
BIRDS FROM WESTERN JAVA AND KRAKATAU. 105 NOTE XI. List of a collection of Birds from Western Java and from Krakatau BY Dr.E.D. van Oort The collection of birds, of which the following lines contain an enumeration of the species, has been brought It together by Mr. Edward Jacobson. is a fine collection of about 800 and labelled well-prepared exactly skins, a few of which are collected by Mr. Jacobson himself, by far the larger part however by native hunters under his direct The supervision. birds are collected at various parts of the residence Batavia and of the former residence Kra- wang, on Goenoeng Karang in the residence Bantam, near Palaboean Ratoe at the Wijnkoopsbaai in the residence Preanger Regentschappen and on the island Krakatau in the straits of Soenda. To the last-named island Mr. Ja- cobson paid a short visit on occasion of the surveying of the Krakatau 1908. group of in May An interesting ac- count on the new fauna of this group of islands has been in den published by him „Jaarverslag van Topographischen dienst in Ned.-Indie for which I over 1908”, paper provided him with a list of the birds collected there. Among the collection from Java there was one form, a and Gerygone, which belonged to an undescribed one which to Mr. I had the pleasure name after Jacobson; the study other has in of specimens some cases required necessary changes in the nomenclature. for For the native names and some biological notes Mr. Jacobson is responsible. Notes from tlie Leyden Museum, "Vol. XXXII. 7** 106 BIRDS FROM PODICIPEDIDAE. Podiceps fluviatllis novae hollandiae Stephens. in Gen. Zool. Podiceps novae hollandiae Stephens Shaw, XIII, 1826, p. 18. Br. M. Podicipes novae hollandiae, Ogilvie-Grant, Cat. B. XXVI, 1898, p. 519. Podiceps tricolor, Vorderman, Nat. Tijdschr. Ned. Ind. XLII, 1883, 119. p. Podiceps philippensis, Vorderman, Nat. Tijdschr. Ned. Ind. LX, 1901, p. 131. N os Rawa Plawat, Tanggeran, 27 Novem- . 752, 753, 9 9i ber 1908. — Rawa 28 No- 754, 755, c? 9 j Kangkoeng, Tanggeran, vember 1908. Malay name: bglibis batoe. All the little grebes from Java in the collection of the to Leyden Museum (15 specimens) belong novae hollandiae. under The bird, originally described by Vorderman the name of P. tricolor and named lateron by him P. philippensis, belongs also to novae hollandiae. PHALACROCORACIDAE. Phalacrocorax pygniacus javanicus (Horsfield). Carlo javanicus Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. London,XIII, 1822,p. 197. Phalacrocorax javanicus, Ogilvie-Grant, Cat. B. Br. M. XX VI, 1898, 402. p. N°. 628, c? Rawa Gempol, Krawang, 2 October 1908. , Malay name: petjoek. ARDEIDAE. Ardea cinerca L. cinerea Nat. Ed. 1758, 143. — Ardea Linnaeus, Syst. X, I, p. Sliarpe, Cat. 74, B. Br. M. XXVI, 1898, p. Nos 637, Rawa Gempol, Krawang, 7 and 8 . 636, c? cT j October 1908. laoet. Malay name: tjangak Notes from the Leyden Museum, Vol. XXXII. WESTERN JAVA AND KRAKATAU. 107 These two not adult fully males have the greater wing- coverts of than a lighter grey in specimens of the same age from Holland. Mesophoyx Intermedia (Wagler) Ardea 659. intermedia Wagler, Isis, 1829, p. Cat. B. Br. M. 85. Mesophoyx intermedia, Sharpe, XXVI, 1898, p. N°. 494, 9, Pfising near Batavia, 10 August 1908. Malay name: koentoel. According to Mr. Jacobson these herons are often to be seen accompanying the kerbaus and the cattle. Usually at of the each side grazing animal a heron is standing. Bubulcus ibis coromanda (Boddaert). Cancroma coromanda Tab. PI. Enl. Boddaert, 1788, p. 54. Bubulcus Cat. B. Br. M. 1898, '217. coromandus, Sharpe, XXVI, p. N°. 313, not sexed, Bekassie, Krawang, 21 June 1908. - 745, 746, 747, 748, 749, 750, and 99, Rawa Kgpoeh, Tanggeran, 26—29 November 1908. Malay names: boeka opi and koentoel. Butorldes striata javanica (Horsfield). Ardea javanica Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, XIII, 1822, p. 190. Butorides javanica, B. 177. Sharpe, Cat. Br. M. XXVI, 1898, p. os N 559, 560, 4 Octo- . cT J Empang Pakis, Krawang, ber 1908. — 561, 564, 9cT, Soengei Asem, Krawang, 5 October 1908. — 562, 563, 9 cf, Rawa Gempol, Krawang, 7 October 1908. and at Malay name: kokokan laoet, Tjabang boengin, pantjok. This smaller form (wing 162—169 mm.) is the common Javan form. The larger form (wing about 200 mm.), Bu- to torides striata amurensis (Schrenck), is a rare migrant Java; in the Leyden Museum is only one young example, 1827 in collected by II. Boie in 1826 or Western Java. Tho statement of Vorderman, that Butorides s. stagnatilis Notes from the Leyden Museum, "Vol. XXXII. 108 BIRDS FROM should have been killed is based (Gould) on Java, upon a mistake. forms all It seems to me that these of Butorides and the striata other described ones are subspecies to Butorides (L.) of South America. Ardcola speciosa (Horsfield). Ardea Trans. Linn. speciosa Horsfield, Soc. London,XIII, 1822, p. 189. Cat. 13. Br. M. 212. Ardeola speciosa, Sliarpe, XXVI, 1898, p. N 03 490, 491, 492, 492bis, 493, cf cf and Q9> Moeara . Karang near Batavia, 14—16 August 1908. — 644, 645, 9, Rawa Boeaja, Batavia, 8 November 1908. — 751, 9, Rawa Kepoeb, Tanggeran, 29 November 1908. Malay name: blekok. Only n°. 751 is in full breeding plumage. Ixobrychus cinnaniomea (Gmelin). Ardea cinnaniomea Nat. 643. Gmelin, Syst. I, 1789, p. 236. Ardetta cinnamomea, Skarpe, Cat. 15. Br. M. XXVI, 1898, p. N°. 489, not sexed, Batavia, August 1908. 5 — 495, Ç, Tomang near Batavia, August 1908. — 495bis, 9i Pësing near Batavia, 11 August 1908. — 658, 654, 655, 656, 657, 658, 2 rf çf and 4 99j Rawa Boeaja, Batavia, 8—16 November 1908. Malay name: kokokan. CICONIIDAE. Leptoptilos javanlca (Horsfield). Ciconiajavanica Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soe. London, XIII, 1822,p. 188. Cat. B. Br. M. Lepioptilus javanicus, Skarpe, XXVI, 1898, p. 317. N°. 796, 9> Bekassie, Krawang, 18 November 1908. Malay name: bango. Tantalus cinereus Raffles. Tantalus cinereus Rallies, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, XIII, 1822, p. 327. Pseudolantalus cinereus, Cat. B. Br. M. Skarpe, XXVI, 1898, p. 326. N 03 639, Rawa . 638, 99' Gempol, Krawang, 7 October 1908. Malay name: bloewo. Notes from the Leyden Museum, "Vol. XXXII. WESTERN JAVA AND KRAKATAU. 109 ANATIDAE. Nettion gibberifrons (S. Müller) Anas (Mareca) gibberifrons S. Miiller, Yerli. Lend- en Volkenk. 1839—44, p. 159. Nettion 254. gibberifrons, Salvadori, Cat. 15. Br. M. XXVII, 1895, p. 03 N 555, Rawa 5 . 554, Qd\ Gempol, Krawaug, October 1908. — 741, 742, 743, 744, QcfÇQ, shore near Kramat, Batavia, 29—30 November 1908. Malay name: bëbëucijoet. Dendrocygna javanica (Horsfield). Anas javanica Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, XIII, 1822, p. 199. Dendrocycna javanica, Salvadori, Cat. B. Br. M. XX VII, 1895, p. 15G. N°. 737,9, Rawa Kfipoeh, Tanggeran, 26 November 1908. Javanese name: meliwis; near Batavia: belibis. Dendrocygna arcuata (Horsfield). Anas arcuata Horsfield, Zool. lies, in Java, 1822, pi. & descr. Dendrocycna arcuata, Salvadori, Cat. B. Br. M. 153. XXVII, 1895,p. N 09 . 735, 736, Rawa 27 No- Ç , Plawat, Tanggeran, vember 1908. — 738, 739, 740, Rawa Këpoeh, Tanggeran, 26 November 1908. Javanese name: meliwis; near Batavia: bëlibis. FALCONIDAE. Falco severus Horsfield. Falco Trans. Linn. Soc. 135. severus Horsfield, London, XIII, 1822, p. — Br. 397. Sliarpe, Cat. B. M. I, 1874, p. N". Pasir Ban- 320, young 9, Leuggaug, Goenoeng Karang, tam, 1 September 1908. ■— 321, old cT, Toeroes Batoe, Goenoeng Karang, 27 August 1908. Sundaic and malay names: alap alap singa (old); alap alap matjan (young). Notes from the Leyrten Museum, "Vol. XXXII. 110 BIRDS FROM Pernis ptilonorhynehus (Temminck). Falco ptilonorhynchus Temminck, PI. col. 44, 1823. Pernis ptilonorhynchus, Sliarpe, Cat. B. Br. M. I, 1874, p. 347. N°. 795, 9, Batavia, 20 November 1908. Planus caerulcus hypolcucus Gould. Planus London, 1859, 127. — hypoleucus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. p. Cat. B. Br. M. 1874, 338. Sliarpe, I, p. N°. 28 1908. 125, cf , Batavia, January — 507, (f Moeara Karang, Batavia, 12 August 1908. i Malay name: alap alap tikoes; sundaic name: heulaug rajok. Haliastur Indus Intermedins Gurney. Haliastur intermedins Gurney, Ibis, 1865, p. 28. Haliastur indus, subsp. α Haliastur intermedins, Sliarpe, Cat. B. Br. M. 314. I, 1874, p. N°. 766, Q, Rawa Plawat, Tanggerau, 27 September 1908. Malay name: oeloeng. Spilornis bacha (Daudin). 43. Falco bacha Daudin, Traite d'Orn. II, 1800, p. B. Br. M. 290. Spilornis hacha, Sbarpe, Cat. I, 1874, p. N°. 635, 5 October 1908. cf , Soengei Asem, Kravvang, Malay name: wido kblig. Accipiter virgatus (Temminck). Falco virgatus Temminck, PI. col. 109, 1823. Cat. Accipiter virgatus, Sharpe, B. Br. M. I, 1874, p. 150. N°. 124, 9, Batavia, 28 January 1908. Malay name: alap alap boeroeng; sundaic name: alap alap. GALLIDAE. Gallus gallus (L.). Phasianus Linnaeus, Nat. Ed. X, I, 1758, 158. gallus Syst. p. et Gall. II, 87. Gallus bankiva Temminck, Pig. 1813, p. B. Br. M. Gallus gallus, Ogilvie-Grant, Cat. XXII, 1893, p. 344. Notes from the Leyden Museum, "Vol. XXXII. WESTERN JAVA AND KRAKATAU. 111 N° s 258, 259, 260, 261, Palaboean . tfcTc??, Rafoe, Wijukoopsbaai, 13—20 March 1908. — 335, cT, Pasir Lenggaug, Goenoeug Karaug, Bantam, 1 September 1908. — 336, cf, Lemab Beureum, Goenoeng Karaug, Bantam, 4 September 1908. — 557, 9, Pakis, Krawang, 8 October 1908. — 558, cf juv., Pakis, Krawang, 8 October 1908. and name: Malay javanese ajam alas; sundaic names: kasintoe and tjengegar. The cocks, collected in September, have the hackles fully developed. Gallus varius (Shaw & Nodder). Phasianus varius Shaw & Nodder, Nat. Misc. X, pi. 353. Temminck, et Gall. 2G1. Gallus furcatus Pig. II, 1813, p. Gallus 352. varius, Ogilvie-Grant, Cat. B. Br. M. XXII, 1893, p. N°. 257, cf, Palaboean Ratoe, Wijukoopsbaai, 15 March 1908. — 556, 9i Pakis, Krawang, 8 October 1908.
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