r"~-- ---- -..,..,- -- ..----- ---- ...-.- --.. ---- .... ~- -_... _~~.....---- -- y_....- ...- .-rrr - •.,.- - ---- -- - --- -- ----- ----- .--- ~ '--- --- ..,......-- -----.--.. ..---.....~.---....-----.. ----~..--..,.- ......- r~- ....... - ~ ....- .-~ -- - •• ...- ~- - -- - 99 1 ~-;;"31 ,. Snu 'l-L '-J 44 BEST COpy AVAILABLE _ - dWE8T . 10 ~627 E . MICROPU8LIS EL • 'y ANDELL DR 1 vr-:.' HI NG INC. «-# - PASO - 'N" T_X~. ,--------------------------_._--------------------'----, , ----.---_-----------.- 79903-_ Fiddler to Warriors are winners ) perform Saturday See pages 6A, 7 A See page SA , NO. 98 IN OUR 42ND YEAR 35c PER COpy MONDAY, APRIL 11. 1988 RUIDOSO, NM 88345 Dam discharge pollution prol11pts judge's order by FRANKIE JARRELL the two attorneys agree on the supervised the building of the dam, News Staff Writer form, a nd sign the order. She said said his visit, too, was routine. that cO·.dd be as early as Monday. "I wanted to monitor the dam as A court case may have muddied According to the Halls, village it was filled," said BurIlR, noting the waters flowing into the Grind­ attorney John Underwood and vil­ Thursday was rus fIrst opportunity stone Canyon Dam. lage engineer Mike DavaloH were to check out the dam since fill oper­ Or muddy waters, apparently present when Judge Grisham ations began. caused by the discharge of water on visited the dam on Thursday. But Questioned over the water the downside of the huge dam, may village officials were unavailable marks on the downside of the dam, be the cause of a court case that for comment on Friday, with village Burns said the seepage was ~s ex­ may call a temporary halt to filling manager Frank Potter, infrastruc­ pected, and will cure as time the giant reservoir. ture division head Becky Bell Dur­ passes. 'Water is still going into the ham and Davalos out of town. Un­ ''We're plea~ed with the results dam," said Water Department derwood couldn't be reached for of the materials testing," said director Richard Sanchez late Fri­ comment. Burns. day afternoon. Sanchez didn't com­ 1n her oral order, Judge Ferns climbed to the uJp of the ment on the pending case, but con­ Grisham enjoined the village from dam Friday morning, checking the firmed that fill operations would discharging any more water from giant structure out from every ;' continue, at least, through the the dam than the amount that is angle. During the thorough Inspt-'"C­ _.r. 1 weekend. flowing into the Htructure from nat­ tion, Burns waded Into the water Just a week after the Village of .lral run-off. GriHham said the vil­ outRidp the gallery art>a Both men Ruidoso began filling the multi­ lage has Installed welTf' , one on the inspected the dark gallery where million-dollar Grindstone Canyon upstream and the other on the water collect.~. Dam, DIRtrict Judge Sandra A. cJownstream side, to measure the Dunng the inspection it was dl~­ Uri~ham visited the Rite and IS8ucJ lldtural water flowing into the dam. covered a four-inch draIn was .. an oral order on a complaint filpd She said village representatives plugged. by a family whose property i ... said Thun~day the upRtream As the engtneer~ checked out the • .. dowllt-:tream from the dam. meaBuring device indicated one­ darn, Rick and Jane Hall and their " " Rick and Jane Hall, represented inch of inflow, wrule the lower attorney watched. by Rwdoso attorney Richard Haw­ deVice indicated 13 inches of dis­ The HallR said they are un­ yard~ "'~ '. -i~'" Rick and Jane Hall survey thorne, went to District Court as­ charge. comfortable living Just 400 fI'':'" damage to their Grindstone king for relief from the mud and The Judge further enjoined the [Tom the 132-foot-talJ dam A vear ago they filed a law~wt a~kJng for Canyon property they say pollution they claim is flowing onLo vi llage from poll uting the water their property as a resuJt of opera­ ponds and stream bed on the HalJ'g "inverne condeUH1L1tlOn," but, ac­ was caused by fill opera­ tions at the dam. The Hallfl, who property, and filled the village $50 cording to the couple. the vl11ag~ tions at the Grindstone Can­ have lived on the property ofT per day until It complie~ with her declIned to buy theIr propt·rty The yon Dam. The Halls, vyhose Grindstone Canyon Road stnce April 7 order. The Halls were condemnation caRe IR Rcheduled to children used to play on 1979, Ahowed the judge two pond~ awarded thal $50 a da,r. go to court in 1\1a v A.Q, ~oon aE" w;ter hegan floWlng their swings and equipment on their land that are filled with Judge GriRharn ordered the Vll­ mud and ringed with white. chalky lage to hav{~ the GrindRtonp Canyon Into tht> dt1m. OfJ Thur~daY. March located just 400 yards from matenal they say is CalClUID car­ Dam in~pected immediately by Lhl' :~ 1. and thp natuLl! w;lter- wa~ dl:-'­ the giant dam, have moved bonate from the rnaterialR In the State Eng1neer Office. charged. the H,l:]~ noticed a dif­ from their home, concerned dam. Larry Ferns, of the State ference In theIr pond~ Thp\, ~aId hy the dam operations are RIck Hall saId the ponda are r:ngineer Office in Santa Fp. and Tue~day the water had t~rned ~) causing pollution that could spring-fed and were 14 and 16 feet Vred Bun1~. of Boyle F:ngtneenng. mud covered hy a murky. hrow n liq­ deep before the village began fIlling were at the dam Friday rnomJng Uid. and they h·ft thPIT cllrnfort.ahh· harm their family's health. ~tay the dam last week. He said the NeIther were wdhng to CODlillenl on log home to wlth n,lallvPo; . They've gone to cou rt as­ ponds have been on the GnndRt.one the C(Jurt ordpr And on ~'nday tht· COil pit· and king for relief from the situa­ property for at least 40 yean~. ''I'm just h~re to In~pect thp darn thclr two chIldren. agt·d Pl~ht dnd tion. Judge Grisham said Fnday she and write a nwmo," said Fem~. Hf' 10, were loolong for a hOll.<.l.t· t.o rent hasn't Rigned an order yet, but ~aid he received hi~ ingtructlOnR on .Jane Hall said they fear hoth nood­ iRRued her ordeT orally She said Thun~day ing and pollutwll.- from the wat..er School board to meet Rhe will Stgn the final order after Hums. whww finn d('~lgned and beIng dJgchargecl ~-"; ;~~:. ~~-~:""' ; T :.; _ _. .1- -. ,,- -... - ..f . The RuidoRo Board of Education room, approval of final tentative .•k- ~,~ Studelll"s first ..... ~.?"'> ~ ~ .."...,.."...~ ,., -: will meet at 7 p. m. Tuesday, April 1988-89 budget. I '--.j 12, in the school administration of­ -Approval of budget transfern. in sciCllCC f<'l i r fice. -Invitation, reception for the On retiring Ruidoso High School st udent Items on the agenda include: state school board in Roswell April ""_.* -Award bid proposal for 20. Daniel A. Davis took finlt place In Eileen Minitier. director the Senior Engineering IhvislOn auditor, 1987-88 school year. -Report on special ed. ueation of the retiree services -Call for bids on instructional follow-up review. Saturday at the state SClence and Englneering Fair at New Mexico supplies, 1988-89 school year. -Approval of agreement, trans­ program in Roswell, -Call for bids on janitorial sup­ portation policy, Capitan/Ruidoso. speaks Thursday of the Tech 1n Socorro DaV1S was one of four grand plies, 1988-89 school year. -Make-up procedures for snow plusses of attracting -Call for bids on maintenance days. award winners at the fair. retirees to Ruidoso, HiR pn)Ject WClS on "High Fre­ of office equipment, 1988-89 school -Presentation of Statue of naming banks, doctors quency Plasma SynthpsiR." year. Liberty pins, Ovella Estes. DaVls a1l:w wa~ awarded a $50 -Report on budget process. -Executive session, personnel. and real estate agents -Request for special board as particular benefi­ savingR hond from the American -Consideration of certified and Society of MechanIC'.al Engineers, meeting, 11:30 a.m. April 27, board non-certified personnel. ciaries of such a pro­ New Mexico Section. a nd a certifi­ gram. A chamber of cate from the U.S. ManIH' COrpR commerce committee Also awarded for theIr participa­ is forming to investigate tion in the fair were RUldo:-:o stu­ the opportunity. dents .JaRon White, for hl~ prt)Ject INSIDE on "Trigenerator Linear ('ollider," Opinion .. 1B and Neil Thornley, for his proJPct People .....3A on "Scrotal CiTcumference and FeT­ Sports. .. _GA- 7A ___ 38-4B Classified .. .. tility: Is There a Correlation?" The "Drnamer" ._ __ __ ._5A TV Guide.. .. ... Beetlon B 1- Business..... .......8A WEATHER REPORT Council, P&Z, airport meetings are scheduled Sunday's low 25 The Ruidoso Village Council will -Proposals on agreement with MeetingR of the council are open ••• ••• Sundays high 59 meet at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, April Otero Electric Cooperative. to the public. Monday's low 22 12, in council chambers of Ruidoso -Discussions on Upper Canyon The Sierra Blanca. Airport Com­ Municipal Administrative Center. bridge number one. ••• • •• • •• mission will meet at 3 p.m. Wed­ Monday's predicted high 65 Items on the agenda include: -Award bids on flow metering nesday, April 13, in council cham­ TueSday's predicted low 22 -Information items-- equipment and ambulance slip-in Public hearings over a proposed bers of Ruidoso Municipal Adminis­ Tuesday's predicted high 70 - Proposal to rentllease the old unit. new zoning rnap will continue with trative Center. a session from 2-5 p.m. today <Mon­ Items on the agenda include: B~ll ~ostetter True Value Hardware building; -Discussion on economic devel­ Meteorologist in. Ruidoso predicts sunny and 1988-89 budget; opment.
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