Rules of Department of Mental Health Division 50–Admission Criteria Chapter 2–Mental Health Services Title Page 9 CSR 50-2.010 Admissions to Children’s Community Supported Community Living.................3 9 CSR 50-2.020 Guidelines for Conditional Release..........................................................8 9 CSR 50-2.510 Admissions to Adult Placement Program...................................................8 Rebecca McDowell Cook (2/29/96) CODE OF STATE REGULATIONS 1 Secretary of State Chapter 2—Mental Health Services 9 CSR 50-2 Title 9—DEPARTMENT OF guardian, a court of competent jurisdiction, of the referral, eligibility for services and MENTAL HEALTH or a state or private agency. placement need, if any. The Supported Division 50—Admission Criteria Community Living office may request addi- Chapter 2—Mental Health Services (3) An applicant shall meet all of the follow- tional information as necessary. ing admission criteria to be eligible for 9 CSR 50-2.010 Admissions to Children’s Children’s Supported Community Living ser- (6) If the Supported Community Living Supported Community Living vices from the Division of Comprehensive office makes a preliminary decision to accept Psychiatric Services: a referral, it shall obtain the following refer- PURPOSE: This rule prescribes admis- (A) Be under the age of eighteen (18); ral materials: sions criteria, the application process (B) Have received a DSM IV Axis I prima- (A) A comprehensive multidisciplinary and placement procedures for ry diagnosis of mental disorder or mental ill- evaluation including a psychosocial history, Children’s Supported Community ness; may have a secondary diagnosis of alco- psychiatric evaluation/diagnosis, psychologi- Living of the Division of Com- hol abuse, substance abuse or mental retarda- cal evaluation/testing, performed within the prehensive Psychiatric Services. tion; and past six (6) months; and information about (C) Have, based upon sufficient documen- the intellectual cognitive functioning of the Editor’s Note: The following material is tation, a mental disorder or mental illness youth; incorporated into this rule by reference: which constitutes substantial impairment in (B) The psychiatric assessment (an evalua- 1) American Psychiatric Association, DSM social role functioning and daily living skills tion which includes diagnosis shall be done IV Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of to the extent that the client cannot function by a psychiatrist or licensed clinical psychol- Mental Disorders (Fourth Edition) successfully outside a mental health facility ogist designated by the department); (Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric without services. This substantial impairment (C) Current physical examination per- Association, 1994). may include, but not be limited to, the fol- formed within the past ninety (90) days, lab- In accordance with section 536.031(4), lowing behavioral characteristics: oratory tests and X-rays as ordered by physi- RSMo, the full text of material incorporated 1. Substantial impairment in impulse cian; by reference will be made available to any control and judgment in daily living skills; (D) Background information which interested person at the Office of the 2. History of aggressive/assaultive includes the youth’s level of functioning Secretary of State and the headquarters of the behaviors or self-abusive behaviors based on including successes and failures in the adopting state agency. psychological disability; school, home and community as well as in 3. Dysfunctional in school, home, com- other placements; (1) Terms defined in sections 630.005 and munity or a combination of these as a result (E) Any special procedures done in the 632.005, RSMo are incorporated by refer- of a mental disorder or mental illness to the diagnosis process or any special needs of the ence in this rule. Unless the placement con- extent that family and available community client; tract clearly requires otherwise, the following resources are not able to meet needs; and (F) Information on medicines, allergies or other terms, as used in this chapter, shall 4. Evidence of failure in less restrictive other medical conditions; mean: treatment environments. (G) Information on legal status, including (A) Applicant, a minor for whom place- copies of guardianship, circuit or civil deten- ment services have been requested, in writ- (4) Department placement staff shall consid- tion orders, if applicable; ing, including a person seeking readmission er an applicant ineligible for Supported (H) Completed and signed standard means to Supported Community Living; Community Living services from the test, 9 CSR 10-31.011; (B) Client, a minor placed under section Division of Comprehensive Psychiatric (I) Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist; 630.620, RSMo in any residential facility Services if— (J) DMH Form 8311, Application for licensed or certified solely by the department (A) The primary diagnosis is alcohol or Supported Community Living Services for or in conjunction with the Department of substance abuse, or mental retardation; Minors; and Social Services under Chapter 630, RSMo; (B) Medical needs supersede the psychi- (K) Other demographic and pertinent (C) DSM IV, Diagnostic and Statistical atric disability and require considerable information. Manual of Mental Disorders (Fourth Edition) supervision and ongoing medical treatment; of the American Psychiatric Association; (C) Impulses to harm self or others are not (7) Within five (5) working days after receipt (D) Supported Community Living, an under control according to clinical judgment; of the referral information, the Supported office which is responsible for the regional (D) It has been established that appropriate Community Living office shall mail the placement program and services and is the services are otherwise available through applicant a report or overview on the status of entry and exit for regional placement services alternative resources; the application, including a list of the items and funding; (E) The application is submitted solely for missing. Within fourteen (14) working days (E) Minor, any person under the age of the purpose of securing residential placement after receipt of the complete referral informa- eighteen (18) years; and for a school-aged child as defined in Chapter tion, the Supported Community Living office (F) Patient, an individual under observa- 162, RSMo to receive an appropriate educa- shall indicate the disposition of the referral, tion, care, treatment or rehabilitation by any tion; or in writing, by registered/certified mail, hospital or other mental health facility pur- (F) Child’s symptoms meet acute defini- return receipt requested. If the applicant does suant to the provisions of Chapter 632, tion. not meet criteria for acceptance, the depart- RSMo. ment, in the registered/certified letter, shall (5) Supported Community Living offices or notify the agency or person who made appli- (2) Application for placement shall be made designee shall screen applicants for place- cation for the applicant of— by the applicant’s parents, the applicant’s ment services to determine appropriateness (A) The reasons for rejection; Rebecca McDowell Cook (2/29/96) CODE OF STATE REGULATIONS 3 Secretary of State 9 CSR 50-2—DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH Division 50—Admission Criteria (B) The deadline for appealing the deci- tain relationships and encourage visits benefi- be reviewed weekly by Supported Com- sion; cial to the patient or resident. munity Living office staff. Area directors (C) The name, address and telephone num- will determine priorities for funding alloca- ber of the person to whom the appeal should (11) The Supported Community Living office tions within their regions. be directed; and staff shall notify the agency or person making (D) The name, address and telephone num- application, in writing, to schedule a special AUTHORITY: sections 630.050 and ber of a Department of Mental Health staff staffing with applicant and other 630.705, RSMo (1994).* Original rule person who is qualified to provide informa- interested/responsible persons to determine filed Feb. 29, 1988, effective July 25, tion about the services offered by the all appropriate placement resources and to 1988. Amended: Filed March 30, 1992, Division of Comprehensive Psychiatric designate responsibility for procuring and effective Jan. 15, 1993. Amended: Services. making the placement. Filed July 17, 1995, effective March 30, 1996. (8) Appeals. If the agency or person making (12) Supported Community Living/designee application for the applicant disagrees with staff shall obtain appropriate releases of *Original authority: 630.050, RSMo (1980), referral information signed by parent or amended 1993, 1995 and 630.705, RSMo (1980), the rejection, s/he may appeal, in writing, amended 1982, 1984, 1985, 1990. within thirty (30) days after receipt of the guardian. The referral information shall notice to the children’s area director. Within include appropriate psychiatric, medical and fifteen (15) days of receiving the appeal, the social information. The referral information children’s area director shall review the shall also include: applicant’s referral materials along with a (A) Treatment needs, including strengths copy of the rejection letter and shall notify and weaknesses; and the applicant and the agency or person who (B) Legal status. made application for the applicant, in writ- ing, by registered/certified letter of his/her (13) The proposed Supported Community decision on the appeal. If the
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