Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 10-23-1984 The BG News October 23, 1984 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News October 23, 1984" (1984). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4309. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/4309 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. W " Falcons keep Music for MAC hopes BG blitzes minorities ^_ 1 * 1 alive Buckeyes page 3 page 7 page 7 -4 : ¥k 1 Tuesday, October 23.1984THE BG: NEWS Vol. 67 Issue 31 Victims won't be hypnotized April McClellan dent, Gerkens said. "There is no staff reporter way for us to follow up the incident." Two female University stu- The students were walking on dents, reportedly attacked by a Ridge Street between Overman group of males on Ridge Street Hall and Oakgrove Cemetery Oct. 3, have refused to undergo when they were approached by hypnosis to obtain a description four or five males who pro- of the attackers, according to ceeded to hit their heads, Dean Gerkens, associate direc- according to police reports. tor of campus police. The students were allegedly "We tried to make different shoved into a car and driven to arrangements for them to be the information booth near the hypnotized, which they didn't Doyt L. Perry Stadium, where want," Gerkens said. they were dropped off. "At this point there are no Both students were trans- leads (because) there weren't ported to Wood County Hospital, any descriptions of the persons treated for contusions and abra- or vehicle involved in the inci- sions and released. BG News/Jim Youll Fill 'er up! Iraternity to assist the Wood County office of the Family and Members of the Alpha Chi Omega sorority cram themselves into a Child Abuse Prevention Center. Winning teams were the Delta Zeta in CIA manuals Ford Fairmont Saturday at a charity car-stuffing contest sponsored sorority with a time of 5.5 seconds, and Beta Theta Pi fraternity with by Sigma Nu fraternity. Over $200 has been collected by the a time of 11.78 seconds. WASHINGTON (AP) - The ual encouraged assassinations, CIA told the Senate Intelligence Nunn said: Committee yesterday that all "There were deletions before copies of a CIA-written psycho- some printings were made and Professor calls debate 'a draw* logical warfare manual for Ni- before some distribution was caraguan rebels contained made, but all of the documents Both professors agreed image "THE PUBLIC is more indul- "Historically the gap (be- language on "neutralization" of by Don Lee was emphasized over issues in gent about Reagan," Spragens tween the two candidates' posi- presumably . .. had some of said. "All he had to do was get tions) closes on the eve of the government officials, a panel what would be called question* staff reporter the debate. member said. ble to some and to others offen- "People are looking more for back in his normal form. Rea- election," Merriam said, adding After a three-hour briefing, Although many believe Presi- image, Spragens said. "Image gan could have come out at a Mondale and his running mate, sive language, including disadvantage if he really blew it Rep. Geraldine Ferraro, have Sen. Sam Nunn, D-Ga., said that language relating to so-called dent Reagan did better in Sun- is overemphasized but the abil- while some deletions were made 'neutralization.' day night's debate with ity to communicate effectively -but he didn't blow it." been "positively hawkish" at in the 90-page manual, "the is an important tool of diplo- times. Nunn's description of the Democratic challenger Walter term 'neutralization' was in all CIA's briefing appeared to sup- Mondale than in their previous macy." After the debate, there was Spragens said he considered the documents." media speculation on the num- the sharpest issue to be the port an account from Edgar meeting, few are willing to say During the presidential debate Chamorro, propaganda chieffor Reagan won. Merriam noted voters often ber of issues on which both can- debate over 'Star Wars' weap- Sunday night, President Reagan didates found themselves in ons systems. Mondale attacked the Nicaraguan Democratic '"roe fairest thing to say is it aren't interested in issues be- said CIA officials had deleted a Force, who said that deletions was a draw," said John Mer- cause of a lack of understand- agreement. the idea of sharing the 'Star number of pages that dealt with riam, University associate pro- Wars' technology with the Sovi- were made in the original man- ing.T assassination of Nicaraguan ual to remove references to hir- fessor of political science. 'Ifs not who won (the debate) On at least two occasions - on ets. gvernment officials, although "Democrats have tradition- ing professional criminals for "There is no way President Rea- but who you're likely to vote arms control and foreign policy added that 12 copies of an "selective jobs" and creating a Ean won that (debate), although for," he said. "Undecided voters - columnist George Will noted ally been suspect in matters of original with such references foreign policy and national de- "martyr" by arranging Die e did better than last time." aren't excited by Mondale, ... Mondale "actually flanked the "some way ... got out down death of a rebel supporter. "Mondale scored more points, while Reagan creates a sense of president on the right." fense, particularly where the there." but Reagan seemed more re- mood, of optimism. People are Merriam said it was possible Communist Bloc is concerned," Nunn and Sen. Malcolm Wal- Spragens said. "The Republi- BUT CHAMORRO said the lazed and came across better," going to vote for him (Reagan) Mondale was taking this stance lop, R-Wyo., were the only two revised manual still contained said William Spragens, political who really aren't better off. in response to criticism that he cans are suspect on social pro- committee members who at- advice on the "selective use of science professor. Maybe they feel better off." was "soft." grams." tended the CIA briefing, which violence" to "neutralize" Nica- the Georgia senator said was raguan government officials handled by people who were ana on coercing Nicaraguans new ... and not by people who into carrying out assignments presumably would know the against their will. ICI fire kills 1; arson suspected most about this operation." In an interview with The Asso- ciated Press on Saturday, Cha- BLOOMINGTON, Ind. (AP) - Zeta Beta Tau fraternity house. had been poured in the living smoke inhalation, said an emer- WALLOP AND NUNN also morro said about 200 copies of A pre-dawn blaze roared was pronounced dead on arrival room of the house, located a Sency room nurse who refused said the CIA's internal investi- the original manual were dis- through an Indiana University at Bloomington Hospital. Dep- block from the main campus, ) give her name. Thirty other gation into the production of the tribute although most were fraternity house Sunday, killing uty Monroe County Coroner Dr. said James Skaggs, chief inves- people, including two campus manual was continuing and that later recalled. He said about 2,- one person and injuring 34 oth- Tony Pizzo said Edelman died of tigator with the Indiana fire policemen, were treated for many questions remained. Wal- 000 copies of the second version ers during homecoming week- smoke inhalation. marshal's office. smoke inhalation, abrasions and lop said he saw no indication of were sent to rebels fighting Ni- end, and authorities suspect the fractures, the nurse said. "footdragging," adding that tra- caragua's leftist government. fire was deliberately set. Monroe County Prosecutor Four fraternity members The fire started about 4 a.m. cing the decision-making proc- At the debate. Reagan said the Ron Waicukauski said he was were hospitalized, three with in the living room of the three- ess on the manual involved "a original manual was the work of Israel Edelman, 19, a student investigating Edelman's death second-degree burns and smoke story, limestone structure, said complicated paper trail." a CIA contract employee in Cen- at the school's campus at Rich- as a murder. inhalation, and the other with James Kennedy, director of the But on the key question of tral America, but when it was mond, Ind., and a guest at the Some type of flammable liquid wrist and back fractures and university's police department. whether the CIA-produced man- turned over to his CIA superior. Conveys Ideas with color Artist illustrates abortion "I believe that abortion is any medical title. So I went to by Teresa Perretti premeditated murder and a slaughter house to see the staff reporter color. As an artist I need to that it results in the violent think about color." Illustrating abortion and its death of an infant." she said. effects on mother and child is The purpose of her illustra- Working with what she one way Elizabeth Rodriguez, tions is three-fold. Rodriguez calls "emotional color" - in- graduate assistant in fine wants her viewers to question tense reds or subdued blues - arts, believes she can trans- their position, consider that Rodriguez is experimenting mit ideas which society needs pro-choice is pro-murder be- with techniques and types of to face. cause "if they were really paint "I use my art work as a pro-choice they would wait vehicle to transmit political and ask the baby about abor- When she is finished with and social ideas that need to tion," and view abortion as her series, Rodriguez hopes be dealt with," she said.
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