E ^ S ^ I ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ NCHKTEREVENI^ HERA[/D. Manfhfsler. Conn., Wfd.. Murih 8, I!l7» m. Northeast- SALE ON PKHUliST ILSJ)A CHOKE ^ V M A N C H EST ER E V E N I N G H ER A L D , M anchester, Conn.. Thurs., March 9 m s - P A G E T lIR K E -A 11 earnings W» a n taking ordan lo r S t Pa triefa O ar decrease U .S .D A C H OIC E LEAN B M S K ET CORNED BEEF [Tax review schedule set The Manchester Board of Tax the board March 27, 30 or 31 between Court pffice adjoining the Hearing Lelan F. Sillin Jr., chair- Review has established a schedule 6:30-9:30 p.m. Room. for persons wishing to attend its up- man and president of PInehurst • Taxpayers with last names All taxpayers who wish to appear Northeast Utilities (NU), STEMn PInehurst coming sessions. beginning with S-Z may meet with before the board must first check in SIRLOIN The schedule, which was es- reported today that the PORTERHOUS the board April 5,6 or 7 between 6:30- with the assessor’s office and fill out >^a98 tablished to avoid large groups company’s consolidated STEAKS STEAKS 9:30 p.m. a complaint form. At this time, they fwiih full tenderloin) appearing at any one hearing, is as net earnings for the. 12 (with full tenderloin) Additional days have been will be given a number, which will be follows: months ended Jan. 31,1978 scheduled for taxpayers who cannot issued to determine the sequence of SAlSSaE&T • Taxpayers with last names amounted to 876.9 million ,.*1.89 .’2.19 appear on the dates scheduled for appearance before the boanf. or 11.21 per share, as com- m.n.39 beginning with the letters A-F may them. These dates are as follows: Because of the number of people meet with the board March 13, 15 or pared with 886.4 miUion or March 14 and 28, and April 1,4,10 and expected to appear at these hearings, 16 between 6:30-9:30 p.m. 81.38 per share for the 13. These hearings will be held from taxpayers are requested ,to state • Taxpayers with last names same period a year ago. 1-4 p.m. their objections as briefly as possible MORRELL HAMS for E a ttor. beginning with G-L may meet with The averaee number of .o rd o r n o w a t P in a h ur a t All hearings will be held in the to the board, It also would be helpful the board March 20, 21 or 22 between shares outstanding for the Hearing Room on the second floor of for taxpayers to prepare their objec- 6:30-9:30 p.m. year ended'January 1978 the Municipal Building except the tions in writing prior to appearing • Taxpayers with last names was 63,793,977 as compared hearings scheduled for March 20 and before the board. * “ • -S-A. C H OIC E beginning with M-R may meet with with 62,433,286 a year 21, which will be held in the Probate earlier. Current earnings CHUCK STEAK Save with Packer cut, trimmed of 81.21 per share are seven LOIN O F U.8.D.A.a SHURFINE About town cents lower than those ROAST C H OIC E B EE F H artford chorus hosts reported last month for the lit cm.. SLICED BEETS cut to order and fre Southern New England Telephone all of Manchester, climb aboard their vanpool year 1977. KIDNEY BEANS wrapped this sele CUT WAX BEANS The Manchester Ostomy Associa- employees Harold Rice; Jerry Bosworth; Ed for a ride home from their jobs at SNET s Sillian attributed the beef loini gives barbersh ip competition tion will meet Monday at 7:30 p.m. in decrease in earnings of . 69* 16 oz. cans Amos; Walt Schoenfeld and John McKenna general office building in New Haven. wonderful Porterho Conference Room C at Manchester seven cents per share in Mix or Match and Sirloin Steaks. The Hartford Chapter, SPEBSQSA, ford, Northern Connecticut. Memorial Hospital. Dr. Robert January 1978 to lower Rodner of Manchester will speak on nuclear production caused Insurance City Chorus will host a Hamden, New Haven, Derby, Water- 2i69< ^*1.75 barbershop competition Saturday at bury, Meriden, New London and "Diseases of the Urinary Tract.” Twelve use SNET vanpool primarily by the outage of Members, friends and families of os- Millstone Unit II for its an- tVondartUI Flavor Penney High School in East Hart- Bridgeport will compete. The trip down fntersate 91 to New Haven ford. tomy patients, and anyone an- insure full repayment of all costs, in- ^ B ON ELESS BEHYCRDCKER Manchester Chorus is under the Twelve Southern New England with the first passengers getting off nual 'maintenance and CAPON PIE7 ticipating ostomy surgery are in- cluding the purchase price of the van. refueling. Nuclear energy 22VJ0Z. Division II choruses from Saratoga d irectio n of V incent Zito of Telephone employees from Tolland, the van at SNET's general office S H O U L i m L A M B Ever try a frozen Cap vited. Nurses are also invited. For In- maintenance, gas, insurance, oil and in January 1978 provided 36 BRDWNIEMIX Springs, Schenectady, Columbia Manchester, and the Hartford Chorus Vernon and Manchester are saving building on George Street at about ROAST Pie? Now at Pinehu formation, call Anne McNeill, 646- tires." percent of NU’s energy Apprehensive about hospital tour County and Poughkeepsie, all in New is under the direction of Jim Curtis of dollars, avoiding hassles and finding 7;45 a.m. The van. which spends the Cook M IM M Lamb Lag from Greyledge Far 4572. SNET is the first corporation in requirements compared to 99< With obvious apprehension, children who York, and Pittsfield and Springfield, Windsor. new enjoyment in the daily trip to day at a company parking lot, will be Glastonbury... Sip hospital auxiliary, in smock at left, gives a Mass., will begin competing at 1 p.m. Winning choruses will compete in a their jobs in New Haven. Instead of Connecticut to adopt a vanpooling 51 percent in January 1977. .*2 .2 9 wonderful (no additi may be future hospital patients begin a tour Emanuel Lutheran Church will ready when Frank picks it up for the program. The concept, pioneered in brief introduction. Tours of the pediatrics Eleven quartets from Connecticut, runoff contest with other division driving their own cars to work, they NESTLE’S OATMEAL FROZEN have a Lenten Service, including return trip at 4:20 p.m. 1973 by the 3M Corporation in ^ of the pediatrics department in the foyer of unit are offered by the auxiliary to acquaint Western Massachusetts and Eastern winners in the Northeast in October. commute together in a recentiy Each of the 11 passengers in the CAPON PIE New York will be competing at 2:30. Communion and a presentation by Minnesota, has been endorsed by the trS tS d ip lo m a COOKIE MIX Manchester Memorial Hospital. Mothers children and parents with hospital procedure, .Saturday’s competition is open to organized vanpooi. pool pay |33 per month for their CHICKEN PI the Emanuel Belle Choir, tonight at Federal Energy Administration and ^ place comforting hands on their children Starting at 7 p.m.. Division II the public. Tickets may be obtained These area commuters are new ^d- round-trip rides to work, about 75 TURKEY PIE (Herald photo by Dunn) 7:30 at the church. Connecticut’s Energy Agency and Michael S. Scheinblum, 5 5 < choruses Yrom Manchester, ^ Hart- at the door. dition to SNET's vanpooling percent less than it would cost to put a few in your I while Mrs. Virginia House, a member of the Department of Transportation. of Manchester, director of NESTLE’S program. The concept was launched 'drive themselves in their own cars. How the ,poolers------- —like it? Harold risk management for CHOCO CHIP by the company early in 1976 with the As driver, Frank rides free. Cost per .Buy it today Rice of Manchester seems to sum up Heublein, Inc., has been purchase of six 12-passenger vans. passenger mile averages out to and order Stanley’s COOKIE MIX The vans are maintained by the com- , ----- ” ^he group’s feelings when he says, awarded the associate in With 30t off on j slightly more than two cents per per- •it’s the greatest thing to come along Special EASTER pany and made available to groups of risk management diploma POLISH for Easter 6 9 < gollon 0/ 8o son for a full van carryingcarrvme 11 payingnavine in transportation.(m n. ®..,5 We u..have " a .very ^ by the Insurance Institute employees who pay back the cost of passengers. Croom...mi) the van and expenses for its opera- compatible group and that makes the of A m erica upon ... no llmitl Aside from the obvious economic ride enjoyable. It’s convenient, punc- successful completion of tion through a monthly fare. The idea advantages, vanpooling helps reduce Stoutfgr'a NOW HEFE, proved so popular that last year tual and, of course, it provides a big nationally-administered PInghunt Main Dl$h traffic congestion, air pollution, savings." examinations for each of 79* Sa/a SNET put four more on the road. energy consumption and parking de- At SNET vanpooling is one of three three risk management Frank AiudI of Tolland, a senior mand. Word of these benefits, for lU C M IM iU D K E F .
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