June 15, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1101 SALUTING SERVICE ACADEMY sional colleagues from Pennsylvania, and both nautical miles offshore San Diego then east to STUDENTS—JOSEPH HAYS Senators, actively supported the effort to move the Colorado River from the Mexico border to this monument to its rightful home in Arlington. Utah. HON. SAM JOHNSON The Pennsylvania State Legislature also Along with his many roles and responsibil- OF TEXAS passed a resolution designating June 14th as ities, Captain Farris serves as the designated IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bakers Creek Memorial Day. Federal Maritime Security Coordinator and The distinguished speaker at today’s cere- Wednesday, June 15, 2011 Chair of the Area Maritime Security Committee mony at Selfridge Gate, the Honorable L. overseeing commercial vessel and facilities Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, Jerry Hansen, Principal Deputy Assistant Sec- compliance with the Maritime Transportation I rise today to honor an extraordinary group of retary of the Army for Installations and Envi- Security Act. He also serves as the Oper- young men and women who have been cho- ronment, graciously accepted the monument ational Commander for the USCG air and sur- sen as future leaders in our armed forces by two years ago on behalf of the Secretary of face force carrying out Search and Rescue the prestigious United States service acad- the Army. The Department of the Army and Maritime law enforcement authority. Addi- emies. It is a privilege to send such a fine pledged to protect and honor the monument at tionally, Captain Farris plays a pivotal role as group from the third district of Texas to pursue Fort Myer, as a permanent tribute to the brave the Senior Officer Ashore in San Diego as the a world-class education and serve our nation. soldiers and airmen who perished at Bakers primary local USCG representative to the San As we keep them and their families in our Creek, as well as their families. Diego County military, federal and civilian prayers, may we never forget the sacrifices I am pleased to thank Army Secretary John community. they are preparing to make while defending McHugh and Fort Myer Garrison Commander, As he enters this new stage of his life, I our freedoms all across the globe. I am so Col. Carl R. Coffman, for arranging this appro- hope that Captain Farris will benefit from his proud of each one. God bless them and God priate and dignified memorial ceremony—with years of work, just as the United States Mili- bless America. high standards of military honor. I am con- tary has benefited. I offer him my warmest Today I salute Joseph Hays, a United fident that this ceremony will be repeated each congratulations and may he enjoy a rewarding States Air Force Academy Appointee. Joseph year on the anniversary date of the tragic retirement. is a graduate of Plano West Senior High crash. School where he was a part of the varsity I extend my deepest sympathies to the fam- Mr. Speaker, I ask you to please join me in wrestling team. While excelling academically, ily members of the heroic American warriors honoring all the brave men and women who Joseph gave of his time at the St. Elizabeth who made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of have served in the United States Armed Ann Seaton’s Parish Pastoral Council as a our nation during World War II. But for their Forces, and the admirable service of Captain Board Member, and worked as a Lifeguard for selfless and courageous service, the freedoms Thomas Farris. the City of Plano and swim teacher. Joseph we enjoy today would not be. I and all Ameri- comes from a military oriented family, where cans are forever indebted to these true he- f his grandparents served in WWII and Korea. roes. SALUTING SERVICE ACADEMY His stepfather served as a Black Hawk pilot f and instructor. After life at the Academy, Jo- STUDENTS—ELIZABETH CAR- seph aspires to attend medical school to serve RECOGNIZING THE HONORABLE PENTER as a medical doctor in the United States MILITARY SERVICE OF CAPTAIN Armed Forces. Joseph feels that his dedica- THOMAS H. FARRIS HON. SAM JOHNSON tion toward his goal of attending a Service Academy reflects his values as both a devout HON. DARRELL E. ISSA OF TEXAS Christian and as an American. OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f Wednesday, June 15, 2011 RECOGNIZING THE 68TH ANNIVER- Wednesday, June 15, 2011 Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, SARY COMMEMORATION OF THE Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor I rise today to honor an extraordinary group of BAKERS CREEK AIR CRASH IN the distinguished career of Captain Thomas H. young men and women who have been cho- AUSTRALIA DURING WORLD WAR Farris on the occasion of his retirement from sen as future leaders in our armed forces by II the United States Coast Guard (USCG). I offer the prestigious United States service acad- Captain Farris my sincerest thanks for his 30 emies. It is a privilege to send such a fine years of dedicated service in protecting our HON. TODD RUSSELL PLATTS group from the third district of Texas to pursue nation and safeguarding its future. OF PENNSYLVANIA a world-class education and serve our nation. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES An accomplished aviator, Captain Farris possesses over 6700 hours of flight time in six As we keep them and their families in our Wednesday, June 15, 2011 different aircraft throughout his 30 years of prayers, may we never forget the sacrifices Mr. PLATTS. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recog- service as a veteran of the U.S. Army and they are preparing to make while defending nize the Bakers Creek Memorial ceremony USCG. He most recently served as the Coast our freedoms all across the globe. I am so being held today at the Selfridge Gate to Ar- Guard’s Chief of Aviation Safety. In that ca- proud of each one. God bless them and God lington National Cemetery at Fort Myer, Vir- pacity he was responsible for the USCG Avia- bless America. ginia. tion Safety program and one of only three Today I salute Elizabeth Carpenter, a United Sixty-eight years ago today, a Boeing B-17C senior aviators exercising program level over- States Air Force Academy Appointee. Eliza- bomber flying with forty-one soldiers and air- sight over the design, development, implemen- beth is a graduate of Plano East Senior High men from Bakers Creek, Australia to New tation, delivery and sustainment of all USCG School where she excelled at many things. Guinea crashed upon takeoff, killing forty indi- aviation programs. She was a strong student who participated in viduals. Due to the Army’s subsequent classi- Captain Farris has distinguished himself by National Honor Society and the International fication of the event, the victims’ families were extraordinary acts of leadership. Among his Baccalaureate Program. Elizabeth is also an not informed about the details of their loved many achievements, Captain Farris won the accomplished athlete. She played varsity ones’ peril until recently. Thanks to the persist- U.S. Army’s European Helicopter Champion- volleyball and was the team captain at Plano ence of the Bakers Creek Memorial Associa- ship early in his career along with 18 ship- East. She comes from a family of service as tion and the victims’ families, the events of board deployments and extensive airborne her grandfather graduated from the United Bakers Creek are not only known today, but Law Enforcement experience in the North At- States Military Academy and retired as a colo- are honored by a monument in Arlington. lantic, Caribbean and Eastern Pacific theatres. nel from the Air Force and her sister is cur- I am proud to have joined the effort to bring Captain Farris’ service in his current position rently at the U.S. Naval Academy. Elizabeth the Bakers Creek monument from the Aus- as the USCG Captain of the Port of San has aspirations to become a pilot. Elizabeth tralian Embassy to a permanent home on Diego is the capstone to his military career. As chose to apply to the Air Force Academy be- American soil. Pennsylvanians have a strong the Coast Guard Captain for San Diego, he is cause she is certain it is only there she can connection to this monument, as six of the responsible for the safe conduct of commercial study her interest in aviation and give her a forty victims of the tragic plane crash called maritime activity on all federally navigable wa- foundation that she can apply in any endeav- Pennsylvania home. Many of my Congres- terways within an area that extends from 200 or. VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:39 Jun 16, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15JN8.014 E15JNPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1102 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 15, 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION AND Born in Wichita, Kansas in 1934, Jim Lehrer tion of Wisconsin. As president, she was a VETERANS AFFAIRS AND RE- received an A.A. degree from Victoria College strong advocate for women, raising funds for LATED AGENCIES APPROPRIA- and a B.J. in 1956 from the University of Mis- mission work and was quite able of reminding TIONS ACT, 2012 souri before joining the Marine Corps. From men in authority that women kept the church- 1959 to 1966, he was a reporter for The Dal- es going. SPEECH OF las Morning News and then the Dallas Times- Dr. Tatum’s work with the church led her to HON.
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