LEE SS A A TE irre agin nelTe Se iptke ine chal ap toe nad NetBNed. WB WB men enaenBn se GOVERNMENT GAZETTE + Published by Authority UNIrTEDXeong 6 oe | oer ee ; ¥ Vol. LVII, No. : oe : f Bag ‘ 70 ‘26th SEPTEMBER, 1980 ° Price 25c- “ .. ‘ . LlRp ADxe. TEN General Notice 879 of 1980. r RESERVE BANK OF ZIMBABWE ACT [CHAPTER 173] _ Statement of Assets and Liabilities of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe: Ry _ IN terms of section 20 of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Act [Chapter 173], a statement of theassets and liabilities of the Reserve - Bank of Zimbabwe as at: the. 12th September, 1980, is publishediin theSchedule, . 4 D. W. YOUNG, 26-986, co Secretary to the Treasury, . L SCHEDULE _ STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AS AT THE iarH SEPTEMBER, 1980 Liabilities . 5 o Assets 5 Capital . ae 000 000 ‘Gold and foreign assets . 197732979 General ReserveFund; ; ye 8 8 ee 6 000 000 Loans and advances ~. 1 . 1. ww uw 50 871 201 Currency in circulation. «+ 146956 443 Internal investments— 68 316°683 Deposits and otherliabilities to the public, - « 161 378 958 Government stock. 21808372 7 Otherliabilities ee ew we ke ‘76 186 159° Other .« . .).) 646508311 , Other assets . 2. 1 . 1 1 ee 75 600 697 $392 521 560 $392 521 560 Sa . General Notice 880 of 1980... + Date of | COM PANIES ACT (CH.APTER. 190] - Number Name ofcompany Capital registration 182/69 Ajax Enterprises (Pyt.) Ltd. : 24.000 14.3.69 Companies Struck Off the Register _ . 200/69 ‘ThePlace Boutique (Pvt) Ltd. 24000 20.3.69 3593/69. Sinoia Drift (Pvt.) Ltd... 3 . 9. 2. 24000 22.7.69 IT is hereby notified, in terms of section 283 of ‘the | 313/70 Exmar (Pvt) Ltd. - + 24000 14.4,70 Companies Act [Chapter 190}, that the names of the companies 206/39/71 Mines Technical Services (Pvt) Lid.- ‘set out in the Schedule. have been 24 000 2.3.71 . struck off the register. 232/71 / Osborne Cycles (Pvt.) Ltd. 24000 18.3.71 RI TUCKER, 336/71 .Chrismar (Pyt.) Ltd. 4. 2 . «©24000 6.4.71 , R tr iC 944/71 John Wootten (Pvt.) Ltd.. 24000 16.9.71 26-9-80. egistrar of Companies. 199771 Matare(Pvt) Ltd... 1). 2k000 22,107 _ SCHEDULE 559/109/72 Elephant Hills Hotel (Pvt.) Ltd. 24.000 1.5.72 . : Date of 668/132/72 Central Buying Pool (Pvt) Ltd. 24000 23.5.72 Number — Name of company Capital: registration 957/72 Vitzig Farming Company (Pvt.) Ltd. 24000 15.8.72 . : _ . $ ’ 668/110/73 Amsdale Enterprises (Pvt.) Ltd, . « 24000 19.6.73 311/48 John Paget (Pvt) Ltd... 2... 2000; 27.9.48 684/111/73 Gordon Spence (Pvt. Ltd. 32 000 - 20.6.73 100/50 ~° Sable Investment and Trust Company 81/74 M. A. Gous (Pvt.) Ltd. 2.0. 2 1 2. 2400002 «1.02.74 (Pvt) Ltd. ke Se 8 000 23.3.50 116/20/74 Ranchod’s Palace Bulawayo (Pvt.) Ltd... 24000 6.2.74 : 320/109/50 Julian Klaff and Companyen) Ltd. 20 000 18.8.50 162/74 ' Sinoia Refrigeration Services (Pvt.) Ltd. 24.090 25.2.74 535/166/52 Arkap Agencies (Pvt.) Ltd. s ee 14000 13.12.52 271/74 Mowbray Building Construction and . 550/163/55 P. V. Arderne (Pvt) Ltd... 2 . 2). 1 ) 30000 6.9.55 ce Investment (Pvt.) Ltd. oe - 24000 22,..3.74 187/57 Heather Investments (Pvt.) Ltd.-, , 10.000 14.3.57 331/74 - N &D Import & Export vt:) Ltd. - 32000 8.4.74 398/96/58 J. L. Robinson (Pvt.) Ltd... é ~ 5 8000 3.4.58 378/74 Ma’Plates (Pvt) Ltd, . 3. 32000 24.4,74 383/60 P. J. Venter (Pvt.) Ltd. 10 000 21.12.60 © 397/64/74. Galaxie Properties (Pvt) Ltd. 32000 17.4.74 434/64/62 Ettmar Dress Manufacturers (Pvt) Ltd. « 24000 16.7.62 480/74 LP. White (Pvt) Ltd... 2. 2 2 . 24000 17.5.74 627/100/63 Vincent Wells (Pvt.) Ltd... 8000 28.9.63 | 612/74 Ceejay Haulage (Pvt) Ltd. 32000 2.7.74 16/3/65 Scher Investments (Pvt.) Ltd. « + « 24000 7.1.65 619/74 Delta Engineering (Pvt.) Ltd. 2. 2 24000 3.7.74 304/65 Cardwell & Bell Pvt.) Ltd. .. 8000 15.5.65 744/74 Jordaan’s Garage (Pvt.) Ltd. - 32000 6.8.74 445/68 Rhodexport (Pvt.)J Ltd, «<> - «.% 24000 27.5.68 916/176/74 Indiva Quarry (Pvt.) Ltd. «= « & - 32000 25.9.74 657/68 Tesla Electronics(Pvt.) Ltd. 24000 22.8.68 1011/74 Tiny Tots Boutique (Pvt.) Ltd. » « + 32000. 4.11.74 914 ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 26TH SEPTEMBER, 1980 | -. Date of GeneralNotice 883 of 1980. 4 t> FNumber Name ofcompany Capital registration RURAL LAND ACT [CHAPTER155] . $ 1051/74 Banket Electrical (Pvt.) Ltd... 24 000 15.11.74 of Intention to Cancel Deedsof Transfer 203/75 G. & J. Development Company (Pvt.) Notice Lid, © 1 5 6 ww ew we ~~) 32000 21.3.75 279/51/75 ‘Sir Gerald Pvt.) Ltd.» 2... 32000 16.4.75 NOTICE is- hereby given that the Minister of Lands, . — Jolly Golly Toys (Pvt.) Ltd. .. 32 000 9.6.75 and ‘Rural Development proposes to direct the _ 387/75 Resettlement described 463/75 Kumura (Pvt.) Ltd. 2°. 2. wee 32000 , 21.7.75 Registrar of Deeds to cancel the deeds of transfer 32 000 29.6.76 Rural Land Act 278/76 de Wet Associates (Pvt.)Ltd.. in the Schedule in terms of section 5 of the 24.3.77 105/77 _ R. W. Vesey (Rhodesia) (Pvt.) Ltd. 24 000 [Chapter 155}. ao 193/31/77 Dawn Agencies (Pyt.) Ltd. 32000 16.5.77 All persons having any objections to such cancellations are (Pvt.) Ltd. 20000 22.6.77 of . 239/77 Muirson Mann Managements Tequired to lodge the same. in_writing, with the Minister 364/77 Zimbabwe Board of Executors and Trust and Rural Development, Private Bag 7726, 32 000 23.9.77 Lands, Resettlement Company (Pvt.) Ltd. 1 or before the 27th October, 1980. ‘ «24000 . 11.10.77 Causeway, on 406/57/77 Smart Casuals (Pvt) Ltd.. ‘36/78 Meditec Pvt.) Ltd, 2. 2... 32.000 30.1.78 os, R. W. DELL, ; 40/78 Lusafrica (Pvt) Ltd. 32 000 31.1.78 : Secretary for Lands, Resettlement 32 000 6.3.78 84/78 Foster Makanda (Pvt.) Ltd: . 2... 26-9-80. ‘and Rural Development. 32000 | 6.3.78 93/7/78 Monte Carlo Hair Stylists (Pvt.) Ltd. .. ~ 24.5.78 , 236/27/78 Leather Habit (Pvt) Ltd.. .. 32000 SCHEDULE 30.6.78 © * 303/78 Gurajena Hotel (Pvt.) Ltd. .. .. 32000 1563/76, registered in the name of 32 000 10. 8.78 1. Deed of Transfer 379/78 Zimbabwe Crafts (Pvt.) Ltd... .. in respect of a certain piece of land, 32 000 6.9.78 Umtali Rural Council. 428/50/78 B.W. Industries (@vtjLtd. o Extent of Ebbesborne. of Green- 24 000 5.1.79 namely the Remaining 9/79 Chisungo Enterprises (Pvt.) Ltd... situate in the district of Umtali, in extent one hundred 6 e 32000 | 8.2.79 croft, 59/79 Quick Buy (Pyt.) Ltd... « ‘and sixty-two comma seven one three two (162,713 2) hec- _ 347/79 Granite Products (Pvt.) Ltd. 32000 31.7.79 29.8.79 ‘tares. 406/79 Waber Associates (Pvt.) Ltd... 32 000 2. Deed of Transfer 409/69, registered in the name of John of a certain piece of — General Notice 881 of 1980. ; , Franklin Lisle Worsley, in respect land, namely “Guavana”of Hillside of “Springvale”, situate ZIMBABWE ACT [CHAPTER 173] RESERVE BANK OF in the district of Melsetter, in extent two hundred and four- | teen comma one two nine three (214,129 3) héctares. Directors of. the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Appointment of 3. Deed of Transfer 251/39, registered in the name of Ken- of a certain piece of iT is hereby notified that the President has, in terms of neth Hastings Nethersole, in respect Bank of Zimbabwe land, namely the Remaining Extent of Springfield, situate subsection (2) of section 6 of the Reserve two hundred and forty- 173], appointed Mr. Peter Jackson Kanoyangwa in the district of Melsctter, in extent Act [Chapter five (245,135) hectares. as a director of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe from the five comma one three Ist October, 1980, to the 31st December, 1984, and Mr. Nicholas Joe] Mabadoko as a director from the ist October, General Notice 884 of 1980... 1980, to the 16th August, 1985. _ SALES TAX ACT [CHAPTER 184] mo D. W. YOUNG, to the Treasury. 26-9-80, _ Secretary Cancellation of Certificates of Registration General Notice 882 of 1980. "(Notice 1] .0f 1980) ~ INDUSTRIAL CONCILIATION ACT [CHAPTER 267} IT is hereby notified that the certificates’ of. registration Application for ‘Variation of Scope of Registration of a specified in the Schedule, which were issued in terms of section Trade Union my 9 of the Sales Tax Act [Chapter 184], have been cancelled. * ; F. W. DALTON, I, KENNETH ROBINS,Deputy Industrial Registrar, hereby 26-9-80, Acting Commissioner of Taxes. ‘give notice, in terms of subsection (3) of section 42 of the Industria] Conciliation Act [Chapter 267}, that I have received . ScHEDULE - - ow an application for variation of the scope of registration of the _ CANCELLED CERTIFICATES OF REGISTRATION set out in.the Schedule. Air Transport Union, to the extent Te Registration Any registered trade union having objection to such varia- \ . : ' certificate — tion of registration is hereby invited to lodge such objection, Nameof operator number in writing, with me, c/o Ministry of Labour and Social Services, Alves, M.LR., trading as Pensao International’..
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