2020 NEAR EAST AND NORTH AFRICA REGIONAL OVERVIEW OF FOOD SECURITY AND NUTRITION ENHANCING RESILIENCE OF FOOD SYSTEMS IN THE ARAB STATES This flagship publication is part of Regional Overview of Food security and nutrition in the Near East and North Africa series of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Required citation: FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP, WHO and ESCWA. 2021. Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition in the Near East and North Africa 2020 - Enhancing resilience of food systems in the Arab States. Cairo, FAO. https://doi.org/10.4060/cb4902en The designations employed and the presentation of material in this information product do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the World Food Programme (WFP) or the World Health Organization (WHO) concerning the legal or development status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The mention of specific companies or products of manufacturers, whether or not these have been patented, does not imply that these have been endorsed or recommended by FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP or WHO in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. 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Queries regarding rights and licensing should be submitted to: [email protected]. COVER PHOTOGRAPH ©FAO/ALESSANDRA BENEDETTI SYRIA. Syrian women visit the goat cheese producer farm. 2020 NEAR EAST AND NORTH AFRICA REGIONAL OVERVIEW OF FOOD SECURITY AND NUTRITION ENHANCING RESILIENCE OF FOOD SYSTEMS IN THE ARAB STATES Published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations International Fund for Agricultural Development United Nations Children’s Fund United Nations World Food Programme World Health Organization and United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia Cairo, 2021 CONTENTS FOREWORD v 2.3. Analysis of major vulnerabilities and resilience ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS vii capacities of food systems 41 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS viii 2.3.1 Impact of shocks and stresses on Arab food COUNTRY AND TERRITORY ABBREVIATIONS x supply chains 41 KEY MESSAGES xi 2.3.2 Impact of shocks and stresses on the Arab PART 1 food environment 43 RECENT TRENDS IN HUNGER, FOOD INSECURITY AND 2.3.3 Impact of shocks and stresses on consumer MALNUTRITION 1 behaviour influenced by individual filters 51 1.1 Progress towards hunger and food insecurity targets 5 2.4 Analysis of policy responses to food systems’ resilience in the Arab Region 52 1.2 Progress towards global nutrition targets 11 2.4.1 Which policies address food system resilience in the Arab Region? 52 PART 2 ENHANCING THE RESILIENCE OF FOOD SYSTEMS IN THE 2.4.2 Recommended policy approaches and ARAB REGION 20 actions 56 2.1 Conceptual framework for assessing food 2.5 Overall conclusions: linking food security and systems’ resilience 22 nutrition data with food systems and resilience 2.1.1 Why a food systems approach? What are capacities 58 the complex relationships between different food system components? 22 ANNEXES 60 2.1.2 Food systems’ resilience: concept and indicators 24 REFERENCES 66 2.2 How shocks and stresses worsen food security and nutrition in the Arab Region, contributing to rising hunger and malnutrition 27 2.2.1 Shocks to Arab food systems: a review of evidence and impact 28 2.2.2 What are the main stresses in the Arab food system? 36 | iii | TABLES, FIGURES AND BOXES TABLES 12 Travel and tourism, share of GDP 8 Health costs of various diets in the and change in international tourist Arab Region 47 1 SDG and WHA targets and arrivals, % over previous year 34 indicators 3 9 Predicted reduction by 2030 in the 13 IMF estimates and projections for social cost of GHG emissions from the 2 Prevalence of undernourishment in the GDP growth in 2019, 2020 and 2021, adoption of plant-based diets 48 Arab Region and sub-regions, % growth over previous year 35 2007/09-2017/19 and 2028/30 projection (%) 7 14 Affordability of three reference diets in the Arab states, 2017 45 BOXES 3 Number of undernourished in the 15 Projections of the annual cost of Arab Region and sub-regions, 2007/09- 1 The two main SDG 2 indicators of current diets in the Arab Region by 2017/19 and 2028/30 projection hunger and food security 4 (million) 8 2030, USD billion 49 2 Definitions and consequences of the 16 Sustainability scores for 10 Arab 4 Prevalence of people affected by main nutritional status indicators for countries plus New Zealand and the food insecurity in the Arab Region and children under 5 13 sub-regions, 2014/16-2017/19 (%) 9 United States of America 50 3 Approaches for measuring food 5 Number of people affected by food system resilience 27 insecurity in the Arab Region and sub- 4 Methodology for estimating the cost regions, 2014/16-2017/19 (million) 10 FIGURES of healthy diets 44 6 Children’s nutritional status for Arab 1 Prevalence of undernourishment in the 5 An approach to estimating hidden Region and public health significance, Arab Region, 2000-02 to 2017-19, and health and environmental costs of diet latest year 12 projection to 2028–30 6 patterns 46 7 Selected WHA indicators of maternal 2 Histogram of adult obesity prevalence 6 Diets and health risks in GCC and infant nutrition and non- in the Arab Region, 2016 15 countries 51 communicable disease for the Arab 3 Conceptual framework of a food Region latest estimates) 14 system 23 8 Prevalence of childhood stunting, 4 Simplified model of resilience for food wasting and overweight: latest year, systems showing the function of WHA target and trend 16 resilience capacities 25 9 Prevalence of anaemia in women of 5 Resilience and sustainability: reproductive age and adult obesity: complementary concepts (Tendall, et al., base year, WHA target and trend 17 2015) 26 10 Climate change effects in the Arab 6 Wheat production, net imports and Region: record maximum average self-sufficiency ratios in selected Arab temperature years and warming since countries, 2015-17 31 1960 29 7 Prices for United States of America 11 The impact of fluctuating oil prices hard red winter wheat and crude oil, on government finances in the Arab real 2010 USD per tonne 32 Region 33 | iv | FOREWORD The 2020 Regional Overview of Food Security 137 million people, did not have regular and Nutrition in the Near East and North access to sufficient, safe and nutritious Africa (NENA) Region provides an update food. Food insecurity, affecting diet quality on regional progress towards two targets of and quantity, poses significant challenges Sustainable Development Goal 2 (SDG 2): to achieving global nutrition targets. Target 2.1, ending hunger and achieving food Many countries in the region still show high security; and Target 2.2, on ending all forms levels of stunting and overweight in children of malnutrition. It is the result of collaboration under 5 years of age.
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