=============-==========:.= ' ( FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION. 9 . ' fROCEEDINGS AND DEB!TES OF - ~rtEIE FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS • .FXRST SESSION. SENA~. Mr. 'Harris was es.corted to the Vice-P.resident's desk by Mr. .BAKER, &nd the oath presoribadhy law having been administered MONDAY, M01rch 15, :1897. to him, ·he took hiB:Seat iu the Senate. 'The.fu·st session ofthe:F.ffty-fifth Congress commenced thisday SENATORS PRESENT. at the Capitol, in the city of Washington, in pursuance of the The VICE-PRESIDENT. The roll of Senators will be called by proclamation of the President of .the United States of the 6th day the .Sem·etary. of March, 1897. The Secretary callea .the :.ro11, and the following Senators ·an- The VJ:CE-P..RESIDENII.' of the United States (Hon. GARRET A. swered to their names: .'HOBART) called the Senate to order at 12 o'clock.meridian. From .the-State of- PRAYER, A1abama-John T. "Morgan and Edmund W. Pettn£;. 'Rev. W. H.l'diLBURN, ·n. ·n., Chaplain to the-Senate, offered the Arkansa~James .H. 'Berry. :foTiowing prayer: Oaliforrlria-George C. 'Perkins and Stephen M. White. 0 Thou in whose hand our breath is, and whose are all our ways, Colorado--"'Edward·O. Wolcott. as Thy servants are met in the extraordinary session of the Fifty­ Connecticut-Joseph R. Hawley and Orville H. Platt. fifth Congress, we come•to •pray that'Thou wilt vouchsafe to the Dela·ware-George Gray and.Richard R. Kenney. .members of the Senate and of the Hons_e af Representgtives, as ..Florida-=8amuel.Pasco. 'Well as to Thy -servants so honored with the highest places in the Georgia-=Augustus 0. Bacon andAlexander..S. Clay. nation, the President and Vice-President of the .conntry, all the Idaho-Henry Heitfe1d and George L. Shoup. :.grace and blessing which they-need -for .peraonal comfort and well- , fllinois-Shelby M. Cullom and William E. Mason. being, and for the discharge-of-the high duties-which are·con.fided r Indiana-Charles Warren Fair_banks and David "Turpie. 1io:them. .As they are sent .by the people and by the States of this. Iowa-WilliamJ.B . .AlliBon ana John H. ·Gear. Republic, stretching through many degrees of latitude and of lon­ Kansas-Lucien Baker and William A. Harris. gitude, with manifold .and diverse interests, we "'beseech Thee to Kentuc~William Lindsay. ,grant unto .Thy servants wisaom, largeness of view, kindliness of L<ntisiana-Donelson Caffery and Samuel Douglas McEnery. feeling, grasp, patriotic and generous, of the vast interests which Maine-William P. Frye. are intrusted to them. Keep them.in.health .and rin strength, in­ Martjland-Arthur P. Gorman and'George L. Wellington. brotherly kindness each with the other. 0 Thou, the Ruler of the .lJ.Iassachusetts-George F . .Hoar and Henry Cabot Lodge. world, prosper their deliberations and bring them to right conclu­ Michigan-Julius C. Burrows and James McMillan.. .sions, so that peace, good feeling, welfare, may extend throughout, Minnesota-Cushman K. Davis and Knute Nelson . ·the land, ana we be blessed with the sunshine of Hod's favor. Mississippi-Edward C. Walthall. We .humbly pray th.rou_gh Jesus Christ, our Saviour. Amen. Missou1'i-Francis 1\L Cockrell and George G. Vest. THE PROCLAMATION. Montana-Thomas H. Carte1· and Lee Mantle. Nebra-ska-William V. Allen and.John M. Thurston. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Secretary-will read:theproclama­ Nevada-William M. Stewart. ·tion of the President of the .United ·States, calling Congress in New Hampshi1·e-William E. Chandler and Jacob H. Gallinger. ·apecial session. - New Je·rsey-W'illiam J. Sewell and James Smith, jr.· · The Secretary (Mr. W. R. Cox) read -the _proclamation, as ·fol­ Ne:w York-Edward Murphy, jr., and.Thomas C. Platt. lows: North Carolina-Marion Butler and Jeter C. Pritchard. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE lJNITED•STATES OF AMERICA. North Dakota-Henry C. Hansbrough and William N. Roauh. A -proclamation. Ohio-Josepb B. ·Foraker and Marcus A. Hanna. Whereas public .interests require that the-Congress of the 'United States -should be convened in oxtra session at 12 o'clockon_the 15th day of 'MaTch, 01·egon-George W. 1\IcBri<le. J.897, to receive such communication as may be made by the Executive: Pennsylvania-Boies Penrose. Now, thet·efore, I, William .McKinley, President of the United States of Rhode Island-George P. Wetmore. America, do hereby proclaim and declare that an extraordinary occasion re­ .quires the Con!P'ess of the United States to con>ene in extra session at the South Oarolina-Joseph H. Ear1e and Benjamin R. Tillman• Capitol, in the city of Washington, on the 15th day of March, 1897, at 12 o'clock South Dakota-James H. Kyle and.R. F. Pettigrew. noon, of which all-persons who-shall at that time be entitled to act as mem· Texas-Roger Q. Mills. bers thereof are hereby required to take notice. Utah-Franlr J. Cannon and Joseph L. Rawlins. Given under-my hand and the seal of the ·united States, at Washington, "the .6th day of March, in the year of our Lord 1897, and of the independence Vermont-Jus tin S. Mouill and Redfield Proctor. of the United States the one..hundred and twenty-first. Virginia-Thomas S. Martin. fSEAL.] WILLIAM 'McKINL"EY. lVashington-George Turner and John L. Wilson. 'By the President: JOHN SHERMAN, West Virginia-Stephen B. Elkins and Charles J. Faulkner. Sec·retary of State. Wisconsin-JohnL. Mitchell and John C. Spooner. SENATOR FROM KANSAS. Wyoming-Clarence D. Clark and Francis E. Warren. The VICE-PRESIDENT. Seventy-six Senators havereBponaea Mr. B~. Mr. Harris, Senator-elect -from "Kansa-s, is pres­ to their names. A quorum is present. ent ana ready to take the oath of office. His credentials have been heretofore presented and there are no objections to them. I SENATOR FROll OREGON. ask that the oath be now administered to him. 1 :Mr.MdBRIDE. I presentthecredentials of Henry W. Corbett, ·The VICE-PRESIDENT. 1f there is no objection, the Senator­ who has been appointed by the governor of Oregon a Senator from elect from Xansas will take his -place at the Vice-Pr~sident's desk that State. ana be sworn. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The credentials will be read. 11 12 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. MARCH 15, The Secretary read the credentials, as follows: MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. STA.TE OF OREGON, EXECUTIVE 0FFIOE, At 2 o'clock and 30 minutes p.m., Mr. WILLIAM J. BROWNING, Salem, Mm·ch 6, 1897. the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives, appeared below The governor of the State of Oregon to Henry W. Corbett, of the city of the bar of the Senate and delivered the following message: Portland and State of Oregon. Mr. President, I am directed by the House of Representatives Whereas on the 4th day of March, 1897, the seat of the Hon. John H. Mitchell, to inform the Senate that a quorum of the House of Representa­ one of the Senators of the United Stn.tes from the State of Oregon, became vacant by reason of the expiration of his term of office; and tives has assembled; that THOMAS B. REED, a Representative from Whereas there has been no session of the legislature ol; this State at which the State of Maine, has been elected Speaker; that ALEXANDER such vacancy could be filled by the election of a Senator to succeed the said McDoWELL, a citizen of the State of Pennsylvania, has been elected John H. Mitchell; and Whereas it is of vital importance to the interests of the State and nation Clerk, and that the House is ready to proceed to business. that such vacancy should be filled: Now, therefore, Also, that a committee of three has been appointed by the Be it known, That, reposing special trust and confidence in the capacity, Speaker on the part of the House of Representatives to join the integrity, and fidelity of Henry W. Corbett, a citizen of the city of Portland committee appointed on the part of the Senate to wait on the Pres· and State of Oregon, I, William P. Lord, -governor of the State of Oregon, do, in the name and by the authority of said State, bythesepresentsappoint and ident of the United States and notify him that a quorum of each commission him, the said Henry W. Corbett, to be a United States Senator, of the two Houses has assembled, and that Congress is ready to to fill the place made vacant by the expiration of the term of the said John H. receive any communication he may be pleased to make, and that Mitehell, and to occupy the same until a successor shall be duly elected. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my name and caused the seal of Mr. PAYNE of New York, Mr. NORTHWAY of Ohio, and Mr. the State to be affixed, at the city of Salem, on this the 6th day of March, 1897. BAILEY of Texas have been appointed such committee on the part WM. P. LORD, Govenwr. of the House. By the ~:>vernor: (SEA.L.] H. R. KINOAID, Secretary of State. RECESS. Mr. ALLISON (at 2o'clock and 32minutesp. m.). I move that Mr. McBRIDE. In the absence of objection, I suggest that the Senate take a recess unti13 o'clock. · Mr. Corbett be sworn in. The motion was agreed to; and at the expiration of the recess Mr. GRAY. Mr. P1·esident, there are some unusual circum­ (at 3 o'clock p.m.) the Senate reassembled. stances surrounding the matter of this appointment, and the NOTIFICATION TO THE PRESIDENT. commission itself requires scrutiny.
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