Cruising Map of the Grantham Canal including Restored Sections Restoration Sections Proposed New Route to River Trent Route 19M3 Map IssueIssue 117 88 Notes 1. The information is believed to be correct at the time of publication but changes are frequently made on the waterways and you should check before relying on this information. 2. We do not update the maps for short term changes such as winter lock closures for maintenance. 3. The information is provides “as is” and the Information Provider excludes all representations, warranties, obligations, and liabilities in relation to the Information to the maximum extent permitted by law. The Information Provider is not liable for any errors or omissions in the Information and shall not be liable for any loss, injury or damage of any kind caused by its use. TTRENTRENT 0055 NNOTOT 0055 GGRANRAN 0011 TTRENTR 04 ENT 04 NNOTOT 0044 M 6 Castastlele Locock 1.3.33m3m (4'4"4'4") Nottinghamam 10 WWilfilford Street Briiddge Canalanal M 9 Fooootbriiddge M CCaarrinrington StStrereet Bridridge 7 M 4 Pipe Bridge 1100 WWilford Toll Bridge Trraam Brrididge 6 Trent Stretreet Bridridge 5 4A FoFootbridge ilfor Railway Bridge d T RRailwayai Bridge Statiioon Strreeet Bridridge 2 3 London RoRoad Bridge ol lwa l Br RRaaiilwlway Briiddge 1C y Bridge FFoooottbriddgge idg QQuueen’s Rooaad BBrriiddge 1B Briidgedge e 20.6K 12.8M 4L 0B 5.0H 1A Cattletle Market RoRoad BrBridge Nottinnghagham 1 Meadow Lanene BriBridge RRiveriver R CCaananal 1D Meadow Lanane Bridge TTrent S rent 1E TuTurrnney Quay Bridridge T E Fllooodgate NNoormmaally open - clclosed duriring flfloods W 7 Meadow Lanene Lock 1.9.93m (6'4") 1F Meadow Lane Lock FoFootbtbriridge M 13 Lady Bay Bridge formmeer rraailway brriidge M M 1 e e 1 M 1 M a a 1 TTrent Lock 2 T T 2 M 2 o do d GGrantham Canal Junction rent Lock RRiveriver TTrent 4 r r r antham 8 w w e e h 1 1 n n L 1 1 GGRANRAN 0011 L t t W Wil CCauseway a a B NNOTOT 0055 B n n a r 21.6K 13.4M r 5L 0B 5.5H useway il e TTRENTRENT 0055 e Railway Bridge dge idge i Canal Junction for for J J u rent u d d 11KK n n S S c c t t u u io io 2 CCausewaya RRiveriver sp s n n p TTrent e e rent useway n n s s io io n n OOriginalriginal RRoute B B GGranthamrantham CCanalanal TTRENTR 05 ri ri d d ENT 05 g g FFloodlood GGateate GRANGRAN NOTN0011OT 0505 e e oute 3 SSwingwing BBridger GGranthamrantham CCanal NNoo ggates 22KK OOriginalriginal RRouteoute ates GGRANRAN 0022 idge BBridge Causeway See www.waterwayroutes.co.uk/updates for updating anal ridge C Causeway This is the Causeway to the latest monthly issue at a free or discounted price. GGamston Bridge 4A ams Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right. oorr Turnpike Bridge Licensed for personal use only. Business licences on request. T CCausewaya 4 auseway ur to n B useway 4 RRiveriver September 2021 npike TTrent FFootbridgeootbridge 44B ridge 4A rent All other work Brid ge B 2 edition of the map. © 33KK L Waterway Routes. L o c o U Up ck p p k p e e r GGranthamrantham CCanalanal Ho r o OOriginalriginal RRoute H e m l l 5 SSwingwing BBridger me LLoweredowere 6 Swing Bridge oute 3 idge d 6 Sw LoweredLowered 66BB LLowered CCausewaysa ing (2) B useways (2) 6A TTRENTRENT 0066 owered ridge 6A TTollerton BBridgeo 7llerton CCausewayridge 7 a useway GGRANRAN 0011 TTRENTR 05 NNOTOT 0055 ENT 05 GGRANRAN 0022 GGRANRAN 0022 ! EElectriclectric CCablesables 99.0m.0m ((29’6”)29’6”) cclearancelearance RRiveriver RRiveriver aabovebove nnormalormal waterwater level.level. 55KK TTrentrent TTrentrent ! RRadcliffeadcliffe VViaductiaduct 66KK RRailail BBridgeridge 1144 ((8K)8K) EElectriclectric CCablesables 77KK LLowerower HHolmeolme EElectriclectric LLockock ! Weir CCablesables 27.7K 17.2M 6L 0B 7.0H 25.3K 15.7M 6L 0B 6.5H W 44KK 8 HHolmeolme LLockock 33.73m.73m ((12'3")12'3") i GGranthamrantham CCanalanal M E PPossibleossible NNewew RRouteoute R UUpp R LLock p i HHolmeolme LLockock oc pe e k r SStaffedtaffed aatt peakpeak times.times. VHFVHF 7474 HHool GGRANRAN 0033 lmeme 01150115 981981 11971197 oror 0788707887 787787 353353 24.7K 15.3M 5L 0B 6.0H 3K TTRENTRENT 0077 GGranthamrantham CCanalanal FFomeromer sswingwing bbridgeridge PPossibleossible NNewew RRouteoute CCausewayauseway HHallam’sallam’s BridgeBridge 9 RRemovedemoved 8 GGranthamrantham CCanalanal OOriginalriginal RRouteoute CCausewayauseway CCotgraveotgrave 1133 BBridgeridge RRemovedemoved PPolserolser BBrookrook AAqueductqueduct BBridgeridge 1122 6 11.98m.98m ((6’6”)6’6”) TTollertonollerton 1100 FFootbridgeootbridge BBridgeridge 7 CCausewayauseway GGranthamrantham CCanalanal 5 RRestorationestoration PProposedroposed 4 SkinnersSkinners LLockock SSwingwing BBridgeridge 1133 22.36m.36m ((7’9”)7’9”) RRemovedemoved 7 CCotgraveotgrave LLockock 114A4A Causeway TTRENTRENT 0066 Hollygate Bridge 15 GGRANRAN 0011 NNOTOT 0055 TTRENTRENT 0055 GGRANRAN 0022 GGRANRAN 0022 GGRANRAN 0033 GGRANRAN 0033 TTRENTRENT 0077 iddgege BBrri se iddgege tbr ootbr 118A8A 1188 FFosseos CCropwellropwell MMiddleiddle LLockock 1010 1199 FFoo FFosseosse SSwingwing BBridgeridge GGoneone 6 1.98m (6’6”) 9 1111 LLoweredowered 1177 22.36m.36m ((7’9”)7’9”) CCausewayauseway 2200 SSwingwing BBridgeridge LLoweredowered 7 CCotgraveotgrave LLockock MMann’sann’s BBridgeridge 1166 GGranthamrantham CCanalanal 114A4A RRestorationestoration PProposedroposed CCausewayauseway HHollygateollygate BBridgeridge 1155 8 JJosse’sosse’s LLockock CotgraveCotgrave GGranthamrantham CCanalanal RRestorationestoration PProposedroposed CCropwellropwell BBridgeridge 2211 CCausewayauseway CCropwellropwell RRovingoving BBridgeridge 2222 CCausewayauseway CColstonolston BBridgeridge 2233 GGRANRAN 0022 CCausewayauseway GGRANRAN 0044 RRestorationestoration PProposedroposed GGranthamrantham CCanalanal SSpencer’spencer’s BBridgeridge 2244 CausewayCauseway GGRANRAN 0033 GGRANRAN 0033 GGRANRAN 0044 GGRANRAN 0044 RRestorationestoration PProposedroposed GGranthamrantham CCanalanal GGRANRAN 0055 SSpencer’spencer’s BBridgeridge 2244 CausewayCauseway GGRANRAN 0033 BBridgeridge LLoweredowered 2255 MMackley’sackley’s BBridgeridge CCausewayauseway 2266 WWild’sild’s BBridgeridge CCausewayauseway DDevil’sevil’s ElbowElbow IIrishrish JJack’sack’s BBridgeridge 2277 CCausewayauseway RRestorationestoration PProposedroposed GGranthamrantham CCanalanal KKinoultoninoulton BBridgeridge 2288 CausewayCauseway 2299 SSwingwing BBridgeridge CCausewayauseway RRestoredestored CClarke’slarke’s BBridgeridge 3322 RRestoredestored SSwingwing BBridgeridge 3311 RRestorationestoration PProposedroposed ! Swing Bridge GGranthamrantham CCanalanal HHicklingickling BBridgeridge 3300 CCausewayauseway GGRANRAN 0044 GGRANRAN 0044 GGRANRAN 0055 GGRANRAN 0055 This is the September 2021 edition of the map. See www.waterwayroutes.co.uk/updates for updating to the latest monthly issue at a free or discounted price. Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right. All other work © Waterway Routes. Licensed for personal use only. Business licences on request. CCausewayauseway HHarbyarby CColstonolston BBridgeridge 4411 4400 SSwingwing BBridgeridge LLoweredowered RRestoredestored CClarke’slarke’s BBridgeridge 3322 LLoweredowered 3377 LLongong CClawsonlawson BBridgeridge RRestoredestored RRestoredestored HHoseose BBridgeridge 3399 SSwingwing BBridgeridge 3311 3333 SSwingwing BBridgeridge CCausewayauseway ! Swing Bridge GGRANRAN 0066 ! Swing Bridge 3366 SSwingwing BBridgeridge LLoweredowered RRestorationestoration PProposedroposed MMarriott’sarriott’s BBridgeridge 3388 GGranthamrantham CCanalanal LLoweredowered GGranthamrantham CCanalanal RRestorationestoration PProposedroposed 3355 AAqueductqueduct ! Swing Bridge 3344 SSwingwing BBridgeridge RRestoredestored GGRANRAN 0044 GGRANRAN 0055 GGRANRAN 0055 GGRANRAN 0066 GGRANRAN 0066 RRestoredestored BBarkestonearkestone WWharfharf BBridgeridge 5511 5500 BBarkestonearkestone BBridgeridge RRestorationestoration PProposedroposed RRestoredestored GGranthamrantham CCanalanal CCausewayauseway PPlungarlungar BBridgeridge 4499 LLoweredowered SSwingwing BBridgeridge 4488 LLoweredowered SSwingwing BBridgeridge 4477 OOriginalriginal RRailwayailway BBridgeridge 446A6A GGRANRAN 0077 GGRANRAN 0055 LLoweredowered SSwingwing BBridgeridge 4466 RRestoredestored SStatherntathern BBridgeridge 4455 GGranthamrantham CCanalanal RRestorationestoration PProposedroposed LLoweredowered SSwingwing BBridgeridge 4444 CCausewayauseway HHarbyarby CColstonolston 4433 LLangarangar BBridgeridge LLoweredowered BBridgeridge 4411 4422 SSwingwing BBridgeridge LLoweredowered 4400 SSwingwing BBridgeridge LLoweredowered GGRANRAN 0066 GGRANRAN 0066 GGRANRAN 0077 GGRANRAN 0077 GGRANRAN 0088 RRestoredestored BBottesfordottesford WWharfharf BBridgeridge 5555 RRestorationestoration PProposedroposed GGranthamrantham CCanalanal CCausewayauseway EEasthorpeasthorpe BBridgeridge 5566 PPipeipe BBridgeridge SSwingwing BBridgeridge 5522 GGRANRAN 0066 RRedmileedmile MMillill BBridgeridge 5533 CCausewayauseway RRestoredestored GGranthamrantham CCanalanal 5544 RRedmileedmile TTownown BBridgeridge OOriginalriginal BBarkestonearkestone WWharfharf RRestorationestoration PProposedroposed PPipeipe BridgeBridge AtAt towpathtowpath levellevel BBridgeridge 5511 5500 BBarkestonearkestone BBridgeridge RRestoredestored GGRANRAN 0077 GGRANRAN 0077 GGRANRAN 0088 GGRANRAN 0088 GGRANRAN 0099 CCausewayauseway EEasthorpeasthorpe RRestoredestored BBridgeridge 5566 5959 MustonMuston BridgeBridge 1122 WWoolsthorpeoolsthorpe BBottomottom LLockock GGranthamrantham CCanalanal WWoolsthorpeoolsthorpe LLowerower LLocksocks (4)(4) RestorationRestoration ProposedProposed
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