LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL ESTATE AND TRUST NOTICES Co-Executors: Charles Wert Notice is hereby given that, in the and Beverly Wert, 6530 Pau- estates of the decedents set forth pack Circle, Bethlehem, PA 18017. below, the Register of Wills has Attorneys: Joshua D. Shulman, granted letters testamentary or of Esquire, Shulman & Shabbick, administration to the persons named. 1935 Center Street, Northamp- Notice is also hereby given of the ton, PA 18067. existence of the trusts of the deceased settlors set forth below for whom no Frey, Henry D. a/k/a Henry Frey personal representatives have been a/k/a Henry Oscar Douglas appointed within 90 days of death. Frey, Jr., dec’d. All persons having claims or de- Late of Whitehall. mands against said estates or trusts Executrix: Nancy S. Frey c/o are requested to make known the Noonan & Prokup, 526 Walnut same, and all persons indebted to St., Allentown, PA 18101. said estates or trusts are requested Attorneys: Noonan & Prokup, to make payment, without delay, to 526 Walnut St., Allentown, PA the executors or administrators or 18101. trustees or to their attorneys named below. Gourniak, Florentine R., dec’d. Late of North Whitehall Town- FIRST PUBLICATION ship. Co-Administrators: James M. Gourniak, Sr., 2514 Levans Brown, Mae B., dec’d. Road, Coplay, PA 18037 and Late of Bethlehem. Jane E. Smith-Decker, 134 Pine Executrix: Amy E. Brown c/o Street, Millersburg, PA 17061. Sally L. Schoffstall, Esquire, Attorney: Earl Richard Etzwei- Schoffstall Elder Law, 2987 ler, Esquire, 105 N. Front Corporate Court, Suite 200, Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101, Orefield, PA 18069. (717) 234-5600. Attorneys: Sally L. Schoffstall, Esquire, Schoffstall Elder Law, Keller, Harry N. a/k/a Harry 2987 Corporate Court, Suite Nevin Keller, dec’d. 200, Orefield, PA 18069. Late of Center Valley City. Executrix: Jeanne L. Keller c/o Ritter & Bried, P.C., 1600 W. Chaplin, Anna, dec’d. Hamilton St., Allentown, PA Late of Allentown. 18102-4287. Executor: Ronald Chaplin c/o Attorney: William P. Bried, Es- Noonan & Prokup, 526 Walnut quire, 1600 W. Hamilton Street, Street, Allentown, PA 18101- Allentown, PA 18102-4287. 2394. Attorneys: Noonan & Prokup, ONeil, Catherine A., dec’d. 526 Walnut Street, Allentown, Late of Allentown. PA 18101-2394. Executrix: Susan K. Ettinger a/k/a Susan Kay Ettinger c/o Foltz, Betty P. a/k/a Betty Sarah M. Andrew, Esquire, Foltz, dec’d. Schoffstall Elder Law, 2987 Late of 800 Hausman Road, Corporate Court, Suite 200, Allentown. Orefield, PA 18069. 21 LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL Attorneys: Sarah M. Andrew, Executrix: Amy Marie Bucha- Esquire, Schoffstall Elder Law, nan c/o Mary Ann Snell, Es- 2987 Corporate Court, Suite quire, 3400 Bath Pike, Suite 200, Orefield, PA 18069. 311, Bethlehem, PA 18017. Attorney: Mary Ann Snell, Es- Palladino, Madaline, dec’d. quire, 3400 Bath Pike, Suite Late of Allentown. 311, Bethlehem, PA 18017. Executrix: Jane S. Baker. Attorneys: Donald LaBarre, Jr., Esquire, Gross, McGinley LLP, Buss, Richard C., dec’d. 111 E. Harrison St., Suite 2, Late of the Township of White- Emmaus, PA 18049. hall. Administrator: Daniel Thomas Yohn, Larue S. a/k/a Larue Sula Buss c/o Littner, Deschler & Yohn, dec’d. Littner, 512 North New Street, Late of the Borough of Coopers- Bethlehem, PA 18018. burg. Attorneys: Robert V. Littner, Executor: Harold E. Yohn c/o Esquire, Littner, Deschler & Mary Ann Snell, Esquire, 3400 Littner, 512 North New Street, Bath Pike, Suite 311, Bethle- Bethlehem, PA 18018. hem, PA 18017. Attorney: Mary Ann Snell, Es- quire, 3400 Bath Pike, Suite Dufour, Lucy E. a/k/a Lucy Du- 311, Bethlehem, PA 18017. four, dec’d. Late of Macungie. Zellner, Earl M., dec’d. Dufour Family Revocable Living Late of Slatington. Trust dated January 21, 1998. Executors: Bruce E. Zellner, Settlor: Lucy E. Dufour a/k/a 5030 Mountain Road, Slating- Lucy Dufour. ton, PA 18080 and Donald E. Trustee: Mark R. Dufour c/o Zellner, 4254 W. Mountain View Rebecca M. Young, Esq. and Lia Drive, Walnutport, PA 18088. K. Snyder, Esq., Young & Attorneys: Charles A. Waters, Young, 119 E. Main Street, Esquire, Steckel and Stopp, 125 Macungie, PA 18062. S. Walnut Street, Suite 210, Attorneys: Rebecca M. Young, Slatington, PA 18080. Esq. and Lia K. Snyder, Esq., Young & Young, 119 E. Main SECOND PUBLICATION Street, Macungie, PA 18062. Borrelli, Joseph P. a/k/a Joseph Borrelli, dec’d. Faust, Jane Frances a/k/a Jane Late of Coplay. F. Faust a/k/a Jane Faust, Executor: Michael J. Toulome- dec’d. lis, 3015 Eisenhower Drive, Late of 831 Kieffer St., Fountain Northampton, PA 18067. Hill, Bethlehem. Attorney: Dominic A. Farole, Executrix: Rosanne Marie Ry- Esquire, 4622 Cortland Drive, Suite 1, Orefield, PA 18069. der, 2003 W. Broad St., Bethle- hem, PA 18018. Buchanan, Mary J. a/k/a Mary Buchanan, dec’d. Figueroa, William Estremera, Late of the Township of Upper dec’d. Macungie. Late of Allentown. 22 LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL Executrix: Jeanette Montalvo Attorneys: Robert Donatelli, c/o Rebeca Torres, Esquire, 423 Esquire, Norris, McLaughlin & N. 7th Street, Allentown, PA Marcus, P.A., 515 West Hamil- 18102. ton Street, Suite 502, Allen- Attorney: Rebeca Torres, Es- town, PA 18101. quire, 432 N. 7th Street, Allen- town, PA 18102. Karom, Christine R., dec’d. Late of Orefield. Grammes, Donald L., dec’d. Administrator: Albert Karom, Late of Allentown. Jr., 2766 Route 100, Orefield, Executor: Roark D. Grammes PA 18069. c/o The Roth Law Firm, 123 Attorney: James E. Sher, Es- North Fifth Street, Allentown, quire, 15019 Kutztown Road, PA 18102. Kutztown, PA 19530. Attorneys: Robert B. Roth, Es- quire, The Roth Law Firm, 123 Kehler, Elizabeth E., dec’d. North Fifth Street, Allentown, Late of the City of Allentown. PA 18102. Executor: Joel Kehler c/o Nor- ris, McLaughlin & Marcus, P.A., Gross, Raymond R., Jr. a/k/a 515 West Hamilton Street, Suite Ray R. Gross a/k/a Raymond 502, Allentown, PA 18101. R. Gross, dec’d. Attorneys: Robert Donatelli, Late of the City of Allentown and Esquire, Norris, McLaughlin & previously the Borough of Em- Marcus, P.A., 515 West Hamil- maus. ton Street, Suite 502, Allen- Co-Administratrices: Joanne J. town, PA 18101. Matweecha and Jean Judith Brendlinger c/o Amanda Ra- cines Lovett, Esquire, Gardner, Kern, Betty E., dec’d. Racines & Sheetz, 3968 Maul- Late of Whitehall. fair Place, Allentown, PA 18103. Executrix: Linda S. Foulke, 602 Attorneys: Amanda Racines Old Philly Pike, Kempton, PA Lovett, Esquire, Gardner, Ra- 19529. cines & Sheetz, 3968 Maulfair Attorneys: Charles W. Stopp, Place, Allentown, PA 18103. Esquire, Steckel and Stopp, 125 S. Walnut Street, Suite 210, Halkins, Rosemarie B. a/k/a Slatington, PA 18080. Rosemarie Jane Halkins, dec’d. Lewis, Charles W. a/k/a Charles Late of Bethlehem. Lewis, Jr., dec’d. Executrix: Carol L. Kowaleski, Late of the Township of White- 3575 Browning Ln., Bethlehem, hall. PA 18017. Executrix: Elaine Villanueva c/o Norris, McLaughlin & Mar- Hersh, Ned Lewis a/k/a N. cus, P.A., 515 West Hamilton Lewis Hersh a/k/a Lewis Street, Suite 502, Allentown, PA Hersh, dec’d. 18101. Late of the City of Allentown. Attorneys: Robert Donatelli, Executrix: Carol Noga c/o Nor- Esquire, Norris, McLaughlin & ris, McLaughlin & Marcus, P.A., Marcus, P.A., 515 West Hamil- 515 West Hamilton Street, Suite ton Street, Suite 502, Allen- 502, Allentown, PA 18101. town, PA 18101. 23 LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL Mihalik, Mary L. a/k/a Mary Lil- Administrator: Benjamin W. lian Mihalik, dec’d. Sauerwine c/o Todd H. Lahr, Late of Center Valley. Esq., Lahr & Lahr Law Offices, Executrix: Elizabeth Miksits c/o 3570 Hamilton Blvd., Suite 303, William J. Fries, Esquire, The Allentown, PA 18103-4513. Atrium—Suite 106, 2895 Ham- Attorneys: Todd H. Lahr, Esq., ilton Boulevard, Allentown, PA Lahr & Lahr Law Offices, 3570 18104. Hamilton Blvd., Suite 303, Al- Attorney: William J. Fries, Es- lentown, PA 18103-4513, (800) quire, The Atrium—Suite 106, 384-1900 or (610) 398-2440. 2895 Hamilton Boulevard, Al- lentown, PA 18104. Wiatr, Doris M., dec’d. Late of South Whitehall Town- ship. Moran, William J., Jr. a/k/a Wil- Executor: Mark J. Wagner c/o dec’d. liam Moran, Jr., Edward H. Butz, Esquire, 7535 Late of Bethlehem. Windsor Drive, Suite 200, Al- Executrix: Judith Hogan a/k/a lentown, PA 18195. Judith Ann Hogan c/o James Attorneys: Edward H. Butz, R. Wishchuk, JD, Esquire, Esquire, Lesavoy, Butz & Seitz 2310 Walbert Avenue, Suite LLC, 7535 Windsor Drive, Suite 103, Allentown, PA 18104- 200, Allentown, PA 18195. 1360. Attorney: James R. Wishchuk, Ziegler, Paul R., Jr., dec’d. JD, Esquire, 2310 Walbert Av- Late of Allentown. enue, Suite 103, Allentown, PA Executrix: Laurie J. Corcoran 18104-1360. c/o Fitzpatrick Lentz & Bubba, P.C., 4001 Schoolhouse Lane, Roberts, Asta M., dec’d. P.O. Box 219, Center Valley, PA Late of Slatington. 18034-0219. Executrix: Margo A. Roberts, Attorneys: Fitzpatrick Lentz & 4080 Frieden’s Rd., Slatington, Bubba, P.C., 4001 Schoolhouse PA 18080. Lane, P.O. Box 219, Center Val- ley, PA 18034-0219. Roeder, Florence B., dec’d. Late of the Borough of Emmaus. THIRD PUBLICATION Executor: Scott M. Roeder c/o Bartholomew, Russell Y. a/k/a Amanda Racines Lovett, Es- Russell Yale Bartholomew, quire, Gardner, Racines & dec’d. Sheetz, 3968 Maulfair Place, Late of Allentown, South White- Allentown, PA 18103. hall. Attorneys: Amanda Racines Executor: Thomas J. Bartho- Lovett, Esquire, Gardner, Ra- lomew, 18 Shields Ave., Flem- cines & Sheetz, 3968 Maulfair ington, NJ 08822. Place, Allentown, PA 18103. Boardman, Joyce E. a/k/a Joyce Sauerwine, Ronald A., dec’d. Boardman, dec’d. Late of the Township of Wash- Late of 4004 Hampshire Court, ington.
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