HONOURED MEMBERS 1983 PLAYERS BUILDERS TEAMS Preston Dilts Roy Williams W. A. Aldrit 1926 Winnipeg Toilers Jimmy Clifford Carl Ridd George Wilson 1950 Winnipeg Stellars Al Silverstone Fred Ingaldson Elmer Sutton 1952 Winnipeg Light Infantry Lynn Sinclair Harold Mitchell 1954 Winnipeg Paulins 1984 PLAYERS BUILDERS TEAMS Wally Ferguson Ian Phillips Wooley Wray Youmans Bob McCance 1927 Winnipeg Toilers Alex Michuk Joe Dodds Henry Schendal Pud Haight 1936 Olympias Gordon Earl Rosa (Dodokin) Ahoff Edith (McKenzie) Haid 1951 Winnipeg Stellars Florence Campbell Alice (Todd) Sherollo Clarence L. Kerr Mary Phillips 1953 Winnipeg Light Infantry George McConnell Jack Tomes George Timlick George Fontaine Jack Carmichael Mike Spack John McWilliams Martin Terry Ken Galanchuk Roy Burkett Don Kerr 1985 PLAYERS BUILDERS TEAMS Joan (Barr) Allison Elva (Waslyk) Barkwell Peter Ahoff Ed Bailey 1939 Dominion Business Grant Alfonso Dick Bevan Bud Fraser Dave Harding College John Brown Charlie Campbell Bill Kroft Jack Matheson 1947 St. Andrews Bruce Dodds Dick Flower Harold Mauthe John Miller Doug Gresham Bob Hampton Ralph Rowley Frank Tilley Ches McCance Geoff Mortimer Frank Townsend E.J. “Curly” Tyler Dave Mills Jack Neil Herb Olafsson Hugh Penwarden Lauder Phillips Mike Rosnyk Mike Shea John Spottiswood Ralph Watts 1991 PLAYERS BUILDERS TEAMS Terry Ball Glen Torgerson Bud Rheaume Flin Flon Kopper Kweens Pat Boland Ed Melnyk Jim Rheaume 1972 St. Andrews Super Bill Wright Jim Wright Saints Lynda (Kidd) Chorley 1972 University of Winnipeg Lesley (Hammerton) Divers Lady Wesmen Angela (Johnson) Straub Brandon YMCA Queens 1994 PLAYERS BUILDERS TEAMS Barry King Vic Pruden Art Leach 1972 Addy Ryngach Dr. John Evans Jerry Ilchyna University of Manitoba Dori (McPhail) Jones Ed Dearden Jr. Bisons (men) Gail (Winston) Kendall Gerry (Parkhurst) Ilchyna 2 PROGRAMME 6:00 P.M. Doors open ; Cash Bar 7:00 P.M. WelCome, GraCe & Dinner MENU Fresh GarDen Greens With raspBerry VinaGrette ChiCken royal With BaBy reD potatoes steameD BroCColi BaBy stemmeD Carrots ChoColate laVa Cake 8:00 P.M. inDuCtion Ceremonies PLAYERS anDrea hutChens toDD maCCulloCh Jerry aBernathy BUILDERS BoB hazell mike spaCk TEAMS BranDon uniVersity BoBCats Warren ColleGiate WilDCats 10:00 P.M. ConClusion oF Formal Ceremonies MANITOBA BASKETBALL HALL OF FAME COMMITTEE ross WeDlake (Chair), ViC pruDen (past Chair), Janet mCmahon (treasurer), riCk lamBert, Jerry ilChyna, Bill WeDlake, Gerry ilChyna, irV haneC, Wes CrymBle, morris GlimCher, shelDon appelle, Curt Warkentin, Jerry hemminGs, aDam WeDlake 3 2009 INDUCTEES Players ANDREA HUTCHENS a natiVe oF neWFounDlanD anD laBraDor, anDrea Was a starter For the uniVersity oF WinnipeG Wesmen Women’s team that Won three ConseCutiVe Cis national Championships in 1993, 1994, & 1995, anD set a north ameriCan reCorD oF 88 ConseCutiVe Wins. she Was a tWo-time all-CanaDian in 1994 anD 1995. From 1993 – 1995, as a memBer oF the Cana- Dian Women’s stuDent team, she partiCipateD in the WorlD stuDent Games in neW york, an international tournament in taiWan, anD the WorlD uniVersity Games in Japan. in 1994 anD 1995, she also playeD With the senior Women’s CanaDian team that Won the european inVitational tournament, DeFeat- inG russia, sloVakia, anD the CzeCh repuBliC. the team also CompeteD in the GooDWill Games in st. petersBurG, russia. in 1995, anDrea Was nameD a reserVe player to CanaDa’s national team For the olympiC QualiFyinG tournament. TODD MACCULLOCH toDD is a GraDuate oF shaFtesBury hiGh sChool Where he leD the titans to tWo ConseCutiVe mhsaa proVinCial Champion- ships in 1993 anD 1994. he playeD his uniVersity BasketBall at the uniVersity oF WashinGton. in his Final tWo years, he Was an all paC-10 First-team seleCtion. he also leD all nCaa DiVision 1 sChools in FielD-Goal perCentaGe in his Final three years, only the seConD player eVer to aCComplish this Feat. in the 1999 nBa DraFt, he Was seleCteD By the phila- Delphia ‘76ers in the 2nD rounD (47th oVerall). he playeD Four seasons in the nBa, With the 76ers anD neW york nets BeFore BeinG ForCeD to retire prematurely BeCause oF a neuromusCular DisorDer that aFFeCteD his Feet. DurinG his playinG Career, toDD playeD For the CanaDian national team 93 times, most notaBly at the 2000 syDney olympiCs. 4 2009 INDUCTEES Players Jerry Abernathy a memBer oF the BranDon uniVersity BoBCats From 1977 – 1981, Jerry Was a proFiCient sCorer anD hiGh perCent- aGe shooter, But maDe a name For himselF as an exCeptional shot-BloCker anD a stronG reBounDer. he Was aFFeCtion- ately knoWn as “mr. eraser” throuGhout the Great plains athletiC ConFerenCe. his presenCe anD intimiDation on DeFense rankeD seConD to none in the Country. aBernathy Was a Ciau/Cis all-CanaDian in 1980 anD 1981. he Was also a three-time ConFerenCe all-star in 1979, ’80, anD ’81 anD a Ciau/Cis national tournament all-star in 1980. he also proViDeD stronG Veteran leaDership to some younG BoBCat teams. 5 2009 INDUCTEES BUILDERS MIKE Spack For oVer 65 years, mike has nurtureD the DeVelopment oF BasketBall as aDministrator, CoaCh, anD reFeree. he Was instrumental in reViVinG the BranDon senior men’s leaGue anD introDuCinG proVinCial masters play. he also orGanizeD an aFter-sChool proGram For GraDe 4 – 6 stuDents Where teams Were CoaCheD By hiGh-sChool stuDents anD mentoreD By him. mike CoaCheD Various teams at DiFFerent leVels in WinnipeG anD BranDon, From hiGh sChool to uniVersity, most notaBly the BranDon BoBCat Women. he also reFereeD For many years. in reCoGnition oF his Work as CoaCh, aDminis- trator, anD reFeree, the manitoBa CoaChes’ assoCiation inauGurateD the mike spaCk aWarD in the 1960’s, in reCoGni- tion oF inDiViDuals Who haVe ContriButeD siGniFiCantly to the DeVelopment oF BasketBall in manitoBa. spaCk Was also the First Commissioner For the manitoBa BasketBall oFFiCials’ assoCiation anD the manitoBa seConDary sChools athletiC assoCiation. mike is a Current memBer oF the manitoBa BasketBall hall oF Fame as a player anD a team memBer. he is the First person eVer to Be inDuCteD into all three CateGories in our manitoBa BasketBall hall oF Fame. BOB HAzELL BoB has DeVoteD oVer 45 years to BasketBall in WinnipeG, as CoaCh, aDministrator/orGanizer, anD CliniCian. he is proB- aBly the only CoaCh in manitoBa to haVe CoaCheD at all leVels, From elementary, Junior hiGh, hiGh sChool (GlenlaWn ColleGiate), Community (WmBa), Junior anD senior men’s, proVinCial teams, to international Competition. in 1971, BoB CoaCheD 10 anD 11-year-olD Boys in a Cross-Country tour to promote mini-BasketBall. throuGhout the late 1970’s anD early 1980’s, he helpeD orGanize, anD Was a presenter, at a series oF CoaChinG CliniCs in the st. Vital sChool DiVision. For 15 years, he orGanizeD the GlenlaWn ColleGiate alumni tournament to raise money For GCi stuDent sCholarships. he CoaCheD the st. anDreWs super saints to tWo CanaDian senior men’s national Championships in 1975 anD 1976. the proVinCial team he CoaCheD Won the GolD meDal in the First Western CanaDa summer Games in 1975. he Was also CoaCh oF the super saints in 1978 When the team toureD FranCe anD posteD a reCorD oF 6 Wins anD only 1 loss. 6 2009 INDUCTEES TEAMS 1995 - 1996 BRANDON UNIvERSITY Bobcats CIS National CHAMPIONS BACK ROw (LEFT to RIGHT) GreG Walker, lennie DaVis (trainer), Bill GorDon (ass’t. CoaCh), Jason kroetsCh (manaGer), Jerry hemminGs (heaD CoaCh), Brett nohr (ass’t. CoaCh), niGel esCoFFery (ass’t. CoaCh), DonalD phillips MIDDLE ROw GarFielD parke, roGer martin, Jamie Blake, sCott WallaCe, Jason sCott, DaVe BroWn, larry DuDeVoir FRONT ROw JaCoB hall, shaWn Gray, Wayne taylor, euan roBerts, keith Vassell, Demetrius FloyD, mark plamonDon 7 2009 INDUCTEES TEAMS wARREN wildcats vARSITY GIRLS 1993 MHSAA ‘AA’ PROvINCIAL CHAMPS 1994 MHSAA ‘AA’ PROvINCIAL CHAMPS 1995 MHSAA ‘AA’ PROvINCIAL CHAMPS 8 2009 INDUCTEES TEAMS wARREN wildcats vARSITY GIRLS 1996 MHSAA ‘AA’ PROvINCIAL CHAMPS 1997 MHSAA ‘AAA’ PROvINCIAL CHAMPS 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 1993, 1994 1995 ranDy lasuik (CoaCh), JoDie ChartranD, roByn olson, DeBBie hoas, heather kristine kotelko, kim olson, marshall Deseray mCrae, oksana Banias, ken oVerBy posner (CoaCh) maCFarlane (CoaCh) 1994 1995, 1996, 1997 1996, 1997 shanna rusaW, miChelle Cassils, moniCa Cassils, ashley maCFarlane, CanDaCe Char- JenniFer steeVes kristy Braun tranD, stephanie rusaW (manaGer) 1993 1994, 1995, 1996 1997 helGa Baker, kelly atChison, shan- staCey Carter, DaWn hamilton, kyla morGan smith, sheila tully, Courtney non Fleury, tara porteous, shannon riDDell leary morGan, miChelyn Jones, Christy steeVes 1993, 1994, 1995 1996 melissa Fleury amarillie Cetrioni 9 MANITOBA BASKETBALL HALL OF FAME MISSION ♦ to induct players, builders, and teams; ♦ to preserve and showcase the rich history of basketball in Manitoba. To meet these ends, the Hall of Fame Committee: ♦ organizes and hosts Induction Dinners; ♦ develops and maintains two Hall sites, an actual and a virtual. The actual site is prominently located at the University of Winnipeg’s Duckworth Centre and the virtual site is on the internet at www.mbhof.com. CRITERIA FOR INDUCTION PLAYERS ♦ who have been consistently outstanding players over a number of years on provincial, university, national, or professional teams; ♦ who were residents of Manitoba and who, after playing in Manitoba (high school or university), then played outside the province; ♦ who have been retired from organized competitive basketball for a minimum of three years. BUILDERS ♦ coaches, trainers, managers, sponsors, media persons, and sport administrators who are generally recognized as having made a significant contribution to the development of basketball in Manitoba. TEAMS ♦ provincial, university, or professional teams that have won at least one national, international, or world championship; ♦ high schools whose varsity teams have won a minimum of three provincial championships within a six-year period. The Hall Needs You! The actual and virtual Halls are a reality. Anyone who cares about our basketball heritage is invited to step forward to support the work of the Hall.
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