Family: Selaginellaceae Taxon: Selaginella braunii Synonym: Lycopodioides braunii (Baker) Kuntze Common Name: arborvitae fern Selaginella braunii fo. hieronymi Alderw. Braun's spike-moss Selaginella hieronymi Alderw. Chinese lace-fern spike-moss Selaginella vogelii Mett. treelet spike-moss Questionaire : current 20090513 Assessor: Assessor Designation: H(HPWRA) Status: Assessor Approved Data Entry Person: Assessor WRA Score 7 101 Is the species highly domesticated? y=-3, n=0 n 102 Has the species become naturalized where grown? y=1, n=-1 103 Does the species have weedy races? y=1, n=-1 201 Species suited to tropical or subtropical climate(s) - If island is primarily wet habitat, then (0-low; 1-intermediate; 2- Low substitute "wet tropical" for "tropical or subtropical" high) (See Appendix 2) 202 Quality of climate match data (0-low; 1-intermediate; 2- High high) (See Appendix 2) 203 Broad climate suitability (environmental versatility) y=1, n=0 y 204 Native or naturalized in regions with tropical or subtropical climates y=1, n=0 n 205 Does the species have a history of repeated introductions outside its natural range? y=-2, ?=-1, n=0 y 301 Naturalized beyond native range y = 1*multiplier (see y Appendix 2), n= question 205 302 Garden/amenity/disturbance weed n=0, y = 1*multiplier (see n Appendix 2) 303 Agricultural/forestry/horticultural weed n=0, y = 2*multiplier (see n Appendix 2) 304 Environmental weed n=0, y = 2*multiplier (see n Appendix 2) 305 Congeneric weed n=0, y = 1*multiplier (see y Appendix 2) 401 Produces spines, thorns or burrs y=1, n=0 n 402 Allelopathic y=1, n=0 403 Parasitic y=1, n=0 n 404 Unpalatable to grazing animals y=1, n=-1 405 Toxic to animals y=1, n=0 n 406 Host for recognized pests and pathogens y=1, n=0 n 407 Causes allergies or is otherwise toxic to humans y=1, n=0 n 408 Creates a fire hazard in natural ecosystems y=1, n=0 n 409 Is a shade tolerant plant at some stage of its life cycle y=1, n=0 y Print Date: 10/18/2013 Selaginella braunii (Selaginellaceae) Page 1 of 7 410 Tolerates a wide range of soil conditions (or limestone conditions if not a volcanic island) y=1, n=0 411 Climbing or smothering growth habit y=1, n=0 n 412 Forms dense thickets y=1, n=0 n 501 Aquatic y=5, n=0 n 502 Grass y=1, n=0 n 503 Nitrogen fixing woody plant y=1, n=0 n 504 Geophyte (herbaceous with underground storage organs -- bulbs, corms, or tubers) y=1, n=0 n 601 Evidence of substantial reproductive failure in native habitat y=1, n=0 n 602 Produces viable seed y=1, n=-1 y 603 Hybridizes naturally y=1, n=-1 604 Self-compatible or apomictic y=1, n=-1 605 Requires specialist pollinators y=-1, n=0 n 606 Reproduction by vegetative fragmentation y=1, n=-1 y 607 Minimum generative time (years) 1 year = 1, 2 or 3 years = 0, 4+ years = -1 701 Propagules likely to be dispersed unintentionally (plants growing in heavily trafficked y=1, n=-1 areas) 702 Propagules dispersed intentionally by people y=1, n=-1 y 703 Propagules likely to disperse as a produce contaminant y=1, n=-1 704 Propagules adapted to wind dispersal y=1, n=-1 y 705 Propagules water dispersed y=1, n=-1 706 Propagules bird dispersed y=1, n=-1 n 707 Propagules dispersed by other animals (externally) y=1, n=-1 708 Propagules survive passage through the gut y=1, n=-1 801 Prolific seed production (>1000/m2) y=1, n=-1 y 802 Evidence that a persistent propagule bank is formed (>1 yr) y=1, n=-1 803 Well controlled by herbicides y=-1, n=1 804 Tolerates, or benefits from, mutilation, cultivation, or fire y=1, n=-1 805 Effective natural enemies present locally (e.g. introduced biocontrol agents) y=-1, n=1 Designation: H(HPWRA) WRA Score 7 Print Date: 10/18/2013 Selaginella braunii (Selaginellaceae) Page 2 of 7 Supporting Data: 101 2013. Wu, Z.Y./Raven,P.H./Hong, D.Y. (eds.). [Is the species highly domesticated? No] Flora of China. Vol. 2-3 (Lycopodiaceae through Polypodiaceae). Science Press & Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Beijing & St. Louis 102 2013. WRA Specialist. Personal Communication. NA 103 2013. WRA Specialist. Personal Communication. NA 201 2013. USDA ARS National Genetic Resources [Species suited to tropical or subtropical climate(s) 0-Low] "Native: ASIA- Program. Germplasm Resources Information TEMPERATE: China: China" Network - (GRIN). http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi- bin/npgs/html/index.pl 202 2013. USDA ARS National Genetic Resources [Quality of climate match data 2-High] Program. Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN). http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi- bin/npgs/html/index.pl 203 2006. Harrison, M.. Groundcovers for the South. [Broad climate suitability (environmental versatility)? Yes] "Zones 6-10" [5 Pineapple Press Inc., Sarasota, FL hardiness zones] 203 2013. Wu, Z.Y./Raven,P.H./Hong, D.Y. (eds.). [Broad climate suitability (environmental versatility)? Yes] "In rock crevices, usually Flora of China. Vol. 2-3 (Lycopodiaceae through on limestone rocks; (below 100–)400– 1400(–1800) m. Anhui, Chongqing, Polypodiaceae). Science Press & Missouri Guizhou, Hainan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang [Malaysia Botanical Garden Press, Beijing & St. Louis (Peninsular)]." [Elevation range exceeds 1000 m, demonstrates environmental versatility] 204 2003. Palmer, D.D.. Hawaii's Ferns and Fern [Native or naturalized in regions with tropical or subtropical climates? No] No Allies. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, HI evidence 204 2012. Randall, R.P.. A Global Compendium of [Native or naturalized in regions with tropical or subtropical climates? No] No Weeds. 2nd Edition. Department of Agriculture evidence and Food, Western Australia 205 2013. Wu, Z.Y./Raven,P.H./Hong, D.Y. (eds.). [Does the species have a history of repeated introductions outside its natural Flora of China. Vol. 2-3 (Lycopodiaceae through range? Yes] "Selaginella braunii is cultivated outside of China, sometimes Polypodiaceae). Science Press & Missouri escaping in widely scattered localities in various parts of the world." Botanical Garden Press, Beijing & St. Louis 301 1986. Snyder, Jr., L.H./Bruce, J.G.. Field Guide to [Naturalized beyond native range? Yes] "A native of eastern Asia cultivated in a the Ferns and Other Pteridophytes of Georgia. few gardens and rarely escaped in the southeastern United States. In Georgia, University of Georgia Press, Athens, GA only in Camden County." 301 1993. Flora of North America Editorial Committee. [Naturalized beyond native range? Yes] "introduced; 0-50 m; Ala., Ga., La., N.C.; Flora of North America: Volume 2: Pteridophytes native of China." and Gymnosperms. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK 301 1997. Weakley, A.S.. Flora of the Carolinas and [Naturalized beyond native range? Yes] "Treelet Spikemoss, Braun's Spikemoss. Virginia -- Key to Pteridophyte Genera. The Cp (NC): naturalized around graveyards or gardens; rare, introduced, native of Nature Conservancy, Southeast Regional Office, China." Southern Conservation Science Department, http://www.ibiblio.org/unc- biology/herbarium/weakley/Selag.html 301 2011. Peck, J.H.. History of Arkansas [Naturalized beyond native range? Yes] "Table 15. The checklist of Arkansas ferns pteridophyte studies with a new annotated and fern allies annotated with comments on whether they are native or naturalized checklist and floristic analysis. Phytoneuron. 38: in Arkansas and the number of counties from which they are known and 1–39. vouchered." [Selaginella braunii = Naturalized] 301 2011. Peck, J.H.. New and noteworthy additions [Naturalized beyond native range? Yes] "Selaginella braunii Baker to the Arkansas fern flora. Phytoneuron. 30: 1–33. (Selaginellaceae) — This species was brought into cultivation in China and is commonly grown across the southeastern USA (Hoshizaki & Moran 2001; Mickel 2003) where it has naturalized." … "It has escaped from cultivation within Garvan Woodland Gardens in Garland Co. and has escaped from an unknown source and become naturalized in Alsopp Park, Little Rock, in Pulaski Co." 301 2013. Wu, Z.Y./Raven,P.H./Hong, D.Y. (eds.). [Naturalized beyond native range? Yes] "Selaginella braunii is cultivated outside of Flora of China. Vol. 2-3 (Lycopodiaceae through China, sometimes escaping in widely scattered localities in various parts of the Polypodiaceae). Science Press & Missouri world (Proctor, Ferns Jamaica, 35. 1985)." Botanical Garden Press, Beijing & St. Louis 302 2005. Harrison, M.. Southern Gardening: An [Garden/amenity/disturbance weed? No evidence] "It multiplied happily and in a Environmentally Sensitive Approach. Pineapple pleasant manner - slowly, and not at all in an unwelcome or invasive way." Press, Sarasota, FL Print Date: 10/18/2013 Selaginella braunii (Selaginellaceae) Page 3 of 7 302 2011. Peck, J.H.. New and noteworthy additions [Garden/amenity/disturbance weed? No] "The species is somewhat drought to the Arkansas fern flora. Phytoneuron. 30: 1–33. sensitive and winter sensitive in Arkansas, and it certainly is not aggressive enough to have much invasive potential. This is the first report of this species naturalizing in Arkansas." 303 2012. Randall, R.P.. A Global Compendium of [Agricultural/forestry/horticultural weed? No] No evidence to date Weeds. 2nd Edition. Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia 304 2012. Randall, R.P.. A Global Compendium of [Environmental weed? No] No evidence to date Weeds. 2nd Edition. Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia 305 2002. Timmins, S.M./Braithwaite, H.. Early [Congeneric weed? Yes] "In 1998, a sharp-eyed weeder on Raoul Island found detection of invasive weeds on islands. Pp 311- selaginella (Selaginella kraussiana) (West 2002). It was sprayed soon after it was 318 in Veitch and Clout (eds). Turning the tide: positively identified, but it keeps emerging at the same site.
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