Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 5-22-1962 The Ledger and Times, May 22, 1962 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, May 22, 1962" (1962). The Ledger & Times. 3964. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/3964 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 11.\1' 21. 1962 • a Foster has been • e!e4ê VX l'frlf port-time basis by - All 1;'Onad Rentlicki rranninalty Ilcatripapef County Soil Con- • trict. She will do ' a is and keep the office In lCS technicians are •44' Largest las will correct one •swefeeVe ...... ____ r'''.1..rgt_ .* Si - A Circulation t,) Am In 4" - n complaints of far- ', God a, had difficulty 11.-• If a -Wt;ti fUll3taf i _1 The in , iii4ktl4t.kit‘ a 1 City — _ ;ter will be imorhetn t Largest ;eh weekday • --, ns . Trust % .,1-,r1 A Circulation In . i .1..__ work has picked The,County Ponds have been Lee Warren Fox, - Preston IN 83rd YEAR Perry, east United Press International Murray, Ky., Tuesday Afternoon, May 22, 1962 MURRAY POPULATION 10,100 E. Piggott east of Vol. LXXXIII No. 121 .11 Hoffman, east of• :ed 640 feet of di- elel this week. The • bottom lane ,* water. Vandal Wra- kn Housing Clendenon, SCS 'tinned and super- Bids Viewed Today a r m conservut ion fi een made on the ;Ilion Cloys, Cold- :. Hopperud, Van 1Ponv League ar away Construction Co. Murphey, Coldwater ii Medicare Cruel Hoax, Darnell, Coldwuter. 11 k, Coldwater, ha. 4 Starts Tonight Is Low Bidder With $599,400 in planning van- Delusion, Doctors Say -k on his farm. a The regular season play of the The Murray Municipal Housing on the west - completion this •• va. side of the street and Murray Pony League will begin Commission opened the bids on at the Intersection- 'en acres of pasture with Pine. tonight at the city park with two 02 low rental hcateing units today Architect Pat (angles two acres of gulley described NEW YORK VII — The Amer- thing they have in mind for us games on tap for the opening. at 1:00 p. m. and the Hardaway in detail how the will eding and one pond. projects can Medica 1 Assoc iati sn AMA eventually." The first game is scheduled to Construction Company of Nash- be laid out, the type of construc- mounted an unprecedented assault rini declaration broogtit a start at six o'clock and the second ville Tennessee was the low bid- tion, and many other details. He on President Kennedy's medical swift reply from Abraham Riba will get underway at about eight der. pointed out that three different care program Monday night, call- coll. secretary of health. educa- o'clock. colors of brick will be used, The company bid $S99.400. three wling ing it a step toward nationalized tion -and welfare, who issued a In the first game the Indians, different roof colors, two dif- managed by T. C. Hargroee, • medicine which still would not statement at 2:45 a. m.. (EDT) to- will The commission formally ac- ferent types of roofs, both hip meet the Phits, managed protect the neediest. day calling the AMA presentation by Mike cepted this bid and passed a and gable, well deferent diesigna tONDITIONEO Straflak Tn thed contest the Udine a paid elevision forum "just another staging of 'let's fool recornmeodation that it be ac- being employed. This will make Dodgers. NBC network, AMA speakers tu- the American people again.' " managed by Joe Pat cepted by the Public Housing the houses all look different. Ward, will take on Chester TE LANES rd the King-Anderson bill to Minimizes Tax Mike Tho- Administration. Members of the Both projects will be construct- ma,' ER RATES finance hospital care for the aged Ribicoff said the 17 per Cent Orioles. commission and the contractor ed in the same manner, using the After a successful practice 'er Game through Social Security "a cruel hike in payroll taxes cited by the and have made an appointment this same type of materials and de- training season the boys are eager hoax and a delusion" AMA would amount to only about Mrs. C. week with the Atlanta office of kgrts. The Nash Drive Project will . and ready C. Lowry "Itwasie(u!ly cover; milhons $2 a month He dented AMA to begin play. PHA so thia the low. bid may be have a 32 foot street which will [Es $100 who d declared Dr. thatcharges the American sys- Everyone is cordially invited to reviewed be cu an gutteredwith side- come out 11:30 A.M. Edward It. Annis of Maeda "It tem of medicine would be de- and enjoy a summer ev- On acceptance by the Atlanta walks. The Cherrs• Lane project differ- ening wathcing the spirited play Mrs. Lowry stroyed, saying the only office of PHA, the construction will also have paved streets, curbs, - - • ence would be that hospital bills of die, Pony League, a spokesman will get underway. gutters, and five foot sidewalks. See editorial "What Are The would be paid through the Social , said. Pat Gingles of the architect The area in both projects will Security system. Pony League is composed of be graded and drained so that Facts?" on editorial pep*. firm designing the housing units nationwide association of I boys ages 13-14. said that the construction waler will not floodstorm yards. The RONNIE CHRISTOPER AND MISS LOCHIE- OVERBEY capture company doctors • spent possibly as much is a good one and is sound Shrubs and trees will be set out titles ;it social events of Kappa Alpha Theta and from Pi Kappa Alpha every and homes will have ornamental heartlessly ignores millions who as $100,000 to present the pro- at the University Woman's Club viewpoint. Ile further said' of Kentucky. Poppies Pay iron decoration on the front. do need coverage. It is not true gram—"Your Doctor Reports"— Tribute that he was sure that the com- The baths will be of ceramic Insurance It will create an enor- over a 190-station network just pany would perform all phases Miss Lochie Overbey and To The War Dead tile with ceramic tile sills. Win- mous and unpredictable burden one day after President Kennedy Wilson Ron- Mrs. C. C. Lowry was installed of the construction contract. television to rally Gantt Will nid Christopher, both of Murray . dows in the project will be alumi- • on every working taxpayer It of- took to support Poppies worn on Poppy Day in as president of the Murray Wo- program. arid now students at the Univer-' commission and num, with aluminum ventilators. fers sharply limited benefits. for his Speak In Fulton tribute to the war dead bring man's Club at a dinner meeting Mayor Pro-Tom The AMA telecast was staged sity of Kentucky, received pleas- Leonard Vaughn in a joint state- Recessed wall type natural gas • I• "It will undercut and destroy aid to disabled veterans of three rig at me civil) house. in Madison ant suprises at two different so- ment said "we are well will be used, with builtins in the the wholesome growth of pri- amid the litter loft Wilson Gantt, Director of Mur- wars, Mrs. Ethel Key reminded Installing officer was Mrs. WI 11. pleased cial events recently. With kitchen, ample closet space com- vate, voluntary insurance and pre- Square Garden by the 18.500 per- ray College High and assistant today. Beaman. district governor. of Pa- the bidding today especially Kennedy—but Miss Overbey and Christopher with this; low bid. We are grati- plete with rods and hooks. The payment health programs for the sons who cheered director of student teaching, will Mrs. Key as the Rehabilitation ducah. without audience. The program were attending the annual dance, fied that several bidders partici- interior walk, are of double eon-- aged which offer flexible benefits an teak on the aubject "I Dare You" Chairman of the Murray Unit of the of the Kappa Alpha Theta Other officers taking office were, pated in the bidding and that a striation with wall board being in the full range of individual was taped shortly after Ken- at the annual Fulton Junior High sorority' the American Legion Auxiliary is rally. of which Miss Overbey, is Mrs. Jack Kennedy, first vice- large mit-Tiber of sub-contractors used, then painted. needs" nedy school commencement on Wed- a mem- helping complete preparations for ber. During the dance the an- president; Mrs. James Rudy All- indicated their interest." Five All the homes will be equipped Predicts H• her Taxes nesday, May 23 at 8 p. m. at Carr observance o imp) ay ere auditorium. , braten. second vice president; general contractors placed bids with electric range, gas heat and Anne:. A surgeon and chairman May 26th. Mr. telpher had been named as Kappa Mrs A. W. Russell, recording sec- and over seventy sub-contractors, gas water heater. Connections Yeill of the AMA speakers bureau, Mrs. George Wallis Gantt is well know in • The Auxiliary will. ciiatribute Alpha" Theta's -Theta for retary: Mrs. John Nanny, cor- includiwg a large number of local be installed for washing machines claimed the King-Anderson bill Fulton having served as principal Thrkas" th•• little red memorial flInvers and Dies In Mississippi of Fulton high School in 194647.
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