Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from University of Toronto http://www.archive.org/details/canadianfieldnat16gill V igo2. VOL. XVI. igo2. THE OTTAWA NATURALIST, Being Vol. XVIII. of the TRANSACTIONS OF THE OTTAWA FIEI/D-NATURAI,ISTS' CI^UB. Organized March, 1879. Incorporated March, 1884. ^'^;> ^MVf\ OTTAWA, CANADA: Ottawa Printing Company (Limited.) 1902. , ) ) LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club, April. 1902. Adams, Prof. F. D., M.Sc, Ph. D. Campbell, A. M. Alexander, L. H., M.A. Campbell, R. H. Allen, S. S. Campbell, Miss B. Ami, H. M., M.A., D.Sc, F.G.S., Carter, J. J. F.R.S.C. Chalmers, Robert. Ami, Mrs. H. M. Charlton, H. W., B.A.Sc. Ami, S. T. Charron, A. T., M.A. Anderson, James R. (Victoria, B.C.) Chubbuck, C.E. Anderson, Lieut-Col. W. P., C.E. Clarke, T. E, Attwood, A. E., M.A. Cobbold, Paul A. (Haileybury, Ont.) Attwood, Mrs. A. E. Conklin, J. D., B.A. Baldwin, J. W. Connor, M. F., ^. 5c. (Radnor Forges, Ballantyne, James. Que.) Barber, D., (Bracebridge, Ont.) Cooke, C. A. Barlow, A. E. jM.A., D.Sc, F.G.S.A. Cot^,J. L. Bate, H. Gerald. Coubeaux, Eug. (Prince Albert, Sask.) Bate, H. N. Cousens, W. C, M.D. Beaudry, Amable E. (Aylmer, Q.) Cowan, Miss E. Bell, Rohen, B.A.Sc.,M.D., LL.D., Cowley, R. H., B.A F.R.S., F.R.S.C, F.G.S., F.G.S.A. Craig, Pro/. John, (Ithaca, N.Y.) Beliiveau, A. H. Currie, P. W. Billings, C. Curry, Miss E. E. Billings, W. R. Daly, R. A., M.A., Ph, D. Blackadar, Lloyd. Dawson, S. E., Lit. L^. Boddy, Mrs. H. M. Denis, Theo. , B.A.Sc. Borden, Hon. F. W., M.D., M.P. Dixon, F. A. Bostock, Mrs. H. (Vancouver, B.C.) Doherty, T. Keville. Bowen, Miss Alice, (Quebec.) Dowling, D. B., B.A.Sc. yJ/.^. Bowerman, J. T. B.A. Dresser, J. A., (Richmond, Que.) Boyd, Miss M. Dulau & Co., (London, Eng. Boyd, VV. H., B.A.Sc. Dunne, J. P. Brainerd, Dwight, (Montreal.) Dv%-ight, Jonathan, Jr. M.D. (New Brewster, W.( Cambridge, Mass., U.S) York. Broiison, F. G. Edwards, A. M., M.D. Bronson, Mrs. V. G. Ells, R.\\\,LL.D.,F.G.S. A., F.R.S.C. Brock, R. W. M.A., li.A Sr. Evans, Jno. D., C.E., (Trenton, Ont.) Brown, Mrs. R. D. Ewart, D. Breckenridge, Stuart, (Havelock, Ont.) Farrier, W. F., B.A.Sc. F.G.S., F.G. , F. S.A. (Rossland, B.C.) Burgess, T.J. VV. M. D. , R. S. C. (Montreal.) Fisher, //on. Sydney. A'. Burland, Mrs G. B. (Montreal.) Fleming, .SVrSandford, C. M. G. , Burland, G. L. C.E.,F.R,C./.. F.R.S.C. Burman, Rev. W. A. (Winnipeg.) Fleming, J. \\. (Toronto.) Cameron, E. R., M.A. Fletcher, J., ZA.Z)., /'./..S., F.R.S.C. Campbell, D. A., B.A. Fleury, Prof. J. M. ) ) ) ) I go I List ok Members. Forward, A. J, Lambe, L. M., F.G.S. , F.G.S. A. G<irin, L^on, B.A., F.A\S.C. F.R.S.C. Gibson, Arthur. Lalchford, //u/i. F. R., /.'../. Gilmour, T, Lee, Miss Katharine. Glashan, J. C, LL.D. Lees, Miss V. Gorman, M. J., LL.Ii. Lees, W. A. D. Graham, .W. Lees, Mrs. W. A. D. Grant, Sir J. A., K.C.M.G., M.D., Lemieux, E. E. F.R.C.S Edi>i. F.K.S.C, F.G.S. LeRoy, O. E,, B.A., (Montreal.) Gregfhon, Percy B. (W'ag'horn, Alta. LeSueur, W. D., B.A. Grisdale, J. H.', B. Agn Library, Leg, .Assembly (Quebec) Grist, Henry. Library of Parliament. Grist, Miss Mary L. MacCabe, J. A., LL.D., F.R.S.C. Guillet, Miss Elise. McConnell. R. G. B.A., F.G.S.A. Guillet, Cephas, B.A., Ph.D. MacCraken, John I., B.A. Gullock, Gordon. McDougall, A. H., B.A. Halkett, Andrew. McDunnough, Jas. (Berlin, Germany. Harmer, MissG. (Westboro", Ont. McElhinney, M. P. Harmon, Miss A. Maria. McEyoy, James, B.A.Sc. Harrington, W. Hague, /'.A'. 5. C. McGiU, A., B.A., B.Sc. Harrison, Edward. Mclnnes, Wm., B.A. Hay, George, Sr. MacKay. A. H.,LL.D. ,B.Sc.,F.R.S. C. Hay, G. U., D.Sc, M.A., Ph.B., (Halifax.) F.R.S.C., (St. John, N.B.) McLaughlin, S. (Los Angels, Cal. Hayter, F. MacLaughlin, T. J. Holland, Miss Ira. McLean, D. L. Honeyman, H. A., B.A., (Three , ,McLeod, H. A. F., C.E. Rivers, Que.) McLeod, Rev. Xorman, .U.A., B.D. Hope, J. McXicol, Miss C. C. House of Commons Reading Room. McQuesten, Miss Ruby R. Hughes, Charles, (Montreal) Macoun, Pro/. John, M.A., F.L.S , Ide, Wm. F.R.S.C. Irwin, LL.Col. D. T. Macoun, J. M. Jackson, F. Slater., (Montreal.) Macoun, \V. T. Jameson, R. H., (Victoria, B.C.) McOuat, Miss Mary E. James, C. C, MA., (Toronto.) Mainguy, H. Jenkins, S. J., B.A. Macrae, J. A. Johnston, Robt. A. A. Marshall, John. Joly de Lotbini^re, Hon. Sir Henry, Matheson, D. (Victoria, B.C.) Matthews, Miss Annie L. Jones, C. J. May, Dr. S. P. (Toronto.) S. (Montreal.) Jordan, J. Wolfred. Maxwell, Miss Dr. (Washington, D.C. Kearns, J. C. .Mearns, E. A. Keefer, Thos. C, C.M.G., C.E., U.S.) F.R.S.C. Megill, W. H. T., B.A. Meneilly, (Toronto.) Keen, Rev. J. H., (Metlakatla, B.C.) W. J. Kells, \V. L. (Listowell, Ont.) Metcalfe, W. Keeley, D. H. Miller, Miss Mary E. Kendall, E W. Miller, Pro/. W. G. (Kingston.) Kennedy, R. A, B.A., M.D., Nash, C. W. (Toronto.) Kenny, Thos. Nelson, H. M. Kemp, E. Newcombe, C. F., M.D.. (Victoria, King, C. Frank. B.C. Kingston, A. G. Northrop, B. M. Klotz, Oskar, M.D. OBrien, S. E. Laidlaw, G. E., (Victoria Road, Ont.) Odell, W. S. Lambart, Hon, O. H. Ogilvie, Wm., D.L.S. (Yukon Ter.) ) ) The Ottawa Naturalist. [April Orde, J. F. Svmes, P. B. Perrin, \'incent, C.E. Tayler, F. B. (Fort Wayne, la., U.S.) Pollock, T. J. (Avlmer, Que. I Thompson, Miss Bessie. Prevost, L. C, Sl.D. Thorburn, John. M.A., LL.D. Prince, Prof. E. Y.., B.A., F.L.S. Topley, Mrs. W. J. Putman, J. H., B.A. Tucker, Walter. Richard, A. E- Tyrrell, J. B., B.A., B.Sc. F.G.S. Robertson, Prof. J. \V. F.G.S.A., (Dawson, Yukon.) Rodman, Miss A. E. Wait, F. G., B.A. Ross. Hon. G. W. (Toronto.) Walker, B. E., F.G.S. (Toronto.) Rothwell, Miss Lina. Walker, Br\ant, (Detroit.) Sanson, X. B. (Banff, Alta.) Warwick, F. W., B.Sc. (Buckingham, Saunders, Wm., LL.D.,F.L.S.,F.C S Que.) F.R.S.C. Watters, Henry. Saunders, W. E. (London, Ont.) Weston, T. C., F.G.S.A. Scott, Miss Marv McKay. Whelen, Peter. Scott, W., ^..^. '(Toronto.) Whelen, Miss A. Scott, Rev. C. T. (London, Ont.) White, George R. Senate of Canada, The. White, James, (Snelgrove, Ont.) Seton, E. Tho<npson, (New York. White, Lf.-Col. W., C.^f.G. Shore, John W. Whiteaves, J. F., LL.D., F.G.S., Shutt, F. T., M.A., F.I.C. F.C.S. F.R.S.C, F.G.S.A. F.R.S.C. Whitley, Thomas. Sifton, W. Whyte, Miss Ethel. Simpson, Willibert. Whyte, Miss Ida. Sinclair, S. B., ^.^. Ph.D Whyte, Miss Isabella. Small, H Beaumont, M.D. Whvte, Miss Marion I. Sowter, T. \V. E. Whvte, R. B. Spence. J. C. Williams, J. B., (Toronto.) St. Germain, Theodor. Willing, T, X. (Regina, Assa. Stewart, Archibald. Wilson. Miss M. F. Strachan, Miss V. Wilson, W. J., P/i.B. (Sackville. N.B.) Summerby, Wm. J , M.A., (Russell, Wood, Bon. Josiah, Ont. Young, i^^z". C.J. , .]/.^. (Wolfe Island, Sutherland, J. C, B.A., (Richmond, Ont.) Que.) Young, C. H. CORRESPOXDING MEMBERS. Bethine, Rev. C. J. S., M.A., D.C.L., F.R.S.C., London, Ont. Greene, Dk. E. L. Catholic University, Washington, D.C. Hill, Albert J., M.A. C.E., New Westminster, B,C. Holm, Theodor, Ph.D., Brookland, Washington, D.C, U.S. Merriam, Dr. C. Hart, Department of Agriculture, V^'ashington, U.S. Smith, Prof. John B., D.Sc, Rutger's College, New Brunswick, N.J. Tavlor, Rev. G. W., M,A., F.R.S.C, F.Z.S, Wellington, B.C. WicKHAM, Prof. H. F., Iowa, U.S. THE OTTAWA PiATURALlST. Vol. XVI. OTTAWA, APRIL, 1902. No. i. THE REPORT OF THE COUNCIL OF THE OTTAWA FIELD-NATURALISTS' CLUB FOR THE YEAR ENDING MARCH i8th, 1902. The Council of the Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club beg leave to submit the following Report of the work of the Club for the year just closing : Membership. The total membership of the Club at the present time is about 250 ordinary members and seven corresponding members. Mr. W. J. Wilson, the Secretary, represented the Club at the meeting of the Royal Society of Canada held in this city in May last, and read a brief statement of the Club's work during the year. Special Lectures. " Dr. James Fletcher delivered a lecture on " Nature Study before the Normal School students. Soirees. The Soiree Committee deemed it advisable to depart some- what from the usual custom in preparing the winter course of lectures, and secured prominent lecturers outside of Ottawa for three out of the seven evenings.
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