16—MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday, June 14,1990 Household vinegor Is on BECAUSE YOU never Inexpensive know when someone w ill I CARS I Qoj TRUCKS/VANS p l a c e d o w o n t rabric softner when added ad. There's nothing to It be searching for the Item FOR SALE I^HFOR SALE ro the finol laundry rinse. you have for sale, It's ... lust dial 643-2711 ond LOGIC!NG FOR a second Classified Is the effective better to run your want ad we !{ help vou word and cor for your family? OLDSMOBILE 1987 Delta CHEVROLET 1975 Step- i i ond Inexpensive way to for several days ...cancel­ place your ad. Don't inlssthem any offer­ Royal 4 door, loaded. Van 350 Aluminum find a cosh buyer for ing If as soon as you aet ings In today's clossified household Items you no re s u lts . “ C oll 647-9199afte r 6 n m body, new parts. Rns c o lu m n s . What’s News longer use. 60-2711. TOYOTA 1980 white T ^- good. $2800. Coll 649- CARS 6232^^________________ I cel. 4 speed, 4 new tires I FOR SALE 643-2711 J Friday TOWN OF MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT (155sr12) Good body NOTICE O F Today Is great doy ... and and Interior. Engine j WANTED TO jCARS ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE needs work. J300 or Classified Is o great woy Schaller*s I ^ C A R S best offer. 649-7929. -^^to sell something! 643- I b u y / t r a d e FOR SALE In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 3 , Sections 1 and Quality Prg-Ownod Autos FOR SALE Valuo Priced LOCAL NEWS 9 of the Tovm Charter, notice is hereby given of the adoption c a s h p a i d for old cors by the Board of Dfrectors of the Town of Manchester C onW - 1990 ACURA LEGEND L SEDAN ■ Schools ready alcohol-free graduations. ticutonJunee, 1990. «»«.wxinec In good condition. Coll INVITATION TO BIO $22,900 anytim e 646-6388. Page 13. 1988 MA2DA MX 6 GT Prices include rebates & trade valued at $1000 Department Eighih Utilities District, 32 ■ %wn budget bashed. Page 13. ORDINANCE ^ Street, Manchester. Connecticut 06040 seeks bids for $10,900 Wg buy clean, late model 1988 SUBARU DL WAGON ■ Special Olympics volunteer urges Directors of the Town of used cars rnd trucks. Top Friday, June 15,1990 (^^nX r yoTr °' cof’tract (o be one ^ p h en Nissan - Suzuki Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Purehase from An- $7400 prices paid. Newsstand Price: 35 Cents others. Page 13. 1988 FORD MUSTANG LX rtf a‘ 954 Tolland Turnpike, Mr. Duff - Carter Chevrolet ■ Democrats honor 5. Page 13. normal business 1229 tU n Street Twenty Five Hundred Ddlare nours (9 »o a.m. to 5.00 p.m.) Monday thru Saturday from the $5900 1986 PONTIAC 6000 STE Mancheeter, CT ^ ^ 4 0 SX ------------- SENTRA 2 Dr. ' All-day kindergarten in Coventry? Page Diafricf Firehouse! 32 M^n 8464481 StreeL Manchester, (ionneclicut 06040. $5900 u 1986 HYUNDAI EXCEL OL $11,495 $5995 r t f ^ ^ Directors of Sealed Wds will be received at the above address until 7 00 ■ Cheny Hall renovation bids opened. JTin o' Manchester pur- $2700 90 S£ pkg o( eju^^ment: budel seat* 90 2 dr bu(Aet Mat^ Kd factory I CARS equipmern ' Amelia Dzen, premises at 960 ^ & ^^ w '**’*®'’ ''’®y "'iii 5® public­ 1987 OLDS CALAIS SEDAN Page 14. ly opened, read aloud1 and recorded. ^ fo r s a le »»e sum o f T hirty Three $5900 I 30DZX STANZA (^-SSO.OO). Said promises are more R * Shan remain valid for thirty days from the bid oceninc 1986 VW GOLF No compromise in Bolton SPORTS p^wjarV Schedule A-2, attached hereto. ^ te . The District reserves the right to reject any and all bids $4700 $21,995 $8495 ■ Race says goodbye to MHS. Page 9. the ToLf 0' Directors of for any reason dromed to be in the best interest of the District. 1985 CADILLAC SEDAN DEVILLE CARDINAL By Donna O'Leary so far has resulted in voters rejecting he felt the town is being divided, and in the education budget,” said Hol­ ^ 0' Manchester pur- the proposed budget at referendum, ■ Entries up for MCC relays. Page 9. John Mace $8900 BUICK, INC. Manchester Herald the groups needed to work together so land. njm Ska^.5^^ premises at 900 ToHand 1987 HYUNDAI EXCEL GLS XE recessed the special meeting 15 ■ Pistons win NBA championship. Page f SSr^n 'o*'"’® o' Sixteen Hundred Seven- ,, . Fire Chief 1989 Camaro Z-28 $5 050 Pathfinder Hardbody Truck an acceptable budget could be CASE said a quality K-12 educa­ Manchester Fire Department c o Q n n minutes while leaders of The Npromises are more particular- 1989 Buick Regal Coupe $1o'980 BOLTON — A plea by the Board presented to voters. tion program could not be ac­ ^ Schedule A-3, attach^ hereto. Eighth Utilities District 1984 NISSAN SENTRASE $15,494 $6295 Neglected Thxpayers (TNT) and the Dated at Manchester, Conn, $5900 1988 Chevy Cavalier $6,990 of Fmance Thursday ni^li for town But Michael Harney of CASE and complished with only a 5 percent in­ N ^B E IT FURTHER ORDAINED by the Board of Directors of 904dr.4i4 this 11th day of Juno, 1990 1984 HONDA ACCORD LX 1988 98RegBrcjgham $13,490 factions to unite on a budget com­ (Citizens Alliance for Sound Educa­ Charles Holland of TNT returned to crease. * ’ 0 ' ■'O'^O o f M anchester pur- wjase from M ^a e l P. and Gail S. Callahan, premises at 262 034-06 . $4995 1988 Chevy Z-24 Cavalier $8,980 promise went unheeded at. a qiecial tion (CASE) leaders were asked to go tell fmance members a compromise TNT, meanwhile, presented the nlllP” Manchester, for the sum of Twenty One Hundred 1985 TOYOTA MRZ 1988 Pontiac SunbirdOiupe $7,895 Town Hall meeting see'idng voter off into an adjoining room to try to could not be reached. fiiuuice board with a petition of 389 Mayors want more money premises are more particularly $5900 1987 Buick Park Ave $11,490 NOWON SALE!}! input on a new municipal budget reach a compromise on the budget is­ TNT said they it already com­ signatures calling for no mwe cuts in descnbed in Schedule A-4. attached hereto. ^ 1987 HONDA CIVIC SEDAN sues. CHICAGO (AP) — The nation’s mayors, much CALL FOR THE RECONVENED 1987BuickSomers0lCpoi $7|480 1 SUZUKI-20 Avails ble®"0' Oriod thru JiiriitGbth The board, seeking some clear-cut promised. “Originally we asked for a the general town budget, aiul a 5 per- like the White House and Congress, aren’t quite BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED by the Board of Directors of $7400 1987 Chovrolel Caprice $7,495 Ray Ursin, fmance board vice ANNUAL BUDGET MEETING 1985 OLDS CIERA BROUGHAM resolution to the impasse which twice zero per cent increase, but now are sure how big of a peace dividend will result from of M anct^ter that the Town of Manchester pur- 1986 Mitsubishi Pickup $3,995 1 Sa Murai chairman, made the motion and said ^ s o fr ^ Roger A. and Bonnie Wesson, premises at 472 °' are hereby warned and ---- SIDERIDR— willing to accept a 5 percent increase Please see BOLTON, page 12 $5400 1986 Buick Skyhawk Cpo }5,960 planned cuts in defense spending. Manchester, for the sum of Twenty Six ME% JGi;rS2^1 ^ RECWVENED ANNUAL bTTd g ^ 1987 HONDA ACCORD LXISED $7495 But they want half — whatever the amount Huridted DoUps ($2,600.00). Said premises are more par­ $9900 1986 Pontiac Grand Prix $7,980 $8995 ticularly described in Schedule A-5, a tta x ^ hereto ^ 1 4x4 Converible 4x4 converible, sport oka eoubmenl The mayors open their annual summer meeting the following putpijse: ’ ®‘ P'" ®vening for 1985 Cadillac Sedan Do Villa $9/460 BE IT f u r t h e r ORDAINED by the Board of Directors of SCHALLER ACURA 1985 Buick Centu7 Sed $5,995 here today poised to demand that much of the ' !!!! of Manchester lhat the Town of Manchester pur- 345 Center Street 1985 OWsmobile Calais $5,960 1 SWIFT K i l ? $ 5 2 9 5 New rules defense savings be funneled to cities to help ease "o '"’- premises at Manchester 1 ^ Chevrolet Celebfily $4,295 education, drug and housing problems they increas­ Turnpike, Manchester, for the sum of Twenty Two of Rnance, in an amount yet to bo determined. me ooard 647-7077 81 Adams Street ISiDEKICK 91 4x4 cut 4dr now on sale ingly blame on the White House and Congress. Hurjdred D o ll^ ($ 2,200.00). Said premises are more par­ aim to limit ticularly descnbed in Schedule A-6 , attached hereto. ^ M a n c h e s t e r “The federal government has walked away from OUTTOBECOME 6 4 9 - 4 5 7 1 the Cities of America and now we are beginning to Prepared by: Maureen A. Chmielecki, Town Attorney see the dangerous results,” said Boston Maypr MANCHESTER^ dial-a-porn Raymond Flynn, a leading spokesman for the SCHEDULE A -1 mayors. propnabons authorized hereinbefoi^ ' ®*®®®°'"9 ap- # 1 Those premises situated on the southerly site of Tolland WASHINGTON (AP) — There are “There are signs lhat cannot be ignored, even Turnpike in the Town of Manchester. Ojunty of Hartford an Dated at Bolton. Connecticut, this 12th day of June 1990. through the best set of rose-colored glasses,” Flynn ®‘®*?2'o^'300®o**oo* ttesignated as TAKING AREA - 0.0002 USED CAR now new federal rules ini.ended to keep BOLTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN kids from listening to ddal-a-pom ser­ said.
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