ay no oar Comic Section ERET PRESS . V, No. 23 CARTERET, N. J.( FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1927 PRICE THREE OBKTB Carteret High Team Name Twin Calves High School To PUy bFor Defeated By Woodbridie Pupils Pay Tribute George and Martha Alleged Drunken Driver Alumni Friday Night New B01 Aimed Despite all that the local high Before the close of the present ings Shower of Cops tossera could do to hold Woodhrtdfje, To Nation's Great Twin calves were born to a Saved by Hitting Truck At Carteret tot basketball Reason an attempt will be iJ> the Township High School five eas- pure blooded Jersey cow of the —~— Ts ent Tokarski Lose* By ily beat th<> Cnrterct tosnrrs 38 to Programs Given In Honor of made to renew the former interest herd of Frank R, Valentine of Collision With Truck Saves in high school basketball contests. Assemblyman Hanson Itttr4»~' action of Second In En- 20 at the local hiijh ncHool gym, on Washington and Lincoln In Tuesday of last week. At half time Woodbridge. While twins of this Him From Driving Into The crowds this year were very ducet Measure Identical Local Public Schools slim at all games and the spirit shown counter With Police— the visitors led the running 16 to 7. nature are not quite as scarce as Path of Train wu poor. With Senate Bill Fullerton, tho craok Woodbridge liberty Soon the proverbial hen's teeth they Alter several weeks of dickering No. 9 forward made a totnl of sixteen The birthday anniversaries of two Restored are sufficiently uncommon to be Alleged to have been so far un- for a suitable date those in charge . New Interest in the efforts to giv* points HS n result of classy floor- 'of the Nation's greatest men were der the Influence of liquor that h« have selected next Friday night for the Mayor control of the schools WU work and accurate shooting. Comba 'honored in programs oarrled out a novelty, was saved from driving his car onto the meeting of the High School and aroused Wednesday when it becsjn* ten three policemen entered the made two baskets and a like number Monday in the public schools. In Joe Ruddy, Valentine stable the railroad track in front nf a fast the Alumni at the high school gym. Jmown that on Tuesday afternoon a of fouls accounting for six of the each grade the program was about boss, has named the youngsters of Vincent Tokarski, at 19 train only because another car block- Following the game there will be new bill had been introduced at seven local points in thf> first half. equally divided in tributes to Wash- George-and Martha, In deference street to arrest him, Wednes- ed his way, Frank Papp, of Warren dancing open only to those .who at- Trenton. The new bill is called As- ington and Lincoln. The exercises night, they found him in bed. The contest was one sirtod as tho to them having made their ap"- street, Carteret, was arrested last tend the contest. A good game is sembly Rill No. 417 and is identically visitors were never in danger of los- were held by the intermediate and pearance on Washington's Birth- night by Patrolman Meyer Larson at I Tokarski saw the uniforms, ac- expected and a largo (tathpring is the same as Spnate Bill No, 9 which ing their lead, The scores appeared primary grades. In the high school day eve. Both calves are strong Iselln and held over night at the jail. desired in the attempt,to renew the was introduced in the Senate by Sen- ng to the officers, he feat up and in the last issue. classes a program was carried out and apparently healthy, which Dr. J. J. Collins signed a statement interest nf former years. ator Morgan Larson. ted toward the foot of the bed on Friday, is unusual Inasmuch as in most testifying that the man was in no The latter bill was referred to th* e » shotgun stood, Instantly the The program in the schools Mon- cases of twins either one or condition to drive a car. educational committee of the StW* officers did a Doug, Fairbanks day was as follows: both calves are born dead. Mr. According to a, Mr. Miller, whom ate and was never reported out of for Tokarski and pinned him to Pearson-Brown Troth Valentine raises cattle more or the police have listed as a witness, Two Men Sentenced committee. It is understood that tN ted until he was securely hand- High School Building less as a hobby. He estimates he followed Papp's car from Wood- Senate Bill was bitterly opposed ty d. that twins occur in Jersey herds bridge to Iselln and saw him miss Chairman Datcr of the oducstlonll e officers were Rounds Sergeant Announced at Party Eighth Grade not oftener than once in 10,- hitting three children by narrow mar- In Burglary Case committee ami th*' mtpority of th« Andres, Motorcycle Policeman Flag Salute. 000 births. gins. He tried to attract the man's [members*. Mr. Dater who is a mem- Many Guests at Home of attention by blowing his horn but to idan in plain clothes and Patrol- Song, "Our Noble Washington,"' bor of tho school honrd nf Ramsey, no avail. At Iselin the railroad gates I Negro Admits Breaking Into John Harrigan. A warrant Councilman Brown When Class. j objected to the bill localise he hi- id by Mrs. Tokamki was read to Central Avenue Man were down and a truck was standing And Robbing Mercer Street IH'VOM it to hi' a had Sill, and alsc Engagement of His Daugh- Dialogue, "Washington or Lin- in the roadway, awaiting ita turn to raki and he managed to grab it Clothing Store. Another Is | because there is much opposition U ter, Lillian, To New York coln", John Totin, Louis Kalis. Reports Car Stolen cross. Papp's car crashed into the tear a portion of it off. He was Song, "Mt. Vernon Bells," Class. Charged With Receiving ! it in Bergen County as we|, as ir truck and Papp is alleged to have other parts of the state. lied into the police car and tak- Lawyer Is Made Public. Our Heroes and Honor Rolls, 1 J. Medwick, of 90 Central avenue, fallen out of his car onto the ground. Stolen Goods. The new move was launched bj i headquarters where he roundly I Eighth Year Girls. ' This morning Recorder Vogel fined &d the police for treating him Councilman and Mrs. reported to the police Wednesday Assemblymnn Thomas L. Hanson ol Samuel! Tribute to Washington, Eugene that his-Esses eoach had been stolen Papp ?200 and revoked his license il bum". Mrs. Tokaraki Brown announced the engagement of \fKeratt. Sam Martin, colored, was sent to Perth Amboy, who introduced th he had been drunk and that she their daughter, Lillian, to Attorney from in front of hia house where he for 2 years. the workhouse for six months on a bill and had It referred to ttl» }U •Song, "Washington's Birthday," had left it for the night. The license afraid" to have him in the house. Nathan Pearson, of New York City, charge of burglary, and Hinton Jones dlciary committee of which ha \ Class. number is K-17104-N.J. jkarski wu released without bail at a party held in their home on Poem, "Abraham Lincoln," Anna was given thirty days for receiving chairman. srday by order of Recorder Ja- Roosevelt avenue, recently. Many Hasek, stolen goods, in police court Wednes- The new bill like Senate Bill Kc day afternoon. The men were ar- . Tftkanki who i« also known friends and relatives of the couple •Recitaiion, "Gettysburg Address," Miss Ulman'a Class. Board Bill Cause 0 would give the Mayor the powe raigned in connection with the rob- to oust the members of the board O 'Gotch," conducts a saloon in were present. Robert Brown. thing avenue and has had sev- There were social games and Washington School bery last week of Petarch's dry goods education who were elected by th Song, "Lincoln Day," Class. Of Negro Row store in Mercer street. people and replace them with fiv clashes with the police. He also i dancing. At midnight a luncheon was ' Anecdotes of Lincoln, Jennie ed-rn several auto accidents. He Rounds Sergeant John Andres and men of his own selection. served. The bride-to-be was the re- Kohn. Primary Cl»n*» Police Lock Up Three After one of the tWenty-four taken in cipient of many beautiful gifts. Recitation, "To the Spirit of A. I Song, "America," Assembly, Patrolmen Connolly, Shantey and Chairman John. Y. Dater of th big raid in connection witihh the,h . Miss Brown ig a loca] gchoo) inr.in" Mary Collins. ' Recitation, "February Speaks," One With Huge Gun Runs Rusnak, working on the case last senate educational committee i Lincoln, Saturday discovered evidence in the voicing his opposition to the bill sal or's clean-up program in Novem- teRcher 8nd Mr pMmn iB an at- Into Patrolman Song, Our Noble Washington"," Catherine Bartok 'house at 14 Mercer street where that he believed it was not for tl of last year. When he was ar- torney ^n ^ew York, He was a for- j Recitation, "For My Country,' ned In Criminal Court for sen- Jones lives and conducts a rooming best interests of the people. Repul mer resident of this borough and at- j Walter Osyf. e last Friday before County Two negroes, one bleeding pro- house for other negroes. Jones, lican leaders in other places oppose tended school here and high school | S»ventk Crad« Song, "0 Columbia," Assembly.
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