![LIST DS Siglks LISTQ D Sigifis](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
IDRC- LP2 s * LIB fICRONYMS LIST LIST DS SIGLkS LISTQ D SIGIfIS THE LIBRARY LA BIBLIOTHEQUE LA BIBLIOTECA INTERNATI ONAL CENTRE DE RECHERCHES CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DEVELOPMENT POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT DE INVESTIGACIONES RESEARCH CENTRE INTERNATIONAL PARA EL DESARROLLO ARCHIV 36533 IDRC- LP2 fiCRONYKS LIST bIS1 DIS SIGh LISTfI D SIGhfIS THE LIBRARY LA BIBLIOTHEQUE LA BIBLIOTECA INTERNAT I ONAL CENTRE DE RECHERCHES CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DEVELOPMENT POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT DE INVESTIGACIONES RESEARCH CENTRE INTERNATIONAL PARA EL DESARROLLO c 1975 IDRC c 1975 CRDI c 1975 CuD Postal Address: Addresse poc tale [Jireccion Po'.tal , HOX R) Ltawa U. , () I tawa U() x 50() (II. lawa Canada K1G 31N Canada K1G 3H9 Canada Ki G 3119 Head Office: Sige social: Oficina Principal 60 Queen Street, 60, rue Queen, 60 QueenStreet, Ottawa Ottawa Ottawa PREFACE The following list was compiled as an aid in identifying full names of organizations which are frequently represented only by acronyms in the IDRC's correspondence. It was compiled from pro- ject documents and from general correspondence. The Centre Library attempts to maintain an up-to-date file of acronyms used in the Centre and in addition has a number of directories and acronym dictionaries which can be consulted for further information. If this list is found to be helpful, it will, be reissued from time to time with new and changed in- formation included. Should any other areas in the Centre be. maintaining similar lists, we wQuld be most happy to incorporate their acronyms in future editions. Any other suggestions on ways to increase the iisefulness of the list will be welcomed. May 28, 1975. PREFACE La liste suivante a établie partir de documents de projets et de la correspondance générale afin de faciliter l'identification d'organismes dont le sigle apparat souvent seul dans la correspondance du CRDI. La bibliothêque du Centre maintient, dans la rnesure du possible, un fichier jour des sigles employés au Centre, ainsi que plusieurs répertoires etdictionnaires de sigles que l'on peut consulter sur place. Si cette liste s'avre utile, elle sera mise jour et publiée intervalies irréguliers. Si d'autres sections ont établides listes semblables, nous serons heureux de les insérer dans nos editions futures. Toute suggestion en vue d'accrotre i'utiiité de cette liste sera la bienvenue. Le 28 mai 1975. PrU':IAC 10 Se ha compiludo la lista siguiente tirada delos docu- mentos do io proycetos y de la correspondencia generalpara ayudar a identificar a las organiacionescuyos nombres suelen representarse solarnente por acr6nimoen la correspondencia del IDRC. La biblioteca del Centro se esfuerzaa mantener una fila al da de los acr6nimos utilizadospor el personal del Centro, adem.s de varios directoriosy diccionarios de acr6nimos que se pueden consuJ.tar para mejor informarse. Si esta lista se encuentra til, de vez en cuando se volvera redactar y publicar. Si hay otros departamentos del Centro que hayan establecido listas parecidas, lasincorparemos con placer a nuestras ediciones futuras,y recibimos con regocijo cualquier sugestin para aumentar la utilidadde esta lista. El 28 de mayo de1975 -A- 1. AAASA Association for the Advancement of Agricultural Sciences in Africa. AACC American Association of Cereal Chemists. MDRTI Asian Association of Development Research and Training Institutes. ACDA Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. ACE American Council on Education. ACEA Association canadienne des 6tudes africaines (Canadian Association for African Studies). ACEA Association canadienne des 6tudes asiatiques (Canadian Association of Asian Studies). ACEP Associaci6n Colombiana para el Estudio CIentifico de la Poblaci6n. ACFAS Association canadienne - française pour l'avanceznent des sciences. ACI Alliance cooperative internationale. ACU Association of Commonwealth Universities. ADB Asian Development Bank. ADC Agricultural Development Council. AOl Association pour le développement international. AEC Association des éditeurs canadiens. AERCC Agricultural Economics Research Council of Canada. AGRIS International Information System for Agricultural Sciences and Technology. AGS American Geographical Society. AIBDA Asociaci6n Interamericana de Bibliotecarios y DocumentalistaS Agricolas. AID Agency for International Development. AIEST Association internationale d'experts scientifiques du tourisme. All Asian Institute of Technology. ALA American Library Association. ALAD Arid Lands Agricultural Development Program. ALALC Asociaci6n Latinoanicricana de Libre Comercio (Latin American Free Trade Association). ALIDE Asocjacj6n Latinoamericana de Instituciones Financieras de Desarrollo. AMIC Asian Mass Communication Research and Information Centre. ANSI American National Standards Institute. APIC Asian Packaging Information Centre. APLIC Association of Population/FamilyPlanningLibraries and Information Centres. ASA African Studies Association. ASA American Society of Agronomy. ASCOFAME Asociacj6n colombiana de Facultades de Medicina. ASEAN Association of South East Asian Nations. ASIS American Society for Information Science. ASLIB Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaux. ASRCT Applied Scientific Research Corporation of Thailand. AU FS American Universities Field Staff, Inc. AUP ELF Association des universits partiellementou entirenient de langue francaise. AVRDC Asian Vegetable Research and Development Centre. -B - BID Banque interamericaine de dveloppement. B I RD Banque internationale pour la reconstructionet le dveloppement (International Bank forRe- construction and Development). BIRF Banco Internaciona]. de Reconstrucci6ny Fomento. BNETD Bureau national d'tudes techniques do dveloppomcnt. BULOG Badan Urusan Logistik. -C- 3. CAAS Canadian Association of African Studies. CAB Commonwealth 1gricu1tura1 Bureaux. CACM Central Mierican Common Market. CAFRAD Centre africain de formation et do recherches administratives (African Training and Research Centre in Administration for Development). CALA Canadian Association for Latin 1rnerica. CALAS Canadian Association for Latin Nnerican Studies. CAMS Council for Asian Manpower Studies. CANDIDE Canadian Disaggregated Inter-Departmental Econometric. CARDI Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute. CARl ETA Caribbean Free Trade Association. CASLIS Canadian Association of Special Libraries and Informa- tion Services. CBPE Centro brasileiro de pesquisas educacionais. CCBSP Committee for Comparative Behavioral Studies on Population. CCE Commission des connuunauts europennes. CCODP Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace. CCRP Corporaci6n Centro-regional de PoblaciGn. CDIUPA Centre de documentation des industries utilisatrices de produits agricoles. CE Council of Europe. CEAO Communaut6 conomique de l'Afrique de l'Ouest. CEBRAP Centro brasileiro de analise e planejermento. CEDA Centre for Economic Development and Administration. CEDO Centre for Educational Development Overseas. CE EM/\T Centre c1'(tudes ct d'exprimentation du machinisme agricole ot tropical. CE I Centro do Enseiianza e Investigaci6n. CE I P Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. CELADE Centro Latinoaniericano de Demogrufa (Latin American Demographic Centre). CEPAL Comisi6n econ6mica para Am6rica Latina (Economic Commission for Latin America). CEPD Centro de Estudios de Poblaci6n y Desarrollo. CEPEP Centro Paraguayo de Estudios de Poblaci6n. CEPIS Centro Panamericano de Ingenierla Sanitaria y Ciencias del Axnbiente. CEP LAN Centro de Estudios de la Planificacin Nacional. CERAQ Centre d'tudes rgionales Antilles, Guyane. CERLAL Centro Regional para el Fomento del Libro en mrica Latina. CESTI Centre d'6tude des sciences et techniques de 1 'information. CFTRI Central Food Technological Research Institute. CG IAR Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research. ClAP Centro de Investigaciones en Administraci6n Pliblica. CI AT Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical. CIBC Commonwealth Institute of Biological Control. CI C RA Centre international pour la coop6ration des recherches en agriculture. ci CRED Comit international do coordination des recherches nationales en dmographie. CI DA Canadian International Development Agency. CIDESA Centre international do documentation 6conomique et sociale africaine. CI DE Centro do Investigacion y Dcsarrollo do la Educaci6n. CIDIA Contro Intorainericano do DocumentaclOn o Informacion Agrcol a. 5. CIDIAT Ceritro Interamericano do Desarrollo Integral de Aquas y Tiorras. CIE Centro do Invcstiqacioncs Econ6micas. CIESPAL Centro Internacional de Educacin Superior en Periodismo para Am6rica Latina. CIJ Comit Jurdico Interamericano. CIMDER Centro de Investigaciones Multi-disciplinarias en Desarrollo Rural. CIMMYT Centro Internaciona]. de Mejorainiento de Maiz y Trigo. CIP Centro de Investigaciones Peaag6gicas, Peri. CIRA Centro Interainericano de Reforma Agraria. CI ST I Canadian Institute for Scientific and Technical Information. CLA Canadian Library Association. CLACSO Consejo Latinoa2nericano de Ciencias Sociales (Latin American Social Science Research Counqil). CLC Canadian Labour Congress. CLDD Consejo Latinoamericano de Derecho y Desarrollo. CMA Canadian Medical Association. C11EEMA Centre national d'études et d'exprimentation de machinisme agricole. CNRA Centre national do recherche agronomique. CNRS Centre national de la recherche scientifique. CODESRIA Council for the Development of Economic and Social Research in Africa. COLCIENCIAS Fondo Colonthiano do Investigaciones Cientficas Proyectos Especiales "Francisco Jose
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