'' ' g n THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADKHTISKR: .HONOLULU; DECEMBER 2 1900 LlMiTPr. OF HAWAII. LTD. Incorporated MSy!lSK V under th territory ot ot wHWfe!? &1L . Capital, $250,000. PAID IIP rAn.-r.- :,,AL-5600,- 0 President Cecil Brown RESERVE Vice President M. P. Robinson UNDIVDED Cashier w. rw.no PROHTS. io8' ... a OFFICER Q tx-- Principal Office: Tort, near Merchant " u nTnw, Street. Charles M. Col Branoh Office: Hilo, v- Hawaii. -. n. t.OQKe "-- Tei . Business was particularly lively it would be on account of her Atherton ab'sV.;:- '- cq shortcomings in respect. iCiSacisaGfCEralBaiitiiiEBisiflEss .Henry Waterhou.: " W along the waterfront yesterday as ihe this May. Others s.ay that she is easily handled AT HONOLULU Macfarlane, E. n Tenney. 1 of or nothing-havin- AND HLLO. Candless. J. a. result little been in ballast or with a full load and that done on the day previous, Christmas she is to defy the elements Solicits the I built HAviwua DEPOSITS received and Porations. Trusts, day. through a long and prosperous careor. nterest allowed r yearly deposits at lffj.i upon or per Those Island steamers in the habit of There is one point which all me raie cent per annum. business. connecSft, to nautical men, who have viewed the Rules and of Bavings de departing on their regular runs en partment -- bark, agree, and that is that the Kaiu-la- ni furnish d upon application For New Year's Tuesday waited until yesterday, when can give many an older and more a in- away they got to the other islands, famous vessel cards and spades at Fail- nn "PARTMENT rdinarv ' tending to hustle, most of them, to gt ing with a fair wind. and Interest tn ; '.P08,t W This Is the first trip of the Kaiu'aii with WdJ back in this port at the usual times. I rules and cm.it ti to this port and her arrival naturally hoiin , tuu or noon t Shortly after the Kinau lft for excited a great deal of interest on the on application. may i Hilo and way ports. The Usual crowd COMPANY, waterfront yesterday. She experienced LTL. Judd Building, Pen K.rv. Present was on Wilder's wharf to see her off none of the severe weather which re- I cent gone al- and many people went on the boat to steamers have through, CLAUS SPRECKELS WM. though Captain Dabel " a y, ttJ the big Island to witness the wind-u- p remarked a stylish vehicle? very heavy swell and arrived t the What will be more appreciated than holiday races in smaseis s of Hilo. rm-usua- lly 111 Before you select your holiday gifts, inspect the new line of the conclusion that there had been an TRANSACT A. GENERAL TRUST & si) As the 5 o'clock whistles blew the rough bit of weather in so:ne SAFE DEPOSIT BUSINESS. HONOLULU, H. T, steamers Claudine, W. G. Hall, Mika-hul- a, quarter. lwalani and lehua were either The Kaiulanl was built by SewaH at Phaetons, Buggies, Surreys, away. Bath, Maine. She is steel throughout, TAKES ENTIRE CHARGE OP REAL getting away or preparing to get even including AND BAN'V her decks, which fire PERSONAL ESTATES. SAN nn ..aiiumaL lhe t'laudine sailed lor Kanuiui na covered with heavy pine. The aceoni-wa- y FRANCISCO. ports, the W. G. Hall for Kauai, 'modations aft are up to date and onm- - Bikes, Etc., the Mikahala also for Kauai, the lvi- - rename ana sne is possessed of a par COLLECTS AND REMITS INCOME DRAW EXCHANGE lani for Anahola and the Lehua for ticularly fine dining saloon. AT REASONABLE RATES. SAN FRANCISCO The which, we offering Several passengers can be carried Uonal Bank of San V which we have Just received, and are at and ports. , Molokai Lanai and they could not want-fo- r more con- - LONDON-T- he Union Bank of ' SPECIAL PRICES FOR THE HOLIDAYS. The steamer Upolu left in the morn- - venient and elegant accommodations RENTS SAFES AND STORES VALU Ud ing for Konaports and, just about sun- - ,than are to be found on., the new bark, ABLES IN WELL GUARDED, NEW YORK American Exchanr, Thirty different styles; finished in. the latest shades in cloth, set. the gasoline schooner Surori;;e. iShe ls a Vessel of 1.4,30 tons, capable BURGLAR AND FIRE PROOF of carrying 3,400 ton.s. dead VAULTS. A cord, or leather trimming. Captain NVstrom. sailed for Kleete with waigrt. riTTTn-- rj. - xxxv.Aw Merchants National VJ full t1,WI? ure al present aDout 3,500 meas- DDTQ M,. - cariro ured tons Arrivals at this port yesterday in- - j of general merchandise and the vessel is only drawing thirteen feet ACTS AS trustee:. GUARDIAN, BERUN-Dreed- eer Bank. cluded the Unitei States "army trans- - port Thomas from San Francisco, the of water." ADMINISTRATOR. uoauivuwu AND TnTrrwi,J steamer Carmarthenshire from Port The following eleven were passengers Hongkong and Bhanehal Pacific Vehicle & Supply Co., Townsend and the new bark Kaiulani for this port from the Coast on the Corporation. Kaiulani: W. G. McPherson TRUST FUNDS AND TRUST IN- - from San Francisco. and wife, NSirwZBi,AND AND AUSTRALlI Dr. G. L. Fox, Miss Cloud and niece. VESTMENTS ARE KEPT SEP- TRANSPORT THOMAS. THE Miss Mabel Carr, Miss L. Carr. Mrs. ARATE AND APART FROM THE VICTORIA AND VANCOUVERJ 0(orge r, DAT BLOCK. BERETANIA STREET. Two days later news and mail were McClellan. Miss Alice Fish-- ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. of British Nerth America. brought by the transport Thomas from ,H2ard Fish-r- . Mr. Sunter. the Toast yesterdav. I The kaiulanl was built for th Tla- - mnnoct a Gesenn boiulbiq s Excimn isx - on - trade and is owned by Haekfeld Tlavine- arrived off rort the evn- l1 Deposits reeeived, Loans cn- - cc to., costing about $100,000. made on J ing of Christmas da'y, the Thomas Captain proved Security, Commercial g. Dabel, 409 Street, Honolulu, and M yesterday mo-n-In- her master, has had over twen- Fort H. T. tered the harbor early ty years' elers' Credits Iesued, Bills of EzckJ San Francisco on experience in the business O. 447. DVUgUl OLI1U ooia. She sailed from and has an P. Box th 17th instant and has aboard about enviable reputation as a COLLBCTIONS PR0MPTLT 5.000 tons of commissary supplies for sailor both in this port and on the ACCOUNTED FOR. Manila. She has no casuals or recruits voasi. jie was formerly commander on board. of the schooner Aloha. Hawaii Land Co. Merry Christmas Rough weather was encountered en The Kaiulani will take sugar from & CC, the trip down from the Coast, in favt this port to San Francisco and bring LIMITED. BISHOP the Thomas had a good taste of the general merchandise back. same storm whim was experir-nce- uy "SKINNERS" KICK the Sierra, the City of Rio de Janeiro. m. t KAMCIt-CO- , Dec. 17. A ruit Capital Stock $100,000 SAVINGS BAN the transport Logan and the "SVarrimoo. jn ijel for damages in the sum of 120 - It is expected that the Thomas v;ll 000 will be filed today in the United Capital, paid up $55,000. sail fcr Manila direct tomorrow alter- - states District Court by Attorney SEE THE HOLIDAY GOODS necessary Office at bank building on Minu noon after taking aboard the Reardon and Lande'against the steam- - Htreeet. coal, ship Rio de Janeiro of Pacific Mall OFFICERS. e - the The personnel and crew of the Thorn- j Steamship Company, for breach of W. C Achl Prcaldent Jk Manacw We are Diplaying Savings Deposits will be reeeiYt are as follows: tract and harsh treatment alleged Vice-Preside- nt to M. K. Nakulna & Quartermaster and staff W. M. have been received by 142 passengers Interest allowed by this Bank tt J. Makalnal .....Treaaurcf and one naif per cent per annua, ("milling, captain and A. Q. M. .U S. V.. on the recent trip' of the steamship to - Enoch Secretary commanding; . V. Jineman. assist- this port from tht? Vlripnt. These jmc Johnson e - Real Ebony ant surgeon TT. X. A.; cWks: eommis- the teamsters who returned from tak- - Uo. Lt. Desha Audiio. Printed copies of the Rules and V, Sets sary sergeant. .. horses to China for the Gernan ulatlons may be obtained on ipjtt: .passengers Cylv K. A. Tfar- - government. ' " ; . BOARD OF DDRJDCTORB tlon. lington. Inspector generaly .Miss I'.uan , i nese men, all of w hom are Ameri- - Jonak KumilM, Celluloid Sets P.ash; Gen. I. S. Catlin; Mrs. I. S. Cat- - can citizens and nearly all resident of & CO j:. state, were J. MakalnaL BISHOP lin; Lieut. Col. Thos. uamer. s,in tnis treated worse than Biplkaae. infantry, V. S. V.: Dr. Jas. F. Presnell, cattle while on the Rio de Janeiro," said J. W. Honolulu, September 1. 181 Wave Crest Ware A. A. S. U. S. A.; Mrs. J. F. Presr.ell. Attorney Reardon yesterday. "They child and nurse; Mrs. E. C. Berry; Mrs. naa no idea when they boarded the The abore Company will nay, lease, Theodore, THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BAI 0 J. J. O'Connell and child; ship at Nagasaki that they would be or sell lands In all parts of tae Ha- Haseldf-n- : Mrs. Sinclair; V. G. P.. J.rd-ma- n: given any other accommodations than waiian Islands; and also has houses la LIMITED. Arthur; Mrs. Tr-mal- ne '. Presents for all. Prices from 35c .to Mrs. W. H. what their" paid tickets called for the City of Honolulu for rent. and daughter: Mrs. A. C. Girard; Otherwise they woujd never have fornf W.
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