University of the Pacific Scholarly Commons The aP cifican University of the Pacific ubP lications 10-10-1952 Pacific eekW ly, October 10, 1952 University of the Pacific Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarlycommons.pacific.edu/pacifican Recommended Citation University of the Pacific, "Pacific eW ekly, October 10, 1952" (1952). The Pacifican. 570. https://scholarlycommons.pacific.edu/pacifican/570 This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University of the Pacific ubP lications at Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aP cifican by an authorized administrator of Scholarly Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. HOMECOMING QUEEN CANDIDATES GAIL HOUSMAN JUNE HOOK LOUETTA SALSA JEANNE LENFEST RENEE COUCHOT LOIS HOWARD SUE THOMSON -• • : , —— Frat Rushing Suspends Eight Girls Compete While Houses Mull Over For Campus Queen Problem Of Alcohol Eight girls from the various living groups on campus are vie- Repeated violation of the rule ing for the title of "Homecoming prohibiting the use of alcoholic Queen of 1952." beverages on the COP campus, The girls selected from each has forced a suspension of fra­ house to compete in the contest ternity rushing pending a satis­ are as follows: South Hall, June factory solution to the problem Hook; West Hall, Renee Couchot; by the three houses. Tau Kappa Kappa, Louetta Salsa; Vol. 48 C. 0. P. — STOCKTON, CALIFORNIA Oct. 10, 1952 — No. 4 It is to be noted that fraternity Alpha Theta Tau, Lois Howard; rushing has not been outlawed al­ Epsilon Lambda Sigma, Gail together, but stands awaiting a Housman; Zeta Phi, Jeannie Len- SENIOR GLASS PLANS plan of positive action on the part fest; Mu Zeta Rho, Sue Thomson, Third Annual Homecoming Parade Will of the frats to do away with and Janice Marengo, Tau Gam­ HOMECOMING DANCE drinking at their rush functions. ma Sigma. By MARILYN McCLURE Reverse Route Giving Campus Last View The first solution, presented by According to Barney Nelson, As we peer inside the Crystal the inter-fraternity council to the Chairman Chuck Tolhurst has come forth with some very chairman of the contest, the girls Ball we see big plans being made administration committee last interesting details on Pacific's Third annual homecoming parade. will be judged on appearance, for the annual Homecoming Monday was unanimously termed As always, student help is very necessary. All interested personality, poise, intelligence, Dance a week from tomorrow unacceptable. Upon request, the students are asked to contact Chuck at Rhizomia, 2-9336. Without and talent. night, October 18, at the Civic inter-frat council has received an student help campus activities would not be a success. Boys are The queen will be crowned on Auditorium. extension of time in which to pre­ the Friday night of the homecom­ needed for division leaders and girls as bus directors in the Flying saucers and rocket ships sent an acceptable agreement. ing weekend. transportation of the two sectional parade. will be flying around to blend in "The college administration," • This year the route of the pa­ with the theme of Homecoming, rade will be the reverse of last stated Dean of Men Ed Betz, "is for standards they prefer to main­ "Pacific Views 2002." All-Campus Barbecue not opposed to the fraternities. It tain." year. The parade will form first Diane Strand and Toby Thorn­ desires to have men's living So pledging has been postponed, at Fremont Square and march to ton, co-chairmen of the dance, are New H'Coming Event groups that reflect what the col­ and rush functions are canceled Weber Ave., over to Miner St. getting things well under way for lege stands for — ones that until frats adopt a more realistic Plans are being formulated for then to American St. It will run what they hope will be a great aren't isolated from the campus approach to the problem. something very different in the down Main St. where there will dance. In charge of decorations way of Homecoming events on be a reviewing stand in front of will be the vice-president of each next Friday, October 17. the courthouse across the street class headed by Diane Strand. There will be an elaborate bar­ from the Fox-California Theatre. Donna Horn and Claudette Wheel­ becue behind the Greek Theatre The parade will finish at its ori­ er are in charge of bids, and the at 5:30 p.m. All living groups will ginal formation place then load publicity will be taken care of by close their kitchens, and all stu­ onto buses to reform on Pacific A1 Muller. dents on the campus are invited Ave. and Madison St. It will begin to attend. Tickets will be given its march down Pacific Avenue, next week at meetings to all stu­ where the reviewing stand will be Fresh Football Team dents living on campus; anyone located at Pacific Ave. and Tuxedo else wishing admittance may do Ave. The parade will start down­ Lacks School Support so by making a reservation in the town at 1:30. By CHRIS De SARRO dean's office sometime next week. Stockton Merchants have assist­ Tomorrow there will be an ex­ Also attending will be Dean Betz ed COP in bringing many of the citing game between Santa Clara and men members of the admini­ floats to Stockton for the parade. Frosh and COP Frosh teams. stration. The majority of the floats \frill be The game will start at 8:00 The song and yell leaders will outside the college, from such P.M. and will be held at the Santa give a few yells before dinner, and sources as the Chamber of Com­ Clara Union High School located Jim Butler's five piece band will merce, merchants, and industrial on the. corner of Bellomy and entertain during the barbecue. plants. Pacific itself is banding Main Street. COP student body Remember behind the Greek together for fewer but better cards will let you into the game Theatre next Friday night at 5:30 floats this year. free. for the all-campus barbecue. Some of the known outstanding Wielding the gavel on class affairs for the ensuing year a Pacific boasts of a top notch float entries are the Naval Elec­ John Mossman, sophomore class president; Toby Thornton, seni freshman team which will be next we will take the game, so come tronics Drill Team from Treasure class president; and Howard Sylva, freshman class president. Abse year's varsity. Although Santa out to root for our flourishing Island, which took first place last is Don Cunningham, junior class president, who is quaret practisi freshman team and our next year, Dragonettes Drill Team for the Texas-Tech rally. Clara is heavier than COP and has 44 men to our 25. we still feel year's varsity members. I (Continued on Page 2) Poge 2 — PACIFIC WEEKLY — Friday, Oct. 10, 1952 Mu Zeta Rho and Tau Kappa Kappa Campus Fads Will Hold Joint Dances Tonight By RUSTY and LOU "SOCK HOP" Nighties are coming up Mu Zeta Rho will hold their "NOTES TO YOU" SOCIETY "Sock Hop" sport dance tonight this Fall This fall you'll be wearing from 9 until 12 p.m. Tau Kappa Kappa presents something new in Nighties, new Guests will come attired in loud "Notes to You", a costume dance body scenery that would appear socks to dance or slide, as the and their first of the season, to­ well in many a Boudoir. Favorites case may be, to the music of Jim­ night from 9-12. are big triangles of seersucker my Butler and his combo. Decora­ Evelyn Schaffnit is General SOCIAL CALENDAR tweed fringed deeply and an­ tions, as one might expect, will Chairman for the dance. Other chored with a giant safety pin. serve to augment and carry out chairmen are Nancy Kaljian, TONIGHT, October 10—Stockton College Jubilee Nighties are a necessity in any­ the theme. food; Louetta Salsa, decorations; one's wardrobe, married or un­ Tau Kappa Kappa Dance General chairman for the event Rosemary Beklian, bids; and Lil­ Mu Zeta Rho Dance is Yvonne Yearian. Working with lian Wilson, chaperones. married. When a fellow chooses his nightie wisely it can be worn her are Estelle Gibson, decora­ The chaperones for the evening SATURDAY, October 11—Stockton College Jubilee tions; Betty Jacinto, bids; Jeanne practically anywhere, whether to will be Mr. and Mrs. Ingebo and a dressy or a more informal SUNDAY, October 12—Mu Phi Epsilon Tea, 2-4 Hardie, chaperones; and Janice Dr. and Mrs. A1 Painter. Music affair. Tarke and Sue Thomson, food. will be furnished by Wayne Mor MONDAY, October 13—Tau Gamma Card Party, 7:30-9:00 Chaperones for the evening rill and his combo. The Fall Fashions are showing a varied array of styles in nighties WEDNESDAY, October 15—Y Meeting, 7:30,8:30 will be Mrs. Ruby Brimm, Miss Patty Pierce, and Mr. Art Corra this year. Any nightie that is be­ THURSDAY, October 16—President's Convocation—Homecoming and guest. Mu Phi Epsilon coming to you is bound to be FRIDAY, October 18—Homecoming Gives Music Tea accepted by the noted fashion experts. The nighties may either Pardis Has Contract Mu Phi Epsilon, Woman's Hon­ be full or slender. Take your orary, will gather Sunday, Octo­ choice. Very new is the molded For Yearbook Pictures ber 12, from two to four p.m. at hip line that breaks into fullness Tau Gamma Sigma Alpha Theta Tau for a tea and about the knees and narrows Tuesday Chapel Naranjado pictures for Epsilon Holds First Meet musicale.
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