YOUNG SCIENTIST DAY TOPICAL ISSUES IN MEDICINE Materials of The 5th scientific-practical Conference Tashkent 2016 - 5 April © Tashkent medical academy 2016 DEAR COLLEAGUES! Holding of scientific-practical conferences in English language already became a good tradition in life of Tashkent medical academy and it is a great motivation for our youth! This conference of young scientist "Topical issues of medicine" is the 4th one and we can say with sure, that interest of students and master students in it increasing from year to year. Undeniable evidence of this is the rising amount of participants and highly competitive selection of scientific papers. I would like to note gladly the high scientific potential of our youth, continuous pursuit to self-improvement, mastery of foreign languages, computer technologies and respectively growing year by year competitiveness. I want to use this opportunity to appeal ones again to the professors and teachers of our Academy in order to fully support our young scientists and help them to find their way in medicine. I sincerely hope that this conference will be another opportunity for discovering new talents and for more productive scientific cooperation, including international. Wishing success in all your beginnings, Rector of Tashkent medical academy Sh.I. Karimov OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY, PEDIATRY VALUE OF THE MODERN DIAGNOSTICAL METHODS FOR EXAMINING THE WOMEN WITH INFERTILITY Abatova A.A. Tashkent medical academy. The actuality of the problem in the world. Worldwide infertility is relevant. Accord- ing to the WHO worldwide 10 - 12% of couples are faced with this problem. Infertili- ty in 45% of cases associated with disturbances in the sexual sphere of women, 40% - a man, in other cases, infertility is due to impairment of both spouses. The world av- erage of 50-70% of marriages break up because of infertility. Currently, 70-80% of in- fertile couples after appropriate examination and treatment are the proud parents. Purpose of the research work. Improving the diagnosis and treatment of wom- en with infertility. Goals. Determine the number of women with infertility of tubal etiology. Deter- modern technology in the diagnosis and treatment of infertile women. mineResearch the number materials. of women The with research ovarian is conducted infertility onetiology. the basis To study of the the 2nd efficacy Clinic of the Tashkent Medical Academy. Studied 28 women. Of these, 8 women (28.6%) aged 20-25 years, 14 (50%) - 26-30 years, 6 (21.4%) - 30 years of age. Research methods. • Menstrual history (age at menarche, the nature of violations of the cycle, the pres- ence of inter-menstrual discharge, painful menstruation) • Number and outcome of previous pregnancies and births • The duration of infertility • Contraceptive methods, the duration of their application • Operations accompanied by the risk of adhesions • Conduct a bimanual pelvic examination, examination of the cervix in the mirrors. • Pelvic ultrasound • Laparoscopy Results of the research. The study of 18 women (64.3%) with primary infertili- ty, 10 women (35.7%) with secondary infertility. According to the etiology of infer- tility: 20 women (71.40%) with ovarian infertility etiology, 8 women (28.60%), tu- bal infertility etiology. 10% of the causes of infertility ovarian etiology of ovarian dysfunction, 40% - polycystic ovary, 30% - endometrioid ovarian cysts, 20% - ovari- anConclusions. cysts. 25% of theIn our causes studies of infertility of women tubal with etiology tubal ofinfertility inflammatory etiology processes 28.6%, inof womenthe genital with organs, ovarian 25% etiology - uterine – 71.4%. fibroids, The 50% most - obstruction effective method of the of fallopian diagnosis tubes. and treatment is the laparoscopy. 3 PLACENTAL GROWTH FACTOR (PLGF) AS A MARKER OF PLACENTA DYSFUNCTION DURING THE FISRT TRIMESTER OF PREGNANCY. Abdusamadova M.F. Tashkent medical academy Objective. Markers of placental dysfunction are used for risk prediction of ad- verse obstetric outcomes including placenta dysfunction and growth restriction. We - tal dysfunction screening and to predict of adverse perinatal outcome using placen- talaimed growth to get factor preliminary (PLGF). results to validate efficiency of our first trimester placen Materials and methods. Data were collected prospectively in the second clinic of Tashkent Medical Academy. A total of 200 pregnant women agreed to participate mean arterial blood pressure and PLGF analysis. Patients in high risk of preeclamp- siain this or fetal study. growth We performed restriction multimarker were given combinedacetylsalicylic first acid trimester prophylaxis. screening Patients with with abortions were excluded from the study. After delivery clinical data were col- lected. Predictive values of this screening were evaluated. Results. 196 pregnant women were included. 175 (89 %) were screened nega- tive. 21 (11 %) screening tests were positive for placental dysfunction. We found differences in following parameters: (low risk to high-risk group) delivery by cae- sarean section 44 % to 52 %, average age at time of delivery 32 to 34 years, gesta- tional week of delivery 39 to 37, incidence of preeclampsia 1.5 % to 4.7%, gestation- al hypertension 8.1 % to 23% and intrauterine growth restriction 1.0 % to 4.7 %. Conclusion. PLGF is belongs to markers predicting adverse perinatal outcome. In our study women with positive screening had a higher risk of caesarean section, preterm birth and placental dysfunction. This project is ongoing and we will be col- lecting further data in future. FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE TO THE MANIFESTATION OF FOOD ALLERGY IN CHILDREN OF EARLY AGE Akramova N.T Tashkent medical academy In last ten years it is observed growth of atopic in children. The main roles in mani- festation of allergy symptoms are character of children’s food, age of contact with the potential food allergens and development of food tolerance. Only breast feeding till 6 children of early age, which is due to features of food and immune systems of child. monthObject: of age prevents possible sensitizing by food allergens, that most significant for children of early age. Materials to determineand methods. factors Was that conducted influence survey to the between manifestation 40 mothers of food of allergy children in in the age of 1 to1,5 year, which have been in in-patient treatment in the allergolo- gy and pulmonology departments of the 1st clinic of TMA. The analyzing group was made-up by 56% boys and 44% girls, average age – 1 to 3 year. In the questionnaire was included questions about periods of pregnancy, neonatal period, kinds of feed- ing, food of children’s older than 6 month, additional food. 4 Results. 30% of respondents revealed that they were hereditary burdened on atopic, more of them were from maternal line; women of this group on pregnancy tried to exclude obligate allergens from the ration (50%) and made recommenda- tions about following of hypoallergenic life (30%). 75% of surveyed indicated that pregnancy course was with toxicosis, 8% with risk of abort, 68% with anemia, 15 % with infection. 7% of children were born by Cesarean section, others by physio- logical way on the37-41 week of gestation. Body mass on birth was 2900-4300 gr, length 45-56 sm. Children of 80% ofmothers were put on breast just after birth, oth- ers after 2-5 hours (15%), 2-3 days (5%). On breast feeding after birth till 6 month were 54% of children. 16% of mothers noticed that the symptoms of atopic der- matitis had appeared in children on only breastfeeding when mother had hyper al- lergenic food. 30% of mothers noticed that they chose milky food their self, others followed physician’s recommendations. In 40% children including of milky food ac- companied with skin rashes and dyspepsia. Mothers of 6 children (9%) began to in- clude additional food to children up to 4 month age, 2 children (3 %) after 6 month, to others (88%) on 6 month of age. 44 % of surveyed mothers have noticed that including of additional food accompanied with appearing skin symptoms of atop- ic, unstable stool (37%), constipation (23%) and meteorism (23%). Only 64% of mothers for including of additional food followed with recommendation of pedia- trician. 18% of surveyed mothers noticed that symptoms of atopic children had ap- peared without any cause. Conclusion: - lergy in children of early age is irrational nutrition: late put to the breast, early trans- one of the mainfactors that influence to the manifestation of food al choosing of additional milky food and meal without recommendations of physician. fer to the mix or artificial food, not following the times of including of additional food, PRESENT-DAY POSSIBILITIES OF THE METHODS OF ABORTION IN LATE TERMS Alimova Kh.R Tashkent medical academy Urgency. Despite of the main part of abortion of pregnancy is carried out in the 1 tri- mester (95, 8% in 2012), nevertheless, there is a consumption to this procedure in the second trimester (4,2%).It is connected with delay of diagnostics of malformation de- velopment to fetus with initiation of medical statement of mother’s side and also un- timely (late) detection of undesirable pregnancy in presence of medical or social evi- dence to its abortion. At the same time the number of abortion of pregnancy after 22 weeks increased as in absolute value (7,3%) , as and in relative (from 3,45% until 3,5%). Purpose: to carry out comparative analysis of different abortion methods of preg- nancy in the second trimester. Material and methods. In developed countries dilatation and evacuation and medicamentous stimulation with applying of miphepriston and misoprostol be- came more common technologies of abortion of pregnancy in the second trimester. Dilatation and evacuation suppose the evacuation of contents of uterine cavity by abortive forceps after preliminary enlargement of cervix uteri with using of medica- mentous agents (miphepriston or misoprostol), mechanical (dilator of Gegar) or os- 5 motic dilators (laminaria, dilapan).Medicamentous method – protocol of pregnancy abortion of late terms (13-22 weeks) provides for intake the preparation of miphe- priston in dose 200 mg (1 tablet) once under control of a doctor.
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