![R)1Coom)E Efiuo)Co Fiuc@Gmo](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
ololmcelco G&og (r)1coom)e EfiUO)Co fiUc@gmo ooIc6.\o mo.1212 30'01'2018 d oqols'laei' (6rD1e g6 C alC l3,\o eOftDOo @1.66.cD1. osBcm)oD" @1 s1 fiU(I)c6oo0 (oucAoocogqo oslafiU.sooo -.SS'S" aEDl) oar )pooJo.dro" 1a,.}'[ 6)65l<0, nloE0)aqo lr)lu ,0 6r.ml \o cJoaBjo 6$ld on) .)rlc {)r lloE .r )c,@Rqo, c4.o'lco r o' ) r'6n'lqo' 6191oJ E]lqjot('a o{lo(o)Rso oi.rumU..!d d) ta- @.!a6lo',1o,9los ol-luo6'ocro6i3$ul cBca6rx(rluo 1,2,3 loqcoi o"lddooro eJgo,ro)'l d'06.oo- B(o5rnc@o(oil & ooild]''l ao lio6lBoloo 6lcq@cantaro" mt) ooia,l@ao' .O@ Lo.t6 rg!o6m.mo o.reloc$@coc; gloroo,rloE o{loc)sco OJqordnadao- 'r)i) osol(rJd oICilXoar.m- asD.fl co,l€oco9; 'osniruud qrn) oigll"l "Aooflco @.!olond'on 6oGoc? croJooBl 46)at(n' asrdo'l@l1 oond'gini ac"nlo1jd i l6'(o.,rd6Y.Ilfhlo - I no4s. Name ol No Work I AmorLnt I Remar.ks C",,"t"f-_.|- f,;.f,r.rtiru ] t- 4202 o1,2oz 93 (pl I r.,ter, 293 62.1 conlt.uct on of 5,,,td fu for GIISS chcrlthrzhirn. ] Annual Plan 2016 17:Construction of building for GHSS pattuvam, 2 106 L Constructjon of new bui ding for GHSS tvtuzhappltangad , Kannur 3 225 t 4 Constr!ction of bullding for GVHSS Kadirur. 491 5 Constructioi of building for Ch€r!kunnu HSS boys 212lakhs 6 Conskuction of building for cV HSS Ka iassery Kannur 100 Lakhs 7 Balance work lof Indoorstadtum in KMM Govr. Womens Coltege 62 L+20 L 8 construction of a building for High SchoolCtass Rooms for KpR Memorial Govt. Higher Secondary School, Ka iassery. 150 L HEATIH.ATOPATHY 9 Setting !p of Maternity units in Taluk Head euarters 300 L H ospital, Phzhaya nga di(Deposit works) lo Setting up ofMaternity units in Tatuk Head euaffers 610 L H ospital,Talipa ra m b a (Deposit works) lr Renovation ofWoften and Children ward THe Hospital 371 ,Thaliparamba(Deposit works) HEAITH.AYURVEDA 4210-03-10r-93 (Plan) 12 Govefnment Ayurveda co lege,kannur, Pariyaram,Construcrion of a buitdingfor Mother and 600.00 L Children Hospital 2nd phase construcuon of building for Govt. AvuNeda Dlspensarv, Mattannur Ll HIGHER EDUCATION r- 4202-07-rA4-99 t14 DTE Construction of Compound wall at Government Polytechnrc I cclle6e, Matt.:l1! | 4202-02-105 90 at 150lakhs oTE constructaon ofconcrete Laboratory and Depa(mentalLibrary Governmeni Engineering College, Kannur DTE' Renovation of Boy\ Hostel at Government Polytechnic College' Construction of Compound WaLl in Govt.college Peringome Polv Construction of Open AirAuditorium in Residenlial Women s Technic college PaYYannur Construction of ddministralive blo'\ tor CPTc Malldnn-r TVM Construction of prayer hall Yoga/med itatio n hallin centralOrison and KNR Eslablishmentofcomputerlab in Kannur construction of office building for Vigilance and Anti_curruption gureau, Kannur IJnit Maintenance work of Sub Court Payyannur house and 4202 02-800-95 ConstrLrction ofopen well,pump compound wall for Govt l T.l,Kurumathur,Kannur Distrrct 24 4202-02-800-95,civil works{ptan) 25 .9 422s-01 800-89 (P) compound wall \.4adayi Tr dt Kann!r Distr ct l PUB!|C WOR(S I - Providlng Pandal and Stage at Kaltiassery 26 KpR Memoriat GHSs in I connection with Diamond Jubilee ceteb.a|on of Kerala Legjslative I 26.2L Assembly I lmprovements of rooms forvarious offices at minicivilstation 30 Lakhs SC/ST DEVELOPMENT 28 4225-02-277-51 SCSTDD-ModetResidentaitschool(Boyt 19132780.00 Pattuvam, Kannur Special repaifs for various buildings. 29 ProvldingTile & Maintenance Workto Govr. tTt { SCDD) MADAyt. 251 TECHNICAL EDUCATION 3o Construction works in Govefn m ent Technica I High Schoot,Naduvil 381.6 L 3l 5 pecial Repair works in the science tab attached to Government Polytechnic College, Mattannur 16.50 L constructionwork of a Playgfound and fetated works ofpavition and Otfce in GPlLKanour 33.63 L :]3 Construction ofacompound wallaround the Ladies hostelin GpTC 191 34 Cost.uction work of aBasket ballcounin cpTC Mattannur 13.011 VETIRINARY Regional Poultrv farm, 35 Constr!rclion of new Office buildlng at 36 4403-00'102-96 (P) Con5Lructioi of Hatcher! irt Fri on.l Poultrv Farm' MtrndaYrd' t TREASURY construction of new buildingfor Addition a I olstrict Treasu ry at Construction of Excke Complex Kuth!rparamba ASSET DEVELOPMENT SCHEME PAYYANNUR CONSTITUENCY ror new 4202 01'202-91 Second arY SchoolBuilding (P)Construciron bu ld;rg to GHsSPrsoovil Pavvdnnur _ Phasa I new 4202-01-800-88 secondarv School Build in8 (NP) Construction'of building for GHSS Kunhimangalam Residential 4202-02-800-85 constfuction of Open Air Auditorium fof wom en's Po ly Technic Co llege Pavyannur 3t Kofom AZHIKODE CONSTITUENCY Re construction ofbuilding for PHC Pallikkunnu Aroll Construction of abuildlng for Pappinissery GHSS KANNUR CONSTITUENCY for N H M-Homeo LAC ADS-Kannur Construciion of new building Dispensary at MunderY, Kannur' 7 Conslruction of anganwadi no 23 at K!d{rkimora n Mun{tery Grama 8 Construcrton of cornpound wall roBuds School near ayyappan mala Bhoodana cotony in Muidery cp f- 9 LAC ADS- Construction of roitet block for GoU. VHSS payyambalam in Kannur Dhtrict m to LAC ADS-KANNUR LAC- Construction of a sump rant< ar A.R Camp, Ka nnur 10.001 l;;;;,;-.qL.AUs rurb_1/ - Kannur LAC 6ovr. voLd o_atdigher se(onorry S(h_oo', thorradd . Conskucrio'1 of tdborarary cun . rorary Btocr/MtA AUf (on,rruction 39.171 otSeco-d'toor ro tdbordtory cum L,brdry bto(l to VHSE Thottada. Kannur [,41A ADF 2016-17 -Construction ofa bui]ding for Kfishi bhavan at Edakkad, Kaonur 52.6 L r3 LAC-ADS Kannur Conskuction of First ftoor and Second ftoor to covt. Higher 75.001 Secondary School Thottada, in Kannur LAC 14 Construction ofWatchman cabin and parlipura to Govt. poty Technic 13 College, Thottada , Kannur Lakh DHARMADAM CONSTITUENCY r5 4s15-00,800-96-prolectunder _ LAC_ADF(Np) (Depositwork) Construction of Auditorium ( phase)in pinarayicrama panchayath 265 L r6 Construction buitding palayad fof first ftoor to Govt. HSS 100 Lakhs 17 Construction ofSecond Floor buitding for E K Nayanar memoriatGHSS vFrSdd 85lakhs r8 Construction of new Homeo Dispensdry building in peralassery panchayat at Moonnuperiya 25 1 r9 Constfuction ofsecond ftoor +2 to comptex in cHSS at Chata 89.3 L Construction of Firsr Floor to GHSS Muzhappitangad 501 THALASSERY CONSTITUENCY PanchaYath Renovation work of exisiing Kadhirur Stadium in Kadhi'ur HSS Thi'uvangad n LAC-AD5- Constructlon of a building for Govt 100 Lakhs Kannur District HSS' Thalass€ry LAC ADS Construvtion of a Buildjng for Govt Girls Kavumohagam LAC ADS construvtion ofa Building for GHSS, ic H ospita | LAC'ADS- 15_16 Constru ction of Building forAvu rved ' 85 takhs Thalassery for Academic Block -and LAC-ADS Additionalworks to temporary shed adminstrative block at Govt College,Chokli' D!strict floor ofold surgicalward building alGovt ]45.32549 L HospitalThalassery KUTHUPARAMBA CONSTITUENCY in Patliyam Grama LSGD- tAC ADS 2015-16 Renovation ofGiound 50 Lal hs Panchayath in Kannur District Government llP School LAC ADS2015-16 Construction ofbullding fof PuthusserY KottaYam PHC LAC-AD5'2015-17 Constructlon of a building for DEPOSIT WORKS construction of Homeo Dispensary Kalliassry construction of FF fof Homeo DispensarY Kadannappallv Constructlon of Homeo Dispensapy Vellora 995358 Construction of Homeo Dispensary Martool 5 Pfoposed additional Construction of observation and feeding room 828750 atiached to Homeo Dispensary Saeekandapurm 6 Construction ofcompound waa for Homeo Dispensary Kanhirakotty 7.7lakhs 7 Special Repalr to campus road attached to GAC Kannur,pariyaram 83oooo/- 8 Construction of building for Govt. Ayurueda Hospital, Mattannur 36 1 9 Innovauon courses including honours programmes and community 278.53536 courses in Gor,t.college and universitids GBC Thalass€ry lakhs Maintenance of administrative block of GAC Pariyaram 2035000_00 1l Maintenance of administrative block ofGAC Pariyaram 1499085 12 USR io Mahila Mandir,Thalassery 16.5 L r3 Govt. Brennen College, Dharmadam, Thalassery Special Repair and 14.3 L laying tiles to corridor ofwotnen's Hostel Govt. Erennen College, Dhafmadam, Thalassery Special Repair and 8L laying tiles to cooridor of Politics and Philosopy r5 Go\t. Bfennen College, Dharmadam, Thalassery Special Repair and 16 8L laying tiles to History block and roofing museum r6 Govt. Brennen College, Dharmadam, Thalassery Special Repair and 13,4o,ooo laying tiles to English Block 17 Govt. Brennen College, Dharmadam, Ihalassery Repairs and layin g tiles 1s,20,000 to Chemistry Department rB nkacturalupgradation prograrnme 2016 17 Govt. Brennen College - 7 Ldkhs Renewed ofwater pipe lines r9 Water supply arrangernenc at GBc Dharmadam Construction of G RLS Toilet Block at Govt. Colle8e Chockli Tlakhs 21 USR to Pre-metfic Hosiel,Kolayad 22.45 Lakhs 22 Renovation to Dialysk unlt at Govt. General Hospital,Thalassery 11.12 t '23 Re cofstruction of toiletsatmenshosteL and repakto kiichen blockof 6,12,830 womens hostel at GBC Dharmadam 24 USR to Toilets of Auditorium at GBC Dharmadam 6.11 25 ?ol7-18 ConpLerio'1 worls louovt. AnnualPlan 28,00,000 Homoeo Hospital, aralam Farm. 26 Providingtiles to the ground floor of B block attached to Go!,t.Ayurveda College,Kannur,Pariyaram B block attached to Maintenance of 231 covt,Ayurveda College,Kannur,Pariyaram hostel 28 I Special Repaks to Ladies attached at 9?0000 I covt.Ayurueda college,Kannur, Paf iyaram 29 special Repairs to Mens Host€l attached at GACPariyaram r450000 Balancework 3o Specialrepaifs to campug road attached to 980000 Go\,t.Ayurueda College,Kannur,Pariyaram_2nd phase 3l Special Repairs to Mens Hostel attached at GAcPariydram 1068000 32 Renovation ofthe Hosteland Office buildlng of RATTC Talip aram ba 251 KMM Govt.Womens col ege KNR Uttization J3 of RUSA fund Renovarion o'T main bu ldiig Pfoviding and laying vttitfred ri e in ctass room and office rnd Alumlnium partio l 34 KMM Govt.Womens co lege KNR Uttization of RUSA fund providing 25.261 retaining wa I bacf s de of Science block and nrer tocktng yard 35 KMM Govt.Womens college KNR Utlization of RUSA fufd,Additional facilities to Chemlstry lab 15.191 Providing gate and Name board and construcr on ofretaining wa tto nursing hostel ai Pallikkunnu 10 Lakhs 37 KMM Govt.
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