7 10 0 1 7 7 1 0 0 0 0 1 7 710 OREGON SQUARE 710 NE HOLLADAY STREET | PORTLAND OR 97232 7 10 7 1 0 0 710 OREGON SQUARE 710 HOLLADAY STREET | PORTLAND OR 97232 CONTINUING THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE WORKPLACE The best workplaces aren’t confined to four walls and a desk. We love renovations that get you to move out of the cube and take your work with you. Recharge, refresh and change your view, not your vision. The renovations planned for the 710 Building will feed off of the highly successful renovation of the 830 Building which is 100% leased. The 710 Building provides excellent proximity to amenities, transportation options, and downtown Portland. Renovations are underway with delivery in the second half of 2021. 33,276 SF 2 LEVELS OREGON SQUARE - A creative office community adjacent to American Assets Trust’s award winning Hassalo on Eighth at Lloyd. BENEFITS Consider the myriad of features combined with the project’s location, amenities, access and office availability, and we think you will agree that 710 Oregon Square represents one of NE Portland’s finest office leasing opportunities. 710 OREGON SQUARE FEATURES ›› Over 33,000 SF of Class A Office creative space on two floors ›› Parking at 2 Spaces per 1,000 RSF ›› New Stairwell light wells and roll-up door for an enhanced environment ›› Adjacent courtyard and gardens with year-round Lloyd Farmers Market every Tuesday ›› Proximity to Hassalo on Eighth Retail Little Big Burger Cafe Yumm! Evergreens Cafe 700 Orangetheory Fitness Simply Mac Providence Medical Group Point West Credit Union Fidelity National Title Block Advisors Sola Salon Studios WellnessMart MD ›› Immediate access to East/West TriMet Max line and the Portland Streetcar ›› Walk or bike to hotels, business services, Lloyd Center, Oregon Convention Center and Moda Center ›› Easy access to freeways and Downtown Portland ›› Managed by American Assets Trust located at Lloyd 700 with 14 building engineers and technicians serving our Lloyd customers 11 10 7 9 4 THINGS TO DO AND SEE 1. GREEN BRIDGE COFFEE 2. MADE IN OREGON STORE 3. KOI FUSION FOOD CART 4. FRANK’S NOODLE HOUSE 2 5. CAFE TODAY 6. OREGON CONVENTION CENTER 7. SWIFT LOUNGE 8. MODA CENTER 9. UPRIGHT BREWING 8 HASSALO ON EIGHTH 10. BLACK WATER BAR 11. PINE STATE BISCUITS 3 12. HOLLADAY PARK 5 13. PORTLAND TENNIS CENTER 18 14. MCMENAMIN’S BROADWAY PUB 15 15. CONVENTION CENTER HOTEL OREGON SQUARE HYATT REGENCY 1 16. SPIRIT OF ‘77 BAR 17. LLOYD CYCLE STATION 18. HOTEL EASTLUND 19. ESAN THAI FOOD CART 20. BUCKMAN FIELD 21. LIVE NATION CONCERT VENUE COMING SOON 6 5 MIN BIKE 15 MIN WALK 16 WILLAMETTE RIVER 10 MIN BIKE 1000 200 400 30 MIN WALK 10 7 7 9 4 14 2 21 5 8 HASSALO ON EIGHTH 3 17 12 5 1 OREGON SQUARE 19 6 5 MIN BIKE 15 MIN WALK 13 WILLAMETTE RIVER 20 10 MIN BIKE 1000 200 400 30 MIN WALK TRANSPORTATION This neighborhood has been built as a transit hub. Catch the bus, max, or streetcar within one block. Ride your bike to Lloyd Cycle Station - Portland’s largest bike hub. If you drive, you’ll find that parking is plentiful. But best of all, once you’ve arrived you’ll find so many reasons to stay. HASSALO Lloyd is home to a growing number of buffered and protected bike lanes, hosts over 12,000 bike parking spaces, and has a dedicated transportation OREGON SQUARE management association, Go Lloyd, to assist residents, employees and businesses with their individual transportation needs. Through these initiatives and the work of the local neighborhood association, TRANSIT Lloyd Community Association, Lloyd is working towards achieving OPTIONS its goal to “create one of the 5 MIN BIKE most desirable and innovatively 15 MIN WALK MAX LINE sustainable urban neighborhoods in the nation.” STREETCAR LOOP BIKE ROUTE BIKE ROUTE W/ BRIDGE WILLAMETTE RIVER VEHICULAR CIRCULATION 710 OREGON SQUARE 1000 200 400 10 MIN BIKE 30 MIN WALK HASSALO OREGON SQUARE TRANSIT OPTIONS 5 MIN BIKE 15 MIN WALK MAX LINE STREETCAR LOOP BIKE ROUTE BIKE ROUTE W/ BRIDGE WILLAMETTE RIVER VEHICULAR CIRCULATION 710 OREGON SQUARE 1000 200 400 10 MIN BIKE 30 MIN WALK HASSALO ON EIGHTH Just one block to the north of Oregon Square, the development of Hassalo on Eighth has fundamentally transformed this neighborhood of strictly commercial office into a vibrant place for people to live, work and play. HASSALO ON EIGHTH HASSALO ON EIGHTH Just one block to the north of HASSALO ON EIGHTH JustOregon one blockSquare, to thethe northdevelopment of of HASSALO ON EIGHTH OHassaloregon Square, on Eight theh hasdevelopment of Hassalofundamentally on Eight transformedh has this Just one block to the north of fundamentallyneighborhood transformed of strictly commercial this JustOregon one blockSquare, to thethe northdevelopment of of neighborhoodoffice into a vibrant of strictly place commercial for people OHassaloregon Square, on Eight theh hasdevelopment of officeto live, into w orka vibrant and play. place for people Hassalofundamentally on Eight transformedh has this to live, work and play. fundamentallyneighborhood transformed of strictly commercial this GREAT EATS neighborhoodoffice into a vibrant of strictly place commercial for people GREAT EATS officeto live, into w orka vibrant and play. place for people GREATLittle Big EA BTSurger to live, work and play. LittleLittleCafe Big BigYumm! B Burgerurger CafeCafeGreen Y Yumm!umm! Zebra Grocery GREAT EATS GreenEvergreensGarden Zebra Bar Grocery GREATLittle Big EA BTSurger GardenCafeCortada 700 Bar Coffee LittleCafe Big Yumm! Burger CortadaCafe 700 Coffee CafeGreen Yumm! Zebra Grocery CafeSWEAT 700 IT OUT SWEAT I T OUT GreenGarden Zebra Bar Grocery SWEATOrangetheory I T OUT Fitness GardenCortada Bar Coffee Orangetheory Fitness CortadaCafe 700 Coffee OrangetheorySHOPS / SERVICES Fitness Cafe 700 SHOPS/SERVICES SWEAT I T OUT Simply Mac SHOPS/SERVICES SWEAT I T OUT ProvidenceSimply Mac Medical Group Orangetheory Fitness SimplyPointProvidence West Mac Credit Medical Union Group Orangetheory Fitness ProvidenceFidelityPoint W Nationalest Medical Credit Title UnionGroup SHOPS/SERVICES PointBlockFidelity W Advisorsest National Credit UnionTitle SHOPS/SERVICESSimply Mac FidelitySolaBlock Salon NationalAdvisors Studios Title WellnessMart MD SimplyProvidence Mac Medical Group BlockWellnessMartMD Advisors ProvidencePoint West Medical Credit UnionGroup WellnessMartMD PointFidelity West National Credit UnionTitle FidelityBlock NationalAdvisors Title BlockWellnessMartMD Advisors WellnessMartMD LLOYDLLOYDLLOYD CENTERCENTER The revitalization of the Lloyd TTCommunityhehe revitalizationrevitalization is in full ofof The Theswing. LloydLloyd CommunityCommunity isis inin ffullull swing.swing. Businesses and amenities alike are BusinessesBusinesses andand amenitiesamenities alikealike araree flocking to the area to be a part of the fflockinglocking toto thethe areaarea toto bebe aa partpart ofof thethe bustlingbustlingbustling community. community.community. IInInn addition,addition, Lloyd LloydLloydCenter CenterCenter is in the isis i nimiddlen thethe middlmiddl of reinventingee ofof reinventingreinventingthe mall experience, tthehe mallmall exex aperience, perience,strong sign aa of strongstrongthe area’s signsign growing ofof tthehe area’sarea’s prosperity. grgrowingowing prosperity.prosperity. AAAmongmongmong the the the bi bi gbigg names names names c committedommitted committed to to lease leaseto lease space at spacespaceLloyd at atCenter L Lloyloydd Center isCenter Live is Nation’sis Liv Livee Nation’s Nation’s Rose Rose CityRose Music Hall, CityCitya lifestyle Music Music Hall, Hall,entertainment a a lifestyle lifestyle entertainment entertainmentand dining experience and and the dinindininlikesgg ofexp exp whicherienceerience Portland th thee likes likes has o of fwh whneverichich Portland Portlandseen. hashas nev neverer seen. seen. TherTherThereee are are are several several several constructio constructio constructionnn projects projects projects currently currentlycurrentlyin production in in producti producti in theonon neighborhood i nin the the ne neighborhoodighborhood and even more andandslated eve eve nforn more more the s future.slatedlated for for The the the 600-room futur future.e. The The Hyatt 6 60000-r -rRegencyoomoom HyattHyattHotel Regency Regencyat the Oregon Hotel Hotel a a tConvention tthe the O Oregonregon Conventi CenterConventi isonon nearing Center Center isiscompletion nearing nearing completion completion and the and$75 and the millionthe $ $7575 mi renovationmillionllion renovation renovation project projectprojectat Lloyd at at Lloyd CenterLloyd Center Center is currently is is currently currently underway. underway. underway. LLOYDLLOYD CENTERCENTER TThehe revitalizationrevitalization ofof TheThe LloydLloyd CommunityCommunity isis inin ffullull swing.swing. BusinessesBusinesses andand amenitiesamenities alikealike araree fflockinglocking toto thethe areaarea toto bebe aa partpart ofof thethe bustlingbustling community.community. IInn addition,addition, LloydLloyd CenterCenter isis iinn thethe middlmiddlee ofof reinventingreinventing tthehe mallmall exexperience,perience, aa strongstrong signsign ofof tthehe area’sarea’s grgrowingowing prosperity.prosperity. AAmongmong thethe bibigg namesnames ccommittedommitted toto leaselease spacespace atat LLloyloydd CenterCenter isis LivLivee Nation’sNation’s RoseRose CityCity MusicMusic Hall,Hall, aa lifestylelifestyle entertainmententertainment andand dinindiningg expexperienceerience ththee likeslikes ooff whwhichich PortlandPortland hashas nevneverer seen.seen. TherTheree areare severalseveral constructioconstructionn
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