to prior deposit with certain exceptions quantitative Note: A general import licence is reguired to import timber Restrictions U from sources, imports of which are reserved to Ceylonese. There : is no restriction on the quantity imported. Licensing is resorted to to ensure that Ceylonese importers only import the product. I From other sources no licences are required to import. • I Revenue and Internal lione Unconditionally exempt None Fiscal Charges State Trading and I* one Ncne None Monopolies I Other Î COM.111/71 Page 6 Tl [EC Czechoslovakia Denmark (EFTA) Coanon External Tariff General Conventional Pulpwood Free- 44.03 Wood in the rough, whether or not stripped of its bark ir merely roughed down: 134(b). Timber and lumber, non- European, Saw logs and veneer logs: Free (ex GATT) A. Tropical timber of the species mentioned'in the Additional Note to this .Chapter* J* in the log or in rough blocks, hewn Pit props: Free (ex GATT) B. Other: with the axe, also if sawn or otherwise Lumber, sawn, etc.: Free (èx GATT) I. Poles of coniferous species, of a length of 6 m or more, but not more than cut, split, except veneers, net further Veneer, plywood, boards, artificial 18 m, and of a circumference at the butt end of more than 45 en but not more wirked Free Free or reconstituted wood, etc. than 90 cm, injected or otherwise impregnated, to any degree 347 Timber and saw wood: planed, grooved U 11. Not specified or tongued etc., rough not stained, Free 44.06 Free dyed etc. 10.00 44.04 'wood, roughly squared or half-squared, hut not further manufactured: 44.09 crowns/IC kg. A. Tropical timber of the species mentioned in the Additional Note to this Chapter* 5S il 351 Veneers and plywotd: 44.10 B. Other Free II (a) Without marquetry 44.11 44.05 Wood sawn lengthwise, sliced or peeled, but not further prepared, of a thickness 44.12 % exceeding five millimetres: Tariffs 1. Rough 66.00 24.( 44.14 rree or 3$ crowns/100 kg. A. Tropical timber of the species mentioned in the Additional Note to this Chapter* I0Ï 44.15 0.6 ore per kg. or gross weight B. Wood of coniferous species, of a length of 125 cm or less and a thickness cf 5-9* (ex GATT) (duties temporarily less than 12.5 mm: 44.16 9% suspended) !. Small boards or slats of a length of 180 mm or >oro, but not more than 44.17 2. Dyed, stained, varnished, Free 185 mm, of a thickness of more than 5 mm but not more than 7 mm and of a 44.18 lacquered or polished 116.00 % width of 21 mm or more, but net mon than 68 mm Free crowns/100 kg. 44.19 II. Other 13? e'x 48.09 Free or 5* (ex 6ATT) C. Not specified Free 44.14 Veneer sheets and sheets for plywood (sawn, sliced or peeled), of a thickness, net exceeding five millimetres, whether or not reinforced with paper or fabric 101 44.15 Plywood, blockboard, laminboard, battenboard and veneered panels, whether or not contai ni n : any material other than wood; inlaid wood and wood marquetry 15? Reproduced as Annex I to this document. Restricted: Artificial ,ir reconstituted 'lone wood under Quantitative item 44.18 Rest riot ions [See COW. 111/11) Revenue and Internal None Fiscal Charges State Trading and See COM. 111/11 and L/l014/Add.18 None Monoptlies Other COB. 111/71 Page 7 TIMBER Benelux •ranee Federal Republic of Germany Italy Belgium .uxemburg '«'etherl nds General EEC ffl-FN MFN JFN. 44.01 Legs Free Free •N 44.03 A. Tropical wood of the species 44.03 Wood in the rough* 44.03 A. Tropical timbers 4.30A* 44.03 Timber, in the rough specified in the Additional A. Tropical 1.5? 44.14 Veneer sheets 105 or 13.603 A. Tnpical Note to this Chapter* 1.5? B. I. Telegraph poles 9.0? 44.15 Plywood and similar 16.20'; I. Obe'che' Free Free 44.14 Veneer sheets etc. I !. Others Free 44.18 Reconstituted wood II. Other 1.5 Free A. Reinforced on one surface 44.04 Wood, roughly squared or half squared* or artificial wood 12:: to 17.80? B. Other with paper or fabric 17.4? A. Tropical 1.5? I. Posts of coniferous wood, long B. Other, whether or not B.
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