209 Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 14 (No 2) 2008, 209-213 National Centre for Agrarian Sciences FOOD SPECTRUM AND FEEDING OF BARBUS CYCLOLEPIS HECKEL FROM THE MIDDLE STREAM OF MARITZA RIVER (BULGARIA) D. ROZDINA, G. RAIKOVA-PETROVA, R. MARINOVA and E. UZUNOVA Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Biology, Department of Common and Applied Hy- drobiology, BG - 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria Abstract ROZDINA, D., G. RAIKOVA-PETROVA, R. MARINOVA and E. UZUNOVA, 2008. Food spectrum and feeding of Barbus cyclolepis Heckel from the middle stream of Maritza River (Bulgaria). Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 14: 209-213 To assess the food spectrum of Barbus cyclolepis altogether 101 specimens were investigated. Food of the barbel consists of 14 food components. The occurrence frequency and the index of dominance were the highest for Chironomid larvae with 78.95% and 42.11% respectively. Plant detritus is established as a significant compo- nent in the feeding of the species with 55.79% occurrence frequency and 23.16% index of dominance and is the most important nutrient during the summer season. Variation of index of dominance and fullness index during the year is also investigated. The maximum values of fullness index are established in August (4.8%) and the mini- mum is in November (0.56%). Feeding activity during the breeding season is decreased. The low value of vacuity index (5.94%) shows good feeding conditions. Key words: Barbus cyclolepis, nutrition, occurrence frequency, index of dominance, fullness index, vacuity index Introduction and controlled use. Knowledge about biology of the species in all its aspects will allow its better protec- B. cyclolepis is an endemic species for Bulgaria tion. and Balkan Peninsula. In Bulgaria it is spread in the Data about food spectrum and food habits of B. rivers Maritza, Mesta, Struma and their tributaries cyclolepis are insufficient and out of date. Only (Karapetkova and Zivkov, 2006). The species origi- Marinov (1989) gives information about food com- nates from Maritza River (Economidis, 1989). It is a ponents in the gut of B. cyclolepis from Struma River, typical rheophilic species, common for upper and without presenting index of dominance, occurrence middle streams with fast current and gravel bottom. frequency and any other details. Since 2005 the species is included in IUCN Red List Maritza River is the second river in length in Bul- of Threatened Species as a least concern taxon garia – 321.6 km. Its catchments area includes 21 (Crivelli, 2005). It is also included in Bulgarian Low 084 km2, and covers 1/5 from the territory of Bul- on Biological Diversity under condition of protection garia. It is the most high water river in the country. E-mail: [email protected] 210 D. Rozdina, G. Raikova-Petrova, R. Marinova and E. Uzunova Maritza River starts from Rila Mountain leave Bul- up to 10 cm and to the nearest 1 g for the specimens garia in Cap. Andreevo and flow into Aegean Sea. over 10 cm were measured. Digestive tracts were The average annual temperature is 12±1oC. http:// excised and preserved in 4 % formalin. The length of www.bluelink.net/water/izbr/marica/index_marica.htm each gut (to the nearest 1 mm) and the weight (to the The water of Maritza River is exposed to high an- nearest 0.0001 g) of its contents were measured. thropogenic influence. Regulation of water level of dam Age was determined on scales at magnification of lakes along the river and use of river’s water for irri- 17.5x with the aid of projector Dokumator, Lasergerat gation lead to sudden changes in water level of the (manufactured by Carl Zeiss, Jena). river. From the other hand the River is under a high The occurrence frequency (number of digestive influence of industrial and municipal waters. All this tracts with a certain food item against the total num- aspects cause stress to hydrobionts and changes the ber of digestive tracts, expressed as a proportion) of quality and quantity composition not only of fish popu- each element in the gut was calculated. The index of lations but also of their food targets. dominance (number of guts in which certain food item The aim of the study is to establish the food spec- dominates, against the whole number of investigated trum and feeding activity of eastern barbel’s popula- guts, expressed as a proportion) was also calculated. tion in the middle stream of Maritza River. To asses the activity and rhythm of feeding of the bar- bel fullness index (mean total weight of gut content Material and Methods relative to fish weight, in %) and vacuity index (the total number of empty guts relative to the total num- Fish were sampled during the period April – No- ber guts, in %) were determined. vember 2006. The material was obtained from the middle stream of Maritza River in the area of Results and Discussion Jabalkovo and Popovitza villages (Figure 1). The samples were collected by cast net fishing – size of As there are no data about diet and feeding habits the eye 15 mm and by electro-fishing gear Samus of B. cyclolepis we compare our results with those 725G at output frequency 45 Hz, output duration 0.35 obtained for other species of the genus Barbus. milisec and output power 650 W. Altogether 14 food components are found in the Altogether 101 specimens of B. cyclolepis were food of the barbel. The occurrence frequency of the investigated, 43 of them were male, 51 were female, particular food components is represented on the Fig- 2 were juvenile and 5 were sex unidentified. ure 2. The most abundant items are Chironomid lar- The standard length (SL), to the nearest 1 mm and vae, followed by plant detritus and Ephemeroptera the weight (W) to the nearest 0.1g for the specimens larvae. The presence of representatives of Gamma- S tri am a Popovitza Plovdiv Jabalkovo - Sampling area Fig. 1. Sampling sites on Maritza River Food Spectrum and Feeding of Barbus cyclolepis Heckel from the Middle Stream of Maritza River (Bulgaria) 211 ridae and Trichoptera is also considerable. Compo- food for B. comiza (Encina and Granado-Lorencio, nents like mollusks, beatles’s larvae and ants are prob- 1997). It is also important in the diet of B. albanicus ably accidentally got into the barbels food. It is con- (Daoulas and Economidis, 1989). firmed by the low percent of their occurrence fre- Seasonal changes of index of dominance are rep- quency. % 45 42.11 % 90 40 80 78.95 35 70 58.95 30 60 55.79 23.16 50 50.53 25 21.05 36.84 37.89 20 40 35.79 30 15 24.21 9.47 20.00 10 20 15.79 4.21 4.21 9.47 8.42 7.37 5 2.11 10 5.26 3.16 2.11 0 0 Ants Algae Plants Others Mollusca Mollusca Simulidae Simulidae Simulidae Air insects Unidentified Plant detritus Plant detritus Beatles (larvae) (larvae) Beatles Chironomidae (larvae) Chironomidae Chironomidae (larvae) Chironomidae Ephemeroptera (larvae) (larvae) Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera (larvae) (larvae) Ephemeroptera Chironomidae (imagos) (imagos) Chironomidae Amphipoda, Gammaridea Amphipoda, (imagos) Chyronomidae Ephemeroptera (imagos) (imagos) Ephemeroptera Amphipoda, Gammaridea Amphipoda, Trichoptera - Hydropsyche sp. Hydropsyche - Trichoptera Trichoptera - Hydropsyche sp. Hydropsyche - Trichoptera Fig. 2. Occurance frequency of food compo- Fig. 3. Index of dominace (%) of food items in nents in the digestive tract of B. cyclolepis, % the diet of B. cycloepis The food of B. cyclolepis is dominated by Chi- resented in Table 1. Chironomid larvae and plant de- ronomid larvae, followed by plant detritus and tritus are represented during the all investigated sea- Gamarids (Figure 3). The domination of Dipterans sons as dominant components in the food of the bar- larvae in the food of different species of barbels is bel. In summer these are the most important nutrients reported from many authors (Losos et al., 1980; for the species. Chironomid larvae prevail over the Granado-Lorencio and Garcia-Novo, 1986; Lobon- other components in spring and autumn. Values of in- Cervia and Diego, 1988; Daoulas and Economidis, dex of dominance for Gamaridae in autumn are close 1989; Collares-Pereira et al., 1996; Lenhardt et al., to those for Chironomid larvae. The domination of 1996; Encina and Granado-Lorencio, 1997; Pires et both components in autumn season can be explained al., 2001). The high occurrence frequency of plant with the higher caloricity they have. detritus and its presence as a dominant component in Changes in fullness index are used to trace out sea- 23.16% of investigated guts shows that it is a signifi- sonal activity in the feeding of B. cyclolepis (Figure cant component in barbels nutrition. Detritus is re- 4). The feeding is most intensive during the summer ported as a dominant component in the food of B. and early autumn and the peak is established in au- bocagei and B. steindachneri and as an additional gust. The very low feeding activity in November is 212 D. Rozdina, G. Raikova-Petrova, R. Marinova and E. Uzunova Table 1 45 42.11 Index of dominance (%) of different food 40 items in the diet of B. cyclolepis during 35 the different seasons 30 Index of dominance 25 23.16 during the seasons, % 21.05 Food component 20 Spring Summer Autumn 15 9.47 Chironomidae 10 12.6 8.42 21.05 4.21 4.21 (larvae) 5 2.11 Plant detritus 2.11 16.84 4.21 0 Amphipoda, 2.11 18.95 Gammaridea Ephemeroptera Simulidae 2.11 7.37 Plant detritus (larvae) Chyronomidae 2.11 1.05 1.05 (imagos) (larvae) Chironomidae Ephemeroptera (larvae) (larvae) Ephemeroptera Simulidae 2.11 2.11 Gammaridea Amphipoda, (imagos) Chyronomidae Trichoptera, sp.
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