PAGE EIGHTEEN A family pdrty for Mrs. Artlnn' B. Shorts and' her daughter, Terri About Town Lynn, visiting from Anchorage, Alaska, was given a t Columbia The "XO” CUlb, officers, and dl- Lake Sunday by Miss Bernice Juui. ractorg of the Hartford chapter Mr. and Mrs. DoUglas Hand arid ter St., was arrested and charged of the National Association of Ac­ their family from New Jersey w^re HOUSE & HALE countants, and their wives ’ will among the guests. — - with breach of peace on a warrant have their annual theater party to­ issued by the Bolton Town Court night They will dine and attend 10 Cars Involved for an offense that Occurred in a MILLfHERY DEPT. the performance of “Snk Stock­ Santo M. Paris, son of Mr. and ings” at the Oakdale Theater. Mrs. Santo Paris of 61 Essex St., In Five Crashes lU n tlw Blev»tor to 8«eoBd Floor has been assigned to Co. 1, 2nd Training Regiment' of the U.S. Mlsa Carol H. Huestis of 71 Ver­ Five accidents involving 10 cars CLOSED MONDAYS DURING AUGUST non St., the daughter of Mr. and Army Training Center in Ft. Dlx, N. J. Before entering the Army, occurred yesterday, and most were Mrs. I.eon S. Huestis, was named blamed on weather conditions. to the Dean’s List for the past Pvt. Paris attended Howell Cheney Technical School. There were no injuries. ’Two Final Clearance Of All semester at Jackson College of persons were arrested and one Tufts University. She wlU enter was given a warning ticket. her Junior year in the fall. < The VFW Auxiliary will sponsor ’T h ^ arrested were Aldo D’Ap- o' a card party tomorrow night at 8 pollonie, SO, of 100 Russell St., o’clock at the Post Home. charged with evading responsibil­ HOUSE ity; and Ralph L. Barrett, 80, of SUMMER HATS ’The Golden Age Club will meet 72 Summer St., charged with fail­ WM. DICKSON at 9:30 tomorrow morning In ure to grant the right of way at front of Orange Halt for a bus an intiersection. & VAUieS TO $12.96 6 SON trip to Rocky Point Park in War­ ■ Stanley F. Grant, 41 ,of Artrldge Over Every wick, R. I. Lane, 'Tolland, was given a writ­ 260 TOLLAND TPKE,* ten warning for failure to grant the right of vray at an intersec­ TEL. MI 9-0920 tion. $1.97 _ $2*97 ESTABLISHED 1915 All the accidents occurred be­ HALE L T. WOOD 00s tween 2:15 and 7:50... ’They occurred gt McKee and State News ComiiMreial and . ICE PLANT Ensign Sts.; TVtlland ’Tpke., and Says T ax 61 B18SELL ST. Adams St.; in Norman’s parking imiustrial Poinfin^ lot at 448 Hartford Rd.; E. Cen­ Roundup ' • Z r fC OBZaSN STAMPS WITH CASH SAUES • Cube»-Cru»hed*Block» rULLT INSURBt ter and Walker Sts.; and W. Cen­ ter and McKee Sts. Hike Not State Checks Need Now For Polio in Chicago, July 29 (A=)—yice President Richard M. Nixon Baby’s Death said today he doesn’t see any present need for raising taxes Hartford’, July 29 (/P)—One but National Security re­ of three suspected cases of quirements "must and $17111 Constance Nickerson. 16, left, and her sister Glenda, 13,, rest in hospital bed in Tecumseh, Ont., polio being investigated by the come first, above all other after they had been removed from their home along with their brother, Gordon, 15. (AP Photo- State Health Dept, involved a considerations.” : lO-month-old Wiilimantic girl Nixon, the newly chosen Re­ ______________ • .......... :_________________________________<?> _ who died: publican presidential nominee, If the cause of her death turns told a nows conference tllat he woo- out to have been polio, it would be thinking of national security when Mother oiE Six the second death this year, in the he warned In his accepteaca Mercury Capsule Lost state from the disease. ’The other speech last night that the people was a Groton child. must be prepared for sacrifices. Kept 3 Indoors Another of toe suspected cases is "As we move into the 60s,” he that of a 9-year-old Coventry boy said, “we must not be Inhibited by In. Space Test Plunge wrio h u suffered no paralysis. The any consideration other than na­ For 11 Years third is that of a 5-year-old Groton tional security In determlnlnjg 4 ■ \ ' boy with mild paralytic symptoms. what the government must spend, Cape Canaveral, Fla„ July •‘^rainstorm and quickly vanished In ’This was disclosed- this morning 99 (M—An nttempt to rocket a low overcast. Tecumesh, Ont., July 20 (A’1—A by Dr. Mila E. Rindge, head of the not only in toe military field but |an unmanned Project Mercury Press observers 2i/4 miles away mother told police she kept three department’s epidemiology section. Richard M. Nixon, presid^tial nominee, and Henry Cabot Lodge, vice presidential nominee, respond In other activities as well.” . apace capsule on a severe could not see the missile until it of her six children hidden Indoors She said it might be a week before to ovation by Republican'convention last night. iAP Photofax 1. "The national security require­ tost was wrecked today, ap­ ignited. A heavy fog had rolled for 11 years to keep landlords and it is known definitely if any of the ments must and ’ will come first parently by an explosion in the over the Cape shortly before blast­ friends from learning she, had such three had polio. above all other considerations in Atlae booster.. The one ton off. 'Weather conditions were re­ a large family. If .proven as the disease, this | the next administration if I have capsule and toe Atlaa rocket Police safd the teenage children, would bring toe total of known polio i anything to say about it.” ported good in the Intended tar­ two girls and a boy, are suffering New Violence nssembly apparently ssink in toe get area. cases in toe state to seven so far As to world repercussions from AtluiUo four to 12 miles off from malnutrition and are retarded this year. lAM Seeks Renewal the U.S. political campaign, Nixon NASA said the Atlaa was in growth. Hospital officials who Cape OnnaverSl. ’The possibility that toe three Marks Korea’s rejected toe idea advanced by a geared to shut off its engines and treated them after their case was cases being investigated were polio newsman that foreign leaders Gape Canaversa, Fla., July 29 eject the capsule before the end discovered last night said they are was revealed ’Thursday in Norwich of its normal burning time to “certainly in bad shape.” might feel they could not negotiate V n —^TTie United States launched by Dr.* Franklin M. Foote, state Of Parley with P-W A Free Elections at this time with 'President Eisen­ simulate . an abort. during the Authorities identified the young­ health director, speaking at an hower and Secretary of State an unmanned Project Mercury powered phase of flight. A NASA sters as the children of Mrs. Shir­ anti-polio meeting at Backus Hos­ ley Leach by a previous marriage. Seoul. South Korea, July 29 (TP)— Christian A. Herter. capsule for a severe test' today, official said this would, send the pital. j East Hartford, July 29 (iTi—^nard' Alpert said that "all errf- Nixon said he doesn't think that but lost radio contact with the capsule crashing througjh the at­ The boy, Gordon-. Dickerson, 15, Meantime, a record 12,000 per­ Violence flared at two points to­ stands only 3 feet 11 inches. .His Efforts are being m ade' by In­ plo.ves, including strikers and re­ is true at ail. Atlas booster 96 seconds after mosphere at thb sharpest possible sons were inoculated against polio placements,” would be eligible. day in South Korea’s first free »ft-off. re-entry angflo and woiffd subject sister,, Glehdp, 13, appears unable in a public clinic for Norwich resi­ ternational Association Machin­ In the political field, Nixon said to walk or talk properly. .At the same time. Alpert warned election in a decade, an election in one of the facts of toe situation ’Hie Atlas was to rocket the one- it to ’’extremely high tempera­ dents. ists leaders to have contract tall that “there is no assurance that ton capsule 110 miles into Space tures and air-load (gravity) con­ ’Tliey were, allqwed the freedom Dr. Fbote, in his address, tq tbe at Pratt and Whttpey Al which the long submerged Demo­ is that there are far mora peopla of their 2-story finme house that any election will be held'in the crats took a strong lead. Ingiitered as DemocraUemocraU than therthen and 1,500 miles dovrarange to check ditions—fa ftn p re .. Aevore than, foreseeable future.^'"’ Wy 'polTltod'' On its ability io w lthuand'a Jhr- those a'capsule would encounter in they shared with 'Iff catt;'They 'h|l(Sji*ft i^thdge 'mehibers 'About angry ring super-hot plunge hack re-entering after a normal orbital slept in a single, bed on a top-floor ♦ * wtoe told this at a mass meet­ out that unfair labor charges now seized and burned ballot boxes St Hf'aald he therefore believea the through the Earth’s atmosphere. flight.” landing! ’They had a playroom with ing this morning at lAM head­ on file from management against Sami <Uhon..P-0,. a port city, of . 50.- Democratic ticket of Sens. Jolm F. toys, a TV set and were well quarters here. toe uhioti have to be cleired up be­ Kennedy and Lyndon B.
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