!['"HEARINGS, ' . Unf~PED'stat])·S'sinat]K·](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. o .i , ", ~"tf 11 " 'J"I~ . (f, ,e~ , , .. ; . .... , " '"HEARINGS,• ". • > , ' ' 13EFORETHE ,0 SUBOOMMITTEE" o~ .J1fV]}NILEJUSTIOE II, " OF THE \\ OOMMITTEE ,ON THE JUDICIARY' .. UNf~PED'STAT])·S'siNAT]k· . ;' I • ,'., \ " I ' o '. ' .' , ", , " , \ ,.f> !l1I' ,~.~'. >' " I'·" ''',~', ' , I 1 '." .. " ".' 'I' ",', ,\", "',, '." '" , ". ~ed'for"the' l\se~Lthe, C6~rni,tpee'on' the 'judiciary L " " 'I, , , " ~f " . ',II' • .I) ~'~"o, ,f)- ", \ ' . " ,r .. " . '.11 " ,i '.' . ',,) Ji' 141 \ . 'l , \ ,I' \ \ \ ", \ '. 1 , 1·· ,t .. " v \ U,s. GOVERNMENT' PRINTING OFFICE " '. .. ' ~ WASHINGTON: 19$4 III, " ,; \ " '. ," () ..~ 1..:. , + 1 ~" . ~ " " " ..' ,,,,"'tt,, , " > , " , ~ OPENING STATEMFJNTS ., ., . " . '.. Page ~p~:~,~abn. Ar~i:m.,. ~: U:S.Se?a,tQrJ!.QW. t4~'S~a~~~Of,~rnns~t'(li1}1.'a,i'~hair,.,r~cj, ... , ...ll.c.omml.ttee 90 JAyem~e,J1,1~t~(!~)~"",~"\",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:,,~,,,,,,,:, .. h~.'"i''''''''''''' ),.51 CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF. WITI'fESSES .:!, ' .. ~ . ,~ I~ , " , " TVESDAYiSEPTEMBER 20, 1983 COMMITTEE ON THE JUmGIARY Hein~i Hon.John. a p.S. ~enatorf~omtlle State ofPennsylvania .. ,............... ;... STROi1: TeORMQl'I'ri; 'souih' (J~r01i~~::,ph~irmdn, Herrmgton. Hon. LOIS Haw~t, ASSIstant Attorney General foi' Justice Assist- 3 CHARLES MeC.MATHIAS, JR., Maryland JOSEPH R. BIDEN,JR .. i Delaware ance, Research and StatIstICS, U.S. Department of Justice Cha.itman Presi. M dfnt1s Task Force on of Crime ................................... :.................. PAUL LAXALT, Nevada. :' ..' EDWAl1P ]1,1., I\ENNEDY, Massachusetts n V~ctims L ........ .. 9 ORRIN G. HATCH, Ublh ROBERTC. BYRD, West Virginia B ebto ; Wanda, Anl!apohs.Md.................................... ;................................................ 22 ROBERT DOLE, Kansas' HOWARD. M. METZEl'Il'BAUM, Ohio B a ., &~or~t,WaShIl!gt.OJl, D.C .. :........................................................ ~ .................. ;.... 27 ALAN K. SIMPSON, Wyoming . DENNIS DECONCINI, Arizona' 29 JOHN P. EAST, North Carolina PATRICKJ. LEAHY, Vermont C:;~il!gt~~IFi~~~~:~~ruth:~~~~~t~~;·v.i~Ei~~·A~~i~t~~~~.L~g~'.Otg~~i~~ti~~: . CHARLES Eo GRASSLEY, Iowa .. , MAX BAUCUS, Montana ChaIrman, VIctIms99mmItte~., AmerICan. Bar Association, vice chairman, JERJjJMIAH DENTON, Alabama HOWELL HEFLIN, Alabama AdVIsory Board, National Institute of JustICt:l, U.S. Departmen~~.Q,f Justice ..... 31 ARLEN SPECTF;R;:Pennsylvania: .' .: ',c> lJ '. ') , Viiql'ONDEVANEi!,.lPE; Ohief CoiJ.n8lll r;zn(i.StaffDirector. WE:DNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1983 \iiI DEBORAH K. OWEN, Ge1ieral Counsel DAris!' Ferry, W. Va, ..... .................................................................... .. SI!IRLEY J.FANNING, 'Chief Clerk ~~t~ Harpe~s ~ 53 G rIgldt, prll,.WashIngton, .D.C ............................................................................ :: .. 0, .....1> MARK H. GITENSTEIN, Minority Chief Counsel 62 . ", ',' , A~~st;~;g,PR~~~~':~·di~~~f~~;'·Di~i~i~;:;··~f·C~i~~··vicfitr;~·;·'c~tr;p~~~~ti;;rt· 64 IndustrIal Commission of Virginia, Commonwealth()f Virginia,Richmond:' SUBCOMMITl'EE ON JUVENILE JUSTICE . '.. '0 ..,. yO~~g~··M~;r~~~;·A::··Ph.'ii';·J:D:;·~~~~~ti~~··di~~~·f~~;·N~tlb~~i·o~g;~·i~;fib~·f~; 77 ARLEN SPECTER; ~ennsylvania; Chairman W~IttIm AssIstance;Wa,shington, D.C., ................................................... ;........... ,...... 82 JEREMIAH DENTON, Alabama HOWARD M. METZENBAUM, Ohio e stone, Gloria, Philadelphia, Pa ...... ~ ................. ;.......... ,........................................ 94 CHARLES ¥eC. MATHIAS, JR., Maryland EDWARD M.. KENNEDY, Massachusetts . ALPHABETICAL LJ§XXNGAND MATERIALS 8UBMI'PrED BiLL BOWMAN,' :Cbunsel . ,1;': ~r ... ,-.-" ." , , ' , MARGERY BAKER, Minority Chief Counsel Armstr.ong, Robert W~: " ". i' ':' i.; ":..;; ...." ••• :.b ... '':\ T 1" y . "" . ~ .. ".~. (II) pes Imon. .. .. :~ ..................... ! •. "~';.' " .•••• ~ •.•••• ~1J •. ~~ ••: ................. :.. ~:~'iI.' ••'. ....t ........... ;.. 77 .~ repared staie!l1ent ........... ' ... :............ l!~~ ... ~:.lJ .. ~.. ,,'. .............................. 81 1 ~abb, G~or~e: TestI~ony ... ~ .. ;.. :; .. ,... ,....... :.~';';';;:tf;~ .•. ,.; •.• : ... .JI~.. .. .............. ;.............. 27 assh' Chlq,!Ita: TestImony ...... ;.• ~ ....................... ~., ............... .' ...........................i ......., ..... .. Boot ,. DorIS: " . '1.. ", 29 T t' y '.' ··w....· U.S. Department of Justice -b Ads .nnon ··:·······:·········.···············'·····c·····F~f.nt1····(t\A\;··.· ................................ h~ ........ ~..... 53 National Institute of Justice p denda to testImony......................... ~M~ .... ;rt..i?lb;.IS84................... ;,~ ............. .".' 56 J Card::ro~:~r~~t~ment ...............: ............................................. ~ ................. ~'.....•. ,....... .. 58 This document has been reproduced exactly a~r~~~l~~~~~O~a!~d I person or organization originating it. P~~tssO~~~ do n&t necessarily Testimony ... ;.................... , ........ Ac.~~:;f:s,lI.~ .. i •••. , ••••••••.••.•.••••• : .••.••.••••...•.•. 31 in this dnOtCtUhme the National Institute of 35 represe ~nff~lc~~fpt~~i~i~no~:h:o"~eso~f " ~i~B::~1:h~~An~~~·!r~·tE;::Fi~~·y~~;~·L~!~~·~$~c~~t~rtgt·~~::::::: Justice. GeraldIne; • .... , 41 Testimony ....... :............................................................. \.............. ,........ ,... ,.... ;............. Permission to reproduce thls~'Irl9bted material h~s been 64 Hein;~~:~~~~~~ement ............................ ;................ ,...............•..•...•..... i ••~ ••••••••••••••••••• 72 granted by • [) ., Publl.C Damam Testimony .......................................................................... "; ........................... , ........ ,,. 3 United states Senate I :rrepared statement ............. ;............ ~ ...•........................•.......•.... :........................ ~ ........ ' 6 I"r I III) '" to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS). , If·' , Further reproduction outside of the NCJRS system requires permis­ sion of the ae~) ri~owner; , , ,, J ';1 ' ~ f''') IV 0' Page I QIerr..ington, Hon.LoisHaight:·' 11" , .'" ' . , " .' (EJ <f Testnno;ny ~""'·""""i"i ..... ;''''''''''''':'''''''''''''''''' ............................... ".' •••••••••••• ~ •••••••••••• 9 , .. Prepared statement ........................................................... ~r ............. w .................. ,.. 14 1 , " '~., ~ Meltoh, Wanda: .. ' . .' I T ••••••.•. •••••••• ..... ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• •••• •••••• 'Tes~iIIiony '.... ,~ .. '........ ·.. ,.. ,; ...., ........ ,.... ~.i ~ ~~: ~, ~ ~." ~ 22 I .Prepared statement ·i ••••••••••••• ~ •••••• ;•• .' ••••••••••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 25 ~ f Wright Ap' rih';Testimony ......... ;..... ,.,.,........ ,~,...... ,.; ...................... ;.......... ".......................... ,. '., i . .'. Gl . T t· . ",,'. .,. ". .',. ' . 62 ...... Whetstone, . orIa:. es Imony .~ .......... ,....... ,..... t' ......... ,,; ......· ............................ ................. 94 di . .' . '. 'tj: '.. ' .'. ll' , 0 ,J1' '. .... '.:If. ' I Young, Marlene A; . "'. , ;1 :J TestiIllony .... l•••••••.••.•• ~'.~ .•. ,.• , •• ~ ••••. ,.'.·.••• ~.I.;~.'!::·,~~·,.~ •. , •., ....................... ' ••. 01 ....... , .••.•• , ••••• ,•••.. 82 G\ . ClUl\~E' VlCTIlVtS'.,ASSlS'l'A~C~';l~RS)GR~MS Prepared statement ·······.;~·,:···~····~'.i{·····!~J·,.··········:·.·.··.: .. ;:.f....• ,..................................... 88 . , ~ . ~ i) - , • Jo "; \, (,'1 (" " APPENDIX , , '. "-,I ,~ '_rj" .rec,' I) ." TUESpAY~S~PTEMBER20, 1~,83 Testimohy. of Way~ei ~ai>lerref<lirector, 'G:dy~r?lnent~l :Affair~~ivis~?n:; N.:a~ .. I ' tional RIfle AssocIation, InstItute for; Leg1s1atlVe ActIOn .......................... ,.......... 99 " .'.~ .. ' ,e: .. :. U.S.SIi1N~TE, " , . ' .. '" '.:' SlJ:BCOMM1TTEEON ,.JUV.E~ILE JUSTICE, ,,' 'COMMIT'PEE QN-THE JUDIClARY,, . ,,'. " ....., '.. ' .'. .': ,;, . ';~.,' Was,hington,.:D:e.. " ", '" f" i,l' , . : "The .supcommittee ~e( pur~u~~lt ,to "J;lQtice,' at '~:32 a~m., in. room . ~, .. 1, ~26, D~rksen. Senate Office "BuIldl,J;lg, Hon; Arle,n Spec;:ter (cha~rmaA fl " .... ' t, ~, ~ • C I ,"'. of the subcommittee}presidi:ng. '., ','. ':; .". ; " '" o ; Staffp:r,~sen,t; Bill :{3owman, cquJ;l~el; Stephen~Johnson, counseL, . '. , l' I OPENING STATEMENT OF HON. ARLEN SPECTER, A lJ.S. SENATOR !~I I .FROM T}JE~TATE'()F PENNS1::I.NANIA, .CHAIRMAN, SUBCOM. ' MITTEE' ON JUVENILE JUSTICE .', '.' . , . " " ~w,:" " ,,..',', "':,'. ,', ". ", ,c .. ,\' I . ..., o " ·.Senator SPECTER. Goodrnor:ning;.ladies and I gentlemen. The hour of ~:30 havipg arrived1vvesh~1l. be~in, t.he hearing on the Federal ' Q aS~!lstance to, State and .local VICtims assIstaJ?ce program~. ! 'We ~have adistingui!)hed array ,of witnesses today. :,' ,> .'\ Our hearing today' will focus· on the enormous problems faced, by I the innocent. yictims of violent cdme. For:· too long the forgotten participants in ou:r: criminal justice systems, the~e victims. h~ye in recent years been rllurder~d; raped, robbed" and assaulted at stag,. '., <1l II . Ij '" g'e~i~g ~ates. As if to add ins?lt to il)jur..r" ;the physic~~ and .e.~oti9n­ ! o j alInJUrIes. sU,ffered by these Innocent VICtIms and, the.lr famIlIes are ,'" " ! " often cOIllJ>ounded byenorrnous financial losses for medical bins, l: ! I,) lost wages, rehabilitation eXpeIl$eS, 'counseling expenses, arid fUJ;ler:- al
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