Dr. W. Hobart Millsaps Retires After 26 Years at Central

Dr. W. Hobart Millsaps Retires After 26 Years at Central

National Bellamy Award Winner for 1963 VOLUM E 61 NO. I CENTRAL IIIGif SCIIOOI.., HARRISON, TEI''NE EE J 7J41 New vocational school necessitates time, course changes for students l!arher clann, lo\\ of ~oc•· c;ou<oc o( lore tnlfoc bnn plknJ up ror ,~~~noon Md sc,.;n. rraarnc. uonalc:our.c:\olftn:tlhcreduero ill a re•ult or J 8 Bro.. n and and tophornorn ~e btcD Ida - openmg of the OC:\1 llarmon Vocoo­ Central •tantn& at the loati'IC lome c.ourw optJOM m thn. .area e'"f'C ltO!I.d Ce11ter. and ne'" \ludenb I Ulot!JIOF\IO'<:hoofeari),IID'" mecbanoeal dr.a•1n1.a.nd •ood m:ul the he1Jnnon' of Ccntrar, I find mt\df leaHrc home: •tth ~ Rcht""""'e.n..,o. .... hool )1121' JU~bciRI)'cnoughtJmciOI'IQll:ot prc-•otUioaalea&~~.,luc:• Dr t:kik Carter, \Upenntelllknt l plt\\t\el)ontcfW'tidolnt:the •-'d <n:IIU ~ irt ar:h~ o/ 11;11\\lltOI'I Count) Schooh.'" \.l.lne~bcca.~hc•""taltcn •oc:a\IIOUI~OIIIcndilldw noun.:edtN.tduetoOpC~dtlw rnrroutnjU\tiOJIC'IIi'on:ltlwCht\ center. t..l.ld \lr Ed HOO'\er . ne'" •ocat.onal«t~tuM!dthene­ r011 St.ouon to • p.ul.Jnc pbot eha&rl=a ol tht IDdu•~ An• ee"'') of lntn\poruq ~tudent\ n.rcd \CIIICII" ConiiC J:od,;wn there for a r.. o and one-ball' hour Cornpl.l.onh h.a>r been rqH~ued "'""""""Bu.. ne-u Dcrtanltlalll cour1on. blo.:l cl<o.~udiC'\. Ccmrah <ochool ••ththe ...hool~b)J'llftl'll~ other than fli"'A )e&l'. o&nd. a. hwr, '"ould bo: du~ from 9:00 conc~n'l\11 the arbcr ume ochtd­ ~o.:atiOIJollunla' •1lhtbruccp• to7·:!$am uk A recent arudc 111 the Tt:mn uOI'IaiT)-pofll ll .~btotfcftld Man) •tudnm~&refil'khn,:itdlf­ \t.ttcdth.itonesolulloniOihctnaf­ at Central tbn )C.at. ' \loe had r~ult to ret to ~o<:hool on ume tJr.. foc prubkm\ IN) bt tbt pu~~ thoucJII•cc:o..IJotJcrac:ounc• of more hu..n 'iO that {C'\I>U Slit­ otr~ee ttanonc for those •bo dod dent~ '"ould b>r to dri>e and aoc•:m~w~<;O-.:tto~• Wloncr- bu~ run> o:oWd pro>-..k • thecmra. bin thn. had tobtc.­ rncn:tlcublc<o.:hcduk ctfkd:· wod \tn \'vp~~~ s-­ The Ham'oa 8~) \'oc.uorW eoerour . ..-..-althca..- Dr. W. Hobart Millsaps S.:hool .... \. prnall cnrofmcnt cl .I!.~ "uoknt~. F6 d tbc5oc .1.11.' &-om ~cnJtc:x:hcnkd"ttallacLa/ Cm~ \(r Ro) Cnbtfn'_ m1!111- ~l)pe<:oun.t:l~bBicd"""""""' iO retires after 26 years at Central Jfltfolthr..chooi.\Lttallh:ubl.• 0\ei'CJ'O"'~~)~ Mr Jat. .caD•UI.Idcnl,~pl~'"'thtbt ~ •bonlllc:bafledll9 prt~~JW!~o\ltbourb~1!1J"Cifco,. S~udenl\ •c•catb penod, •utC'd Hcb \l r. Centn.l · e:ood ~'hu-ol become .a be:uer "''>('O.;I.II!Oflo1Ari!C1'II:a prot>lcm<. ....'C 111: .. orl.Jnt tht'lll thai mM~) oauld la\e .111 U.S-­ Ac:cordoiiJIO \ lr Stank) Fanroer. ~hoo 11\ihloghnns hr~ )ea.r\ at Crntr.l out:· tie 'Wd tw.ltthc')ndeatv.or~~ former a\~t\lllnt rmnc:tpal. )Uch a Throue:h hr. meml'oe:Nur m cdu· ha•c l:ocen the ch.an,rng of the The u-po:nona of the ,ocat~Qn&i and~•bodc»11u•e dedai".IIIUn \hould rcfer to Dr W c:atron:.l Olf;illltU\1ons on local. \o;hlllllk UOIIInl969~theaokl>­ 'IChoolh.uanacda~onttoc JOt>o>.and.thcrcforc.ar:.-abcu \tate. and nllltonal kHI~. Dr uon l-1 numenJU~ athld~ artd aca­ Hob;;an Mtll.af)lo. f\lfl'TIC'r pnnctp.tl numl'oe:r and Wxb ol c:cuna c(. C\l~cart) Dr \ ltD'-lr>"-'"hobo:pnhi,:ad­ \ltiiWpl lwouJht dt~Unc\Jon tu Cen­ dcmocf;~c:tltun feffd •t Centr.U II\ the Bu~uton\ ~.s.htJand~~~ ITilnntfllllt>ntn 19.ro. reun:tlla\1 Au- tral. He h~ ~,..,ed as prnodentof Durona h" rcureme11t. Dr and lndu\INI An~ Drcpartmcnt~ fikaot •. ~ahxllb,llw~ 1\1\1 ApptMntrdtofulfiltheofftcd the l'olmtoolllll AHO<:IIltion of Scc­ MtO..,~ rbrh to oJo \01'111: tno•eknr• Pnnurcllnll.-.t~•bor.:h ol tlull \n:OIOd.iro. prosra-. bD of pnrw.:tpal und "Si!o\DIII pnnctpal uno.J&) Sc-hool Jl'nllC'Ip:r.h. ttk- Ttn­ '""'ch .. rlltncludeamptof4.tropt Llll: )arhad o~~~~approUtnate en­ crated b tbaa tJx nec:n~ cl are \h hrmer and Mr J D ne\~ee A"IKtation or Secondaf) 1ntl'lc•pnn& ~tl~_ftisttot.ac. rollment ol ill \1\IJcnb . .-c no 1!id)U\IIJitl 10 I Dr"' §C~ Cll\1 Can!C),flll'lTICrl\~\tantpnneipala.t School Pnnctp.ah. Ea~t Tennt!>..n arccollc<:~e:r.rt)o\rncrEallf;i.u• lorccrotlcre4S.ncc~r:lthc romnC'fll and....,..,. dua...-n 10 Eduuholl AH~Kiauon. H:amilton Ooltc ..Oih -'""~and~fi~ cw~~ttht~IUart~ 1111\d Wolltam Hobart Mtll~f" · bom Count) l:.du'.ltKln A~MJCiaoon. and \It f-"•rmcr con.::ludal, "o\1 Cen­ and n~~\Cd on SOOd) \tountoun. is a Lool.out S.:hoolml>tcn Oub. He tntl, he·~ e•cr)thlnf; Ftlhnl ht\ BJ"..du.ateofOauyll\&hSc:hooiD.lr­ '"~ abo 1 member cl llradrnastCT\ t.hoe)IIOift~~CI.i)~l." 'lli hu rollcac yean hoe rccel\rd a BS dt'~Jft tn cheml'>tr'). U.ter hr utliC'd a MS de1ree in graduate ..chool AI ttle hl{th .chool> of ll t~­ Teacher, alumni star in comedy, 'Lion 111 Winter' \On, Lcnou Cot). und Central, he: h:ls trulnr~taltn \UbjCCIS 1tw.:luduw chctnl)try, btoiOI). alsebra. •nd A rroemt>cr err ttle f~~~t~~lt) at Centn.l 11no.l t'"o Cmtl'lll aluiTIIII rccmtl) pcr­ tndc and tn<.lu•tNl cdu..-.uon He formo:d 111 ··llw:: l.Jonm \lomt er:· &domc.\h.: romc.l) twc'*'halt!l thr \pOI'bclbiad.et· P'fc1-en1cd Sq>ttmbcr 1.1-17 on the cafrttn;~ 111 the UI'II•<:NI) d'Tm~ ball. hnehoa.ll, football, and tr:w:L ~~~;- thr pt.&) '"-:1~ the fiN d1nncr-tht..r.tre prnenWlon 01'1 the If>_ ...."' .. ~ ' FD" t'"o )ta,.., he ~~~ as pnnc1pal <.#Red H.anL Hl£h School.l'Mn,tn Ml\\ Pliw:tll.a Stone. 'rn'Ch and .lnrN tt:M;hef. hei.J unc of the uam111 19~ he wc«Cdcd Mr S E NciMln ruin n lkOUIOr ol Aqu1~nc l'b)ll\i the ratl l.C he-r hu~~. K1nc H~ aspnn.:tp:r.lat Centrv.l H\lhSI:.hool II,'"" Centl'll alumoo~ Hal P'lnce Rlo;htoC llat~hell , anochcr Ccn1r.l 11'*1· " lie h;~\ heen Centntl', rounh u..r.le. f'b)~ thr fW1 d their ;on (;c('ifre) prtn~tpal \liKe 1906. and I don't Mt» Stone""")\ of hc:r d111r..&C'tc-r Ek•n..v. ·nw:rc 1\ """"qu•bt) that I Lno'" o( an~t...>dy ... r.o ha.~ cuntnb­ tn0\1 tldmtrt ~~ Ek..r.nor. and that" he-r ....,.Ill\ to o•em'lft"lt dckat Slit utcd moon:- locally or n~horWI) ne\cr kiK' hc:r <ocfN" rl huii'IOI" nor" he-r'~"""' r•e• hrol.cn She:" tNl) t - to edu~·11tion. parric:ularl) at ..\)111-tn tl>bt!ldttllm.l Ctntnal," \lr. l·11nncr commented Conflict hctwccn !o.:or11 Utnr) II ~-1 Ensl-1\IIJ MIJ hr• \Hfr. Ek;anor. •nn In 19M. Dr MtD 'k"'~ '"It~ mMru­ ~~otuc:hufthc:tr\Om .. iiii.UC«'Cdtheutuhc-rtuthethrono:rornhiUIC'Sttlef'kK mentalmCentrv.l\teeel\tn,thcNa­ l.Cthcl)ll) uonal Bellamy l'l na A'"llnJ. an Nut ool) ~~oa• the ..:nf'l full Q( hutno.lf. but <oc•er.l UI\C\f'CCic\1 tnc!dmt' a>~ard 11Hn Mnnunllytoll\ll\ttn­ ai>O oc.:urrt\1 o.lun111 ttle pia). At ooe lln~~t. a atnJit fd uut d the- ~n llll~cd,.;hfooitnadt'lij:lliltcd,~;~te deLihn Ann \lin Stone: P"l.cd the cano.lle ur an!l rcrumc\1 11 to thoe ~ Un<ler hi\ •dmlnl\ll'llhun Centr.l o.lel!.bno,, 11 feU ltpln StollllnOihcr umc. \lo\' SllltiC not"--N that -.t•-cno.l r"ft"" 1\.l\bc'C'fl the l'\'l;tpK"nt clth1n)-Nnc pie on the: front 1\111 '"ere o;tanna tmentl) at "'-"n'll'thrntl on the- no.,..., 1.'1( thr 1-reedt-.n\ l'oundabon a>~-.nl~ -~lli&'C Reahmwot ,....,. a 1\lCh:h the) '"C'rt ..-.rchtrw . ..he l.tUN 11 '"llh ,..,.. A\ a rroemhc::r oftl'lt Southern A~· qu.:l. ~tOOIJ' 1-l hc:r f\.'101 )IXIIIIIIW'Il-l(olkiU Wki Sc-hool1, Othn memhen .. r thr ca\1 '"ttl' Rob \ln\ele1 '' R~.:har-.1 , the Dr \hll,•l'' helpnl n•llllu~t t'"o l..ao.lnhcanc\1; Dtl\e Rot-rn~. '' MW~ John. Ch:u1n Slt1nh1C'C'. '' f'tulor. the: e~aluarr•e <,\udtt:" cl Central. Such Ktrc ~.c l l'llnte; and l.l\11 ' c:J~rpn. a\ Pnn..·c-.• .\Ia!• l1w: piJ) '""' ..ltm:tc\1 c\aiUiliiMI \Ire dc~lnt\1 to male l h)lll'C\Lodcntl~&-k'er . ... 2 SeptemiM"r JO, 1976 SqltcmiM'r JO, 1976 T H E Ct! rt'RAL DICfo.:sT Digest sets editorial policy, . ctly for nerds----------­ New principals discuss views, philosophies encourages student support ~-­ Olt.tl'lit recently held an lntcr.iew Wi th ... ho,otoCc:ntraJ We, the members of the 1976-n Digest Staff, bdievc that com­ Cooch Stan F ~rmcr, pnnc: tpal , :tnd \lr J Mr.Car'IM5 munication of student events and opinions through the press is a 0 Came~.

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