1918 •. L~ . , OONGRES lON AL s RECORD-HOUSE. Senate Clwmber, pair d and not voting, the Chair declares the important to determine weights and measures for the District conference report agreed to. of Columbia than to pas the Army bill, I shall not object. ~Jr. 1.\IcKE~ZIE. -1\Ir. Speaker, reserving the right to object, . AD.TOURNME::.\"T. I thoughf we had an understanding that bills corning from the l\Ir. 1.\IAR~IN. I move that the Senate adjourn. Committee on 1\Iilitm·y Affairs, except on speciaL days, should The motion was agreed to; and (at 4 o'clock and 35 minutes have the right of way. Now, if the request of the gentleman p. m.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Tuesday, :llay 28, from Kentucky is C{)n ented to, why of course it wiD. make u 1018, at 12 o'clock meridian. special day for the consideration of his bills and cut out consid­ et·atlon of the. military app1.·opriati.on bill, which ought to be con­ sidered without a moment's delay. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. KITCHL.~. Mr. Speaker, I hope the gentl€man from Ken­ tucky will '\'\'ithdraw his request now, and that he ~ll make it ~-!O:NDAY, l1fay ~7, 1918. follo·wing the pill age of the military appropriation bill. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. 1\Ir. JO~SO~ of Kerrtueky. 1\.Ir. Speaker, I will modify the The Chaplain, Rev. Henry N. Couden, D. D., offe ed the fol­ request-- lowing prayer : 1.\:Ir. KI~Clill:N. I haYe made arrangements with the chair­ We lift up our hearts in grn.tituU.e to Thee, our Father in man of the Committee on Military Affairs to take up that bill Heaven, for all the uisdosures Thou hast made of Thyself, to-day. especially for the disclo. ures in the incompara.bfe life, character, lli. JOliKSOX of Kentucky. Mr. Speaker, I will modify my and wonderful precepts which fell from the lip of the Master, reque t by asking unanimous con ent that I be given Di trict which not only teach us the way and the .truth and the life-but day immediately follo\nng the di po ition of the military appro- especially for the comforting and ·reassuring words: priation bill. - "Come unto me all re that labor and are heavy lauen, anti I l\fr. GILLETT. Mr. Speaker, that very likely will be a week will give you rest. in ad-vance, :md I do not think we ought to tie up the time that " Take my y6ke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek far ahea.d. and lowly in. heart: and ye hall find rest unto your souls. The SPEAKER I there ob;jection? " For my yoke i en y, and my burden is light." Ur. GILLET-T. I object to that. Again: The SPEAKER. The gentleman from 1\Iassach:u:setts objects. " Let not your heart be trouble(] ; ye beliere in God, believe J OI.:~T MEETrnG OF THE TWO HOU ES. also, in me. l\Ir. KITCHL'i. Mr. Speaker~ I a k immediate consi<lemtion "In my Father' house are many mansions: if it were n{)t so, of the following resolution. I would l::mve told you. I go to prepare a place for you." The SPEAKEll. The Clerk will report the re olution. The world is plunged into a terrible wm~, destrudive beyond The Clerk read as follows : compare ; thou ands of hearts are borne do~-n. in sorrew -and House concurrent resolution 45. grief ; grant that they may be comforted, sustained, :md up­ Resol1:ed by tlLc House (tlie-Senat-e cmteurritJQ), That the two Ilouses held by the precious words of the l\las-ter. Amen. of Congre a semble in the Hall oil the House of Representatives on Monday, the 27th day of May, 191-a, at 1 o•clock in the afternoon, for. The Journal of the proceedings of Saturday was read unu the purpose of reccivin~ su:ch communication· as the President of the approve~ United States shall be pleased to make to them. DISTRICT BUST::.\'"ESS. The que: tion was taken, a.nd the- resolution was agreed to. Mr. JOHNSOi~ of Kentucky. l\lr. Speaker-- 'PE..~SION BILLS. The SPEA.KER. For what purpose uoes the gentleman from lli. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker--_ Kentucky rise? The SPE..IT\.ER. For what purpuse does the gentl-eman ri: e.? 1\Ir. JOHNSON of Kentucky: Under th-e rules of the House 1.\[r. RUS ELL. To eall up the bili H. R. 12229, the pecial tbis is District day. However, the Committee on Pensions has order for this morningA an agreement uruler which they have precedeoce to-day; and, Mr. SHERLEY. Mr. Speaker, if the gentleman will permit, next~ my colleague,. the gentleman from Kentucky [Mr. SHER­ I run perfectly willing that the time until the joint meeting of LEYL desires to bring up an appropriation bill. Therefore I ask the two Houses be used in consideration of these pension bills, unanimous consent that when the appropriation bill has been but I do not think they ought to stand in the way of two· big disposed of that the next day thereafter· may be given to. the con­ appropriation bills. The · Committee on Military Affairs is sideration of Di13tri'Ct bills. · awaiting wfth its Army bill my getting out of the way with The· SPEAKER. Now, there are n\o appropriation bills. an urgent defici-ency hill, and if the gentleman will give me :Mr. JOHNSON of Kentucky. I refer particularly to the assurance he will not press th-ese matters after 1 o'clock-- urgent deficiency bill. 1.\fr. RUSSELL. I will agree with the gentleman fi"()m Ken· The SPEAKER. Th-e gentleman from Kentuch-y [Mr. JoHN­ tucky that if we do not finish these bills before th-e hour men­ so"N] asks unanimous con ent that instead of bringing up his tioned, we will get out of the way and take them up at some District bills to-day, which is District day, that he shall have other time. · the right of wa.y immediately after this deficiency appropriatiou 1\Ir. SHERLEY. Very w-e-ll. bill is di po ed of. Is tllere objection? The SPEAKER. The Clerk will report the bilL 1\.fr. GILLETT. 1\Ir. Speaker, reserving the right to object, The Clerk rend as follows: if if r would' lilm to inquire that means, the gentleman gets A bill (II. R~ 12229) granting pensions and increase of pensions to unariimous consent that this shall come up, tha-t then if the Ho~ certnin soWiers and> sailors of the Civii War and certain widows and houid wish to take up the Army bill we could not by a majority depend-ent children of soldiers and sailors of said war. vote do so? . l\fr. RUSSELL. 1.\Ir. Speaker, I a k unanimous consent that The SPEAKER. Why~ the· Chair thinks that if this order is this bill be considered in the Hou e as in the Committee of the made it shoves the Army bill out of the \'.tty until after the cou­ Whole· House on the state of the Union. sideration of the District bill. The SPEA..KER. The gentleman ftom 1\Iissour-i asks mlani­ 1.\Ir. Gll.LETT. Then, temporarily, I shall object. mous consent to consider this. bill in the House as in Committee Mr. JOHNSON of Kentucky. I will say to- the gentleman from of the Whole House on the state of the Union. Is there ob­ Massachu etts that the sealer of weights and measures for the jection? [After· a pause.] The Chair hears none. Di trict of O<>lumbia has been to see me and })as written to me, Mr. RUSSELL. 1\lr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that urging that a bill relating to weights and m€asures be brought the first 1·eading of the bill be dispen ed with. · up and pussed as soon as possible; that every day, and many The SPEAKER. Is there objection? times every. day in fact, many people are gi-ven short weights in 1\Ir. MOORE of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, reserYing the ice, and if the purchaser of ice ask that it be weighed the ice right to object, I would like to know whether the a.g:teement man drives away and will not give him any ice; and where the gentleman made with the gentleman fi·om Kentucky a little ·complaint is lodged. with him on account of short weights of while ago refers to all pension bills to come up to-day. ice tho e lodging the complaints can not get ice at all.- It does Mr. RUSSELL, I could not commit anybody except myself. seem to me, with hot weather coming on, there ought to be some There are two on the calendm- from the Invalid Pension Com­ consideration given to the 75,000 or 100,000 clerks brought here mittee. to do the Government's work. They must ha ·e ice and should 1\lr. 1\IOORE of Pennsylvania. The gentleman is not as­ not be given sll:OI't weight when they buy it. suming to commit the Committee on Pensions? · l\lr. OILLETT. I will say that if th "'entlemen who .are l\Ir. RUSSELL. No; I have po authority to do that' and I •1 respon ible for the business of th~ House think that it is more so stated to the gentleman.
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