February 24, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E199 We can support this cause by stopping U.S. minister. The article says that Mr. Badal war.’’ The Sikh diaspora has a moral respon- aid to India until human rights are fully ob- and his family hold assets of Rs. 43.26 billion sibility to help the Sikh Nation to achieve served for all people there and by declaring (nearly $1 billion), most of which are located its sovereignty by freeing Khalistan from In- outside India. Half the population of India dian occupation. our support for a free and fair vote on the sub- lives below the international poverty line. The time has come to liberate our home- ject of independence for Khalistan, for Kash- About 40 percent live on less than $2 per day. land. It is the only way that we can prevent mir, for Nagalim, and for all the minority na- The Badal government was the most cor- further degenerations of the Sikh Nation tions of South Asia. rupt one in Punjab’s history. They sold jobs like the Badal regime. Sikhs must claim Mr. Speaker, I would like to put the Council for a fixed fee. They came up with a new, dig- their birthright by liberating Khalistan. of Khalistan’s open letter on the upcoming nified term for bribery: ‘‘fee for service.’’ If Only by freeing Khalistan will we put an end elections into the RECORD at this time. you didn’t pay the fee, you didn’t get the to this corruption and restore control of COUNCIL OF KHALISTAN, service. The Chief Minister’s wife was so ex- Punjab and its assets to the people, to whom Washington, DC, February 4, 2004. perienced that she could pick up a bag of it rightfully belongs. A free Khalistan is a money and tell how much money was in it. must for the survival of the Sikh nation and OPEN LETTER TO THE KHALSA PANTH Parkash Singh Badal was a disaster for Pun- will provide an optimal environment for the PARLIAMENT DISSOLVED; ELECTIONS COMING jab and a disgrace to the Sikh Nation. How Sikh Nation to progress to its optimum po- SIKHS MUST STOP SUPPORTING CORRUPT can the Akali Dal, which is supposed to rep- tential politically, religiously, and economi- BADAL, WHO DIMINISHED IMAGE OF SIKH NA- resent the interests of the Sikh Nation, con- cally. TION ONLY IN A FREE KHALISTAN CAN SIKHS tinue to support him? Panth Da Sewadar, PROSPER AKALI LEADERSHIP CONTROLLED BY Badal’s corruption brought Punjab to Dr. GURMIT SINGH AULAKH, INDIAN GOVERNMENT bankruptcy. He was bankrupt morally and President, Council of Khalistan. DEAR KHALSA PANTH: WAHEGURU JI KA religiously as well as bankrupting Punjab fi- f KHALSA, WAHEGURU JI KI FATEH! nancially. It is time for new leadership that The Indian government has dissolved Par- shows the moral fabric a Sikh is supposed to HONORING JULIE DEMARIA liament. New elections are coming, perhaps have. Badal has destroyed the moral fabric of as soon as March. Elections under the Indian the Sikh religion. What happened to the con- Constitution will not free the Sikh Nation. cept of fairness and honesty? HON. ZOE LOFGREN Use this opportunity, however, to elect com- The Akalis who protest Badal’s prosecu- OF CALIFORNIA mitted, honest Sikhs who are committed to tion are morally degenerate. They are de- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES freeing Khalistan to Parliament. Do not sup- stroying the moral fabric of Sikhism as a re- Tuesday, February 24, 2004 port Badal or the Akalis. They are corrupt ligion and a society. They should be ashamed and have betrayed the Khalsa Panth. Not of themselves. In addition to stealing from Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today, to even a single Akali protested the unprece- the people of Punjab, Mr. Badal worked honor Julie DeMaria and her family, and the dented corruption of Badal. They have dis- against the cause of Sikh freedom. Badal was people of San Jose on the establishment of graced the name of the old Akalis who sac- under the complete control of his masters in rificed their lives for the well being of the Operation Care and Comfort. New Delhi, the militant, fundamentalist Operation Care and Comfort is a self-fund- Sikh Nation. Hindu nationalist BJP. He has a long record The Guru gave sovereignty to the Sikh Na- of betraying the Sikh Nation. ed, all-volunteer organization whose sole pur- tion. (‘‘In Grieb Sikhin Ko Deon Patshahi.’’) The Akali Dal conspired with the Indian pose is to supply care packages to the men The Sikh Nation must achieve it. We always government in 1984 to invade the Golden and women of our military serving oversees. remember it by reciting every morning and Temple to murder Sant Bhindranwale and Since last summer Julie rallied neighborhood evening, ‘‘Raj Kare Ga Khalsa.’’ Now is the 20,000 other Sikh during June 1984 in Punjab. volunteers and businesses to donate items, in- time to act on it. Do we mean what we say If Sikhs will not even protect the sanctity of cluding T-shirts, pins, hats and food items to every morning and evening? the Golden Temple, how can the Sikh Nation send in the care packages. Most importantly, The fire of freedom still burns strong and survive as a nation? bright in the heart of the Sikh Nation. Last The Akali Dal has lost all its credibility. hand written letters of support are included in year Sikhs openly held seminars in Punjab The Badal government was so corrupt openly each package to the troops, showing our grati- on the subject of Khalistan. This is a very and no Akali leader would come forward and tude, and support for their service to our coun- good sign and we salute the people who par- tell Badal and his wife to stop this unparal- try. ticipated in these seminars. They are keep- leled corruption. That is why the Akali Dal Because of Julie’s efforts, the San Jose ing the flame of freedom lit. Now I urge was defeated in the elections by the Congress community has now shipped over 27,500 Sikhs to unite and take action to liberate Party. The Sikh Nation never can forgive or pounds of care packages to our troops and our homeland, Punjab, Khalistan. It is time forget the attack on the Golden Temple. The she is still going! Her devotion to her commu- to start a Shantmai Morcha to liberate Congress Party is the enemy of the Sikh Na- Khalistan from Indian occupation. tion. Badal was so corrupt that the Sikhs nity and love for her country does not go un- Never forget that the Akal Takht Sahib had to vote for their enemy, the Congress recognized. and Darbar Sahib are under the control of Party, rather than Badal and his henchmen On behalf of the House of Representatives, the Indian government, the same Indian gov- because there was no other party to vote for. I want to thank Julie DeMaria, her family, and ernment that has murdered over a quarter of Because Sikhs are slaves in India, there is all the volunteers in the San Jose Community a million Sikhs in the past twenty years. nobody to defend the Sikh interests inter- involved in Operation Care and Comfort for The Jathedar of the Akal Takht and the nationally. Recently, an issue came up of the their service to the United States. head granthi of Darbar Sahib toe the line French banning the wearing of turbans in that the Indian government tells them. They school. If Khalistan were free, the Sikh Na- f are not appointed by the Khalsa Panth. The tion could call the French Ambassador and REMEMBERING LUCILLE SGPC, which appoints them, does not rep- tell him to stop this harassment of Sikhs. WESTBROOK resent the Sikh Nation anymore. They have Our Ambassador to France would tell the become the puppets of the Indian govern- French government the same thing: the tur- ment and have lost credibility with the Sikh ban is part of the Sikh religion and Sikhs HON. MIKE ROSS Nation. Otherwise they would behave like a should not be harassed. OF ARKANSAS real Jathedar, Jathedar Gurdev Singh Remember the words of Professor Darshan IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Kaunke, rather than like Indian government Singh, former Akal Takht Jathedar: ‘‘If a puppet Jathedar Aroor Singh, who gave a Sikh is not a Khalistani, he is not a Sikh.’’ Tuesday, February 24, 2004 Siropa to General Dyer for the massacre at Sikhs should vote only for candidates who Mr. ROSS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to take Jalianawa Bagh. These institutions will re- are prepared to do so. Otherwise, you are this time to rise in honor of the life and lasting main under the control of the Indian regime just voting to condemn your children and until we free the Sikh homeland, Punjab, grandchildren to continued slavery under memory of Lucille Westbrook. Lucille, a fifth- Khalistan, from Indian occupation and op- brutal Brahmin theocratic rule. generation Arkansan, was born in the small pression and sever our relations with the The time to achieve our independence is town of Nathan, attended Nashville public New Delhi government. now. India is not one country. It has 18 offi- schools, and spent her life as an involved cit- Yet the Akali Dal continues to support cial languages. Soon Kashmir will be free izen, advancing issues dearest to her and Badal, even though he was prosecuted and from Indian occupation. Now America is in- worked to preserve the heritage of her com- jailed for his corruption.
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