f __ ' ’ . / • r*,«‘.',!"Tg a a r B - - .5___ -- - - T c S n viICSObrt’APHiCI C S ■_ • ■ d S J s O O ». ■ m .1 tAK£',.ClT,Y 3 _a | r a 1 / Fun for ala ll ^ G o o d i qQorning ^ity mlay neeed Today’s forecastast: Mostly cloudy withrith light south winds. Highs in the middle: SOs.5C Lows near 35. P a g « A 2 i » 19 miillion . School districtsts plan merger J Both the Bliss-ondmd H&german school H tG0 add schoco l s SlTstricts need a new:w school, so they’re B y K■rcQ n c ToUddoen trying to merge so the;they con a^o rd one. P a g « C 1 s-News writer - /IN FALLS - If Micron Ted:ch- I ® ________' Slierifr pleadsI iiinnocent nology;y Inc. settles a 3,500-workirker Jerome C ounty SheSheriff George Silver ini the Magic Valley, Twin Fal‘alls school and the junjunior and senior 111 has p lead ed inn<nnoccnt to a misde- It h av e to b u ild S I9 m illicion- h i ^ . m eaner <;harge. worth1 olo f Dew public schools with:thin ' If Micron buildsiaIsiat Crossroods P . 0 ^ 1 four yeai,rears. Ranch, the report preaic■cdicts 2,100 addi- * in FallsI School District Supcrii;rin- tional students in Twinwin Falls schoola/-' :nt Terrell Donicht said thattl» and o new high schoollool in 20U9, just d rrequire a bond-issue votee in one year earlier thanin pplanned. A ju- k , b(because it takes two years3 to nior-high would be bullbuilt on schedule. a sschool. in 2010. Zoning suits der the,Jiiost extrcAie populula- Officials predict thatJiot workers at thd Lawsuits forec newlew Minidoka County growth forecast in a recent MMi- Crossroads Ranch site would tend to zoning ordinancess ggoverning feedlots • cron-imfimpact study, a new high schofiool Jive in Jerome, relievlnj;ving the stress on and dairies into Distriistrict Court for clarifi- and juniunior high would be neededd in Twin Falls. Workerkers at Hanseii cation. the ty by 1999. Bridge would tend to isettle in Twin P .g * C 3 at’s if the company buildssits i Falls. billion computer-chip factoryy at Ifthe dispute overr bringingbr Microti, the Hanslansen Bridge site and if the cicity to the VAllty settles5 by then, passing meets> maximum growth expectationons. the bond is likely beetbecausc the com: cither of Micron’s preferrerred murflty has generally,ly ssupported new ' c \Valley sites. Twin Falls cicity schools, Donicht said, O n to^tate schc:chool district would not be abable But. “If people holdold grudges aboul Jerome’s basketballball girls stayed u n d e -' . to collcclicet property taxes on the fact'icto- the battle th at’s b einjeing waged rlghl' featcd by beating BiBuhl for the district . ry becaucause both sites are outside the;heir n o w , th e n th e chanclan ces w o n ’t bi! Class A-2 champiopionship. Kimberly taxingg aiauthority. • y - good,*’ he added, threw the A-3 meet;t irinto an extra session long-termloni plan drawn up by 'tlthe As superintendent':nt of schools it^ by downing Valley. last year - before Micron aian-' Challis, he helpedi ptproject similar; P a g a B I ced plans lo open a new plant,nt - grow th figures for a rnew mine tha^ ;cted th e need for o new hi{ligh doubled the populationtion there in three )l and junior high at 2010. years. ^ Toughest since;e lastI week Underider the impact statement’s manax- “The projections werewo never accuy College o f Southernlem Idaho takes a half- BuocY o« n u 8 i*«nwDwemtTWMM* imum-giI -growth prediction, the schocools rate, because the minmine never went game Scenic West C<Conference lead on a w ouldd rneed lo accommodate 2,7(,700 into full production,’on,” he said. “It two-game tour inI UUtah this weekend, Playful puppies areI hshard to avoid, especiallyly for S-year-old V alentineIne and his : students. By 2002. S29.4 m'mil- seems follu arc stewedved up before thi^y needing both to k eep ^ iits hopes to become G-ye'ar*old s is te r V aneinessa Ramirez, who likeB toI reach o v e r th e fe n c: e a n d p la y lion woiwould be needed for an elemenen- should be.” tournament host alive.ive. with their neighbors*s* cd o g s . T h e b roth er an di st is te r a re th e ch ild ren1 oof Vincent P a g e B I and Romana Ramirez« z o f B urley. Nev^ AIE3S tre^triMlent s , p ^ e l . Streamliline labs ^ says J ' - K’sth«H>igTaceT " " i jneouraginQg,'studiesjssay T he B oulder Mbuiibuntain Tour, one of Hi w Associated 1*108 the nation’s biggestest cross-country ski ’ Key labs covorered -A 2 i l ile o Aasociatod / PrcM _ is produced by Glaxiilaxo Holdings races, sprints ofT ^tuaturday. j WASHINGTON — Budgedget prcMures and the— Inc. While the medic:dicine has not P « g * D 1 end o f the Cold W ar justify■y a scaling back o f the form■mer chairm an o f M otorolaila C orp., said the WASHINGTONW / — Four ncnew ' yet been a p ^ v e d ^ Ilthe Food and government’s prestigious resresearch laboratories, .laboiK>nilories have been plaguedcd by inefficiency. studi<idies- suggest a novcl-combir)ina-, Drug Admmistrationion for routine Swift, silent, de^leadly ■a special commission saidd Wednesday,V calling dupliplication and micromanagemcment from Wash- lion)n oi f A IDS drugs knocks baback use, the con)pany has provided it the labSjinefiicicnt and mismismanaged. ^ _ Jngtc'ton. ' <1a thevie viriis and boosts levels ofcricrili- lo about 10,000 AIDSAIL patients^ Behind the great,t hihom ed ow l’s facade- ^ But the 23-member panel,cl (did not recommend Thrhe commission suggested:d iIhe Clinton ad- cal1 whitew blood cells for up to a around the world. o f w isdom is a swiAvin. silent killing ma- closing any of the research:h Ifacilities where for. mininistrqtion might be movingig itoo quickly and year,ar. ' The latest researchc h was\ present; chine. - Pagcof Jnearly half a century ColdId \War scientists pro- too) broadlyt in trying to expamland laboraiory-in- ExpertsEx| called the results eenr ed Wednesday at anin AAIDS confer- duced the most*sophisticatedled and destructive nu- , duslisiry partnerships. ' . couraluraging but said they are imcticer- ence sponsored by/ thithe American clear weapons on earth. WWhile not recommending anymy labs be closed. taiiiin yelj whclRcr the hopeful sigsigns' Socicty for Microbiolojiology. ------ Energy Secretary Hazel1 0O’Leary, while cm- thec commission suggested:d some nuclear’ .^memCOT people with AIDS >^11 actictu-__ - AIDS kills largely:ly Il\y attacking bracing, m ost o f the repon,1, rruled out ‘‘a drastic weaj:apons research at the Livcivcrm ore National oHyly liveli longer. CD4 cells, a varietyiety of critical restructuring" d f the laboratoiatory system. She said Labebonttoiy in California be shshifted to the Los TheThi studies ^ two conducted:d in white cells that helpp ththe body fight iirope and two in the Unitlited infections. The laKlatest studies Jobs are the ke^t e y . <over the next year the res(research laboratories Alaram os weapons lab iii Neww Mexico. Liver- Euro would be streamlined'and reoreorganized. mon)rc should focus on nuclearar inonproliferation Slate;ates — all tested a comblriatiation showed that the two0 drdrugs together The Magic Valleycy will need well-paid "I read the report as sayinging they’re too ful and issueues, it recommenilcH.” o f'AZT, Ai a widely used AIDS driirug, appeared to significant!;antly raise CD4 taxpayers to help) ctcarry the inevitable > 0 0 heavy and too costly.”y .” O 'L eary told rc-- ArAmong the recommendations:ms: andid thetl experimental 3TC. / levels while supprcssin:ssing — but not costs o f growth. toda>day’s editorial says. porters' as she m ade the con-:ommission's findings • . proclices and m ove ThisThi strategy is yet to be coi:om- eliminating — the viru:virus. P > g ttA 6 I > Adopt new businesslike pro public. towaA'ard becoming “ independent:cntly operaled not- paredircd widely againsi other comlmbi- Dr. C hristine Katlaiatlama of Pitie- But she said there will be« rno proposal to close' for-pr-profit organizations" wilhtl l<less control from naiioiiiions o f drugs, and many<quijucs- Salpetriere Hospitalal iiin Paris, one ' the Idaho National Ehgineeileering Laboratory or che: governmentg bureaucracies.s. lionsans remain, including’its lorong-. of the researchers, saicsaid the cq^bi- any of the olher research;h labsI in the bu3get • Should consider their primarypt mission rm safety and just when in1 tthe . nation of 3TC andid /AZT would IPresident Clinton will prcscrrscni lo C o n fe ss next mairlintaining “a safe, secure andmd reliable nuclear tours)urse of the disease it shouldd be now be her first cfioiceloicc for treating Fed creates a didrag . 'week. “There’s no fire saleale at these labs.” she stoclwkpile” — a role made moreore critical because givenven. patients with relative]lively advanced dcclarqd; - tb; c lUnited States no longer planIans lo conduct nu- 3TC,3T also known as lamivudiidine, disease. Saying it acted to head ofT inflation. ' Thc commission, headedcd by Robert Galvin, clcaiyir bomb tests. .the Federal Reserveve iincreases key intcr- csl rates but the boosoost is expected to bc- ■' come 0 drag on housiiusing and auto sales. P a 9 « E 1 Wolvess sparki: loud lilowl abbout staates’ rigghts Murders incresreasing kkE.
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