TKADBMAHKBD BY THB BPORTINO LIFE PTTB. CO. ENTERED AT PHILA. P. O. AS SECOND CLASS MATTER VOLUME 28, NO. 14. PHILADELPHIA, DECEMBER 26, 1896. PLANS WON'T JIBE. AFFAIRS DOWN EAST. THE INTER-STATE LEAGUE 'TWIXT THE FUTURE OF THE NEW ENGLAND DEVIL AND SEA. LEAGUE CONSIDERED. Two Circuits AyaUable, Each With Bangor and Augusta Out o! the League Peculiar Advantages and Drawbacks FOP Good, and Little Probability —T&e Managers ol the League Un­ ol Any Maine Clubs Being Retained certain as to the Best Course, in the Organization. Youngstown, O., Dec. 24.—Editor "Sport- Boston, Mass., Dec. 23.--Editor "Sporting Ing Life:"—There will be a strwig Interstate Life:"—The annual meeting of the New League next season, but before it is finally KnglaiHT League will be held in this city organized there will be several tilts be­ January 13. There is'much speculation go­ tween managements of different teams. .To­ ing on as to what will be the outcome of ledo and Wheeling are sore on President this meeting, Brockton, F&ll River, Paw- Power, and they say the Pitts'burger shall tucket and New Bedford having openly de­ not be next year's president. They claim clared that they will net go to Maine next to have been unjustly treated during last year. The Maine clubs are satisfied they season, but they have no more reason for can make a success of a State League, but complaint than Yo-ungstowu. Had it not dout" care to be "thrown down." been for the remarkable schedule prepared THE OTHER SIDE. by Mr. Power Youngstown and not Toledo Why they should consider it a "throw would have won the pennant. down" for the clubs at this end of the THE FIXTURES. circuit to want to remain nearer home ia Four cities certain to be in the League a mystery. In 1896 two of the best cities.in. are Youngstown, Wheeling, Toledo and Maine dropped out and the others found Dayton. Gunnells, of Western League fame, the salary limit altogether too high. If has secured the Toledo franchise, and the oiubs on this side of the Maine line Strobel has put in a claim for Dayton. can figure out a way to finish out a suc­ These clubs form a strong nucleus for a cessful season it seems as though the down good league. Four more clubs can be se­ East clubs can do as well. Everything1 at lected from the following cities, all of which the meeting will be above board, and the have expressed a desire for an Interstate Maine clubs will get just what belongs to franchise: Brie, New Castle, Bradford, them, no more, no less, and the same can Mansfield, Akron, Saudusky, Saginaw, Ltuis- be said for the clubs down this way. ing, Jackson and Bay City. THB SITUATION. MUCH TALK. LITTLE ACTION. At present both New Bedford and Au­ There are all sorts of speculation as to EDWARD G. BARROWS, gusta stand expelled by the Board of Di­ the proper circuit afloat at the present time, rectors and will have no vote in the meet­ but nothing in the way of specific action The Atlantic League's New President-Secretary-Treasurer. ing. If the League accepts the directors' will take place until after the first of the report then these two clubs will have to year. There has been much talk going the appeal to the League for a reinstatement rounds recently, and no little corespond- BANGOR'S BELIEF WOODS FULL OF 'EM. if they care to take part in the meeting. ence. What may be the result is of course The New England League has taken no mere conjecture, but there is a strong pos­ Is That a Maine League Would be Minor Leagues Galore Promised For steps contrary to base ball law—in fact, sibility of a fight being made for the pos­ Next Year. every move has been on the advice of the the Proper Caper. •National Board and will hold good. session of franchises in some of these Bangor, Me., Dec. 22.—Editor "Sporting Life:" Next" season promises the usal crop of new places, and two Leagues may be the final —The talk of the Massachusetts papers about minor leagues, together with, the old ones that THE MAINE CLUBS. result. The question, of what Lewiston and the not having Maine teams in the New England were able to exist through the season of 1806. other Maine cities will do in base ball League for '97 is not causing much worriment The Western League, Western Association, East­ next season is beginning to be discussed MILLERS ARE ALL RIGHT. up here, as a State league would pay just as well ern League, Southern League, Atlantic League, if not better than the New England League.. Interstate League, Texas League, Atlantic As­ quite actively, M. J. (iarrity, of Port- The rivalry of the Maine cities would make sociation, New England League and. Virginia laud, manager Of Lewiston this year and But Pew Changes AVill be Made in the interest two-fold more than having clubs League will be in the business agaiu<. A Kansas of Portland for several years previously, the Champion Team. come from Massachusetts, all the time a-kicking ftate League, with Wichitn, Leav-.n.worth. Coffey- says that the Portland people are anxious Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 22.—Editor "Sporting that they were losing money by coming to Ban­ rille. Independence, Atchjson, Topcka, Bmporia that Lewiston should follow the lead of Life:'-'—Although Minneapolis lost Connor and gor. although they always got over the limit. and Jui etion City to chocse six cities from is one Portland and reorganize for the purpose Preston it is well prepared for the coming sea­ There have been many discussions about the of the proposed new bodies. The Southeastern of applving for re-admission into the New son, and fewer changes will doubtless tike place way Bangor was robbed of the pennant, ftvit League, with clubs in South Carolina and Geor­ England League, and he has no doubt that that is a thing of the past, and the least said gia, already lias been mentioned. A Wisconsin the applications would be accepted. than on ;uiy other tesun. The Millers' players of the nnderhand dealings of the Massachusetts State League is another probability, with a are at present all of the first rank, and the clubs the better. What we want for next sea- circuit of eight clubs. The following cities 'are There is no probability that Bangor and only position that needs strengthening is third is a good circuit up here in Maine, and then being considered: Janesville, Sheboygan, Racine, Augusta will be received again. Portland, base. Another good pitcher may be signed if the Western teams can go and get their circuit Wawseou, Appleton, Oshkoeh, Fond du Lac, he says, desires both to stay in the New Wihnot can get him. but that is about a.11 the in Massnchuetts, which never paid. Stevestis Point and Portage. The Monongaliela England -League and have Lewiston also changes tliat \vill bo made except to replace I think the team that represented Bangor last IX'Ugwe • in Pfci nsylvar ia, with five clubs, is remain on account of the keen, rivalry be­ Connor and Preston. year was the greatest team that was ever in still another. A Central League, with Arkan­ tween the two cities. Treasurer Saulspaugh says the champions will the New England League. Take the individual sas. Indian Territory and Nortliern Texas cities, be about the same, unless the men refuse to ac­ player, for example: Roach and Hayes, catch­ is still another. The prospects are that before LIVELY LYONS cept a .cut in salaries. Four you.ni? men are ers; two better men never were behind the bat the spring sets in there will be half a dozen claimed, most of them having servei on semi- in a minor league; pitchers Wheeler. Mains, more added to this list. How many ,will live! professional teams in the West and l.urthwest. Witboff, all sold to Philadelphia for the coming To Have the Strongest Team of Any Pitcher Phillipi is regarded as a comer. The season; Tom O'Brien. king of first basenien; IN EMSLIE'S HOME. New York Rural Town. story that George Tcbean would supplant Wal­ Bobby Moore, the best second baseman in 1he ter Wilmc-t as manager is untrue, and its origin Lyons, N. Y., Dec. 20.—A meeting of the Lyons cannot be traced. Hutchinson will be retained. New England League; Paul Radford played St. Thomas, Out., to Have a Base Base Ball Association was held at the law of- better than at any time in his prime; Gava- ftee of Charles Ennis Tuesday evening, and it but the club is likely to lose Sckrivcr, several nangh, our steady third basemau, and the great­ Ball Club. v.as definitely decided to employ R. L. German, League clubs being after him. est outfield ever got together— Sharrptt, Henry St. Thomas, Ont., Dee, 30.— The directors of the of Boston, as manager and player on the team. Minneapolis is negotiating with Shugart to mid Simon—the greatest run-getting, hitting, base play short stop, which evidently means that St. Thomas Base Ball Association met last Tues­ He was empowered to employ players and to running and fielding trio ever in one club in the day morning. James Armitage, locomotive fire­ report in this village with his team, the first Arthur Ball will not have an opportunity to sulk New England League. They will all be at lib­ man G.
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