Ті ii.tiiU їштШ The Ukrainian Weekly ЦШ Іщ еЬВДмв шаЛ ytmth 81-83 Grand Street to realise their foil pot—- Jrrsey City 3, N. J. __ _ Tel. HEndereon 4-0237 (Ш for a creative life In SVOBODA Direct New York City Line: freedom and dignity." УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОДЕННИК. ^fflBmf UKRAINIAN D A 11 У BArclay 7-4125 a DvnaoA*ower Ukrainian National Ass'n The Ukrainian Weekb Section TeL HEn^erson 5-8740 РІК LXVUJL 4. 186 SECTION TWO SVOBODA, THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30. 1961 SECTION TWO No. 186 VOL. LXVUJ PRESIDENT KENNEDY ASSAILS YOUTH ORGANIZATIONS SUPREME ORGANS OF UCCA MONUMENT TO A GREAT COLONIALISM IN COMMUNIST CONFERENCE HOLDS ITS HOLD ANNUAL MEETING UKRAINIAN WOMAN PLEA ON BEHALF OF ENSLAVED UKRAINE EMPIRE FOURTH MEETING SENT TO PRESIDENT KENNEDY IN CLEVELAND NEW YORK, N.Y., Septem- countings and activities of the NEW YORK, N.Y., Septem-| the UCCA publications: The fi­ ber 23 (UCCA). -- President organization, which were found ber 25. — Representatives ofjkrainian Quarterly and the U- John F. Kennedy received a in excellent condition. The bulk Ukrainian Youth Organizations і krainian Bulletin, a by-monthly strong pica from the Executive of the UCCA finances which were pleasantry surprised when [ publication of the UCCA. After Committee and the Board of derive from the Ukrainian Na­ they found that the UCCA a heated discussion of its own Directors of the Ukrainian Con- tional Fund were spent on the Policy Board was still locked on this topic, the conference grcss Committee of America, to maintenance of the headquart­ in heated debate at the UCCA concluded and endorsed the "again firmly reiterate the ers and the periodic and non- headquarters at 4:00 P.M. on continued printing of The U- principles of U.S. foreign policy periodic publications of the September 23, 1961, at which krainian Bulletin and The U- based on the recognition of na­ UCCA. time and place the fourth U- krainian Quarterly as two sep­ tional self-determination to be In an animated discussion on krainian Youth Organizations arate publications. It was applied to all nations in the the reports Which lasted for conference was planned to be agreed that they perform a world." three hours, a number of mem­ held. The delegates adjourned most necessary function by Both the Executive Com­ to the premises occupied by the placing before the English- bers of the Policy Board took mittee and the Board of Di­ the floor. Among them were Dr. Shevchenko Scientific Society speaking peoples political ar­ rectors constitute the Policy where various representatives ticles on the Ukrainian ques­ V. Komarynsky, Dr. V. Ba- Board and arc the supreme chynsky. Dr. Bohdan Levytsky, of UCCA and the Shevchenko tion, in concise and interesting organs of this national Ukrain­ Memorial Committee greeted form. As was reported by dele­ J. Revay, Dr. W. Gallan. Mrs. ian American organization and S. Pushkar, D. Lymarenko, P. them. The conference was pre­ gates of student organizations. they meet twice a year. sided over by John O. FUs, The Ukrainian Bulletin is read Pavlovych, J. Deracr, W. Dow- President John F. Kennedy UCCA Youth Coordinator, who by American students on their ban, M. Piznak, S. Jarema, V. Review of Activities Show Mazur, A. Shtefan, E. Lozyn- welcomed the delegates and respective campuses. It was Impressive Record of UCCA UNITED NATIONS, N.Y., verting their materials to thanked them for their con­ noted that in the subscription sky, Dr. J. Padoch, M. Komi- September 25.—President Ken­ peaceful uses. tinued interest in the UCCA list are included the names of chak, Dr. R. Huhlevych, A. nedy, In a firm and resolute 40- Perhaps the President was at The all-day meeting, con­ Dragan and others. The dis­ activities on behalf of the U- many U.S. Congressmen, Sen­ ducted by Theodore Mynyk of minute speech before the U.N. his best when he lashed at the krainian cause. ators, government officials, for­ cussion touched on a series of General Assembly on Monday, hypocrisy of the Russians as Sernnton, who is acting pres­ problems connected with the The roll call found repre­ eign embassies, and other in­ ident of the UCCA since the made it clear that the United they fraudulently champion the sentatives from the following fluential persons in prominent policies and administration of States and its allies would cause against "colonialism" in death of the late Dmytro Ha- the UCCA. as well as the U- organizations present: SUSTA, offices. lychyn last March, embraced a fight if necessary to keep West other lands: OBNOVA, TUSM, SUMA, Mr. Piznak, one of the Vice- krainian National Fund, the Berlin free. He said that the "There is no ignoring the series of reports by the prin­ UCCA publications, such as Young Ukraine, ODUM, U- Presidents of UCCA. addressed cipal officers of the UCCA. Dr. United States has "the will and fact that the tide of self-deter­ krainian American Veterans, the delegates. He expressed The Ukrainian Quarterly and the weapons" to meet the So­ mination has not yet reached Lev E. Dobriansky, the nation­ The Ukrainian Bulletin, and the ZAREVO, Ukrainian Studies surprise and admiration to see al chairman of the organiza­ viet challenge in Berlin. the Communist empire where Chair and Ukrainian Catholic representatives from over 10 like. Representatives of the a population larger than that tion, was unable to come to the UCCA Executive Committee — Youth League. national Ukrainian youth or­ meeting due to a sudden ava­ He said, however, that the officially termed 'dependent' First to report to the dele­ ganizations. He stressed the J. Lesawyer, L BiUinsky, Dr. United States wants an honor­ lives under governments in­ lanche of duties in Washington, M. Stachiw, V. Mudry, W. gates was Julian Revay, repre­ need for new, young and ener­ and thus hia written report was able settlement, stands on no stalled by foreign troops in­ senting the Shevchenko Memo­ getic leaders in the Ukrainian Duehnyck and T. Mynyk—re­ rigid formula, and prefers a stead of free institutions —• submitted to all the members plied to the various topics rial Committee. He stated that cause and expressed hope that present at the meeting. "peace race" to an arms race under a system which knows response to the appeal of his1 those present would prove ',to touched upon during the gen­ only one party and one belief— T. Mynyk's report embraced with the Communists. committee has been commend- be the stimulus for, if not the eral discussion. Michael Chereshniovsky. sculptor, standing at the foot of The President also called for: which suppresses free debate a wide range of activities of 'able, but not exceptional. Total actual body of the desired and the UCCA, both in its or The annual meeting of the Lcia Ukrainka's statue Я A single U.N. Secretary and free elections and free collection to date,' $128,482.00 much needed leadership. He UCCA Policy Board concluded General, and rejected Com­ newspapers and free books and ganizational scope as well as is far short of expectations. He answered questions posed to on the American scene, which with the issuing of a special munist Russia's proposal for a free trade unions—and which CLEVELAND. Ohio. Sep­ President of thc UNA, and Dr. re-Btressed the moral responsi­ him by the delegates' and re­ proved the great vitality and communique to be published in three-headed "troika" secro- builds a wall to keep truth a tember 24 (Special)- On Sep­ bility of all Ukrainians, regard­ iterated his belief that youth resourcefulness of the organ- the Ukrainian American press, J. Padoch, Supreme Secretary. tariat; >. • • stranger and Its own citizens less of political or religious af­ organizations' should more ac­ in which a general appeal is tember 23 and 24, the Ukrain­ The actual dedication took prisoners. Let us debate colo­ (isation. Joseph Lesawyer, ian Women's League of Amer­ її Prompt signing of. a test- filiations to partake in the con­ tively participate in and* have' UCCA treasurer, presented a made to the whole Ukrainian place on Sunday. September 24. ban treaty by all nations; nialism in full—and apply the struction of the Shevchenko a greater voice in the conduct American community for the ica celebrated thc beginning of The day began with services principle of free choice and detailed financial report, stress- its greatest achievement, the її Cessation of the production Memorial in Washington, D.C. of UCCA affairs ' ting that within the budgetary' financial and moral support to in all thc Ukrainian churches of fissionable materials for practice of free plebiscite in He exhorted youth organiza­ Stephen J. Jarema, the Exec­ the UCCA during this crucial dedication of a statue to Lesya of Cleveland, dedicated to the every corner of the globe." limitations ($70,804.32 was ex­ Ukrainka, the foremost Ukrain­ weapons and prevention of tions to take an active, if not utive Director of the UCCA. pended in the 1960-61 fiscal time. martyred Ukrainian people. their transfer to, any nation President Kennedy ' con­ leading, role in their local Shev­ next to address the assembly, ian poetess. This was the first The dedication ceremony oc­ cluded with this warning to year) Vbe UCCA has accom­ The members of the Policy now lacking nuclear weapons; chenko Memorial Committees expressed great pleasure at Board of the UCCA unanimous­ such monument dedicated to the curred :;t the "Ukrainian Gar­ Moscow: plished an impressive record of - її" Prohibition on the transfer so that we may see all of the seeing so many youth organiza- ly decided that the work and outstanding Ukrainian poetess den Culture ' in Rockefeller "And it is in the light of that achievements.
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