Pastor of northern Virginia mission church reflects on 15 years of raising hope for the ‘least of these’ n1995, after nearly two decades of prostitutes and sinners into his working with Sojourners and the inner circle. When criticized for Iinner-city poor of Washington, D.C., eating with them, he replied, “It Bishop Tom Stockton appointed me to is not the healthy who need a explore starting a church among the doctor, but the sick. But go and poor and marginalized living along the learn what this means: ‘I desire Route One Corridor south of Alexan- mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have dria. In June 1996, Doug Dillard, the not come to call the righteous, Alexandria District superintendent, and but sinners” (Matthew 9:12-12). I chartered a new congregation in the If Jesus invited the most dis- community room of the West Ford pub- reputable members of society to lic housing project. We had 11 members become his disciples, can we do and named this congregation Rising any less? The gospel is both chal- Hope United Methodist Mission Church. lenging and life-changing. Our mission has always been to bring the power of Christ and the support of the church to the least, the lost, the lone- (Above, L-R) Aceline Bapthelus, ly and the left out of our community. As Deborah Johnson and Dwayne a result we have drawn our membership Sands prepare meals for the from the many homeless, formerly home- impoverished. (Left, L-R) Mauri less, disabled and working poor members Bishop (Wesley Seminary of our community as well as a number of student) assists Pastor Keary middle-class families called to serve God Kincannon in serving Holy among the least of these. Communion to Jackie Martin and Deborah Brothman. Today our small congregation has (Photos by Ed Simmons) grown, not so much in membership, but in impact. With 100 active mem- As I reflect on Rising Hope’s 15 years, the most undeserving. Love demands bers, two-thirds of whom have been one thing we got right was insisting that nothing less. That is what God did for us homeless, we serve the needs of 8,000 we empower the poor and not simply in Jesus Christ and that is what God is impoverished people in our community serve them. Our food pantry depends on calling us to do. annually with our food pantry, soup the many volunteers from area churches The work of Rising Hope will be kitchen, clothing closet, hypothermia and their generous donations of food. recognized with a year of celebrations shelter, recovery programs, job programs With their support we serve more than designed to lift up and support our and emergency assistance. We may do a 300 families every week, yet equally im- work. The first will be a simple service of number of things that look like a social portant is the empowerment of dozens gratitude on June 26 at 7 p.m. at Rising service agency, but the core of our life at of people volunteering from the com- Hope. On Sept. 30, the Friends of Ris- Rising Hope is our worship of the God munity in need. We put them to work ing Hope are sponsoring a fundraising made known in Jesus Christ. And it is stocking the shelves, making deliveries dinner, dance and auction at the Mount His power that drives all our outreach and welcoming the patrons who come Vernon Country Club. Christian come- into the community. We access that desperate for assistance with their food dian Scott Davis will present two benefit power regularly through disciplined budgets. By offering everyone an oppor- concerts at Springfield UMC on Oct. 23. times of worship, prayer and Bible tunity to volunteer, we are giving dignity Then, at a date and time to be arranged study. We worship together five times to even the most destitute of individuals. in early 2012, Jeff Majors (gospel and a week. Sunday morning is our central Rising Hope is not about a “free hand- jazz musician, recording artist) will celebration, but we also come together out.” Neither are we about the wealthy host a “HopeFest” with great musicians in a shorter celebration at noon every sharing their surplus with poor souls and preaching to culminate our year of Tuesday through Friday. who have so little. Rising Hope has a celebration. Join us for one or more of I have always taken Jesus’ words to much greater goal in mind. We want to these celebrations as we give thanks to reach out to the least among us very se- manifest the Kingdom of God where rich God for God’s presence in our work. riously. But Jesus is not content that we and poor, black and white, privileged For more information go to <www. should simply feed the hungry. He was and disadvantaged come together to risinghopeumc.org>. ❑ transforming lives by welcoming traitor- be empowered to live out our highest — The Rev. Keary Kincannon, ous tax collectors, revolutionary zealots, potential and humbled to serve even pastor at Rising Hope UMC in Alexandria 12 Virginia Advocate/June 2011.
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