The Plain Web Erik Wilde School of Information UC Berkeley [email protected] ABSTRACT approaches are adamantly defended with many arguments, The Web has become a popular starting point for many inno- and the debate around these approaches often is heated and vations targeting infrastructure, services, and applications. controversial. One of the main reasons for this is that any One of the challenges of today's vast Web landscape is to development in a technological landscape as large and as monitor ongoing developments, put them into context, and economically significant as the Web not only has techni- assess their chances of success. One of the main virtues of a cal implications and consequences, but also involves many more scientific approach towards the Web landscape would commercial interests. Furthermore, given the amount of re- be a clear differentiation between approaches which build search funding that goes into various areas associated with on top of the infrastructure of the Web, with little embed- the Web, money and careers are at stake. This paper is not ding into the landscape itself, and those that are intended an approach to look into this wider field of non-technical de- to blend into the Web, becoming a part of the Web itself. pendencies of Web technology development, but any inquiry One of the main challenges in this area is to understand and of Web technology development should take these factors classify new developments, and a better understanding of into account. various dimensions of Web technology design would make it This paper focuses on the contrast of the revolutionary easier to assess the chances of success of any given develop- (Section2) vs. the evolutionary (Section3) approach of ad- ment. This paper presents a preliminary classification, and vancing the Web. For each of these approaches, some exam- presents arguments how those factors influence the chance ples are presented which illustrate typical representatives. for success. Following up with a case study (Section4), the paper then makes a case for the evolutionary approach called the Plain 1. INTRODUCTION Web (Section5). Evolving the Web in a far-sighted and cleanly engineered way should be preferred over solutions The Web's success has been analyzed in a variety of ways, which build entire new technology landscapes that do not and most likely cannot be attributed to one single cause. integrate well into the Web and are only accessible through The rising availability of the Internet, declining computer entirely new toolsets. Based on this approach of limiting the costs, the demand to share information in platform-inde- Web to evolutionary developments, Section5 then concludes pendent ways, and the simple technologies based on loose the paper with a brief sketch of possible research directions, coupling were all contributing factors. Many of these fac- which would help to better understand how Web develop- tors are outside of the \engineering realm" of the Web, the ment is most likely to avoid costly errors. Web just \happened to be there at the right time." And yet, the Web's simplicity, its roots in the question of how to solve pragmatic information sharing issues, and the design 2. WEB REVOLUTION that was the very opposite of the heavyweight approaches The Web's success has clearly shown that it filled a for- that were proposed for similar application areas from the merly unoccupied gap in the communications landscape, but communications systems [29] and hypermedia [26] commu- its simplicity also often is perceived as a deficiency, rather nities, were all critically contributing factors to its success. than a property that might have been and still is a con- This paper argues that the Web's simplicity still is its tributing factor to its success. The limitations of the Web's most important asset, and that recent developments in Web basic features in terms of content design and semantics, and technologies as well as future directions should take this into its ability to serve as a platform for machine-to-machine in- consideration. Specifically, this paper identifies as two im- teractions, have led to numerous developments to extend the portant approaches in Web technology development the ap- Web's capabilities. proaches of revolution vs. evolution. The revolutionary ap- The following sections provide a more detailed look at proach often simply builds on the Web as an existing and three fields where revolutionary attempts were proposed to convenient transport infrastructure, placing an entirely new \improve the Web." A common theme of these revolution- layer of functionality on it. In contrast, the evolutionary ary approaches is that they use the Web mainly as a trans- approach attempts to improve existing Web technologies in- port system. So instead of trying to integrate into the exist- crementally, often at the price of having to deal with back- ing way of how something is done the Web, they introduce wards compatibility and interoperability in a loosely coupled something entirely new that is supposed to completely take system. over that area. In discussions about future directions for the Web, both Another commonality for most of these approaches is a fairly monolithic solution. A large problem area is identi- Copyright is held by the author/owner(s). Web Science Workshop at WWW2008, April 22, 2008, Beijing, China. fied, and then some solution is created which intends to be . general and powerful enough to solve problems in that area. Because the problem area tends to be large and complex, Another area of content-related revolution is the area of the presented solution also tends to be large and complex. schema languages. XML Schema [32] introduced a powerful 2.1 Content and complex schema language with its own data modeling layer. While the XML structures described by that lan- One of the early complaints about the Web was the sim- guage can be accessed using basic XML tools, there is no plicity of its main content types. Today's combination of standard for how the complex model of a schema itself can 1 HTML, CSS, and advanced scripting allow rather sophisti- be accessed. As a consequence, schemas are opaque for Web cated Web design, but earlier versions of these technologies technologies, and only few of the language's various features and earlier browsers were limiting Web publishing to a basic are frequently used [5]. There have been some experiments set of features, looking to many like a return to the days of to make the XML Schema model more accessible [34], but character-based terminals. the current revision of the language [15] adds more features In particular, when it comes to media types' variety and to the language, a step in the opposite direction. features, Web technologies and browsers provide a rather small set of options. And from the perspective of Web de- 2.2 Semantic Web signers, who often only get in touch with Web technologies The Semantic Web [4] aims to turn the Web into a machine- through tools, there still exists a rather popular idea that understandable Web. It introduces a model for making the basic Web technologies are just a starting point, and statements, the Resource Description Framework (RDF) [21], that more sophisticated, multimedia-oriented technologies and layers on top of this languages (such as RDF Schema [8] are the logical next step of Web development. This world or the Web Ontology Language (OWL) [31]) which can be view often manifests itself in building entire sites in Flash used to define and constrain the concepts which are used in or other technologies which essentially turn the Web into a these statements. transport infrastructure for a proprietary media player. The Semantic Web builds a number of layers on top of Two activities that were initiated by the W3C in the area the Web infrastructure, and most of the technologies are of richer media types were the Synchronized Multimedia In- entirely new. The only major connection between the Web tegration Language (SMIL) [17] and Scalable Vector Graph- itself and the Semantic Web is the Uniform Resource Identi- ics (SVG) [13]. Both technologies did not succeed as a uni- fier (URI) [3], which is used for identification in both mod- versally used content type on the Web, and there probably is els. Even for this crucial link between the Web and the not just one reason for that. One important factor was the Semantic Web, there so far is little actual connectivity; the development of these formats as standalone formats, with assignment, definition, management, description, publish- little connections to the existing infrastructure. To this day, ing, and discovery of URIs rarely work outside of closed there are various ways of embedding SVG into HTML, and environments. As an example, many basic RDF examples each of these ways has its own peculiarities and side-effects. still assume the ontological equivalence of persons and their SMIL, on the other hand, created a sophisticated language home page or email, which points to the basic problem of for synchronizing multimedia presentations, but some of the how identity is handled. center pieces of those presentations, audio and video content, Despite predictions of the ultimate success for the Seman- were never standardized, and today's de facto standard for tic Web [30], so far there is little use of it outside of the playing these media types is to use proprietary media play- (arguably large) communities of academia and commercial ers. players having direct investments in the technology. This So instead of slowly developing richer content from the does not necessarily mean that there will not be eventual ground up, these technologies were developed with little con- success; but regardless of that ultimate outcome, one could nections to the existing fabric of the Web, and ultimately at least ask why the technology has taken so much longer to failed.
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