Republican Road Fund under Ministry of Finance of Republic of Uzbekistan REGIONAL ROAD DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (RRDP) Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) Uzbekistan June 2016 1 Table of Contents 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5 1.1 Introduction and the Background 5 1.2 Safeguards Policies 5 1.3 Impacts and their Mitigation and Management 6 1.4 Need for the Project – the “Do – Nothing – Option” 8 1.5 Public Consultation 8 1.6 Conclusion 8 2. INTRODUCTION 9 2.1 Project Description 9 2.2 Brief Description of the Project Roads 15 2.3 Description of project roads in Andijan region 20 2.4 Description of project roads in Namangan region 23 2.5 Description of project roads in Fergana region 25 2.6 Scope of Work 27 3. LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK 29 3.1 Requirements for Environmental Assessment in the Republic of Uzbekistan 29 3.2 Assessment Requirements of the World Bank 30 3.3 Recommended Categorization of the Project 31 3.4 World Bank Safeguards Requirements 31 3.4.1 Environmental Assessment (OP/BP 4.01) 31 3.4.2 Natural Habitats (OP/BP 4.04) 31 3.4.3 Physical Cultural Resources (OP/BP 4.11) 31 3.4.4 Forests (OP/BP 4.36) 31 3.4.5 Involuntary Resettlement (OP/BP 4.12) 32 3.4.6 International Waters (OP/BP 7.50) 32 3.4.7 Safety of Dams (OP/BP 4.37) 32 3.4.8 Pest Management (OP 4.09) 32 4. ASSESSMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 33 4.1 Methodology of the Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) 33 4.2 Screening of Impacts 33 4.2.1 Impacts and Mitigation Measures-Design Phase 35 4.2.2 Impacts and Mitigation Measures – Construction Phase 35 4.2.3 Impacts and Mitigation Measures - Operating Phase 48 5. INSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENTS 52 5.1 Organization Roles and Responsibilities 52 5.2 Republican Road Fund (RRF) 52 2 5.3 Reporting requirements 54 6. ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION PLAN 55 7. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PLAN 73 7.1 Cost Estimates for Proposed Environmental Actions 73 8. PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND DISCLOSURE 85 8.1 Overview 85 8.2 Principles of Consultation 85 8.3 Information disclosure 86 8.4 Public Availability 87 8.5 Public Consultation 88 8.6 Grievance Mechanism 89 9. FINDINGS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS 91 9.1 Findings 91 9.2 Recommendations 91 9.3 Conclusions 91 ANNEX 1. MUNUTES OF PUBLIC CONSULTATIONS 93 ANNEX 2 Proposed forms for EMP implementation 111 3 Abbreviations CSC Construction Supervision Contractor EA Environmental Assessment EIA Environmental Impact Assessment ESMF Environmental and Social Management Framework ESMP Environmental and Social Management Plan EMP Environmental Management Plan EMoP Environmental Monitoring Plan ES Environment Specialist GFP Grievance Focal Point GRM Grievance Redress Mechanism IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development KMK Construction Norms and Rules NMT Non-Motorized Transport OP Operational Policy RAP Ressetlement Action Plan RPF Resettlement Policy Framework RRF Republican Road Fund RoW Right of Way RUz Republic of Uzbekistan PPE Personnel Protective Equipment PMU Project Management Unit SEE State Environmental Expertise ShNK Construction Norms and Rules SNiP Construction Norms and Rules SNPC State Nature Protection Committee WB The World Bank 4 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 Introduction and the Background The Republic of Uzbekistan (RUz) intends to receive a loan/credit from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) in connection with the Uzbekistan Regional Road De- velopment Project. The Project will finance part of the priority regional road rehabilitation roads program. The Project will be carried out in four of the thirteen Oblasts of Uzbekistan, namely Ferghana, Andijan, Tash- kent and Namangan Oblasts. The Project is expected to cover rehabilitation of around 1000 km of regional roads. The roads to be included under the project have been selected based on road data analysis as well as economic criteria (pre-feasibility screening). Specifically, the Project will finance the rehabilitation works including structure renewal as well as existing ancillary road con- nections (crossroads, access roads, drainage systems). This project will also support integration of road safety considerations into the design of the project's road sections and their subsequent implementation towards the mainstreaming of these practices in all roads. The proposed project would consist of three components: Component 1: Road Rehabilitation and Safety. The component will finance part of the priority regional road rehabilitation roads program. The Project will rehabilitate the priority roads in four of the thirteen Oblasts. The 4 Oblasts will be determined at the early stage of project preparation. Specifically, the Project will finance the rehabilitation works of existing roads, including structure renewal as well as the rehabilitation of ancillary road connections (crossroads, access roads, drainage systems). This component will also support integration of road safety considerations into the design of the project's road sections and their subsequent implementation towards the main- streaming of these practices in all roads; Component 2: Institutional Strengthening Component. This component is envisioned among oth- ers, (i) to develop a Road Safety Strategy and Action Plan and implementation of Road Safety Improvements Interventions on a set of road sections (ii) to support the RUz to improve road management practices and financial/institutional sustainability of the road sector (iii) to support the GoU to improve the operating environment for the local construction industry; (iv) to help institutional strengthening of the RRF for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of its organi- zational arrangements (i.e. internal business processes, multiannual planning and development; development and implementation of a communication strategy; training and various other studies to be determined). Component 3: Project management support: Design and Supervision Consultants to provide support as may be necessary in project management, procurement, and financial management, environmental and social safeguard The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), consistent with Uzbekistan law, for reconstruction of the road was prepared by the Design Institute «YO’L-INSHOATLOYIHA» for Andijan and Na- mangan regions and «FERGANALOYIHA» for Fergana region has already received official ap- proval from State Nature Protection Committee, but it was determined that some additional infor- mation and mitigation measures were required to meet the Bank’s requirements as set out in OP 4.01. Rather than revising than already approved EIA, this additional information has been incor- porated into the Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) for the project, as described below. This Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) is an updated version of the of the EIA prepared by the Design Institutes « YO’L-INSHOATLOYIHA» and FERGANALOYIHA, on behalf of the Republican Road Fund under Ministry of Finance of Republic of Uzbekistan and approved by Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 1.2 Safeguards Policies The main interventions will consist of rehabilitating the existing roads, using the same alignment. The Project will not build new roads - the rehabilitation work will be extended to access roads for 5 safety reasons and structural reasons. It is anticipated that the environmental impacts there- fore would be temporary and mitigatable, so the project is categorized as 'B'. The following World Bank’s Safeguards Policies are triggered based on the environmental and social assessment field investigations. The justification for each policy’s triggering has also been incorporated in subsequent paragraphs. Safeguard Policy Actions Environmental Assessment (OP/BP Category B project 4.01) ESMP and EMP prepared. Natural Habitats (OP/BP 4.04) This policy is not triggered. The project will not impact any protected area nor will affect important/ endangered flora or fauna species or biodiversity areas of high value. No action is required under the policy. Pest Management (OP 4.09) This policy is not triggered. The project will not procure any pesticides nor will an increased use of pesticides result from the project. No action is required under the policy. Phisical Cultural Resources (OP/BP The policy is not triggered. The impacts on physical cul- 4.10) tural resources resulting from project activities, including mitigating measures, will not contravene either the Uz- bek national legislation, or its obligations under relevant international environmental treaties and agreement Safety of Dams (OP/BP 4.37) The policy is not triggered. The project area does not include any dams. Involuntary Resettlement (OP/BP 4.12) Resettlement Action Plan has been prepared. Projects on International Waters The policy is not triggered. The project area does not (OP/BP 7.50) include any international waters. Forests (OP/BP 4.36) The policy is not triggered. The project will not finance activities that would involve significant conversion or degradation of critical forest areas or related critical nat- ural habitats as defined under the policy. No action is required under this policy. Projests in Disputed Areas (OP/BP 7.60) The policy is not triggered. The project areas does not include any disputed areas, as defined in the Policy. This policy is not triggered. The project will not adversely Indigenous Peoples (OP 4.10) affect indigenous peoples in the project area. 1.3 Impacts and their Mitigation and Management During the construction period, temporary environmental impacts
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