'lffi HIMACHAL PRADESH JUDTCIAL ACADEMY. SHIMLA l6 \lilc. Shimla-\hndi \ational Ilieh\\ar. District Shimla l7l0ll IEst. \ ide )notitlcation No. tlome ( E ) -]- I7i 200i-ll duted 2'1'h NoVember 2005l Phone.011'7 -2'719960 Telefax: 0177 -2779960 e-Mail: [email protected] Web: www. hosia. n ic. in Ref. No. HPJA/Webinar JOs /2020- ;ogo ' 'Joq\ Dated.03.09.2020 t-./To The Ld. District and Sessions Judges. Bilaspur/ Chamba/ Hamirpur/ Kangra at Dharamshala,/Kinnaur at Rampur Bushehr/ Kullu/ Mandi/ Shimla,/ Sirmour at Nahan/ Solan/ Una [Through Email and Faxl Subject: Webinar on ".luvenile Justice" for the Principal Nlagistrates and Members of Juvcnile Justice Boards on l9'h Septemb er, 202(1. Sir, "Jai Hind" I have the honour to submit that Himachal Pradesh Judicial Academy is going to organise Webinar on "Juvenile Juslice" for the Principal Magistrates and Members of the Juvenite Justice Boards, on 19th September,2020 (Saturday) fiom 2.00 PM to 3.30 PM. All the Principal Magistrates and Members of Juvenile have been nominated to attend the aforesaid Webinar. May I, therefore, request your goodself to kindly ask the Principal Magistrates and Members of Juvenile Justice Boards of your Civil and Sessions Division to join the Webinar on the aforesaid date and time. They may also be asked to download the'google meet app' from the google play store in their mobiles or laptops/desktop to join the webinar. Link to join the webinar will be sent to the participants on their mobiles/ email IDs. List of Principal Magistrates and Members of Juvenile Justice Boards nominated to attend the webinar is enclosed herewith. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, /;/^* (Abira Basu) Deputy Director Endst. No.: HPJA/Webinar JOs /2020- Dated: 03.09.2020 Copy forwarded for intbrmation to: t . The Worthy Registrar General, High Court of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla. tis#-{t=i5/ 2. The Principal Private Secretary to Hon'ble the Chief Justice. High Court of H.P. (Hon'ble Patron of the Academy), Shimla. 3. The Secretary to Hon'ble Shri Justice Sureshwar Thakur, Judge, High Court ol H.P. (Hon'ble President of the Academy); with the request to place this letter belore His Lordship for kind perusal. please. 4. Sh. Pawan Kumar, System Analyst ol the Academy; with the direction to upload the same in the vn ebsite of the Academy and also to send the same to the ld. District and Sessions Judges and participants through e-mail. td'//' Deputy Director 't"ffi List of Princinal Masistrates and Members of Jur.enile Justice Boartls nominated for attendins the \\'ebinar on ".Iul enile .Iustice" on 19.09.2020 .\. Ilrin ciptl Jllgistrnlcs Sr. Name, Designation and place of l \{obile No. Iimail ID No. posting of Principal trIagistrate ll Sh. Sachin Raghu, Senior Civil 94r80-13223 sach inra g h u TTtlTtvah oo.c om Judge -cum-CJM, Kullu sqch in [email protected]. in -) Sh. Arvind Kumar. Senior Civil 94 | 8l-79636 arr indktrrnarmalikirlic rr gmril.com Judge -cum-CJN'[, Lahul & Spiti at arvindkLrmar{4aij.Srv.in Kullu J Sh. Sidharath Sarpal, Senior Civil 918t6-65777 saroa I s idharthr(l sma i l.corn Judge -cum-ACJM, Court No. I , Shimla .t Sh. Subhash Chander Bhaseen. 94r83-15036 hhasecn-subhas h rir ahoo. conr Senior Civil Judge -cum-ACJM, Rampur Bushahr Mrs. Neha Dahiya, Senior Civil 98 l6l-8 I 875 nc ha k'ri'a i 0\'. 1 Judge -cum-ACJM, Court No. l, Hamirpur 6 Sh. Amardeep Singh, Senior Civil 8219241744 anrardeco.sinshS l 'ir aii.sor.in Judge -cum-ACJM, Court No. l, Mandi 1 Ms. Manisha Coyal, Senior Civil 7018124976 irn icunat0grna il.com Judge -cum-ACJM, Court No. l. man isha.sol alt2,a ii. gov. in Una 8 Sh. Ashok Kumar. Civil Judge- 89883 5 6889 cc0Ll[ts- cum-JMIC. Dalhousie. District hpcho4rar ind iancou rts.n ic. in Chamba 9 Ms. Ceetika Kapila. Civil Judge- 9805 7880 I 8 eclikaka ila at o\'.ln cum-lMIC. Nahan. District Sirmour t0 Sh. Gaurav Kumar. Mobile Traffic 97 r62-03 641 grr irrdgc lir'e.conr Magistrate Solan and Sirmour and arrrav.kumarS2'rt'ai i. gor . i n Principal Magistrate J uvenile Justice Board. Solan ll Ms. Kanika Gupta, Civil Judge- 9805455409 q rrrlta kan ika45 8rir.. smail.conr cum-JMIC Court No. l. I kanika.cuota86ra,aii.sov. in Dharamshala, District Kangra t2 Ms. Nikita Tahim, Civil Judge-cum- 88943991 53 tah inr.n ik ita rr !rn a il.conr JMIC. Bilaspur LAffi B. Members Sr. Name Member of Juvenile Justice \Iobile No. Emuil ID No. Board l Shri Y.S. Rana, Member, Juvenile 9464122181 r .r'.sranr rt] grrail.com Justice Board. Dharamshala 2 Ms. Narestha Kumari, Member, 9.1598:10645 narcshtac harr,la ii gnra il.corrr J uvenile Justice Board. Dharamshala -) Shri Neeraj Dadrval, Member, Juvenile 70r8136689 nceraidad* alll2[igrnail.conr Justice Board. Una ,l Smt. Shanti Sharma. Member, Juvenile 170r8305564 :hantisltalmirl I 5(r,(a grnail.corrl Justice Board. Una ls Shri Kamal Verma. Member. Juvenile 91r 86-30009 lilr k a nra Ivcrnr a lr'u nr a i l-conr J ustice Board, Solan 6 Mrs. Puja Gupta, Member, Juvenile 941 8 t 53526 Dooiaguotaadv2 I ldgmail.corn Justice Board. Kullu l Mrs. Vijay Bhandari, Member, 82t9484622 r'blJ I 0l695r'r7 grn ail.conr Juvenile Juslice Board, Kullu 8 Smt. Ashok Kumari. Member. Juvenile 858044 t 023 Justice Board. Mandi g Shri Santosh Kumar. Member, 91 1 81 9.1901 sk3 5 775.l2,-rrJtrna il.conr Juvenile J ustice Board. Mandi l0 Ms. Neelam Sharma. Member 88q49n67q Ja<irinirudhsharmiqgrlailrom l Juvenile Justice Board. ] Bilaspur I | ll Smt. Amita Bhardrvaj. Member, 98 t 6359079 arn itabhardn ai I7smltr]gmail.co Juven ile Justice Board. Shimla nl 12. Smt. Pooja Sharma, Member. Juvenile 9736054488 pool:!a r I 0'Zl grnail.corn Justice Board. Chamba -rismai t3 Sh. Yog Raj, Member, Juvenile Justice 94s9936333 -\ oq sharnra7000 l.corl Board. Chamba 9459402400 1.1 Sh. Chhaya Ram Sharma, Member, 9418208 107 sharrn ac h hava rarn lT grn ai Lcorn Juvenile Justice Board, Rampur Bushahr t5 Smt. Neena Sharma. Member. Juvenile i zO ttZZo:S8 ncenz999tir'qrna i l.corl Justice Board. Rampur Bushahr I t6 Sh. Viveka Nand. Member, Juvenile 98I 6897595 vivc kr cd ire n Lrliaii'1r'snra il.corn J ustice Board. Nahan t7 Ms. Niti Agarrval, Member- Juvenile 851477.13 ll nitiTTbharat rnail.conr Justice Board. Nahan.
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