A Service of the Word 2015 Table of Contents Introduction ii Structure iii A SERVICE OF THE WORD 2015 1 I PREPARATION 1 1 Gathering 1 2 GREETING 1 3 PRAYERS OF PENITENCE AND FORGIVENESS 2 4 Gloria in Excelsis or Hymn or Psalm of Praise 5 5 COLLECT OF THE DAY 5 II PROCLAMATION OF THE WORD 5 6 READINGS FROM HOLY SCRIPTURE 5 7 SERMON or other Exposition of the Word 5 8 REFLECTION 5 9 AFFIRMATION OF FAITH 6 III PRAYERS 7 10 INTERCESSIONS & LORD’S PRAYER 7 11 OFFERING 8 IV CONCLUSION 9 12 ACT OF DEDICATION 9 13 Gloria in Excelsis (if not used at 4), Te Deum or Hymn 9 14 DISMISSAL 10 ALTERNATIVE TEXTS 11 NOTES ON EACH SECTION 33 ii A Service of the Word A Service of the Word 2015 Introduction Modern – and Ancient There are times when neither the Eucharist nor Morning Prayer meets the needs of a particular congregation’s main act of worship on Sunday. A Service of the Word is now offered as a resource for use by congregations of the Scottish Episcopal Church. The origins of a Service of the Word lie in early Jewish Sabbath day worship. When Jesus worshipped in the synagogue, he joined in liturgy largely based on the reading and exposition of Scripture, and the saying or singing of Psalms – a ‘Service of the Word’. Early Christian gatherings for worship were also based on this pattern, eventually combining with the Eucharist to provide the familiar shape of the Eucharistic liturgy of Word and Sacrament. A Service of the Word At the heart of the service is the Proclamation of the Word. This must not be so lightly treated as to appear insignificant compared with other parts of the service. As a Service of the Word, the liturgy uses texts from scripture such as the psalms as the basis for responses, prayers of penitence, praise, and other elements. Leading A Service of the Word Leadership of A Service of the Word may be by one person, or shared by two or more people, as appropriate. But it is helpful for the flow of a service if one person presides overall. Authorization, support and preparation may be required, and Rectors and Vestries should consult their Bishop before appointing people to this ministry. Further guidance is given in the Notes provided on pp. 33–37 below. A Service of the Word iii Structure The basic structure of A Service of the Word is given below. I PREPARATION 1 & 2 Gathering and Greeting 3 Penitence and Forgiveness 4 Praise 5 Collect of the Day II PROCLAMATION OF THE WORD 6 Reading(s) from Scripture 7 Sermon or other exposition of the Word 8 Reflection 9 Affirmation of Faith III PRAYER 10 Intercessions & Lord’s Prayer 11 Offering (Collection) IV CONCLUSION 12 Act of Dedication 13 Praise 14 Dismissal A SERVICE OF THE WORD 2015 I PREPARATION The words in bold are said by all. 1 Gathering 1.1 Hymn 2 GREETING 2.1 Blessed be God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: And blessed be God’s kingdom, now and for ever. Amen. 2.2 A brief introduction to the service may be given here using the form on page 11 or other words. Either 2.3 The Lord be with you. The Lord bless you. (Ruth 2.4) Or 2.4 The Peace may be shared either here or at Section 10.3 We meet in Christ’s name. Let us share his peace. 2 A Service of the Word 3 PRAYERS OF PENITENCE AND FORGIVENESS 3.1 Return to the Lord, who will have mercy: to our God, who will richly pardon. (Isaiah 55.7) A time of silence is kept, followed by either 3.2 Penitential Psalm Either this, or one of the other Psalms given on pages 11–12 Have mercy on me, O God, according to your loving-kindness. Have mercy on me, O God, according to your loving-kindness. I know my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me. Have mercy on me, O God, according to your loving-kindness. Purge me from my sin and I shall be pure: wash me and I shall be clean indeed. Have mercy on me, O God, according to your loving-kindness. Create in me a clean heart, O God: and renew a right spirit within me. Have mercy on me, O God, according to your loving-kindness. (From Psalm 51) Now go to Section 3.5 on page 4. Or A Service of the Word 3 3.3 Kyrie Either this, or one of the other forms given on pages 13–17. Instead of Kyrie eleison and Christe eleison, the response Lord, have mercy and Christ, have mercy may be used. Creator of the world, have mercy Kyrie eleison Source of all goodness, have mercy Kyrie eleison Wash away our sins Kyrie eleison Light of the world, have mercy Christe eleison Strength of the faithful, have mercy Christe eleison Look on us, wounded by sin Christe eleison Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, have mercy Kyrie eleison One God in three persons, have mercy Kyrie eleison Renew your Spirit within us, and give us new life Kyrie eleison (Based on the Sarum Orbis factor Kyrie) Now go to Section 3.5 on page 4. Or 3.4 Prayers of Penitence and Forgiveness Either this, or the alternative form on page 17. God of mercy, we acknowledge that we are sinners. We turn from the wrong that we have thought and said and done, and are mindful of all that we have failed to do. For the sake of Jesus, who died for us, forgive us for all that is past, and help us to live each day in the light of Christ our Lord. Amen (Common Worship) 4 A Service of the Word A short silence is kept before saying either A May almighty God, who sent his Son into the world to save sinners, bring us pardon and peace, now and for ever. Amen. (Common Worship) Or B May the God of love bring us back to himself, forgive us our sins, and assure us of his eternal love in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (Common Worship) Now go to section 3.6 3.5 Prayer for Forgiveness After the Penitential Psalm or Kyrie, a short silence is kept before saying May the Lord forgive what we have been, help us to amend what we are and direct what we shall be, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (SEC Daily Prayer 1988) 3.6 Response Blessed is the Lord: Who has heard the voice of our prayer. Therefore shall our hearts dance for joy: And in our song will we praise our God. (From Psalm 28) A Service of the Word 5 4 Gloria in Excelsis or Hymn or Psalm of Praise See pages 18–19 for texts of Gloria in excelsis 5 COLLECT OF THE DAY A short period of silent prayer may be introduced with the words, ‘Let us pray’ or a more specific bidding. The Collect of the Day is said and all respond, Amen. II PROCLAMATION OF THE WORD 6 READINGS FROM HOLY SCRIPTURE (See Notes) 7 SERMON or other Exposition of the Word 8 REFLECTION A time of silence, which may be followed by music. 6 A Service of the Word 9 AFFIRMATION OF FAITH Either this, or turn to pages 23–29 for other options. Do you believe in God the Father? I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. Do you believe in God the Son? I believe in Jesus Christ, God's only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; he descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again; he ascended into heaven, he is seated at the right hand of the Father, and he will come again to judge the living and the dead. Do you believe in God the Holy Spirit? I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. A Service of the Word 7 III PRAYERS 10 PRAYERS OF INTERCESSION 10.1 Prayer is offered for the world and its people, for those who suffer and those in need, for the Church and its members. 10.2 The prayers conclude with one of the following forms of the Lesser Litany and the Lord’s Prayer. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy upon us. Our Father in heaven, Our Father, hallowed be your name, who art in heaven, your kingdom come, hallowed be thy name; your will be done, thy kingdom come; on earth as in heaven. thy will be done; Give us today our daily bread. on earth as it is in heaven. Forgive us our sins Give us this day our daily bread; as we forgive those who sin and forgive us our trespasses, against us. as we forgive those who Do not bring us to the trespass against us. time of trial And lead us not into but deliver us from evil. temptation, For the kingdom, but deliver us from evil. the power For thine is the kingdom, and the glory are yours, now and the power and the glory, for for ever. Amen.
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