CATALOGUS FRAGMENTORUM CUM NOTIS MUSICIS MEDII AEVI IN SLOVACIA CATALOGUS FRAGMENTORUM CUM NOTIS MUSICIS MEDII AEVI E CIVITATE TRENCHINI TOMUS VI VERONIKA GARAJOVÁ INSTITUTE OF MUSICOLOGY SLOVAK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES BRATISLAVA 2020 This publication was realized within the project VEGA 2/0034/17 The Image of Piety in Medieval Musical Culture in Slovakia and supported by the Slovak Research and Development Agency under the contract No. APVV-19-0043 CANTUS PLANUS in Slovakia: Local Elements – Transregional Connections and by the Music Fund Slovakia Reviewers: doc. PaedDr. Janka Bednáriková PhD. doc. ThDr. Rastislav Adamko PhD. Publisher: Institute of Musicology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava 2020 © Mgr. Veronika Garajová © Institute of Musicology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences Redaction: Author Translation: Mgr. Enzo Passerini Technical collaboration – Design – Graphic – Typography: Libros, s.r.o., Trnava Photo: Author Proof reading: Mgr. Jakub Minárik Print: Váry, s.r.o., Trnava Internet: http://cantus.sk e-mail: [email protected] ISBN: 978-80-89135-44-8 EAN: 9788089135448 Index Introduction . 4 Historical assumptions of the formation of notated fragments in Považie. 11 Music – palaeography analysis of notated fragments of State archive of Trenčín. 26 Fragments from the fund of the Municipal Authority of the city of Trenčín . 26 An analysis of fragments in terms of content and melody . 31 Zhrnutie . 61 Summary. 64 The catalogue of notated fragments of the state archive of Trenčín. 67 List of signatures . 83 Register. 85 A/ Register by type of notation . 85 B/ Register by type of liturgic codex . 85 C/ Register according to presumed provenance. 85 D/ Incipit register. 85 E/ Local register . 89 Abbreviations . 91 Bibliography. 92 Editions . 98 Index of used sources . 99 Links . 100 Images . 101 3 Introduction Systematic processing, registration, identification, comparison and subsequent evaluation of preserved written and notated medieval sources enables better understanding and even reconstruction of the contemporary status quo of musical and written culture in the territo- ry of what is now Slovakia. However, compared to the neighbouring countries (Austria, Po- land, and Hungary), only a small number of complete manuscripts providing more informa- tion about the medieval musical culture has been preserved in Slovakia. As of today, Slovak archiving, museum, and library institutions keep 17 completely preserved liturgical codices. Complete manuscripts can be found in Bratislava (9 notated manuscripts – 5 Bratislava an- tiphonaries, 2 missals, 2 graduals), Spišská Kapitula (the Spiš gradual by Juraj from Kežmarok and the Spiš antiphonary), Martin (the Carthusian gradual), Košice (the Košice psalterium and the Košice missal), Prešov (a psalterium and the Cracow notated breviary), and in Nitra (the Nitra codex). All the above-mentioned sources have been processed with the results published either in independent papers (see Literature) or in the publication titled Stredoveké pramene cirkev­ nej hudby na Slovensku1 by Eva Veselovská, Rastislav Adamko and Janka Bednáriková. Apart from the above-mentioned fully preserved codices, several hundreds of fragments have been preserved in the territory of Slovakia. As of today, we register the total of more than 860 frag- ments. The preserved fragments (similarly to the completely preserved codices) are deposit- ed in the State Archives as well as in libraries and museums across various Slovak towns. The largest numbers of the preserved fragments are located in the archives of the following cities and towns: Bratislava (89), Banská Štiavnica (75), Modra (70), Banská Bystrica (53), Kremni- ca (46), Levoča (25),2 Trenčín (22), Bardejov (20),3 and Poprad (19). As for library institutions, the highest number of medieval notated fragments has been preserved in the Slovak Nation- al Library in Martin (Literary Archive of the Slovak National Library: 34, the estate of Ján Ga- las: 7, the Franciscan libraries fund: 24)4 Library the Community of the Protestant Church of 1 VESELOVSKÁ, E., ADAMKO, R., BEDNÁRIKOVÁ, J. Stredoveké pramene cirkevnej hudby na Slo­ vensku. Bratislava: Ústav hudobnej vedy Slovenskej akadémie vied, 2017, p. 279. 2 BEDNÁRIKOVÁ, J. Fragmenty gregoriánskeho chorálu v archívnych fondoch v Bardejove, Prešove a Levoči In: HULKOVÁ, M. ed. Hudobnohistorický výskum na Slovensku začiatkom 21. storočia. Bratislava: Katedra hudobnej vedy Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity Komenského, 2010; BED- NÁRIKOVÁ, J. Pramenné svedectvá stredovekej liturgickej hudby v Štátnom archíve Levoča – pobočka Spišská Nová Ves. In: Disputationes Scientificae Universitatis catholicae in Ružomberok. 2013, Vol. 12, no. 2; BEDNÁRIKOVÁ, J. Z posledných výskumov pamiatok gregoriánskeho chorálu na Slovensku. Tri notované pamiatky v Štátnom archíve Levoča – pobočka Levoča. In: Disputa­ tiones Scientificae Universitatis catholicae in Ružomberok. 2014, Vol. 13, no. 2 3 BEDNÁRIKOVÁ, Fragmenty gregoriánskeho chorálu v archívnych fondoch v Bardejove, Prešove a Levoči. 4 BEDNÁRIKOVÁ, J. Notované pergamenové zlomky Archívu literatúry a umenia Slovenskej národ- nej knižnice v Martine. In: SEDLÁKOVÁ, V. ed. Hudobný archív. Martin: 2009, Vol. 16; BED- NÁRIKOVÁ, J. Frammenti gregoriani in Slovacchia. Lublin: Norbertinum, 2009; BEDNÁRIKOVÁ, J. Najnovší výskum v Archíve literatúry a umenia Slovenskej národnej knižnice v Martine. In: 4 the Augsburg Confession in Levoča (60),5 Central Library of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (former Lyceum Library in Bratislava – 52),6 Library of the Protestant Lyceum of the Church of the Augsburg Confession in Kežmarok (36),7 and ecclesiastical libraries in Nitra (Episcopal Diocesan Archive: 7, Diocesan Library: 3, Piarist Library: 5) and the Library of the Protestant Church of the Augsburg Confession in Revúca and Rožňava (11),8 Most of the fragments have already been processed and published, either as independent studies or in catalogues.9 The majority of these sources originated in the 14th to 15th century. There are several reasons why only a small number of sources has been preserved in the territory of Slovakia. The first possible reason may consist in frequent military conflicts du- ring the Middle Ages, fires, and general instability of the ecclesiastical-political situation (Re- formation and the subsequent Counter-Reformation or Catholic Reformation). The second reason is the fact that between the 15th and the 17th century, a large part of non-utilised ma- nuscripts was used as suitable material for reinforcing covers and bindings of more recent sources (notably official books and municipal protocols). Today, we find the largest number of the fragments as parts of the binding of more recent books. The third reason is related to the export of manuscripts abroad, both at an early stage, when the codices of Hungarian/Slo- vak provenance were removed from Bratislava, Levoča, Bardejov, Leles, and other locations, and also at a later stage – after the founding of the Czechoslovak Republic in 1918 – when numerous medieval manuscripts ended up in foreign private collections. The fragments and codices preserved in Slovakia represent only a fraction of the liturgical codices actually used during the Middle Ages. The sixth volume of the edition titled Catalogus fragmentorum cum notis musicis medii aevi in Slovacia processes 22 medieval notated fragments of manuscripts from the State Archive of Trenčín (hereinafter referred to as “ŠA TN”). In terms of its concept and methodology, this volume follows up on the previous parts of the edition of sources published by the Musicology Pramene slovenskej hudby II. : 1. Pramene sakrálnej hudby. 2. Hudobné knihovníctvo a jeho výz­ nam v znalostnej spoločnosti. Zborník z 2. konferencie hudobných knihovníkov, archivárov a múzej­ níkov. Martin: Slovenská národná knižnica v Martine a Slovenská národná skupina IAML, 2012; LAZORÍK, E. Stredoveké rukopisné fragmenty na tlačiach 16. storočia z fondu františkánskych kniž­ níc Slovenskej národnej knižnice. Martin: Slovenská národná knižnica, Odbor správy a spraco- vania. HKD a HKF, 2019. 5 BEDNÁRIKOVÁ, J. Notované fragmenty gregoriánskeho chorálu v archívno­knižničných fondoch Bardejova, Prešova a Levoče. Ružomberok: Verbum, 2010. 6 BEDNÁRIKOVÁ, J. Novoobjavené hudobné pamiatky v archíve ÚK SAV v Bratislave. Semiolog- ický pohľad na adiastematické fragmenty. In: Slovenská hudba. 2006, Vol. 32, no. 2. 7 VESELOVSKÁ, E. Catalogus fragmentorum cum notis musicis medii aevi e civitate Kesmarkini. To­ mus V. Bratislava: Ústav hudobnej vedy Slovenskej akadémie vied, 2019. 8 VESELOVSKÁ, E. Stredoveké hudobné pramene Gemera a Malohontu. In: Hudba ­ výskum ­ kon­ texty: Zborník príspevkov z regionálnej konferencie venovanej 100. výročiu narodenia Františka Zagibu, usporiadanej 29. novembra 2012 v Jelšave. Bratislava: Ústav hudobnej vedy Slovenskej akadémie vied, 2015. 9 For a complete list of publications focusing on the topic of processing of medieval notated frag- ments, please see Literature. 5 Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava. In the form of a full-text catalo- gue and an initial scientific paper, it provides access to valuable medieval materials dated back to the 14th to 16th century. Currently, most of these notated fragments are a part of the covers of the official municipal books of the city of Trenčín from 1596 to 1662. One part of these manuscripts is located in an independent box with various sheets of music from the 15th to 20th century, titled “Zbierka hudobnín rozličnej
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