. ' -i-'r-VS t Avenlge Daily Net Preee Ron For tiM Week Ended The Weather April 20,1068 FefeonM of D. & Weelfew Enteee Fair, not m cool taalght. Low hi 13,974 46e. Setiiiday varinbto rieudlaeee Member of the Audit and MiiMhliM oonttniied nrild. High BurcM of caronlatloB near 70. Manchester— City o f Village Charm VOL. LXXXn, NO. 182 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN-.; FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1968 (OUaelfled AdvertMag on Page It) gPRICE SEVEN CENTS ----------------------------- -- St t^News ^ undup ^ X Dempsey May Act ^ On Road Safety HARTFORD (AP) _ Gov- U.S. ernor Dempsey said today that if the General Assembly fails to come up with a strong highway safety program he plans to move by executive or- House Speaker der. Dominica] With the Governor’s proposals To Get Power for a maximum speed limit and chemical test for suspected dnmk- War Thp^t en drivers deadlocked between the Democratic Senate and the GOP To Subpoena House, the Governor said he is hopeful that this impasse can be HARTFORD, Conn'. (AP)—The Subsiding broken before June 6 adjournment. GOP-controlled Connecticut House The chief executive said he will of Representatives debates today call for a meeting next with the DOMINGO, Do- leadership of both Houses in an ef- a motion on resumption of an in- fort to ‘‘do our best to get a high- ve.stigation of state in.surance buy- rnican Republic (A P)— The way safety prbgram for the peo- ing practices which involvc.s a hreat of war between two ple.” company in which a son and Caribbean neighbors eaa^ However, if the Legislature daughter of John M. Bailey, na- still further t(Say with the gbes home without taking action tional and. state Democratic chair- i/ in thia field, the Governor said he mart are major stockholder.s. Dominican Republic’s accep- will then confer with the Attorney ’The re.solution, drafted by GOP tance of the Haitian offer to General to determine how far he legislators, would authorize the let 15 political refugees in the could go by “executive order." House as a whole to resume the Dominican Embassy in Port He said he was particularly in- investigation. An injunction ob- terested in "stronger suspension tained by the John P. Kelly Co. au Prince leave the country ie MIt. Everest in the Himalayas, the wrorld’e highest mountain, which has been scaled by an penalties to keep drunken drivers of Hartford, the state's insurance and the other seven go to thp American expedition. Two members of the American team raised the Stars and Stripes on the off the highways.” agent of record, has stalled an Colombian Embassy. 29,028-foot peak. This photo waa taken in July,' ^946, as an RAF plane flew over the summit of lnve.stigation by the Hou.se Insur- Fears remained of a blowup In- Everest. (AP Hiotofax). ance Committee. Road Bills Passed side seething Haiti as President Before the. probe was halted, Francois Duvalier strove to crush HARTFORD (AP) — The Re- Bailey te.stified that his teen-age his foes.. Diplomats in Port au publican-controlled House hM ap- son. Jack, and hi.s daughter, Prince, the Haitian capital, be- jMcaYfid and sent to the_ Senate the ®Mi?y_.Kf.Q.nho!jn,... are ^ma- lieve Duvalier may launch a new GOP version or a maximum speed jor stbekhbiders in the Kelly firm. wave of repression now that he Is limit bill and chemical test bill. House Speaker J. Tyler Patter- no longer under surveillance o f ' . The measures conflict with those sqn was expected to be voted pow- the Organization of American already passed by the Democratic er by the House today to .subpoena States, which sent a fact-finding Senate. The Republican bills will record.s of the company which mission to Port au Prince to In- Qii Second Day Peak Climb ’ -'uld show who has been getting be referred to a committee in the ve.stigate Dominican charges. Senate as the Democratic bills will $500,000 in commissions on The five-nation OAS mission re- <^^KA’TMANDUj Nepal (AP)-^Wlth* The expedition's plans called forfttalneers that furnished* the guides be In the House; t-./ie insurance policies paid dur- turned to Santo Elomingp 'Thurs- ing the current two-year period. the Stars and Stripes already a second team, which had been If any measures are ultimately day night after two days of talks and porters for the expedition. The House Insurance Committee planted on the roof of the world, climbing a day behind the first New Zealander Edmund Hillary agreed upon, it will have to be with Haitian officials. After talk- word was eagerly awaited today group, to press on to the summit. through the appointment of a con- subpoenaed the records, but' the ing with Dominican President —now Sir Edmund—and a Sherpa, subpoenas were blocked by th whether an American expedition This would match a Swiss feat in Tensing Norgay, first climbed to ference committee that might Juan Bosch, the mission is expect- had succeeded in conquering Mt., work out a possible compromise. temporary Injunction obtained ed to return to Washington in a 1966, when two teams reached the .the ice-crusted "pleasantly round- the company. Everest- for a second time.' peak on successive days. ed cone,’’ as Hillary described it, The Republican bills were passed day or two. The Republican-controllc' It was sent to the Island of His- Two members of the American Later, a third American team on May 28i 1963. by the House yesterday .after Everest expedition reached the was to try for the top. But in paniola—which Haiti and the bo- In addition to the British con- Democrats unsuccessfully tried to (Continued on Pag 29,028-foot summit of the world’s Katmandu, today there was no quest and the two successful Swiss amend them to conform to the minican Republic share—after highest mountain.at 1 p.m. (2:30 word beyond the bare announce- climbs in 1956, the Chinese Com- versions passed previously by the Haitian troops invaded the Domin- a.m. Eastern Standard Time) ment that the first team had Senate. ican Embassy in an attempt t o , munists claimed that they reached Wednesday, an expedition spokes- reached the peak and planted the the summit in 1960 and left a sta- Tile GOP speeding bill would set Well... 8 get hold of opponents of Duvaltor' B 1 a c k who took refuge there. B<rich man announced Thursday night. U.S. flag. tue of Mao Tze-tung. ’The claim an absolute limit of 70 miles an Presumably the two climbers re- The expedition’s policy is to has not been accepted In interna- hour on superhighways and 60 on And Go on It Emigrant Thanks U.S, with Cross threatened to retaliate with force, .Jumed to the assault camp, 1,228 keep the identities of the various tional mountaineering circles, and and for a time war appea/ed Im- -other roads. The Democratic minent. eet below the summit before tekms secret until all three groups word was awaited whether the measure passed by the Senate Polish emigrant SUnley Nicinski, 75, of New Britain, saved his ZEST H A R T F O R D .(^ i— money for 58 years and then paid tribute to his adopted coun- The Colombian ambassador in IVednesday. have returned to safety. It was American climbers had found "arty would s e f^ r y ln g limits for autos the'-.qxpedition'B base camp ra- not even_ known Whether both of trace of the (Chinese. and trucks during daytime and ""Please be advised,” ''the city try by spending 010,000 for this 30-foot bronze and stalnlc.4s Haiti, Eduardo Restrepo del Cor- dioed Kataandu today that idl the first ’ conquerors were Ameri- The first American team fol nighttime hours. / notice said, ’’that notice of Steel crucifix which towers on a New Britain hill. Nicinski, in rel, said former Haitian army Lt. persoimel we^e well but added no cans or whether one was a Sher- caveat assessment for a pene- photo, calls it the "Shrine of the National Cross of Jesus in the Francois Benoit, the man in the The Republican bill u nllk ^ ^ s United States of America.” (AP PhPtofax). details. ps, from the.native tribe of moun- (OonttnUed on Page Ten) Senate counterpart, would prevent tratibn macadam wearing Dominican Embassy Duvalier cotirse is null and void as of wants mp,st, was not on the list of the State Motor Vehicles^cmnmis- those to be allowed to leave the sioner from suspendlng^ft driver’s this date. license for a first sf^eding con- What did it mean ? Wonder- country. Duvalier charges that viction unless suspailsion was spe- ed property owners on Crock- Benoit led a machine-gun attempt Romney Backs on the President's children last Romne^;Miller Deny cifically recommended by the trial er Ave. First Split Appears judge. / ^ As Mayor Richard W. Shee- weekend in which a chauffeur and two bodyguards were killed. Under the/term s of the GOP han pointed ouf yesterday, it Do-It-Y6urself, chemical test bill, a drunken driv- means they didnt have tp pay Drive for Nomination ing s u ^ c t who refused to sub- for a blacktop foa<J the'y had In New Arab Union Relations Worsen But U.S. H^elps mit a blood test would auto- previously b«en assessed for. PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti (AP) .IjAve his license sus- "I am asking town offi-* relations with Haiti are deterio- By bakby icMWiro <f>nomlnated, i v ^ l l not accept; If priided.
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