Harbord Village Spring 2016 Residents’ Association Contents Chair’s Message 1 Welcoming New Businesses 2 Events in Harbord Village 3 Harbord Village Artist 4 BLoB Approaches 5 Croft Greening 6 Message from the Chair College Street Study 8 t i m g r a n t TOCore 10 Your residents’ as- for, were willing to help us out, and at no Honest Ed’s 12 sociation is turning cost. We gratefully accepted their offer, a corner, and you and John Whincup, the company’s execu- Brunswick-College can help. Since the tive director, led us in a day-long session Parkette 13 year 2000, when the on a cold Saturday in January. We are now Dragon Boat Racing 13 board of the Sussex- considering new ways of marshalling our Ulster Residents’ forces and we would appreciate your input. Student Residence 14 Association voted So, how can you help? If you have a to close that small neighbourhood project you’d like to take UofT Area Liason 14 organization and on, get in touch! We will likely be able to Kensington Hospice 16 get a fresh start as the Harbord Village RA, find others to work with you. As a great the organization has grown and grown. example of the HVRA’s new way of work- Board members and residents like yourself ing, we will be launching an ambitious kept suggesting new projects, and more Harbord Village Green Plan at our Spring often than not, we took them on. (You can Meeting on Wednesday, May 18. At that learn more about our history and many meeting, guest speakers will inspire us all past projects at harbordvillage.com). to think about the potential of our lane- However, our all-volunteer board ways, yards, and even roadways as places began to feel the strain, as we took on of beauty, and to make them more wel- more ambitious projects, and developers coming to the birds, bees, and butterflies This newsletter is produced started proposing high-rise buildings on that need our help. To succeed, we’ll need twice a year by the our edges. Things were beginning to snap, neighbours working with neighbours in Harbord Village Residents’ when Steve Klein recommended that we every corner of the Village to shape and Association (HVRA) serving take a step back and undertake a re- implement this expansive new endeavour. the part of Toronto visioning exercise. It helped that the staff Please let us know if you can help. bounded by Bathurst Street, of OPTIMUS l SBR, the company he works Bloor Street West, Spadina Avenue, and College Street Visit us at harbordvillage .com. 1 Welcoming New Businesses to Harbord Village ann eyerman While the winter seemed to be never- ending, it did bring with it some new exciting businesses to Harbord Village. Here’s a brief introduction to some of the places you might want to visit soon. Windup Restaurant There’s a little whiff of the Caribbean at the corner of Borden and College these days at the Windup Restaurant. Co-owners Whitney Knowles and Chef Bryan Birch have transformed the former Windup-Bird Café into a “warm and welcoming” environ- ment to enjoy modern Caribbean Chef Bryan Birch and Whitney Knowles, Windup Restaurant cuisine. They wanted to offer a space to “sit-down” rather than “take-out” Urbane Cyclist 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Sunday: 12 good Caribbean food. Chef Birch has Urbane Cyclist has moved into its noon to 5 p.m. (www.ucycle.com, delved into his Trinidadian roots to new home at 280 College Street. For 416-979-9733). create traditional island fare with a the past 19 years, Urbane has success- Tot the Cat Cafe twist. Windup is open for lunch and fully operated as a workers- In November, the very first cat café in dinner every day and brunch on the cooperative, making each worker a Toronto opened its doors at 298 Col- weekend. It is fully licensed (windup- part owner in the business. At this lege Street. Tot the Cat Cafe (www restaurant.ca, 647-349-6373). new location, there are 10 “worker- .totthecatcafe.com, 647-748-2287) Caspar Haydar Design owners” on hand to assist you with gives customers a unique opportuni- your bike needs. Urbane Cyclist After three years at its Bathurst-Du- ty to hang out with cats while sipping carries a wide selection of bicycles, pont location, Caspar Haydar Design coffee or tea. All of the residents are including recumbent and fold-ups, has resettled at 106 Harbord Street. rescue cats from the Toronto Hu- as well as bike accessories and parts. CHD specializes in event planning mane Society and are available for There is a full service area on site; and floral arrangements, and fea- adoption. Since opening, over 30 cats and, in the near future, a mobile unit tures an in-store gift boutique. They have been adopted by Tot’s custom- will bring the repairs to you. They are planning to have an open-house ers. The owners say that part of their also offer a wide variety of bike work- soon to introduce their offerings to inspiration to open the café was to shops from “basic to comprehensive.” the neighbourhood (info@casparhay- share “love and compassion for ani- Urbane Cyclist is open Monday to darddesign.com, 416-901-5308). mals” with more people, especially Friday: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Saturday: children. Tot is open from 11 a.m. to 2 HVRA Newsletter Spring 2016 menu in the near future. If you need a feline fix, this is the place for you. Magic Noodle On Harbord Street, two new restau- rants have opened up side-by-side. At 93 Harbord Street, Magic Noodle has opened its first downtown location. They feature an extensive menu of hand-pulled noodle dishes prepared in their open kitchen. When I asked what makes it “magic,” the server said, “It’s magic because your food will be at your table 15 minutes after you order.” Sounded like magic to me. of chicken (naturally raised without You can also order on-line at www hormones or antibiotics) dishes with .magicnoodle.ca or by phone: 647-345- a few soup and sides available. The 8839. Magic Noodle is open every day “Greens” part of the name refers to from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. a selection of hearty salads. The res- Flock Rotisserie and Greens taurant is fully licensed and is open from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily (www 9 p.m. Monday to Saturday, and from Next door, at 97 Harbord, Flock Ro- .eatflock.com, 647-748-7199). 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Sunday. The café tisserie and Greens advertises itself as serves coffee, tea, and an assortment serving “Delicious Food That’s Pretty of muffins, cakes, and sandwiches. Good For You.” Their menu, as their They are planning on extending their name implies, focuses on a selection Events in Harbord Village Sat., May 14 Annual Neighbourhood Yard Sale Robert & Harbord Street, see HVRA website for more details Wed., May 18 Annual Spring Meeting Kensington Gardens, 45 Brunswick Guest speaker TBA Sun., June 5 Plant Fair Southwest patio, Kensington Gardens, 25 Brunswick Sun., Sept. 11 Fall Fair Margaret Fairley Park, 12–7 p.m. Wed., Oct. 19 Annual General Meeting Kensington Gardens, 45 Brunswick Guest speaker TBA Tues, Nov. 1 Pumpkin Festival Harbord Street from Spadina to Borden, starting at sunset 3 Harbord Village Artist: Jane Murdoch Adams Marilyn Martin “When I moved to Major Street in 1979, all the houses were different colours—mine was turquoise and the ones on either side were red and orange. Such a rainbow street it was.” —Jane Murdoch Adams Jane’s work still reflects that rainbow with exciting and vibrant colours; and, using her own special layering technique, she also gives her paint- ings a soft quality that suggests encaustic (painting in beeswax). As a professional artist for the last fourteen years, with a Master’s of Education from UofT, Jane has held numerous exhibitions and her work is featured in more than 70 art col- lections. She is currently represented by Canvas Gallery, and is a member of the Propeller Centre for the Visual Arts. Jane classifies her work as semi- Kahlo—joie de vivre.” Jane also lives abstract, and bases her series on her life with joie de vivre. themes that are important to her life. In a gallery, Janes’s work would be “Love Bees, Save Bees, Eat Honey” the one with the bench in front, to sit was a timely series, recently born out and enjoy a while, be enlivened and of Jane’s concern for the environ- inspired by the colourful, outgoing, ment. Similarly concerned, Harbord giving, strength of spirit that radiates Village residents are currently joining from her paintings. together on the Three Bs (birds, bees, Be sure to enjoy her work in full and butterflies) project, an HRVA colour on her website: janemurdoch- initiative to encourage greening the adams.com. neighbourhood. If you are a professional artist in As a former union organizer and Harbord Village and want to con- community developer, Jane strongly nect with the other artists in the area, identifies with the courage and please notify [email protected]. political energy of artist Frida Kahlo; hence, her most recent series: “Frida 4 HVRA Newsletter Spring 2016 The BLoB Approaches leslie carlin Hands up who wants bike lanes on First, it is a year-long study to get win and a loss.” Bloor Street! Okay, all you cyclists, real measures of bike lane impacts on The idea of BLoB has been around put them back onto your handlebars, traffic, and business activity on a ma- since 1992 without yet becoming a re- right now, because current Ontario jor downtown business street—a real ality, so perhaps it is best not to hold law states that you must have two opportunity to know what impacts our collective breath just yet.
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