UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository) Implications of arginine deficiency for growth and organ maturation. Studies on hair, muscle, brain and lymphoid organ maturation de Jonge, W.J. Publication date 2001 Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): de Jonge, W. J. (2001). Implications of arginine deficiency for growth and organ maturation. Studies on hair, muscle, brain and lymphoid organ maturation. General rights It is not permitted to download or to forward/distribute the text or part of it without the consent of the author(s) and/or copyright holder(s), other than for strictly personal, individual use, unless the work is under an open content license (like Creative Commons). Disclaimer/Complaints regulations If you believe that digital publication of certain material infringes any of your rights or (privacy) interests, please let the Library know, stating your reasons. 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UvA-DARE is a service provided by the library of the University of Amsterdam (https://dare.uva.nl) Download date:05 Oct 2021 ChapterChapter I ArginineArginine biosynthesis and metabolism WouterWouter J de Jonge, Maaike J Bruins, 2Nicolaas E Deutz,2Peter B Soeters, 11 Wouter H hamers 'Departmentt of Anatomy and Embryology,3 Department of Biochemistry, Academicc Medical Center, Meibergdreef 15, 1105 AZ Amsterdam, department of Surgery,, Maastricht University (AZL), The Netherlands. 5 5 ChapterChapter I Contents: Contents: 1-Biosynthesiss of argin in e 9 1.11 Intestinal citrulline biosynthesis 1.22 Arginine biosynthesis 1.33 Hepatic arginine metabolism 1.44 Ontogeny of arginine metabolism 2-Dietaryy demand of arginine 16 2.11 Dispensable and indispensable amino acids 2.22 the homeostasis of creatine reflects a delicate arginine balance 2.33 Arginine demands in growing mammals 2.42.4 Species differences in arginine requirement and biosynthesis 3-Inbornn errors of metabolism leading to congenital arginine deficiency 19 3.11 ornithine aminotransferase 3.22 ornithine transcarbamoylase 3.33 argininosuccinate synthetase 4-Metabolismm of arginine 4.11 Intestinal utilization and catabolism of glutamine and arginine 22 4.22 Arginase I and II 4.33 Agmatine 4.44 Proline 4.55 Poly amines 4.66 Nitric oxide 5-- Regulation of metabolism by arginine 28 5.11 Effect of arginine on protein synthesis and degradation 5.22 Endocrine activity arginine 6 6 6-Guanidinoo compounds 6.11 The ornithine guanidine bi-cycle 6.22 Guanidino compounds formed after transamidination 6.33 Formation of GSA by reactive oxygen species 6.44 Pathological effects 7-Argininee transporters 7.11 Amino acid transporters 7.22 System y + 7.33 Regulation of arginine transporters 8-Argininee as an immunonutrient 8.11 Arginine and immune function 8.22 Possible mechanisms of action 9-Scopee of the thesis ChapterChapter I AbbreviationsAbbreviations and enzymes with enzyme codes used'. A-I I [ECC] :: hepatic arginase A-n n [ECC] :: kidney-type arginase AGAT T [ECC] :: arginine:glycine amidinotransferase AAT T [ECC] :: aspartate aminotransferase ASL L [ECC] :: argininosuccinate lyase ASS S [ECC] :: argininosuccinate synthetase CPS S [ECC] :: carbamoylphosphate synthetase GMT T [ECC] :: s-adenosylmethionine:guanidinoacetate methyltransferase e OAT T [ECC] :: ornithine aminotransferase ODC C [ECC] :: ornithine decarboxylase OTC C [ECC] :: ornithine transcarbamoylase P5C C [ECC n.a.] :: pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase PDG G [ECC] :: phosphate-dependent glutaminase PO O [ECC n.a.] :: proline oxidase SI I [ECC ECC = enzyme code, n.a.= not assigned Introduction Introduction 1-Biosynthesis1-Biosynthesis ofarginine 1.1-Intestinal1.1-Intestinal citrulline biosynthesis Thee organ perfusion studies by Windmueller and Spaeth *'2 established that de novo synthesiss of citrulline, as well as ornithine and proline, takes place in the small intestinee (Fig. 1). Citrulline synthesis requires NH3, CO2, and ornithine. The NH3 is derivedd from glutamine via the action of glutaminase. Together with bicarbonate, NH33 can form carbamoylphosphate by the action of carbamoylphosphate synthetase (CPS-1;; EC, an enzyme that requires N-acetylglutamate for activity. The carbamoyll group is transferred to ornithine to form citrulline in a reaction catalyzedd by ornithine transcarbamoylase (OTC; EC In addition to glutamate,, proline can function as a precursor for the intestinal ornithine synthesis (Fig.. 1) 3, via the formation of P5C by proline oxidase, and the subsequent non- enzymaticc conversion into L-glutamyl-y-semialdehyde 4. Thee enzymes involved in citrulline synthesis, phosphate-dependent glutaminase,, OAT, and aspartate aminotransferase are found in a variety of tissues 55''66,, but CPS I, OTC, and N-acetyl glutamate synthetase expression are restricted to thee liver and intestinal mucosa 7. P5C synthetase, which catalyzes the multistep conversionn of glutamate via glutamyl-y-semialdehyde into P5C 4, is present almost exclusivelyy in the small intestinal mucosa, with only trace amounts in other tissues 4.. P5C is, in turn, converted into ornithine by OAT. For this reason, the intestine is thee only organ that has the capacity of net production of ornithine. In (most) other organs,, including liver, OAT converts ornithine into glutamate. Human patients sufferingg from a deficiency in P5C synthetase develop hyperammonemia and hypoornithinemiaa 8. In addition, these patients have decreased proline levels, implyingg that P5C-S may also have a P5C-R like activity. The essential role of the intestinee to provide citrulline for arginine biosynthesis elsewhere, is also demonstratedd by the arginine deficiency that results from inhibition of intestinal 9 9 ChapterChapter I citrullinee synthesis, as a result of inhibition or deficiency of OTC ' , OAT ' , or byy massive resection of the small bowel . Inn intestinal tissue, arterial and luminal glutamine is the main metabolicc contributor of intestinal citrulline biosynthesis 2. The magnitude of the rolee of proline in citrulline synthesis is disputed. In pigs, there is no arterial uptake off proline by the gut 14, suggesting that only dietary proline is metabolized into citrulline.. Indeed, a prominent role for proline is suggested by the observation that, att least in pigs, proline is among the most abundant amino acids in the sow's milk 14 4 protein n<4 ~ ~ Glutamine e - purines 11 -glutaminase 10-AAT 10-AAT CX-KGG <4r Glutamate e asparanginn oxaloacetate 2-P5C-S2-P5C-S NHj ATp^ C02 9-PO 9-PO proline e - P5C A— Glu-sem m 4-CPS 4-CPS \\ 3-OAT W W CP P OrnVV 5-OTC urea a if f ornithine e Cit t cycle e 7-ASL7-ASL 6-ASS —— AS Fig.. 1: Scheme of the relation between glutamine and the ornithine cycle. Enzymes that catalyze the reactionss are: 1- phosphate-dependent glutaminase [EC], 2- pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase [EC n.a.],, 3- ornithine aminotransferase [EC], 4- carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase [EC], 5- ornithinee transcarbamoylase [EC], 6- argininosuccinate synthetase [EC], 7- argininosuccinate lyasee [EC], 8- hepatic arginase [EC]/ - kidney-type arginase [EC], 9- proline oxidase [EC n.a.].. 10- aspartate aminotransferase [EC]. Enzymes 6, 7 and 8 are cytosolic, 1-5 and 9 are mitochondrial,, and enzyme 10 is both cytosolic and mitochondrial. Thoughh proline oxidase (PO) is reported to be present mainly in liver and kidney 6'15,, other groups have detected a relatively high level of PO activity in the intestinal 10 0 Introduction Introduction mucosaa of pig and rat16'17. This difference has been attributed to instability of the enzymee during homogenization of, specifically, mucosal tissue6. 1.2-A1.2-A rgin ine biosyn thesis 1.2.1-Renal1.2.1-Renal arginine biosynthesis. InIn the adult kidney, arginine is made endogenously by converting citrulline into arginine,, mainly in the renal proximal tubules l'18, via the cytosolic enzymes ASS andd ASL. The kidney accounts for 60 % of arginine synthesis from circulating citrullinee 19 (see section 2.2.2). Although the kidney expresses CPS-I, (unpublished observation),, as well as glutaminase and glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH)20'21 in the preweaningg period, the adult kidney lacks the capacity for carbamoylphosphate synthesis. Thee citrulline that is metabolized into arginine by the kidneys derives primarilyy from the intestine x'21. The amount of citrulline taken up for arginine synthesiss has been shown to be proportional to the amount released by the intestine U3.. Furthermore, a positive correlation between renal citrulline uptake and arginine productionn has been shown in humans 24, sheep 25 and rats 26. The capacity of the kidneyy to synthesize arginine exceeds the capacity of the intestine to synthesize citrullinee several-fold, indicating that renal arginine synthesis depends on intestinal citrullinee synthesis 2?. In addition, the renal arginine flux is highly regulated: renal ASSS and ASL mRNA as well as activity are upregulated during a high protein diet28, 29 9 uponn starvation , or upon an acute decrease in circulating arginine levels under pathologicall conditions30. Nextt to the cytosolic arginine-synthesizing enzymes, the kidney expresses A-III (EC, but the expression of arginase, ASS and ASL is segregated in differentt parts of the nephron, arginine synthesis is restricted to the upstream portionss of proximal convoluted tubules, whereas arginase activity is present mainly inn the cortical and outer medullary portions of straight proximal tubules.
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