Emt Jbrmm Mbin •<n Iptooil VOLUME 47 EAST JORDAN. MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1943. NUMBER 27 a? Summer Guest Preachers Business Places To At Presbyterian Church Be Closed Monday of East Jordan RATIONING With next Monday a legal holiday, From the Herald Files of Forty, Thirty Mid Twenty Years Ago AT A GLANCE July 11 — Dr. Donald Grey, First most of East Jordan's business pla­ Compiled by Mr«.Mabfl Beooi'd ces will be closed all day. Among (Valid for Michigan) Davis —> Ward Baptist Church, Saginaw, Mich. Processed Foods July 18 — The Pastor. those will be : State Bank of East Jordan. Blue stamps K, L and M good '«. Marilyn Rae, daughter of Mr. and July 25 — Dr. Fred Olert, First Pres­ It happened thirty-five years ago eight dollars taken from the cash through July 7; N, P and Q good Ju­ byterian Church, Detroit. this month. drawer. East Jordan Co-op. Co. •'.:.'!Mrs. J. Warne Davis, became the Quality Food Market ly 1 through August 7. August 1 — Dr. Win, B. Lampe, April 10, 1899 the village of East The unprecedented high water in :'• '".'bride of Pvt. Robert Denton Ward, Carr's Food Shop. Meats, Cheese, Butter, Fats, Canned .... son of'Mr. and Mrs. Denton Ward of West Presbyterian Church, St. Jordan voted to install a waterworks Deer Creek.';.has been causing consid­ Fish, Canned Milk Louis, Mo., erable, trouble at the new Loveday A. & P Market. • Harbor Springs, Saturday evening, system which was built that summer. Mason Clark's Clover Farm Store. Red stamps J, K, L, M and N good :-+r June 26; at the home of Mr. and Mrs. August 8 :— Dr. George Buttrick, Water fed the mains from,a wooden dam, Work ion which has just got June 30. P now valid; Q, July 4; R, Madison Avenue Presbyterian f ili-ly:. started. ' • Merritt Shaw. '.'.'W. 0. Spidel, grandparents of the supply tank, built on top of a brick W. A. Porter Hardware. July 11; S, July 18; All expire July Church, New York City. tower somewhere in back of where Willis C;, Ward of Orchard Lake :, bride. Rev. C. W. Sidebotham offi­ The Gamble Store. 31. ciated using the single ring ceremony. August 15 — Dr. John Gardner, First Frank Brown lives on Garfield St. and: Vinfie]d S, Schoaf of Deward Coffee were in town Wednesday. Isaman's Store. , \ .' The wedding party took their pla- . Presbyterian Church, Midland, between Third and Fourth streets. Stamp 24 good for 1 pound through Mich. •Clark Haire. and family, accom­ Whiteford's. ./*,'..; ces under an arch of garden flowers This water tower was built by June 30. panied by JBay ;City friends, were W. E. Hawkins. # to the strains of "I Love You Truly," August 22 -— Dr. Matthew Cavell, 1 Stamp 21 good for 1 pound from First Presbyterian Church, Evans- James Suffern and his son, Andrew, down from Deward Sunday and en­ Clyde W. Hipp. '..'i; played by Mrs. C. W. Sidebotham. at a cost of $3,000. It contained joyed a trlp: to Boyne City and re­ Milton Meredith. July 1 through July 21. /-v.- The bride who was given in mar- ville, Ind., Sugar August 29 — Dr. B. V. Andrews, Ex­ about 150,000 bricks. A door at the turn on H..S, Price's launch, the Lady (Other Barbers bv noon.) '•'-•'•''•• riage by her father, was attired in base gave access to the interior of Margaret. -\ THE POSTOFFICE will be open Stamp 13 good for 5 pounds a. moss green suit and wore a corsage ecutive for . Christian Education through Aug. 15. Stamp 15 and 16 for the Synod of Indiana, India the brick base and a spiral stair led John Fallis, Harry Marshall and one hour after receipt of incoming . of white carnations, The couple were up on the inside to another door, op­ mail. No rural deliveries, good for 5 pounds of canning sugar attended, by Mr. and Mrs. Clifford napolis. Harry Cater took in the race meet at ening out to a short ladder leading Traverse City. each. Howse.of Harbor Springs. to a cat-walk around the base of the Rationed Shoes #*:; > ^Following the ceremony, a Regular Meeting of The Use Tax Stamp tank. Another ladder led up to the June 28, 1913 Stamp 3 8 good for 1 pair through Si*'. reception was held for about forty top of the tank for cleaning purposes Chamber of Commerce October 31. ^ig'tfests; ice cream and a wedding cake Weddings listed in this issue in­ Dus July 1st. The cat-walk was a favorite van­ clude the"!following Gladys Hiidkins Wednesday, July 7th Gasoline W. baked by bride's grandmother, Mrs. tage point from which residents ob­ of Afton and Walter Davis of Boyne No. 6 coupons in A book good W. 0, Spidle was served the guests. The Use Tax Stamp for 1943-44 tained a fine view of the country. City June- 25th at the bride's home. The regular meeting of the Cham­ through July 21; B and C stamps Many lovely gifts were presented to is now on sale at the postoffiee and Bert Lorraine tells of one day when They- went immediately to their new ber of Commerce will be held in the good as noted on book. the newly weds. must be purchased before applica­ he, Clifton Rowley, and Frank and home in Boyne City. Methodist Church parlors at 7:00 p.- Tires ••.:, Garden flowers and a bouquet oftio n can be made for the renewal of James Whitman skipped school. Gladys; Whiteford and John Mc- m; Wednesday, July 7th. Second inspection due: A book ve­ f%•:' • orchids (gift of an aunt of the bride) 'A' and 'D' gas rationing books in- Supt. B. A. Howard came after them Kirmon were married by the Rev. Bill Porter will be in charge of the hicles by Sept. 30; B's by June 30; -^1: Were used throughout the rooms. Out as-much as the new number must and found them up on the tin roof of Aldrieh at Boyne City the evening of program which will be of unusual in­ C's by Aug. 31; commercial vehicles " : of town guests were, Mr. and Mrs. be stated on the application. These the water tank. He ordered them to June 26th. They are keeping house terest. George Secord, former secre­ every 0 months or 5,000 miles which­ Clifford Howse, Mrs. Sarah" Howse stamps are $5 and valid for one year. come down and they invited him to in the Win. Sweet residence on the tary, may be with us. ever is first. Any person found driving after ; .-Mr. and Mrs. Denton Ward and come and get them. It ended in his West Sidj. The usual fifty cent lunch will be Fuel Oil -"''daughter, Dorone, son Leonard and July 1st without this stamp attached promising not to punish them if they ••;. Agnes jSohwab and Frederic Kurt- served. Coupon 5 is good for 11 gallons ..:Miss Aurlie Greeniu of Harbor to his windshield is liable to arrest would come down from their dan­ zhals of.'Prbvemont were married in Mabel E. Secord, Sec'y through Sept. 30 for both heat and : Springs. and fine, to say nothing of the fact gerous perch. St. Joseph's church Monday morning, hot water. Renewal applications now V The young couple spent the week that it will be impossible to obtain The tank was supported on top of June: 23rd arid win live in East Jor­ being mailed to users; fill out and re­ ' end with the grooms parents at Har- new coupon books without the re­ the brick structure by timbers which, dan,'', J. C. Mathews Appointed turn to board immediately. gistration of the Stamp number. E.^; bor Springs, the groom leaving Wed- in a few years began to decay from The following left to attend sum­ Antrim County l||iift«5day for Fort Custer where he will the continued moisture and by 1908 mer sciipol: At Mt. Pleasant, Pearl Sec'y- Treasurer AAA BEG YOUR PARDON F5^i(fgo. into U.-S. Service. The bride will showed a decided list toward the Lewis, Mary DeWitt, Fern Howard, : : To Get Your New In Council Proceedings, last week, 'V .r.emaih with her parents for the pre- west. Realizing it would not last Ethel. Blake, Nannie Davidson, Emo­ J. C. Matthews of East Jordan has Gasoline A Books much longer, the village council ry Pierce, TJla Dewey, and Mrs. last paragraph. Community Building been employed as secretary treasur­ bond retirement should have read made plans to replace it with a reser­ Frank Porter. At Big Rapids, Eva er of the Antrim County AAA Com­ Go to your gas station and get an voir on top of the hill north of and Jennie, Waterman, Ethel Crowell, three thousand dollars, not as pub­ IKS-SSA Engagement Announced mittee, to succeed Mrs. Aethale Chap­ lished. application blank—fill out as much Fourth Street. Sunday forenoon, and Mary GUnsolus^ Leto Stewart. man. He plans to start work here in 1¾¾ . as you can—sign in proper place. June 7th, 1908 Jessie Hiatt and some and Minnie Gleason went to Ypsil- anti; Winnifred Raino came home that capacity the first of the month. In the article relative to the death ;At a dainty luncheon given at the Be sure to send the back cover of others were up on the cat-walk and Mr. Matthews was formerly pastor .your old A book and your inspection she told her father when she got from Lorettb Abbey, Toronto and of Edward Thompson last week.
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