Temple Beth El 10 -70-0rchard Ave. Provldeqce, R. -1; .. I, '•• I I. Ii- THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. VOL. XLVI, No. 28 SEPTEMBER 21 , 1962 20 PAGES ' '- United States Temples, Synagogues Worries About Israel Security Announce Schedule Of W ASHINOTON - The State ' Department, acting at the re­ Services For Holidays .\' quest of President John F . Ken­ begin at 7 P.M. Saturday morn­ I Selichos Services will be held nedy, has informed Rep. Sey­ tomorrow evening and Rosh ing, Sept. 29, and Sunday morn­ ' mour Halpern, New York Re­ Hashanah services will begin ing, Sept. 30, services will begin ( publican, that the United States Friday, Sept. 28 at the temples at 8 A.M. On Sunday, the Sho­ - apparently very recently - and synagogues in Rhode Is­ lar will be blown at 10:15 A.M. Mr. and Mrs. Chalom has provided Israel with "sig­ land. The schedules of many or Mincha services will be at 4 nificant amounts" o( military them are listed below. P.M. equipment as well as "credit fa­ Cona-recatlon Anahel Kovno Temple Beth Am cilities" to finance the pur­ Selichos services will be held Chalom Family Starts chases. Sel!chos services will be held Saturday, Sept. 22 after mid­ at midnight on Saturday and Phillips Talbot, Assistant Se­ will be conducted by Cantor cretary of State, wrote Rep. night at Congregation Anshel New Life In Providence Kovno. Conducting the Rosh Samuel Berdltch. The service By Wilma Ecker comes impossible for a father. Halpern that ..the President will be preceded by a soc la I has asked that the Department Hashanah services will be Rev. · And the Egyptians shall know for example, to emigrate to hour and refreshments will be of State reply" to Rep. Hal­ Moishe Draz!n and Joseph Far­ that I am the Lord. when I another country and work for ber. Services w!ll begin Friday served from 10 P .M. a year, saving money and send­ pern ·s formal request to Pres­ The Rosh Hashanah services stretch forth My hand upon ident Kennedy for a clarifica­ evening, Sept. 28 at 6:45 P .M. Egypt, and bring out the chil­ ing for his family when he Is Saturday evening services will w!ll begin on Friday evening, financil/,llY prepared . tion of the current United Sept. 28, at 6: 15 P .M. Morning dren of Israel from among States arms supply policy to­ them.' <Exodus 7:7) Dr. Chalom and his family services w!ll be held on Satur­ ward Israel. Rep . Halpern 1'ad day, Sept. 29, starting at 8 A.M. And so they came. On June 8 spent'"' six months in Paris wait­ cited Soviet arms acquired by Chaplain's Son the Chalom family arrived in nig for their visas. In France The evening service will begin I Egypt including late-model Jet at 6 P .M. on Sunday, Sept. 30, J this country from Egypt, eager they were supported by CoJa­ bombers, jet fi ghters. tanks and Follows Father to begin a new life after suf­ zon, an agency which helps the morning service will begin - ~ submarines. NEW YORK - For the first fering many hardships for Just at 8 A.M., and the evening European refugees. They are al­ time in the 100-year history of one small reason - because Mr. Talbot told Rep. Halpern : service will begin at 6 P .M. so indebted to HIAS. a world­ "The Department is in a posi­ the Jewish M!l!tary chaplaincy, they were Jews. known agency which arranged Cantor Samuel Berdltch w!ll tion to assure you categorically a son of a Jewish chaplain In Dr. Albert Chalom, a resident for them to be brought to the officiate at all services. Junior I ' the U.S . Army <Reserve) en­ V physician at the Miriam Hos­ that the arms competition and Congregation Services will be United States. Dr. Chalom had tered the armed forces as a pital, told most of his family's military situation in the Near held at 11 A.M. on both days been given an assignment at chaplain. He Is Chaplain Jona­ s_torY. as he is the eldest son East remain under closest scru­ of Rosh Hashanah. Facilities \ ,,-·c;~J the Miriam Hospital, •md th•,s than Eichhorn of Forest Hills, ·,'\ \ and tne bne most familiar with they finally arrived In Provi­ tiny and constant review at all for the younger children have times in the Executive branch. N .Y ., son of Rabbi David M. ;'. ~_,,;> English. A dark-haired young dence. From here on, the Jew­ been provided from 10 A.M. to Is Eichhorn, an Army combat · 1J man with much charm and a IMael'• security a maiter of noon on both days. ish Family and Children's Ser­ chaplain Decorated d u r I n g pleasing sense of humor, Dr. deepest continuing concern and Temple Beth David . vice took over, ·and the Cha­ World War In France and Chalom related that after gra­ receives the most careful atten­ n On Friday, Sept. 28, evening loins mentioned several times Germany, who Is now director duating from the University of tion in the Department of services for Rosh Hashanah will their gratitude to this benefi­ of field operations of the Na­ Cairo Medical School and pass­ State." be held. On Saturday morning, i cial service, which has paid for tional Jewish Welfare Board ing the medical examination in their rent since their arrival, "While Israel has in fact ob­ Sept. 29 at 8 A.M. Rosh Hash­ tained certain of Its military (JWB) Commission on Jewish anah services will begin. There 1960, he - worked in Egyptian bought their furniture, and ob­ Chaplaincy. hospitals for three months. He tained a job for another son, requiremen t.s from France," will be a Torah service at 10 said Mr. Talbot, "acquisitions takes great pride in having Sol. Chaplain Jonathan Eichhorn, A.M. On Saturday evening from that source are by no ordained last June by Hebrew there will be a minchah and passed the examination with, as The Chaloms are living in a he says, "A Jewish name". His means exclusive. Other coun­ Union College-Jewish Institute maar!v service beginning at 7 modestly furnished four room tries, Including the United of Religion, Is being assigned to P.M. On Sunday, Sept. 30, ser­ course of study was made a apartment at 848 Hope Street. "bii" more difficult due to his States, have supplied Israel with duty in Germany. He Is one of vices for the second day of They have three sons, who are significant amounts of equip­ 25 Jewish chaplains who en­ Rosh ·Hashanah will begin at Jewish name, and his professors in Providence with them, and and fellow students continually ment as well as credit facilities tered the armed forces last 8 A.M. Shofar services will be­ ( ~ two married daughters, both in for their purchases." Accord­ week, according to an an­ gin at 10:30 A.M. ( burdened him with such ques­ Europe. tions as "Are you for Israel or ingly, said Mr. Talbot, "the De­ nouncement by Rabbi Aaron Temple Beth-El Egypt?" Mrs. Chalom, a vivacious and partment believes that Israel's Blumenthal, commission chair­ On Rosh Hashanah eve, Because of poor working con­ engaging woman, is much more defensive requirements are be­ man. The commlslon Is com­ Friday, Sept. 28, early services ditions and a great lack of op­ at home In her native French Ing well met." posed of representatives of the will be led by Rabbi' Braude at portunity for doctors in Egypt, tongue, but expressed her hap­ Because further details, in­ Central Conference of Ameri­ 6:45 P.M. Late services will be Dr. Chalom decided to leave the piness at living In Providence, volving types of American mili­ can Rabbis (Reform), the Rab­ led by Rabbi Gurland at 9 country a year later, in 1961. and her desire to continue with tary equipment provided to Is­ binical Assembly (Conservative) P.M. On Rosh Hashanah morn­ Egyptian officials , are only too her former occupation·. She was rael are of a classified nature, and the Rabbinical Council of ing, Saturday, Sept. 29, serv- glad to see Jews leaving their the chief dressmaker for 25 ( Continued on Page 11) America <Orthodox). (Contlnued on Pag-e 11) country; however. their emi­ years in a leading Cairo depart­ gr~tion laws are prohibitive in ment store, and when in France, that if one Jew wishes to leave, was flocked by smart-looking Weekly Denies Editorial Meant As Threat he is forced by law to take with young Parisian girls whose NEW YORK - "America," sel of the American Jewish Con- lie Archdiocese of Boston; the him at the same time all mem­ clothes she made. She brought the Jesuit weekly which two gress), the AJC and a few Catholic Transcript, of Hart­ bers of his family. Thus it be- I Continued on Page 16) weeks ago "warned" that Am­ other prominent Jewish agen- ford, Conn.; the Catholic Re­ erican Jews are encouraging cles speak as they claim to do, view, of Baltimore; and the anti-Semitism by supporting the for the Jewish people as a Pittsburgh Catholic. All four < United States Supreme Court whole." supported the "America" point decision banning official pray­ Pointing out that more cases of view. / ers from public schools, Mon­ involving principles of separation Replying to the latest editorial day denied that Its editorial of church and state are now In "America," Mr. Pieffer told was a veiled threat to the Jew­ pending before .the Supreme the J.T.A.: "It must never be ish community.
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