MISCELLANEOUS. BoardingHouses. road station. From 25 to 30 boarders are accommodated here during the season. Edwin E. Goodwin, proprietor, THE Swrss HOME is pleasantly situated on the west Palenville, N. Y. side of Katskill Creek, near the village of Catskill. It THE LAMOUREE HOUSE, one-half mile from Palenville was opened in 1869 by the present proprietor, Philip post-office, was built in 187 r, by Cornelius Dubois, and Plusch. Accommodations are furnished for 7 5 guests. rebuilt in 1881. The Lamouree House is delightfully Post-office address of proprietor, Ca ts kill, N. Y. situated at the foot of Kaaterskill Clove, and furnishes JAMES H. BADEAU is the proprietor of a boarding accornmoda tions for r 5 guests. The place is especially house two and one-half miles west of the village of Cats­ attractive on account of the delightful breezes which are kill. The house is situated on a pleasant elevation, and always to be found. Luman Lamouree, proprietor, is surrounded by a fine farm of 130 acres. The house Palenville, N. Y. was opened in 1873. THE EcHo HousE, situated convenient to railroad SUNNY SLOPE HousE was built in 1860 by Mrs. J. M. station and post-office, near Black Crook Falls, occupies Williston, was rebuilt in 1878, and now has a capacity the site of a house built prior to the Revolution, and was for 50 boarders. It is situated at Palenville, at the en­ erected by Newcomb Knapp, and subsequently owned trance to the Kaaterskill Clove, and within convenient by Dr. J. H. Blanchard, Messrs. Demarest and Myers, distance of the principal points of interest in the Cats­ and by James Goodwin, who sold it to the present pro­ kill Mountains. Its present proprietor is P. H. Scribner. prietor. The house furnishes accommodations for 30 THE P ALENVILLE HousE was built by Daniel Center guests. Forty acres of fine farming land are connected and Henry Palen, and was subsequently purchased by with the house. George Wynkoop, proprietor, Palenville, Henry Wynkoop. The present owner came into posses­ N. Y . sion of the property in 1848. The house is pleasantly THE EDGEWOODHousi,:, situated one mile from Le eds loc ated in the Kaaterskill Clove. Pleasant groves and on the Kaaterskill road, was built by the present pro­ walks surround the place. The air is delightfully -eool, prietor in 1855, and rebuilt and enlarged in 1879. About and the water is pure. The house accommodates 20 40 boarders are accommodated here, and the table is guests. E. W. Trumpbour, proprietor, Palenville, N. Y. supplied from a farm of 120 acres, connected with the THE MAPLE GROVE HousE, a delightful summer re­ house. Isaac Vedder, proprietor, Leeds, N. Y. sort at the entrance to the Kaaterskill Clove, was built THE RURAL HOME of Harmon Cole is located on the by the present proprietor, Philo Peck, in 1866. It is old Susquehanna Turnpike, one-half mile east of South surrounded by a large, well shaded lawn, and furnishes Cairo, and was built in 1843, by Benjamin Tundell. The good accommodations for 125 guests. It is situated one­ Katskill Creek flows through the farm, affording fine half mile from Palenville post-office. fishing, boating, and bathing. The rooms are commo­ THE DRUMMOND'SFALLS HousE was erected by a dious and pleasant, accommodating about 30 guests. man named Drummond, about the year 1803, and was re­ Post-office address of the proprietor is South Cairo, N.Y. built in 1869 by the present owner. The place is ren­ CALVIN C. WOOLHISERis the proprietor of a boarding dered attractive by magnificent views, cool air, pleasant house in the south western part of the village of Catskill, walks and shades. The table is supplied from a farm of near the Sulphur Springs. The house was built in 1873 110 acres, connected with the establishment. Hezekiah by Michael Decker, and was subsequently owned by J. M. Dederick, proprietor, Palenville, N. Y. Fiero jr., of whom it was purchased by the present OAKWOOD HALL was built by the present proprietor, in 1879 and is located at the entrance of Kaaterskill owner. About 35 guests are accommodated during the Clove, ~bout one mile from the Catskill Mountain Rail- summer season. BOARDING HOUSES. 447 NATHAN B. FIERO is the proprietor of a boarding by its present proprietor, John Bergner, and was rebuilt house about one-half mile east of South Cairo, on the old and enlarged in 1880 . It is located about one mile west Susq uPhan na Turn pike, near the Katskill Creek. Tb e of Main street, Catskill, at the junction of the Mountain house was built in 1866 by Peter Earl, and was bought Turnpike and the Saugerties road, and furnishes accom­ by the present owner in 1870. Accommodations are fur­ modations for 40 guests. nished for about 30 guests. The waters of the cre ek THE PINES HousE, built by Giles Griffin in 1854, is afford good boating, bathing, and fishing . situated on the eastern border of a magnificent pine THE RIVERSIDE FARM is located at Donahue's Land­ grove at Palenville, near one of the falls of the Kaaters­ ing, on the Hudson River, five miles below Catskill. The kill, and is one of the oldest boarding houses in the lo­ l.JOarding house was erected by Chauncey P. Schulti,, in cality. About 12 boarders are furnished with first-class 1855, and its successive owners have been John Gould. accommodations for the summer season. Ca1Jtain William Donahue, and the present proprietor, THE HAWVER HousE was opened in 1861 by the Phineas R. Finger. About 20 boarders are accommo­ present proprietor, Peter Hawver. It is situated in a dated. The post-office address of proprietor is Smith's pleasant part of the village of Palen ville, and surrounded Landing, N . Y. with beautiful grounds and pleasant walk~. The Hawver JACOB FIESTER's hoarding house on Bethel Ridge, six House accommod:ites 75 guests. miles west of Catskill, was built in 1873 by the present CHARLES H. TEALE op ened his house at Palenville for proprietor. It i:; situ..1teJ on a farm of r 38 acres, and the accommodation of summer Loarders in 1850. En­ has the highest location of any boarding house below the tertainment is furnished for about 20 guests. The post­ mountains. The house accommodates 50 boarders. office and telegraph office are in the house. Post-office address of proprietor, Leeds, N. Y. THE LEXINGTON HOUSE was built in 1883, by Van JAMES H. WOOLHISER is the proprietor of a boarding Valkenburgh & Clough, and is owned by John P. Van house situated near the Sulphur Springs, Catskill. The Valkenburgh. It is beautifully located near Crystal Lake, house was built in 1882 by the present owner. It is sit­ in the heart of the Catskill Mountains, and is surrounded uated in an elevated and healthy location and has a ca­ with grand and varied scenery. pacity for entertaining 30 guests. THE LEXINGTON HEIGHTS HOUSE is situated on an THE ELM SHADE HousE, one and one-half miles west elevated plateau, 3oo• feet above and one half mile from of Catskill village on the south bank of the Kaaterskill the village of Lexington. The house was first built in Creek was built by its proprietor, Horace Barker, in 1872, 1790 by William Faulkner. J. S. Thompson, the present and accommodates 15 guests . The waters of the creek proprietor, bought the house of Thomas Faulkner in afford good boating and fishing. Post-office address of 1865, and enlarged and rebuilt it in 1878. It has a proprietor, Catskill, N. Y. capacity for 25 guests. THE UNION HOUSE, Catskill Point, was built by Hiram MARTIN'S HOTEL was built in 1863 by Horatio A. Van Steenburgh in 1878 and was bought in 1880 by the Martin, who, in 1883 sold it to W. B. Martin. It is situ­ present proprietress, Mrs. M. J. B. Brooks. The hotel ated on the north bank of the Schoharie Kill and has a furnishes first-class accommodations for 75 guests. Post­ capacity for about 60 guests. office address of proprietress, Catskill Point, N. Y. THE WHITCOMB HousE was buiit by Robert Faulkner, THE CONTINENTAL HOTEL is situated at the boat­ and afterward owned by Hiram Faulkner, of whom it landing at Catskill Point, and is owned and conducted was bought by Horace Whitcomb, the present proprie­ by W. D. Hahn . The house accommodates 35 boarders. tor. It furnishes accommodations for about 30 boarders. Telegraph and telephone offices in the building, also rail­ THE HILLSIDE FARM HousE is situated two and one­ road ticket office. Post-office address of proprietor, half miles west and about 500 feet above the village of Catskill, N. Y. Lexington, on Beach Ridge . It is owned by Schuyler C. ROBERT N. FULLAGAR is the proprietor of a boarding Chamberlain, ard is surrounded by a farm of 100 acres . house near Leeds. The house is in a cool and healthy Mr. Chamberlain commenced taking summer boarders in locality, and is surround ed by beautiful scen ery. It has 1875 . The house has a capacity for about 50 guests. a capacity for about 40 boarders. The post-office ad­ SHADY LAWN HousE is in the West Kill valley near dress of the owner is Leeds, N. Y. the village of West Kill. It was built in 1875 by Chris­ FAIR VIEW FARM HoGSE was erected by James Wet­ toph er Riley, the present proprietor. It has a capacity zel in 1833, and was subsequently owned by Messrs. Tal­ for 40 guests. madge and Walter Pine . It is sirnated about six miles THE MOUNTAIN RIDGE HOUSE was built in 1881 by from the village of Catskill, on the Fair View farm.
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