385 Index Index and Technical Dictionary with short information without text reference A acide picramique 253 acide picrique 254 A W 1-black blasting powder 35 acide styphnique 300 A W bridgewire detonator A (german. acide trinitrobenzoique 349 now absolete) 41 acquisition, handling and storing 136 A W composition A 62 Acremite 1 AA = antiaircraft A-IX-2 = RDX/alumi- Active Binder W Energetic Binder num/wax 73/23/4 116; 151; 205; 257; 258 abattage par chambre de mine = ADR 2, 70 coyote blasting 65 A.D.C. test = Adreer double cartridge Abbrand = combustion 60 (gap test) Abbrandgeschwindigkeit = burning ADN = Ammonium dinitramide 14; rate 45 324 abbrennen = to burn down 75 adiabatic 1 Abel’s equation 23 adobe charge = mud capping 2; 218 Abel test 1; 178 Aeroplex K = solid rocket propellant abkerben, abspalten W smooth blast- based on KCIO4 and resin ing 64 Aeroplex N = solid rocket propellant Ablonite = french commercial explo- based on NH4CIO4 and resin sive Aerozin = hydrazine/dimethylhydra- abschlagen einer Sprengladung zine 50/50 2 W cut off 67 A-E = single base powder Absperrzone = blast area 36 AGARD 2 Abstand; Sicherheitsabstand = safety Airbag 2; 146 distance 136 air blast 8 Abstandsberechnung W scaled airloader 8 distance 276 Akardit I, II, III 9; 10; 161; 295; 324 abstechen W dismantling 75 Akremit W Acremite 1 Abstichladung = jet tapper 193 Albanite = propellant based on Acardite W Akardite 9 W DINA 108 accessoires pour le sautage = blast- Alex 10 ing accessoires 36 Alex 20 = W composition B plus 20% acceptor 1 aluminium Accord Européen relatif au Transport alginates 10 International des Marcharndises aliphatic nitramines 68; 124; 132; Dangereuses par Route W A.D. R. 172 2, 70 all fire 10 a-cellulose content 222 allumage spontané = pre-ignition 263 acétate-dinitrate de glycérine 148 allumer = to inflame 189 acetone peroxide = tricycloacetone allumeur 182 peroxide 249; 343 Almatrity = russian trade name for acétylacétonate de ter 192 chlorate and perchlorate explo- Acetyldinitroglycerin 148 sives acétylsalicylate de plomb 194 Alumatol = AN/TNT/aluminum Acetylensilber; acétylure d’argent 77/20/3 283 aluminum oxide 329 Index 386 aluminum powder 11; 12; 215; 216 Andex = trade name for ANFO Amatex 11 (german) 20 Amatol 11 ANE W Ammonium Nitrate Emulsion Amilol = diamylphthalate 92 17 aminoguanidinnitrate W tetracene ANF-58 = liquid fuel for rocket 309 motors, say octane (USA) Ammodyte = powder from commer- ANFO = ammonium nitrate fuel oil cial explosive (USA) 16; 20; 164; 198 Ammoksil (Ammokcil; Ammonxyl) = angle shot mortar test 267 russian name for the mixture Anilite = mixture of N2O4 and butane AN/trinitroxylene/aluminium (french) 82/12/6 A: nitrocellulose powder Ammonal = powder form commercial Anlaufstrecke = detonation develop- explosive ment distance 88 Ammongelit = german gelatinous Antenne W bus wire 47 commercial explosive 11 antigrisouteux W permitted explo- ammoniinaya selitra = ammonium sives 245 nitrate (russian) antilueur = muzzle flash damping ammonium azide 12 additive (french) ammonium chlorate 58 antimony (in delay compositions) 74 ammonium chloride 13; 240; 324 anwürgen = crimping 66 ammonium dichromate 14 anzünden = to inflame 189 Ammonium dinitramide 14; 324 Anzünder = squib 182; 293 ammonium nitrate 15; 16; 20; 36; Anzündhütchen = amorce 19; 244; 124; 161; 216; 239; 316; 324 288 Ammonium Nitrate Emulsion (ANE) Anzündkette = igniter train 183 17 Anzündlitze = igniter cord 183 ammonium nitrate explosive 16; 20 Anzündlitzenverbinder = igniter cord ammonium oxalate 324 connectors 183 ammonium perchlorate 17; 62; 164; Anzündschraube = fuze head 146 239; 240; 324 Anzündverzug = functioning time 145 ammonium picrate 19 APC = ammonium perchlorate 17 Ammonpek = AN/tar 93/5 (russian) APU 20 Ammonpulver = ammonium nitrate aquarium test 21; 298 containing gun powder, now obso- Arbeitsvermögen = strength 297 lete (german) area ratio = propellant area ratio Ammonsalpeter = ammonium nitrate (“Klemmung”) 267 15 Argol = crude potassium hydrogen Ammonsalpeter-Sprengstoffe = tartrate = muzzle flash damping ammonium nitrate based explo- additive sives 16; 164; 198 argon flash 21 amorçage = priming 265 armor plate impact test 21; 266 amorce à pont = birdgewire detona- Armstrong blasting method 22 tor 41 aromatic nitramines 132 amorce électrique à l’étincelle = ARRADCOM (Picatinny Arsenal) 22 spark detonator 291 Arsol = trimethylene trinitrosamine 68 amorces 19; 244; 288 Artillerietreibmittel W gun powder 155 AN = ammonium nitrate 16 as dimethylhydrazine 97 analyse thermique différentielle = dif- ASTM = American Society for ferential thermal analysis 96 Testing Materials ANC = ANFO (german) 20 Astrolite 22 387 Index AT = anti-tank = armor piercing BAM testing methods 141; 162; 186 weapon banc d’essai = rocket test stand Athodyd = aerodynamic-thermody- 273 namic = ramjet Baratols 28 Attrappen = mock explosives 216 barium chlorate 28 Audibert tube 22; 246 barium nitrate 29; 161; 324 Auflegerladung = mud cap 2; 43; 218 barium perchlorate 29 Aunt Jemima = 80% fine ground barium sulfate 161; 329 HMX (W Octogen) and 20% plain, Barlow bomb = mixture of liquid old flour. It served for camouflage oxygen with fuel storage of sabotage explosive in Baronal = mixture of barium nitrate World War II. with TNT ald aluminum 50/35/15 Aurol = concentrated hydrogen barricade 29 peroxide (german) 23 base bleed propellants 31 Ausbauchung W lead block test 196 base charge 31 aushärten = curing 67 bˆatiment habite = inhabited building ausschwitzen = exudation 136 136 Ausströmungsgeschwindigkeit = jet Bazooka 31 velocity 147 B-black blasting powder 31; 35 AUSTROGEL G1 und AUSTROGEL Bengal fire works W pyrotechnical G2 = commercial explosives compositions 269 (Austria) 23 Benzit = trinitrobenzene (german) average burning rate 23 348 azides 12; 23; 194; 283; 342 benzoyl peroxide 31 azoture d’ammonium 12 Bergbau-Versuchsstrecke = german azoture d’argent 283 institution for testing and amittance azoture de plomb 194 of permissible explosives, detona- azotures 12; 23; 194; 283; 342 tors and accessories 363 Bergmann-Junk-test 32; 178 Bernoulli’s equation 290 B Berstscheibe = safety diaphragm 274 Berthollet’s detonating silver 284 B W B-black powder 31, 35 Besatz = stemming 296 B W composition B 62 Beschußempfindlichkeit = bullet B W poudre B = nitrocellulose powder impact sensitivity 43; 266; 273 (french) 262 bewohntes Gebäude = inhabited B W B-Stoff = german tarning name building 136 for methanol BF-122; -151 = polysulfide binder B4 = mixture 60–70% trinitroanisol propellant (thiokol) and 30– 40% aluminum (italy) BGO; BGY; BIC; BID; BIE; BIL; BIM; Bachmann process (RDX-Synthesis) BIP; BLB; BLC: various castable 70 double base propellants (USA) ballistic bomb 23 Bichel bomb 33; 364 ballistic modfiers 137; 194; 199 Bickford’s safety fuse 274 ballistic mortar 26; 37; 297 BICT = Bundesinstitut für Chemisch- Ballistite = double base powder with Technische Untersuchungen (ger- high percentage of nitroglycerine man) 33 ball powder 28; 156 bilan d’oxygène = oxygen balance BAM = Bundesanstalt für Material- 240 prüfung (german) 28; 141; 162; Bildungs-Energie-Enthalpie = forma- 186 tion energy (enthalpy) 117; 324 Index 388 billet 33 Bonit = mixtures of RDX, TNT with binder 34 and without aluminum (swedish) binary explosives W Astrolite, Hydan boom powder 39 17; 179 booster 40; 92; 113 Bis-cyclopentadienyl-Eisen = ferro- booster sensitivity test 40 cene 137 bootleg 40 BITA = aziridine curing agent 34 Boronite A, B, C = mixtures of AN, bi-trinitroethylnitramine 34 TNT and boron bi-trinitroethylurea 35 Borotorpex = castable mixture of BKW = Becker Kistiakowsky Wilson RDX, TNT and boron, e.g., state equation 46/44/10 (USA) black powder 31; 35; 118; 269 boss 40 Blättchenpulver W gun powder bouclier contre l’érosion = flame 155 shield 139 Blasgeräte = air loaders; also Boudouard equilibrium 320; 335 W pneumatic placing 8; 257 boullies = slurries 287; 365 blast area 36 bourrage = stemming 296 blast effect 8 bourrage à l’eau = water stemming blaster; shot firer 36; 283 365 blasting accessories 36 bourroir 305 blasting agent 16; 20; 36; 37; 43; boutefeu = blaster; shot firer 36; 283 190; 191; 251 BP = russian abbreviation name for blasting galvanometer = circuit tester W shaped charges 58 BPZ russian denomination for hollow bullet squib 43 charges with incendiary effect blasting gelatin 26; 37; 141; 198 branchement en parallèle = parallel blasting machines 37; 41 connection 241 blasting mat 38 break 40 blasting soluble nitrocotton 222 break test 247 blasting switch 39 breech 41 Bleiacetylsalicylat 194 Brenngeschwindigkeit = burnign rate Bleiaethylhexanoat 199 45 Bleiazid 194 Brennkammer = case; combustion Bleiblockausbauchung = lead block chamber 60 test 196 Brennschluß = end of burning 116 Bleinitrat 200 Brennschlußgeschwindigkeit = Blei-Trizinat 201 endburning velocity 116 BN = barium nitrate 29 Brennstoff = fuel 143 Böllerpulver W black powder 35 bridgewire detonators 41; 92 Bohrlochabstand = spacing 290 brisance 42; 82; 359 Bohrlochpfeife = bootleg 40 Brückenzünder = bridgewire detona- Bohrpatrone (german) = 100 gram tor 41 press-molded cylindrical charge of brulage = combustion 60 TNT brûlage regressive = regressive Boloron = mixture of concentrated burning 270 nitric acid and dinitrochloroben- B-Stoff = german tarning name for zene (Austria) 203 methylalcohol bomb drop test 39 BSX = 1,7-diacetoxy-2,4,6-tetra- bombe Bichel 33 methylene-2,4,6-trinitramine bombe Crawford 66 BTM = castable mixture of Tetryl, bombe pour essais balistiques 23 TNT and aluminum
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