4512 THE LONDON GAZETTE, AUGUST 11, 1876. at'twelve-o'clock at noon, being the time appointed for <f Middlesex, Mine Surveyor, deceased, who died on or adjudicating on the claims.—Dated the 4th day of August, about tbe 27th day of August, 1875, are, on or b---for« tl.e 1876. 20th .day of September, 1876, to send by post, prepaid, to The SCHEDULE above referred to. John Gabriel Shearman, of No. 10, Gresbam-stree', in the city of London, the Solicitor of the plaintiff and the defend- Astbury, Thomas, Ironfounder, Smethwick. ant, Sarah Eliza Plant. Widow, or to Messrs. Hicks and Bennett, William, Oldbury Furnaces, near Birmingham. Arnold,.of No. 1, Salisbury-street, Strand, in tbe county < f Bayly, James, Brickmaker, Dudley Port. Middlesex, the Solicitors to the defendant, Edward Hornby Bennett, Joseph, Esq., Ashwood House, Dudley. 'Hodgson, their Christian and surnames, addresses and Birmingham and Staffordshire Gas Company, Union-street, descriptions, the full particulars of their claim?, .a statement Birmingham. of their accounts, and the nature of the securities (if any) Blackwell and Co., Iron Masters, Dudley. beld by them, or in default thereof they will be peremptorily Chambers and Marsh, Timber Merchants, Dudley. excluded from the benefit of the said Order. Every creditor Charles, William, Chemical Works, Saltley, Chester. holding any security is to produce tbe same before tbe Chief Chubb and Co., Eopemakers, Devonport. Clerk to his Lordship the Vice-Chancellor Bacon, at his Cranage and Co., Ironfounders, Greets Green, West Brom- chambers, situated at No. 11, New-s.quare, Linduln's-inn, wich. Middlesex, on Thursday, the 26tb day of October, 1876, Corbell, R., and Co., Limeburners, &c., Dudley Port. at twelve o'clock at noon, being the time nppointed for adju- Chesterton Mining Company, Tunstall, Staffordshire. dicating on t!.e claims.— Da ted this 5ih day of August, Churchill and Co., Coal Merchants, Walsall. 1876. Cresswell and Sons, Iron Masters, Tipton. URSUANT to an Ord r of the Chancery Division of Danks, Thomas, Stationer, Dudley.' P the High Court of Justice, made in the matter of the Danks, Samuel, Stationer, Dudley. estate of Gi-orge Valentine Henshall, deceased, Henshall Danks, John, Timber Merchant, West Bromwich. against Crespin, 1876, B., 315, the creditors of George Dudley and West Bromwich Banking Company, Dudley. Valentine Henshall, late of 79, Cross -street, Islington, in Davis and Son, Iron Masters, Crooknay. the county of Middlesex, who died in or about the month Davis, T., Miner, Dudley Port. of July, 1876, are, on or before the 2nd da} if October, Evans, G., Ironfounder, Dudley Port. 1876, to send by pos', prepail, to Mr. Too nas Edwards, Gibbons, Benjamin, jun., Millfields, near Bilston. of the firm of Thompson and Edwards, of 3, l-othbury, in Gray, J. C., Britannia Foundry, Tividale. the city of London, the Solicitors of the defendant, Charles Gibbs Brothers, Brokers, Wolverhampton. Henry Cresi>io, tbb executor of the deceased, their < hris- Hopkins and Son, Ironfounders, Dudley Port. tiiiu and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full p>r- Hayues, E., Boat Owner, Tipton. ticulars of iheir claims, a s'atement of their accounts,,au.d Johnson, Samuel, Timber Dealer, Oldbury. the nature of the securities (if an\) held by them, or in Jackson, J. D., Ironfounder, Oldbury. default thereof they will be peremptorily exclude! from Jones, John, Miner, Dudley Port. tue benefit of the said Order. Every creditor holding any Lowe, William, Sand" Getter, Moxley. securiiy i* to produce the same, before the Vice-Chancrllor Marsh, Richard, Grocer, Bilston. Sir Jair.es Bacon, at his chambers, situated No. 11, New- Motteram, Deeley, and Co., Iron Masters, Toll End, Tipton. t qua re, Lincoln's-inn, Middlesex, on Thursday, the 2nd Morris, Thomas, Coal Master, Tipton. day of November, 1876, at twelve o'clock at noon, bring Oak Farm Furnace Company, Dudley. ihe time appointed for adjudicating on the claims.—Dated Perton, George, Edgbaston, Birmingham. this 8th day of August, 1876. Pell, George, Heyford, near Weedon. URSUANT to a Judgment of the Chancery Division Pemberton, Thomas, Deepfields Furnaces, Bilston. P of the High Court of Justice, made in the matter of Parkfield Furnace Company, Wolverhampton. • the estate of William Hyde Bailey, deceased, and in a cause Perry, F. C., Broker, Wolverhampton. Newton against Taylor, the creditors of William Hyde Perry, Thomas and Son, Iron Masters, Bilston. Bailey, late of Stateu Island, New York, in the United Rose, David, Sand Getter, Dudley Port. States of America, and formerly of Horton Lodge, Coin- Roberts, J. and S., Ironfounders, Swan Village, West brook, Bucks, England, Gentleman, who died in or about Bromwich. tbe month of August, 1839, are, on or before the 1st dny of Ryland, Charles, Agent, Handsworth. November, 1876, to send by post, prepaid, to William Eiley and Son, Iron Masters, Millfields, Bilston. W'allie, of Newark-oc-Trent, Nottinghamshire, England, Roebuck, W. R., CoSwyn, near Conway. the Solicitor of defendant, John Taylor, one of tbe execu- Strakers and Love, Coal and Coke Merchants, Walsall. tors of Ann Taylor, deceased, w'no was the executrix of Stokes, J., Ironfounder, Greets Green, West Bromwich. said 'A illiam Hyde Bailey, their Christian and surnames, Sparrow, Henry, Agent, Dudley. addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, Smith, S. W. and Co., Ironfounders, Northampton. a statement of their accounts, and the nature of .the securi- Smith and Rogers, Oil Merchants, Manchester. ties (if any) held by them, or in default thereof, they will Sandiland, William, Timber Dealer, Tipton. be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the said Sanders, B. and J., Ironfounders, Dudley Port. Judgment. Every creditor holding any security is to pro- Tyrrell, Timothy, Solicitor, Guildhall-yard, London. duce the same before the Vice-Chancellor Sir James Bacon, Willdey and Cook, Oil Merchants, Tipton. at his chambers, situated No. II, New-square, Lincoln's-inn, White Barn Colliery Company, Mine Owners, Wolver- Middlesex, England, on Monday, the 13th day of Novem- ber, 1876, at twelve o'clock at noon, being the time appointed hampton. for adjudicating on the claims.—Dated this 5th day of Whitehouse, Benjamin, Ironfounder, West Bromwich. August, 1876, Woodall and Smith, Windmill End, Dudley. Williams, Walter, Iron Master, West Bromwich. ' OURSUANT to an Order of the Chancery Division of Wright and Noith, Iron Masters, Wolverhampton. XT the High Court of Justice, made in the matter of the Westwood, Thomas, Machinist, Dudley. estate of Richard John Hodpson, deceased, and in a caoae Whitehouse, J. and E., Coal Masters, Tipton. Key against Hodgson, 1876, H., 338, the creditors of Jones and Son, Bankers, Bilston. Richard John Hodgson, late of 13, Frederick-street, Gray's- Shropshire Banking Company, Shiffhal. inn-road, in the county of Middlesex, Architect and Sur- Attwood and Co., Bankers, Birmingham. veyor, who died in or about the month of May, 1876, are, Overend, Gurney, and Co., ditto, London. on or before the 10th day of October, 1876, to send by post, Spooner and Co., ditto, Birmingham. prepaid, to Mr. Eustace William Owlts, of 22, Chancery- Jones, Lloyd, and Co., ditto, London. lane, in the county of Middlesex, the Solicitor of the defen- Foster and Baldwin, ditto, ditto. dant, Sarah Ellen Hodgson, the executrix of tbe will of the Moilliett and Son, ditto, Birmingham. deceased, their Christian and surnames, addresses and de- scriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of Holyoake and Qo., ditto, Wolverhampton. their accounts, and the nature of the securities (if any) Wolverhampton and Bilston District Banking Company, held by them, or iu default thereof they will be peremp- Bankers, Wolverhampton. torily excluded from the benefit of the said Order. Every Black-well and Co., Iron Masters, Dudley. creditor holding: any security is to produce the same before Heyford Iron Company, ditto, Heyford, near Weedon. the Vice-Chancellor Sir Charles Hall, at his chambers, Fryers' Bank, Wolverhamptou. situated at No. 14, Chancery-lane, Middlesex, on Wednesday, URSUANT to an Order of tbe Chancery Division o* the 1st day of November, 1876, at twelve o'clock at P the High Court of Justice, made in the matter noon, being tbe time appointed for adjudicating on the nf the estate of Nathaniel Plant, late of Haxell's Royal claims.—Dated this 7th day of August, 1876. Exeter Hotel, Strand, in tbe county of Middlesex, Mine URSUANT to an Order of the High Court of Justice, Purveyor, deceased, and in a cause of Henrj Longden, on P Chancery Division, made in an action Simons y. ht h;(If of him-.df and all other the creditors of Nathaniel Ireson, 1875, S, No. 59A, the creditors of. George Jones, riant, deciaed, against Edward Hornby Hodgson and late of Bearvvard-street, Northampton, in the county of Sarah El'za I'lant, Widow, the creditors of Nathaniel Plaut, Northampton, Pig Dealer, who died on 'the 2nd day of Jale cf Maxell's Royal Exeter Hotel, Strung in the county August, 1674, are, on or before the 21st day of.October,.
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