fX' Film Held Without Redeeming Value •.-.••"•i <:;'?! • . SEE STORY PAGE 3 The Weather THEDAEY FINAL Partly sunny and cool today. Clear tonight, low in low 30s. Mostly sunny and EDITION cool tomorrow. 22 PAGES Monmouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper VOL.95 NO. 182 RED BANK, NJ. TUESDAY, MARCH 20,1973 TEN CENTS iNHiiiiiiiiiHniiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiMMiiiiiimiimiiiiiMiiimiiiiiiiiiimniiMiimiiniiiiMm iiuimiiiiiiiuHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiimiiuiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiuiiiiiuiuiinii RedBankSchoolBudgetSiashed RED BANK - The Borough discuss with the board" The board originally had was eliminated by cutting Dr. Ivan Polonsky accused caucus* session, and then May- Council held its ground last whether an appeal would be suggested cutting the budget $46,000 in salaries for the pro- the council of taking a or Daniel J. O'Hern an- "night despite strong criticism made to the state commission- by $20,000 during a March 6 gram's teachers, plus elimina- "cheap, simplistic" approach nounced that substantial cuts from parents and teachers er of education. conference session with a tion of $10,000 for school bus- to education. would be made with the feel- and cut nearly $390,000 from Mr. Setaro, who sat through council committee. ing for the program which op- Wrong Figures Charged ing that the question should the local Board of Education the two-hour meeting without The council cut $224,842. erates at the Oakland Street Both Mrs. Lee and Mr. Mur- be resolved by the state. budget. saying a word, said later he . from the spending, and made School. phy said the council was using Much of the controversy The most controversial item was personally in favor of ap- up the difference by ordering Strongly opposing elimina- erroneous figures in arriving surrounded a statement made of recommended cuts was the pealing the council's decision. an additional $75,000 appro- tion of the four-year-old pro- at a per-pupil cost. by Council President Frank four-year-old program in Last week, at a board meet- priated towards income from gram were two of the three "Your main concern," Mr. WcKenna, who said the cost which the board was provid- ing, Mr. Setaro said the board surplus funds, thus making a members of the board who Murphy told the council, "Is of education in the borough ing half-day instruction for would appeal any "substan- total reduction of $299,842 in were defeated in the Febru- to reduce taxes at the expense has taken "an incredible in- pre-kindergarten children. tial" cut in the board's de- the amount taxpayers would ary election — Mrs. Josephine of the children." crease" during the past four Board President William Se- feated $1,631,411 current ex- have to raise. Lee, and Curtis^Q. Murphy. Prior to making the cuts, years. •. taro said he "would have to pense budget. The four-year-old progFam A former board member, the council held a brief See Red Bank, page 2 News Shield Veto to Stand TRENTON (AP) - The leg- Responsibility must parallel islature is expected to accept power." Gov. William T. Cahill's veto of Sponsors of the bill said it AP WlrepAolo a bill aimed at granting news- would be the broadest news- TEARS OF JOY - Army S. Sgt. Isaiah R. men broad immunity from man's shield in any state in McMillan of Midway, Fla., breaks down and testifying before grand juries the nation if enacted. weeps as he and other returning prisoners of war and other investigative bod- Cahill said the issue merited sing "God Bless America" for a crowd of well-, ies. further study. But he cau- wishers during a stopover yesterday at Hickam' „ Sen. James H. Wallwork, R- tioned the legislature against Air Force Base, Honolulu. Essex, the chief sponsor of holding public hearings until the measure, said he was dis- Congress completes action on appointed at Cahill's decision proposals for federal legisla- but did not intend to try to tion to protect newsmen's Reds May Free override the governor's veto, sources. a move that would require Under current state law, two thirds support in each newsmen cannot be forced to house. reveal the names of con- Last of POWs Meanwhile, Senate Minority fidential sources. Leader J. Edward Crabiel, D- Wallwork's bill would have Middlesex, a Democratic gu- extended the immunity to any bernatorial candidate, accused information that was gathered Cahill of supporting "an by the newsmen but not re- By This Sunday ominous and dangerous ported. SAIGON (AP) - A Viet and American prisoners by DISPUTE OVER PANAMA CANAL — U.S. Am- Panama yesterday. Huang Hua, China's ambassa- trend" by attacking the Cahill said the proposal Cong spokesman said today March 25." bassador John Scali, left, gestures while address- dor to the United Nations, right, sided with Pan- "guarantees of the First could have dangerous con- that efforts will be made to The Communists have re- Ing the U.N. Security Council regarding the dis- ama In its dispute with the U.S. Amendment." sequences. release the last 147 American leased 439 American POWs pute over control of the Panama Canal Zone, In AP Wir«photo Crabiel said Cahill's propos- He contended it could per- prisoners of war by next Sun- since the Jan. 28 cease-fire. al for further study of nete-s mit the news media to censor day, three days ahead of the The U.S. delegation has pro- man's immunity "dodges the news "thereby frustrating the March 28 deadline set by the posed that release of the last issue" at a time when "guar- public's right to know." cease-fire agreement. (group coincide with the end of antees of freedom of the pres$ Cites Objections "The subcommission on the repatriation of Vietnam- Compromise in Canal Zone are under continuing attack. " Furthermore, Cahill said, captured persons is still dis- ese military POWs, scheduled In vetoing the measure yes- the bill could exempt a news cussing the date and place of for Sunday. terday, Cahill said "it is no reporter from telling author- return of U.S. prisoners," said The U.S. delegation to the more acceptable to have the ities about a crime that he Capt. Phuong Nam, chief joint commission made public press all powerful than it is to personally witnessed and it spokesman for the Viet Cong two letters from the delega- have government all pow- could grant a reporter immu- delegation to the Joint Mili- tion chief, Maj. Gen. Gilbert Dispute Sought in Panama erful." nity from disclosing that a tary Commission. H. Woodward, denying Com- Need Balances crime was about to be com- "However, it has been munist charges that U.5}. plan- PANAMA (AP) - Diplo- couraging. We don't want a called for the United States to Both China and the Soviet The Republican governor mitted. agreed by the subcommission es violated North Vietnamese mats from the United States confrontation," said a mem- turn over the canal zone to Union yesterday endorsed the said, "no segment of our so- In fact, said Cahill, the that efforts will be taken to air space and that the United and Panama worked unlil ber of the U.S. delegation. Panama promptly. The original resolution. ciety should be all powerful measure was so broad that it complete the release of both States shipped arms into early this morning trying to Aquilino Boyd, Panama's United States says Panama "We believe that, as long as without checks and balances. See News, page 2 Vietnamese military prisoners South Vietnam in violation of reach a compromise on a ambassador to the United Na- and it now are negotiating a the cease-fire agreement. U.N. Security Council resolu- tions and the Security Council new canal treaty and the the heroic Panamanian people strengthen their unity and Woodward cited a letter tion dealing with U.S. control president for March, said his Security Council should not from Maj. Gen. Le Quang of the Panama Canal Zone. dealings with U.S. Ambassa- deal with the matter. persevere in their struggle, they wSfc certainly win final Hoa, chief of the North Viet- Both sides said they wanted dor John Scali were progress- Another draft was being cir- Freeholders' Pay Bill namese delegation, charging a resolution that would please ing "in an atmosphere of culated among the delegates, victory in recovering their territory and sovereign right that "U.S. aircraft violated Panama yet not be so strong frankness." Panama wanted and Scali said it was "less ob- Democratic Republic of Viet- that the United States would "to avoid the U.S. veto with- jectionable because it gets the over the canal zone," said Huang Hua of China. nam airspace while con- veto it. A vote is due tomor- out giving up our principles," U.N. out of the business of in- ducting reconnaissance flights he said. serting itself into bilateral ne- Downed by Assembly row, the final day of the coun- Soviet Ambassador Jacob on 12 and 13 March 1973." Scali threatened to veto the gotiations." But the US. dele- cil's first meeting in Latin Malik said the zone "is an in- TRENTON (AP) - The tect the pension rights of The freeholders' pay bill "Investigation of flight logs gation felt it still was too America. resolution submitted last alienable part" of Pan- New Jersey Assembly has some 1,000 workers of Ray- was defeated 30-39 with oppo- and flight paths of U.S. air- "The consultations are en- week by Panama and Peru. It strong. amanian territory. turned thumbs down on a bill bestos-Manhattan Co. which is nents charging that while it craft operating in Southeast permitting county freeholders closing its Passaic County was permissive, it was an in- Asia during the dates and lo- The American delegation to raise their own salaries by plant.
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