Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-41715-0 - The Plays of David Hare Carol Homden Index More information INDEX Absence of War, The 5,52, Christie in Love 36 217-27,238 Dead Head 130 Absurd, the 4, 9, 47, 105, 123, Genius, The 94 129,165, 232 Greenland 100, 139 Apocalypse Now 78-83 influences on 2, 10, 47, 48 Arden,John 50,100 Serjeant Musgrave *s Dance 47 interpretations of 33,37 Workhouse Donkey, The 27, Revenge 36 30 Romans in Britain, The 34, Aristotle 4, 30,142, 234 36,93,95 Weapons of Happiness 139 Bay at Nice, The 4, 104,115, Brook, Peter 4, 52, 229, 230, 137, 142,143-50, 152, 153, 232,234 162-5,168,186, 189, 192, Brown, Blair 181,236 197,201, 203, 207, 229, 232, 234,235 Calder, Angus Beckett, Samuel 20, 47 The People's War 3,25,55, Bolt, Robert 47, 50 62, 230 Borgias, The 32, 52, 89 Casablanca 75-8,135 Brassneck 2, 3, 5,16, 20, 25-38, Churchill, Caryl 46, 48, 49, 52, 55, 62, 80, 87, Serious Money 97-99, 101 88, 96, 138, 140, 150, 160, Top Girls 34 162, 179,192,196, 208, 217, Comedy 96-9 221, 222,225,227,229,230 Conservative Party TV version 34, 66 philosophy 89-91, 162-3, Brecht, Bertolt 43, 45, 47, 49 219 Alienation technique 48,52 Maudling, Reginald 28 Arturo Ui 48, 96 Thatcher government 6 5, Epic Theatre 2, 50,125 73,83, 100, 123, Influence of 43, 47 141 Gestus 42,52 Mother Courage and Her Dench, Dame Judi 76, 85, 13 Children 48, 52 Documentary 19, 27—30, 32, Brenton, Howard 11—13,35 50-3, 57,85,88,89,120,19 Bloody Poetry 13 8-9 221,229 259 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-41715-0 - The Plays of David Hare Carol Homden Index More information 260 INDEX Dreams of Leaving 4, 9, 35, 67, Galileo 5, 44, 47-8 93, 103-14, 116, 123,138, game metaphors 20, 57 165,168,169,176,178,183, King Lear 1,4,31,141,151, 185,189,190,193,195,198, 158,229-38 200,201,231,232 Man Above Men 237 political experiences 10-11, Edgar, David 2 26,235 Maydays 94 Rules of the Game 47 England's Ireland 2, 29 What Happened to Blake? 13 Evil 97, 140, 174-5, 232 Havel, Vaclav 21 Eyre, Richard 61, 87, 113, 237 Heading Home 4, 34, 35, 105, no, in, 154, 156, 183, Fanshen 2, 20, 23, 39-54, 131, 189-201, 203, 207,224, 136, 137, 191, 201,216,230 232-3,235,236,237,238 TV version 45 Hinton, William Forrest, Frederic 80 Fanshen 39, 51-2, 230 Frears, Stephen 77, 113 objections to the play 50 Freud, Sigmund 192,194-5, Shenfan 53 232 History 3-4, 15, 19, 25-6, 30, Civilization and its Discontents 33-5,44-5,52-3,55,61-3, 141 80,123,130,142,158,200, Interpretation of Dreams 231,232,236-7 no—11 Hopkins, Anthony King Lear 234 Genet, Jean 13,35 Pravda 88 Great Exhibition, The 3, 10, 18, How Brophy Made Good 3 7, 27,36,46,49,61,235 64,138,155 Griffiths, Trevor 2, 6, 63-5 Hughes, Ted Comedians 11 Crow 31,35 Country 60, 62, 64, 65, 113, 139 Jacobean tragedy 35, 52, 179 Oi! for England 13 Joint Stock Theatre Company Party, The 46 2, 43-4, 47, 230 Habermas, Jurgen Knuckle 3,7, 18, 26, 27, 36, legitimation crisis 153 49, 50, 61-2, 70-1, 97, 131, Hampton, Christopher 136,138,141, 162, 168 Portage to San Chrisobal of A.H. 62 Labour Party 28,36,52,83, Total Eclipse 126 217-227,235, 236, 238 Handke, Peter 14 government of 1945 27,57 Hare, David government of 1964 1 o autobiography 10, n, 19, Language 109-10,120,130,137,141, deterioration of 123,135—6 233-4,236 language-games 20—3, 116, Damage 44 H3-4 education 10, 98, 137, 141, revolution 21-2,39-40 233,236 use of metaphor 8, 9, 23, 51 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-41715-0 - The Plays of David Hare Carol Homden Index More information INDEX 26l Lay By 2,13,34,52,151 Paris By Night 4, 155,159—80, Licking Hitler 3, 8, 19, 20, 29, 185,186,219,225, 236 Pinter, Harold 135, 139 104, 106, 109, in, 117, 136, Caretaker, The 12 138,159,167,183, 184, 190, language 16-17, 132 191, 192,200,231 Monologue in Piscator, Erwin McEwan, Ian documentary theatre 2, Imitation Game, The 61-2, 28-9, 71,230 67,81 confessional theatre 37,237 Plath, Sylvia Ploughman's Lunch, The 'Daddy' 17 112,114 Plenty 3, 18, 34, 35, 60, 62, Map of the World, A 4, 9, 19, 65-73, 81-3,85,91, 105, 109, 64, 73, 83, 85, 93, 98, 99, 108, 112,115,123,130,135,146, no, 115-26, 128, 129,132, 147, 150, 154, 159,160,165, 142,143,154,156, 160, 172, 186, 190, 198, 199, 200, 216, 179,191,192, 201, 207, 219, 225,231,232,234 232,236 Marcuse, Herbert 156 film version 71-3,85 consciousness of crisis 3 6 Political theatre 2,19, 37—8,44, 47,49,50,54,123,126,136, repressive tolerance 64 158, 176, 179,200,231,235 Matisse, Henri see also Brecht, Bertolt; Expressionism 156—8, 192, Piscator, Erwin 232 Portable Theatre 2, 10, 13-14, Nice period 144—5 17,45,123,157,229 Miller, Jonathan 231,233 Poulson, John 28, 52, 88, 127, Mitchell, Julian 221, 230 Another Country 98 Montage Pravda 3, 28, 52, 82, 87-101, Eisenstein, Sergei 125-6 108,140, 145, 149, 160, 163, Murdoch, Rupert 52, 88, 221 165,203,205,208,237 Murmuring Judges 5, 183, Racing Demon 5, 173, 194, 209-17, 222-3, 225, 237-8 203-9,216,222, 223, 225, 226,237 National Theatre 68, 70, 87, Rampling, Charlotte 162, 169 100 Redgrave, Vanessa 130,134 Nature 123, 139, 158, 232 Richardson, Joely 130,193 Nelligan, Kate Royal Court Theatre 2, 10, Dreams of Leaving 108,110 14,18,37,229 Plenty 72,236 Nietzsche, Friedrich 14-15,194 Saigon: Year of the Cat 3, Nighy, Bill 108 75—86, 104, 109, in, 112, 135-6,138,161,166, 167, Osborne,John 169,189, 201, 236 Entertainer, The 14 Sartre, Jean-Paul Look Back in Anger 58, 70, bad faith 142, 176, 201, 126 232 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-41715-0 - The Plays of David Hare Carol Homden Index More information 262 INDEX existentialism 104-7, IX3 159,171,180, 189, 191, 200, Nausea 109, in 221,223-4,227,232-3,237, shame 106-7, 198 238 Secret Rapture, The 4, 107, 141, 155, 159-80 , 181, 185, 191, War 200,203,206,207,216,222, class war 3, 8-9, 25-6, 49, 224,231,233,235,236 57-8, 194,231,236-7 film version 173—4, 177, Falklands War 205 194 First World War 30 Shakespeare, William 37,52, Second World War 3,25, 138, 142,158,189,232 55-^5, 68, 192, 230, 231, 236 Hamlet 121, 134 Vietnam 75-86 King Lear 31,35,108,233 Watergate 29, 127 Othello 128, 135 Waugh, Evelyn 236 Richard II 52,138 Handful of Dust, A Richard III 31,89,96 Wesker, Arnold 10 Romeo and Juliet 7 Chicken Soup With Barley 26 Slag 3, 10, 13-14,27,33,45, Journalists, The 89 61, 142, 236 Wetherby 4, 50, 85,127-42, Stoppard, Tom 120, 125, 155 155,158,159,162,169,171, Night and Day 92 175,178, 182, 190, 192, 193, Professional Foul 124 194,200, 201, 203, 232-3 Real Thing, The 121-2 Wilde, Oscar 93, 120, 126 Strapless 4, 147, 166, 180, Soul of Man Under Socialism 181-88,201,203,233,234, IIQ 237 Wittengstein, Ludwig On Certainty 21 Teeth V Smiles 5, 7-23, 49, Philosophical Investigations 20 51, 53,67,71, 105, 109, 115, Women, presentation of 16, 117, 120, 124, 129, 138, 141, 55, 58-62, 67-70, 81-2, 142,143,146,166,177,194, 95—6,103-4,107, no, 231-2,234 112-14,116-8,134,147, Television 168,186,192,196, 201, 214, BBC 60,63,65,195 231 and history 62-4 Wrecked Eggs 108,137,143, strategic penetration 3, 147,150-5,162, 197, 201, 63-4,231 203,232 Thriller, the 128, 130-1, 159, 171 Yeats, W.B. 177,235 Highsmith, Patricia 131 'Gyres, The' 9, 124 Priestley, J. B. 131,138 'Second Coming, The' Tragedy 4, 5, 15, 30, 142, 158, 124,221 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org.
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